Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Hagrid’s Apology

Several people stood far away. Due to the angle, they were blocked by a large group of huge pumpkins.

"It's easy to do if you know how!"

Lockhart was speaking loudly to Hagrid

"If you need any help, just come to me, you know where I am!

I'll give you a book I've written - I'm surprised you don't already have one.

I'll sign my name and send it over tonight. Comes with my signed photo! This is a privilege that only Hogwarts employees can enjoy!

Okay, bye!" He shook his gorgeous purple robe and strode towards the castle.

They waited until Lockhart was out of sight, then emerged from the pumpkin patch, walked to the cabin door, and knocked urgently.

Hagrid came out immediately with an angry look on his face, but as soon as he saw them clearly outside the door, he immediately brightened up and smiled.

"I've been talking about when you were going to see me—come in, come in—and I thought Professor Lockhart was back."

Hagrid was busy making tea for them, and his big hunting dog Yaya put his head in front of Zhang Xiao affectionately, swinging his thick tail like an electric fan.

This time it was Ron who was hit by the tail.

"Why is Lockhart here with you, Hagrid?" Harry asked, stroking Fang's dark, shiny fur.

"Teach me how to prevent the water monster from getting into the well!" Hagrid said angrily.

A half-plucked rooster was taken from the clean table and a teapot was placed on it.

"As if I don't know. He also boasts about how he can exorcise female ghosts. If one of the sentences is true, I will eat the teapot."

It was completely unlike Hagrid to criticize a teacher at Hogwarts. The three little ones looked at him in surprise.

Hermione tried to defend Lockhart, but his performance was really unconvincing.

So she said in a rare and unconfident tone: "Isn't this unfair?

Professor Dumbledore obviously thinks he is the most suitable candidate——"

"The only one," Hagrid said, bringing them a plate of fudge.

"I mean the only one.

It's hard to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher these days, and people don't want to do it because they think it's an unlucky job. "

Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes and asked directly:

"Unlucky? Hagrid, I heard this position is cursed?"

Hagrid let out a cold snort that was as cold as a tractor:

"It's all nonsense. After the mysterious man gained power, many people were fighting against him. The professors in the Defense Against Dark Arts class are all experts in this field.

Under the leadership of Professor Dumbledore, they bravely resisted Voldemort, so any injuries are normal.

When the mysterious man falls, what is the name of the professor who teaches black magic? Aren't you living well? "

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and yes, if there really was such a curse, with Dumbledore's wisdom, he would not have thought of reopening a class and changing its name to avoid the curse.

It doesn’t matter what the class is called, what matters is the content taught.

Hagrid turned around and carefully walked out from the bed holding a large wooden box and placed it on the table.

"Lockhart was here just now, and I asked Norbert to hide."

As he spoke, he opened the lid and shouted in a 'gentle' voice:

"Norbert, look who's coming?"

After opening the wooden box, a fishy smell immediately came out. Everyone covered their noses. Hagrid looked a little embarrassed and said:

"I was afraid that Norbert would be unhappy, so I gave it some snacks."

Norbert shook off the dead mouse from his mouth, stared at the three of them with his snake-like pupils, suddenly spread his wings and flew up, snoring.

Two small balls of bright flame spurted from its nostrils.

Hagrid smiled very happily:

"The baby has grown up. Last month it was still spitting out big balls of sparks, but now it's a fireball!"

Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to touch Norbert, and Hagrid immediately became worried:


Norbert quickly raised his head and opened his mouth, wanting to 'gently' bite his finger to express intimacy.

But Zhang Xiao smiled, put his middle finger on his index finger, bent it slightly, and flicked it with a faint golden light.

It was like hitting something, accompanied by a muffled sound of 'bang'.

Noble's head was thrown back violently, he neighed, and glanced at Zhang Xiao's finger with some fear.

Skin! What's wrong with you?

Zhang Xiao touched her again. This time Norbert didn't show any 'intimate' but obediently let him touch his head, squinting his eyes and showing a comfortable expression.

Several people exclaimed together:

"Wow! Cool!"

They were no longer surprised that Zhang always had strange skills.

At first, he asked if he could learn it, but Zhang dropped a book full of square characters and said that he was considering teaching when he could read aloud proficiently.

The two kids gave up immediately. Hermione wanted to study, but there were always various things that affected her energy every year. In addition, she planned to take all the elective courses next year, so she had no choice but to give up the idea.

Hagrid came over to a huge chair and sat heavily in front of Zhang Xiao. His expression was very hesitant and apologetic, but he still said in a low voice:

"Zhang, I'm looking for you this time because I actually want to apologize to you!"

Apologize? Why did Hagrid apologize? The three little ones immediately looked at Hagrid curiously. Did something happen that they didn't know about?

"No, no, no, Zhang, this is all my fault, I should apologize!" Hagrid pulled his hair in pain.

"I placed Aragog in the Forbidden Forest. I was worried about its loneliness and found a wife for it.

If it weren't for this, there wouldn't be so many Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest! "

Ron trembled and his voice changed: "Hai... Hagrid, did you put those spiders in the Forbidden Forest?!"

"Yes, I was expelled from Hogwarts because of Aragog..."

Hermione's eyes widened in shock. For her, being expelled from school was even more terrible a punishment than killing her.

She swallowed and asked carefully: "Hagrid, why were you expelled?"

Hagrid was silent for a while and whispered, "Fifty years ago, a serious and vicious incident occurred in the school.

A...a student died. Sorry, I don't want to mention the specifics.

They think I did it, Aragog did it! But this is all nonsense! "

Zhang Xiao nodded in agreement. This was true. People killed by the basilisk did not have any scars.

It was more like a life was being taken away from me.

Acromantulas cannot do this. They will use poison to paralyze their prey. The two ways of death are very different, and anyone who is not blind can see it.

Expelling Hagrid is just to find a scapegoat, otherwise how can we say that Dumbledore is not as good as Professor McGonagall as the deputy principal.

Zhang Xiao could guess what Dumbledore was thinking at that time.

The Chamber of Secrets incident has made people panic, and everyone is even more terrified because of the student's death. Hogwarts is about to be closed down. Hagrid's expulsion can not only stabilize people's hearts, but the Ministry of Magic has a scapegoat, killing two birds with one stone!

The overall situation is still the most important thing...

Although Dumbledore gave Hagrid a hand, Professor McGonagall would stick to the bottom line and try his best to prevent students from being expelled in such an unclear way.

Although this will not stabilize the situation, it may even cause Hogwarts to be closed for a period of time.

There is no precise answer to who is right or wrong, but emotionally he would rather have a principal like Professor McGonagall.

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