China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 198 Chinese-language film reservations!

It's so gratifying to meet an old friend in a foreign country! The three cups touched together.

In a hotel in Venice, three senior brothers from the Beijing Film Academy were sitting together, chatting and laughing. There is Lao Mouzi who was born in the 1950s, Zhang Yuan who was born in the 1960s, and Wu Yuchen who was born in the 1970s.

Lao Mouzi and Kaizi were the leading directors in the 1950s. In terms of performance, Lao Mouzi was actually still ahead of Kaizi, but his ability to mix in circles was far inferior to Kaizi.

Not to mention Wu Yuchen, no one could compare with him in the 1970s, let alone anyone who could compare with him, no one could even see his butt.

The Zhang Yuan in front of me was actually considered to be the leading director in the 1960s before Jiang Wen made Sunny Days.

After Lao Mouzi put down his cup, he smiled at Wu Yuchen and said:

The storm you caused in the United States this time is quite big. It's spreading like wildfire in China!

Now it's September, and the North American box office of The Sixth Sense has exceeded 300 million. This achievement is being sought after in Hollywood, and when it comes back to China, it is even more crazy!

In fact, there is no shortage of directors in China who can make art films, such as Lao Mouzi, Kai Zi, etc., but there has never been anyone like Wu Yuchen who can make waves and conquer the old and American territories in Hollywood again and again. America's great director!

Wu Yuchen said a little modestly: This result is beyond my expectation, and there is some luck. The film market and audience tastes are always changing, and it is difficult to predict~

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: If others say this, it's okay. Your three consecutive movies have been a hit in the United States, and each one has done better than the last. But stop being modest! I think our school will have to invite you back. I will hold a special lecture so that you can impart your experience, and then we will all go and learn on the spot!

Wu Yuchen also laughed when he heard this: Brother Zhang Yuan, if others say this, I believe it. Even if I really say it, you may not be willing to take pictures as I say!

Zhang Yuan stopped saying anything when he heard this, and just waved his hand to Wu Yuchen with a smile. Many people say that Lao Jia loves to photograph marginalized characters. In fact, Zhang Yuan is the first person in China to photograph marginalized characters.

When he graduated in 1990, he raised his own funds to shoot the film Mom, which was aimed at families with mentally retarded children. The film was the first independent film in mainland China. It also won awards at foreign film festivals, but unfortunately it was banned; 92 In 2001, he directed Beijing Bastards, which was aimed at this group of underground musicians. It is considered to be China's first rock film, reflecting the mental state of contemporary youth. It won an award at the Locarno Film Festival, but was also banned. He was also banned from working in films again;

In 1997, the earliest gay-themed movie East Palace and West Palace in China was filmed, and the leading actor was Hu Jun. Later, the reason why Lan Yu approached Hu Jun was because director Guan Jinpeng saw his performance in this movie. This year Zhang Yuan attended Venice with the newly completed Going Home for the New Year, in which the protagonist is a female prisoner who is about to be released from prison. It can be said that the protagonists of this movie are all marginalized groups in society, and there are no duplicates!

When Lao Mouzi heard this, he also said with emotion:

Many people in our country look down on commercial movies, but commercial movies are really not made by anyone who wants to. I made a movie Codename Jaguar 10 years ago, and it really made me vomit. It was shot I felt awkward in two days, and everything felt wrong. If I didn’t want others’ money to go down the drain, I really wanted to give up my job!”

It’s not like Zhang Yimou has never made commercial movies. “Codename Jaguar” was released in 1989, starring Ge You and Gong Li. The subject matter was very novel and advanced at the time. The movie fictionalizes a terrorist hijacking incident, which affected the international relations of cross-strait, three places, the United States, the United States, and other regions. In the end, multi-party cooperation successfully eliminated the terrorists who hijacked the plane. This script has the proper structure of a Hollywood commercial blockbuster, but also combines the portrayal of personal heroism with the grand narrative of an international scale.

But how should I put it? First of all, Lao Mouzi didn’t want to shoot the film after the beginning, because whether it was the general environment of the domestic literary and art circles at that time or Zhang Yimou’s personal pursuit, he valued artistry more and hoped to be more profound and thoughtful. sex. In the end, Zhang Yimou forced himself to shoot for more than 20 days, and the rest of it was almost completed as a MV, which was quite anticlimactic.

It also attracted a lot of criticism after its release. The literary and art circles in the 1980s could not accept that a director who had just won the Berlin Golden Bear produced such an entertaining and unserious work. And the audience felt that it was too fake for a terrorist hijacking to happen in China, so they also criticized him. In addition, the incident between him and Gong Li was exposed. At that time, Lao Mouzi was almost autistic and hid in Hong Kong Island. Together with Gong Li, she acted in the film Ancient and Modern War between Qin Terracotta Warriors.

Zhang Yuan nodded and said: We filmmakers still have to make things that suit us. Otherwise, it would be like making a movie with shackles, and it would be uncomfortable no matter what.

Wu Yuchen asked: Brother Zhang Yuan, what theme do you plan to make in your next movie?

Wu Yuchen is really curious about this, because the people who can attract this person's attention are basically marginalized groups. They have not repeated it before, so I don't know what the theme of his next movie will be.

Zhang Yuan became interested when he heard this topic: I don't know if you have heard of transgender people!

Transgender? Wu Yuchen and Lao Mouzi said in unison.

Yes, when I was preparing East Palace and West Palace, I met a person named Jin Xing. He was the first transgender person in our country. He had the surgery in Beijing. Then I made a documentary with him as the protagonist. It has been following for more than 4 years now. When I go back this time, I will shoot the ending, and the film will be almost ready! It’s called Miss Venus! Zhang Yuan introduced his results to the two.

Lao Mouzi looked at Zhang Yuan with admiration. This junior fellow student truly deserves to be the first director from a marginalized group!

Wu Yuchen also called him good guy. It turned out to be the documentary you shot for Venus. No one else has the vision to dig out marginalized people like you!

Zhang Huike! Where have you been!

The cry of homelessness, the documentary perspective, the culture and knowledge on the rough land seem useless and out of place. When Zhang Yimou projects his perspective on the vast number of rural people, he always appears so tender, simple, direct, unpretentious, and ordinary, but also contains a power.

After watching No One Left Behind, Zhang Manyu, one of the judges of this year, was deeply touched and praised in her heart that Zhang Yimou was indeed worthy of his reputation. This is a film that is very plain, traditional, commonplace and even very old-fashioned in content and form, but it is realistic and powerful in the commonplace.

Zhang Manyu looked at the expressions of the judges around her and felt that there were many who were as deeply affected as she was, especially Kusturica, the chairman of this year's jury, who was full of praise for her:

The concern and love for the nation and land reflected in this movie are really moving!

Kusturica is a film master from Yugoslavia, and one of the only members of the Double Palme d'Or club. Chen Kaizi has been awarded the Palme d'Or all his life. He has two, and he also won the Silver Bear Award and the Silver Lion Award. Best Director. This man especially appreciates national films. Underground, which he won the Palme d'Or, was filmed for his native Yugoslavia.

Looking at this situation, Zhang Manyu felt that this year's Golden Lion Award would probably be won by director Zhang Yimou. At the same time, she also lamented the high quality of Chinese-language films in this year's Venice Film Festival. She watched Zhang Yuan's Go Home for the New Year yesterday and it was also won by director Zhang Yimou. Many judges are optimistic about it and wonder what surprises the great director Wu Yuchen's Love will bring to them tomorrow.

Thinking of Wu Yuchen, Zhang Manyu also expressed regret in her heart. When Wu Yuchen was filming Donkey Gets Water last year, he personally called her to invite her. Unfortunately, she had to refuse Zhang Yi because she agreed to Sunglasses King's In the Mood for Love. The character of Mann.

After seeing Donkey in Water win the Berlin Golden Bear and Gong Li be crowned Berlin Best Actress, Zhang Manyu will inevitably feel regret in her heart. Speaking of In the Mood for Love, the Sunglasses King's old habit has returned. It has been filming for a year and has not been completed yet, causing Maggie Cheung to suffer a lot. She is now tortured to the point where she can no longer distinguish between people and scenes.

Next time I ask her to choose again, she will definitely choose Wu Yuchen!

The next day, when the lights in the theater came on, Zhang Manyu broke away from her immersion in the movie. She stroked her face, which was wet with tears at some point.

Another female judge also covered her mouth and shouted: Oh my God, director Wu Yuchen's scenes are so cruel that I can't muster the courage to watch it a second time!

Zhang Manyu didn't speak, but fully understood what she meant. The reason is simple. The movie Love is too real and too heavy, just like those things we have never dared to face. Killing people and sucking blood is unforgettable.

Watching this movie revealed what I fear most in my heart. Aging means slow movement, slow reaction, and memory loss; aging means skin like ravines, bald teeth, and a hideous appearance; aging means all kinds of diseases. Being haunted and lingering... There is nothing more tragic than old age, but I will eventually grow old one day! The performances of the two veteran actors are really shocking!

Naozo Ichiyama from Neon let out a long breath. This was a fear that no horror movie could bring to him, because horror movies are all fake, but this movie is so real that it makes people asphyxia!

No one can escape the fate of aging and death. Isn’t life more cruel and terrifying than the movies?

The oldest of the judges this year, over 70 years old, Jean Duchet sighed and said:

Life and death are like the dove in the movie. You can't catch it and you can't keep it. Only love that grows old together is eternal. Perhaps fulfillment is the most rare thing. Minimalist restraint, deep inner strength, many images, despair and depression, but also It’s so delicate and touching that it’s hard to repeat, and there won’t be any other film in this festival that can touch me more than Justin Wu’s “Love”!”

Kusturica, the chairman of this year's jury, shook his head slightly. To be honest, he still preferred Zhang Yimou's No One Less. It's not that Love is bad, but this Love is too cruel. The image style is so cold that it is almost cold-blooded, which is completely opposite to the passion and madness in his personal works. But he also has to admit that this movie can be said to have taken realism to the extreme, and it is not an exaggeration to call it one of the masterpieces of realism.

This Venice Film Festival, with the participation of two great Chinese directors, Wu Yuchen and Lao Mouzi, also attracted special domestic attention. On the day of the award ceremony, not only China Film News and Film Weekly, but also Sina, NetEase and Sohu also sent reporters to stay here specifically to get the final award as soon as possible.

Wu Yuchen walked on the red carpet, waving to fans and reporters in a relaxed and comfortable manner. It's not that he's pretending, but the pressure is really not that great anymore. After winning the Berlin Golden Bear at the beginning of the year, he felt that his desire for the top three teams in Europe was actually getting smaller.

It's not that he doesn't want to get the Palme d'Or and the Golden Lion, but after satisfying some things once, his inner desire and urgency for similar things will decrease.

As for Love this time, to be honest, his real goal is to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language. He doesn't ask for the Golden Lion when he goes to Venice. As long as he can win an important award, he will achieve his goal. What about the jury, best director, or best actor? He can accept the actress and the like, so that he can continue to carry out Oscar publicity in the future.

Therefore, Wu Yuchen's relaxation was really not an act. After all, it’s impossible to just give him a consolation prize and let him go away empty-handed, right? If so, he would never come to Venice again for the rest of his life.

“Best Actress…Natalie Bay, ‘Erotic Stories’!”

Bang bang bang bang, Wu Yuchen applauded.

“Best Actor… Jim Broadbent, ‘Topsy-turvy’!”

Bang bang bang, Wu Yuchen applauded again, but he was also thinking in his heart that he felt that both Ge Cunzhuang and Wang Danfeng performed very well. Especially Mrs. Wang Danfeng, she deserves a Best Actress trophy.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his mind, there are only three awards left. He has not received the award yet, which award will fall to him?

Best Director...Going Home for the New Year, Zhang Yuan!

Zhang Yuan stood up happily. This was the highest honor and award he had ever received.

Wu Yuchen also gave applause. Zhang Yuan also won this award in his previous life, but it was not affected by him. And with Zhang Yuan winning Best Director, there are only two awards left, and neither he nor Lao Mouzi has received the award yet!

Since the organizers of Venice have notified them to attend the awards ceremony, they should not mention these two great directors. This means that the three most important awards tonight will be won by their Chinese films!

Special Jury Award...

Venice is different from the other two in that it has both the Jury Prize and the Jury Special Prize. Before 2012, the special jury award was given to the second place, which was more valuable than the jury award and second only to the Golden Lion. After 2012, this award and the jury award were swapped, and Wu Yuchen could not understand the organizer. Why do you play like this?

No one left behind!

After hearing this, Lao Mouzi stood up with a grin. He was satisfied to get the second prize in Venice this time. He had no idea that he had won the Golden Lion in his previous life.

And Wu Yuchen also clapped mechanically, looking at Lao Mouzi who walked on the stage, could this mean...

As his heart beat faster, the last award presenter took out the note from the envelope and shouted:

At the 56th Venice Film Festival, the winner of the Golden Lion Award for Best Film is...


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