China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 191 How much did the public relations for The Sixth Sense cost? !

In the early hours of Friday morning, at the ticket counter of a movie theater, Michael was flirting with the conductor girl.

Jenny, do you know? I have been to so many movie theaters, and you are the most beautiful I have ever seen!

Thank you, Michael, but you don't need to praise me so much for this cup of coffee, it's just instant~ the conductor girl shrugged and said with a smile.

Oh no, Jenny, I'm telling the truth! You can definitely go make a movie and become a star! Michael said sincerely.

Jenny smiled and changed the subject: Michael, isn't our CinemaScore the most accurate prediction agency? Then tell us about the two movies premiering at midnight tonight, which one will have a higher box office?

CinemaScore is a third-party market research agency based in Las Vegas. The company surveys moviegoers on how they rate their moviegoing experience and uses this data to predict box office revenue. It dispatches 35 to 45 theater rating survey teams in 25 major cities in North America. Audiences are randomly selected, survey cards are distributed to ask the audience's age, gender, etc., and the movie is rated between A+ and F.

Before the Internet era, CinemaScore was the most important scoring system for major film companies, and even directly affected box office trends. Because its survey results symbolize the movie's audience reputation, it is also an authoritative survey agency recognized by major film companies and theaters.

Michael is an employee of CinemaScore. He is responsible for collecting audience feedback on the two newly released movies The Sixth Sense and The Runaway Bride at this cinema tonight.

It is precisely because of this that while the movie is still playing, he has free time to flirt with the conductor girl.

Mentioning his professional field, Michael puffed up his chest and pointed to the poster of Runaway Bride, which showed the big-mouthed sister running away in a wedding dress:

Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, the male and female protagonists are all Hollywood A-list stars, and people love Julia's romantic light comedy the most. With these elements combined, it is impossible for its opening box office to be low. And this The team of any big star is not that simple, especially Julia. She is very good at the romantic comedy genre. She will basically not make mistakes and the script will not collapse, so the success rate is extremely high!

This is also the reason why big American stars have appeal. A team that can remain on the A-list all year round rarely has problems with its vision when selecting scripts, and the quality is basically guaranteed. Otherwise, if you fail twice in a row, you will fall out of the A-list.

Uh-huh~ Jenny nodded upon hearing this and motioned for him to continue.

Then Michael pointed to the poster of The Sixth Sense, which showed Bruce Willis and a little boy walking together:

You see, Bruce Willis and director Wu Yuchen are barely even in terms of lineup, but in fact they are a little bit worse. After all, Wu Yuchen is not a front man.

Secondly, in this theme, Bruce Willis gave up the action movies that he is good at, which will undoubtedly make some viewers who like him lose interest and deduct points.

And if you look at the slogan on the poster...

Jenny looked over and saw a poster for The Sixth Sense that read:

“If you like horror thrillers, you must see it!

If you like warm and affectionate family movies, you must watch it!

Michael said: To be honest, there is a conflict between horror thrillers and family films. If you think about it, love + comedy go well together, love + tragedy goes well together, action + comedy, this is also very good... but family films + Horror, well, it’s very difficult to integrate these two aspects.

Although Wu Yuchen has been successful in the past two years, it does not prove that he is omnipotent. Moreover, he has achieved his current results at a young age. It is inevitable that he is arrogant and wants to challenge such a difficult subject and make innovations. It is very likely to lead to failure. This is an unstable factor, so points are reduced.

What you said seems to make sense. So you are optimistic about Runaway Bride? Jenny asked.

Michael took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: That's it for the time being, but it all depends on the quality of the movie. The results of the survey will be given after the audience comes out!

At this time, Jenny suddenly said: The show in Hall 3 is over, and the audience of The Blair Witch Show will be coming out soon.

Michael quickly put down the cup in his hand, then took out a stack of investigation cards from his briefcase, and then waited at the exit.

After a while, a group of spectators came out cheering, and Michael quickly handed out the cards and pens in his hands: Sir, can I trouble you...

Before he could finish speaking, a grumpy old man took Michael's card and tore it into pieces:

Fuck! This is such a bad movie. The damn producer made fun of my emotions and made fun of my IQ! Refund the ticket!

Oh, sir, please don't say that. Maybe those people are really dead? A middle-aged woman who looked very kind advised.

It would be better if they were dead! Idiot, haven't you seen it yet? This is a scam from beginning to end. They are just playing tricks on us! They tricked us into entering the cinema!

Yes! This movie is rubbish! It's just a piece of shit!

Michael didn't even say anything, and a debate broke out among the fans. One side thought they were being fooled, while the other insisted that this was a true documentary, and those college students were already dead.

After a while, when Michael took back the cards and came back, he sighed and said: Not even 10 cards, let alone evaluation...

Many people simply refused to mention the movie again.

Jenny smiled at him and said: In the past few days, I have seen many people curse and leave the show. Some people even left halfway.

Michael shrugged and sighed: This is a fraudulent movie. The bottom line of the film industry has been lowered by these people. It's really sad!

The two chatted for a while, and Jenny reminded him: The Runaway Bride in Hall 5 is over.

Michael immediately ran out again, and this time his treatment was much better. Although some people rejected him, many viewers took it and filled it out. After all, the content of the card was not difficult, and you could also receive a small gift such as a pendant.

At the same time, Michael will also chat with those who are filling in the form and ask: What do you think of Runaway Bride?

Except for the runaway bride gimmick, which is quite attractive, this movie is really vulgar and it's still the same thing...

As the man said this, another girl who was filling out the card said, Oh, don't say that, that's Julia Roberts!

Okay, I like Julia too, but I think she needs to change. Two months ago, she was in Notting Hill and now she's in Runaway Bride. I think she appears too often. Romance movies make me feel aesthetically tired, maybe it would be better if the time is longer.

Dude, it's actually not as bad as you say. The proposal that Richard Gere accidentally said was still very touching~

That's all that's left. If it weren't for Julia Roberts, I would give this movie a B-!

Michael listened to what these people said and quickly wrote it down in his notebook. These were the most direct feedback from the audience.

Five minutes later, seeing Michael return to the counter with a stack of cards, Jenny asked curiously: How was it?

Michael sorted the cards in his hand and said: There are 34 cards in total, including 2 A+, 3 A, 6 A-, 6 B+, 8 B, 5 B-, 2 C, 2 D.

Judging from the number of these 34 pictures alone, it is already much better than the Blair Witch just now.

Jenny didn’t quite understand CinemaScore’s standards, so she asked directly: “What’s this evaluation like?”

It's pretty average, but there are many people at the premiere who are fans themselves. If you take away the fan filter, it can only be said to be ordinary.

Before he finished speaking, he saw another wave of audience members starting to leave. Knowing that the premiere of The Sixth Sense was over, he immediately ran out with another stack of cards.

Sir, could you fill out a card for me?

Of course! I'm so excited. I feel like I have a lot to say now! the man said while taking the card and pen.

Ma'am, could you please fill out a survey?

I'm very happy! I have to give this movie a high score, it's really great! the mother-like woman said excitedly while holding the card.

I'm going to give it an A+! This ending really shocked me! My scalp was really numb at the time! Oh my God! A young man said excitedly with his face flushed.

I didn't expect it to end like this! Bruce Willis was dead at the beginning, and he was a ghost all along!

Another person nodded repeatedly: Yes! I didn't expect Bruce Willis's acting skills to be so good. I have never discovered it before! No wonder it is his transformation. This time the transformation was really successful!

Oh! When it comes to acting, shouldn't you talk about that little boy? His acting skills are simply amazing. I have never seen any child who can act better than him before!

Yes, this little boy's performance is so great! I almost forgot about Bruce Willis!

I think the director who deserves the most credit should be director Wu Yuchen. He is a screenwriter and a project initiator. He has helped Stallone transform in the past two years. This time Bruce Willis and the Little Boy are in his hands, and his acting skills have exploded. Moreover, the atmosphere of the whole movie is created so well and the details are well hidden. I will definitely take my friends to watch it again tomorrow!

Fans after watching the movie joined the discussion one by one. This time, Michael didn't need to send it out. Someone had already come to him one by one to ask for the card. They filled it out and shared their thoughts with everyone. The discussion among the group was in full swing.

Michael looked a little surprised. He had never encountered this kind of situation in more than a year in the industry. He heard from his colleagues that the last time this kind of thing happened was in Titanic!

After a while, Jenny looked at Michael coming back with two large piles of cards, and couldn’t help but asked in surprise: “Oh, Michael, why are there so many!”

Michael put a pile of cards on the counter, grinned and said: Hey, Jenny, can you help me count how many cards there are? I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow~

Jenny rolled her eyes at him: “Is this how you invite girls on dates?”

But even though she was talking, she still picked up the cards and helped him count them. After a while, Jenny said: I have a total of 53 cards here, including 27 A+ cards...

Michael listened to the data reported by Jenny, wrote it down in his notebook, and then summarized it with his own, and finally came up with the data for the premiere of The Sixth Sense just now:

A total of 125 survey cards were received, of which an astonishing 68 were A+, exceeding 50%! The reviews below A+ don’t even count.

You must know that out of the 34 cards in Runaway Bride just now, only 2 were given an A+ rating!

125 photos vs. 34 photos. The audience enthusiasm for The Sixth Sense is nearly four times that of The Runaway Bride, and the praise rating exceeds the latter by an unknown amount.

This time there was no need for Michael to do the analysis. Even Jenny could tell from the results that The Sixth Sense had such a great reputation among moviegoers that it completely destroyed The Runaway Bride! As for the garbage Blair Witch, I don't even need to mention it.

Jenny smiled at Michael and said: Michael, it seems that your predictions as a professional are sometimes inaccurate~

Michael laughed and said: Professionals can also make mistakes. Director Wu Yuchen is really amazing! To make up for my mistake, Jenny, please allow me to invite you to dinner the day after tomorrow!

Early on Friday morning, various newspapers' reviews of the newly released Runaway Bride and The Sixth Sense were released.

A cheesy romantic comedy in which Julia Roberts is the only bright spot.

Julia and Richard join forces again, warm and yet funny!

True love creates miracles! Julia's love movies will never let you down! - Runaway Bride

Regarding Runaway Bride, there are mixed results. After all, the producers also spent money on public relations.

As for The Sixth Sense, it's basically all good reviews:

The best suspense movie of the year! You won't know the truth until the end! - Los Angeles Times

A thrilling horror film that not only scares people to tears, but also makes them cry! I highly recommend The Sixth Sense! - San Francisco Chronicle

Classic horror film, the best psychological suspense movie, The Sixth Sense cannot be missed! - Chicago Sun-Times

Bruce Willis's The Sixth Sense has successfully transformed, and his acting skills are beyond doubt! - Entertainment Weekly

Bruce Willis's greatest acting performance ever was overshadowed by the genius of child actor Haley! - The American News

The moving plot is progressive, the suspense and reversal are like textbooks, and the little boy's godlike acting skills! - The Washington Post

A heartwarming film wrapped in horror and suspense, a family movie that the whole family should watch together. - The New York Times

After getting up in the morning, Julia Roberts had breakfast. After seeing these comments, her first reaction was:

“How much money did you spend on the public relations of ‘The Sixth Sense’? There’s not a single negative person?!”

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