China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 189 Asia’s First Sister Wang Xianxian

The next day, various movie reviews about My Sassy Girl appeared in the entertainment sections of major newspapers:

Wu Yuchen breaks the tradition and is unique in Savage Girl

Half angel, half devil - My Sassy Girl

Wang Zuxian transforms into a savage girlfriend, and her comedy touches and heals the soul!

Wu Yuchen devoted himself to creating a beautiful love fairy tale, a realistic version of the toad and the savage white swan!

The top ten highlights of My Sassy Girl: one girlfriend, two styles, three scripts, and four tender moments.

In fact, it is not that everyone has never seen romantic comedies. For example, Feng Xiaogang's See You or Not Separate last year is a very typical romantic comedy. Two little characters attract each other and eventually come together.

But usually the heroines in love movies are of the traditional type, either gentle or intellectual. For example, the heroine in Titanic is a wealthy lady, and the main rhythm in the movie is basically following the hero or being followed. The male protagonist drives the development.

But this time, My Sassy Girl broke this traditional formula and designed the movie as men are weak and women are strong. The development of the movie is also driven by Sassy Girl, which undoubtedly aroused the interest of many people. The whole process of the film, whether it is funny or sensational, is very cleverly arranged, without being artificial or embarrassing at all. Several clips of canon sounds and I believe left a very deep impression on people.

This kind of movie, which is both innovative and of very high quality, makes the audience cry and laugh in the cinema, and finally gets a happy ending. Naturally, it has a huge reputation. People who have watched it are crazy about Amway to those around them. .

Let me tell you, it's really beautiful. Wang Zuxian is so cute!

It's really funny and touching, and it's not a tragedy this time. There are many guest stars like Zhao Yazhi and Guo Da in it!

When it comes to romantic movies, you have to watch Wu Yuchen's. The tragedy If Love Is Divine Will and the comedy My Sassy Girl are all very touching!

Me too, I was laughing so hard in the front, and crying like a dog in the back! I almost thought Director Wu had caused another tragedy!

Hey, what do you think their zodiac signs are like with their tempers? I think the heroine is a Leo, more aggressive and active, good at sports, and the hero is a Taurus, honest and kind...

As the topic of My Sassy Girl sweeps the streets and alleys, when everyone around you is discussing it but you can't get a word in, even those who don't want to watch it or want to wait for a pirated version will also go to the cinema and buy tickets. thought.

As the highlight of this year, after the release of My Sassy Girl, Shanghai Film CEO Zhu Yongde personally took charge of coordinating and arranging the distribution in the Yangtze River Delta region.

He kept calling to ask about the attendance situation in various places. Tickets in the Magic City were sold out, and the average attendance rate in big cities such as Jinling, Suzhou, and Hangzhou was more than 90%. This situation made him sigh in his heart. Currently, the only person in China who can make audiences so eager to buy tickets and enter the cinema is Wu Yuchen!

Although Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige were highly sought after after winning awards before, their films were unfortunately in a literary style and were not very friendly to the general public. In other words, the main target group of the films produced by the two of them is the so-called elites with taste and artistic aesthetics.

How much art do people care about? Most people come to see movies just to have fun, or to have a sensory and spiritual enjoyment. However, most literary and artistic movies obviously cannot bring such intuitive stimulation or emotional resonance.

Wu Yuchen is different. He can make films with artistic connotations such as Donkey Gets Water and sensational commercial films such as My Sassy Girl, If Love Is Provident and My Brothers and Sisters. That is to say, it is because of the two previous movies My Brothers and Sisters and If Love Has a Will that some people think are vulgar, but the common people love to see them, that everyone rushes to My Sassy Girl as soon as it is released. See the situation in the cinema. Because ordinary people know that we can understand Director Wu’s movies, and they are interesting to watch!

The next day, Lao Zhu kept urging and asked the people below to compile the first-day box office statistics in the Yangtze River Delta region. When he took a look at the final figures, he couldn't help but feel excited, even though he was exhausted. They were all wiped out: 4.55 million!

Judging from the current situation that the Yangtze River Delta region accounts for about one-third of the country's total box office, the country's first-day box office should be more than 12 million!

This is a good result that has not happened in several years!

In fact, it was not what Lao Zhu expected. After summarizing the data with China Film and Miracle Pictures, the box office on Friday was 12.88 million, the box office on Saturday was 15.93 million, and the box office on Sunday was 11.43 million.

The box office of My Sassy Girl exceeded 40 million in the first three days of its first weekend!

On Monday, China Film News directly used this title as the front page headline, further igniting everyone's emotions and driving more people to enter the cinema.

On the mainland, Wang Zuxian stayed in the Magic City and the capital for a few days, and then flew directly to Bang Country for promotion. It's not like she has never been to Bangkok. She came here to participate in a variety show in 1993. Although the fans here were enthusiastic, they were not as crazy as they are now!

This time when she got off the plane, she was surrounded by a crowd of people. The reporters kept pushing towards her like crazy. If she hadn't been wearing sunglasses, her eyes would have been dazzled by the cameras.

Zuxian Wang! My Sassy Girl has caused an unprecedented craze in movie watching in the country. How do you feel about it?

Miss Wang Zuxian, welcome to Big Bang Country. Are you the same as in the movie?

Miss Wang Zuxian, you are now being wildly sought after by young people in our country. Do you think girls should be more wild?

Wang Zuxian, I love you!

Under the siege of these reporters and fans, Wang Zuxian was really unable to move even an inch and couldn't get out of the airport. In the end, Bangguo Airport sent security personnel to escort him out.

After getting into the car to pick up the airport, Wang Zuxian breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, I didn't expect that the fans of Bang Country would be so enthusiastic. I was shocked~

The staff who picked up the airport bowed and said: I'm really sorry, Miss Wang Zuxian, we didn't make arrangements and you were shocked! What you don't know is that My Sassy Girl has become a hit all over the country in the week since its release. You alone have influenced the views on mate selection of all young people in the country!

Wang Zuxian covered his mouth and said with a smile: How can it be so exaggerated~

No, we are absolutely telling the truth! Now many girls in the country are learning from you, becoming savage girlfriends and walking the savage route.

Really? Then I'm really honored~ Wang Zuxian laughed happily, not realizing the great impact she had this time.

The country has always been a country with a strong culture of male superiority and female inferiority. The impact of the release of My Sassy Girl will naturally be great.

A girl yelled at her boyfriend: Hey, didn't you agree to go to school today and give me flowers in public? Why did you go back on your word?

The boy explained aggrievedly: I get very nervous when I'm in public like this. I can't even walk with my legs, so I'd better stop!

Hmph! Do you like me or not? If you love me enough, how can you not overcome your nervousness?!

Of course I like you, but this kind of request is really difficult!

The girl crossed her arms, then glared at her boyfriend dissatisfied and said, Okay, to prove your love, let's change shoes today!

The boy lowered his head and glanced at the high heels of at least 5 centimeters that his girlfriend was wearing, and his face suddenly changed color: How is this possible?!

Why can't it be done? Money cows can do it, but you can't do it?

The boy took his girlfriend's hand and said, Can you please stop making trouble? Let's go shopping and I'll treat you to a big Smecta meal~

The girl threw his hand away: This won't work, that won't work either, you just don't love me enough!

The boy also had a gloomy look on his face. He had really had enough this past week. He was getting along well with her partner, but suddenly he was beaten like a sandbag. He was also forced to drink unpleasant things, was forced to drink with her, etc., and now he still has to do it. He wears high heels!

He also exploded directly:

Axi! Who do you think you are? Do you think you are Wang Zuxian? Are you as beautiful as her? Are you as cute as her? If you look like Wang Zuxian, I will kneel down and kiss your toes. All willing!

Moreover, Wang Zuxian was emotionally injured and his ex-boyfriend died. Do you also have a dead ex-boyfriend? If so, go find him! damn it!

After the boy said that he would no longer care about this unreasonable dead woman, he left without looking back, leaving the girl standing there crying and screaming.

This kind of similar scene can happen more than once. Many girls in the country imitated Wang Zuxian and made similar requests after watching the movie. Some of the boys were so moved by the movie that they were brainwashed and motivated to do it. For example, if they were asked Reciting Ten Principles of Boyfriends, this paragraph is really popular now, no less than the paragraph in Westward Journey There was a sincere love...

On more than one occasion, a man wearing high heels went shopping with his girlfriend on a date. Many people looked at him in admiration.

Bangguo also conducted a street survey, and more than 80% of men said they wanted a cute girlfriend similar to Wang Zuxian, even if it was a little savage, it didn't matter.

Of course, naturally a small number of them fell out, some broke up directly, and in extreme cases even fought with each other. However, Wu Yuchen could only helplessly express that he was only responsible for bringing people touching moments. How you get along with each other is your own business. You won’t take the blame!

It is undeniable that My Sassy Girl has directly had a considerable impact on the current relationship between men and women.

Not only in mainland China and China, My Sassy Girl was released simultaneously in several major Asian countries and regions this time, with a time difference of no more than two days, avoiding the impact of piracy to the greatest extent, with the cooperation of Wu Yuchen and Wang Zuxian. Thanks to their appeal and publicity, Wanwan, Hong Kong Island, Neon, and Singapore all became box office hits one after another, directly setting off a barbaric trend that swept across Asia.

Before Wang Zuxian left Bangguo, he had already learned from his agent that hundreds of advertisers from all over the country were approaching, including luxury goods, clothing, shoes, shampoo, sanitary napkins, walkmans, air conditioners, etc. There are all kinds of things, including some big brands like Adidas and Nike who want her to endorse women's sports shoes. After all, she looks cute after exchanging shoes with the male protagonist in the movie, and Sony wants her to endorse their Walkman, etc. …

So despite the fact that she only received 3 million in salary for the filming of My Sassy Girl, the advertising effect after that can easily earn dozens of times!

Speaking of this barbaric trend, the one who has benefited the most is Wang Zuxian. She has many representative works before and is very well-known in Asia. However, her semi-retirement in the past few years makes people feel that she has gone downhill. But now she has become popular all over Asia with her image of a savage girlfriend, and she has been directly named Asia’s number one sister!

Then there is Xu Zheng, a newcomer in the film industry. With the role of Qian Niu, he has gained a certain degree of popularity throughout Asia. Even if he has not become a top star in Asia like Wang Zuxian, he has become famous all over the world. He also received many advertising invitations because of this, which was far from Wang Zuxian, but it was enough to make him rich instantly.

And the third person to reap this wave of dividends is singer Li Jian!

After last year's If Love Is God's Will, Li Jian has already gained a lot of popularity in China, and this time after I Believe appeared several times in the movie, his reputation has also risen sharply. The momentum is approaching Sun Nan, which greatly increases the sense of crisis for the self-proclaimed No. 1 Mainland Brother!

Wu Yuchen was in Los Angeles at the moment. He had just participated in a promotional program for The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis, Jennifer Connelly and other young actors. He received a call from Han Sanping backstage:

Director Wu, congratulations! My Sassy Girl has successfully exceeded 100 million in just half a month after its release!

Hahaha, Mr. Han, we are all happy~

Wu Yuchen smiled lightly. Hearing this news was not too surprising. It broke 40 million in 3 days in the first weekend, 75 million in 10 days, and now it is reasonable to break 100 million in half a month.

After the movie came out, it received rave reviews. Naturally, many people praised him as a director. However, if you want to say how much My Sassy Girl added to him, it is not necessarily true. It can only be said that it made Wu Yuchen's Chinese box office performance better. Some.

After all, Wu Yuchen has already achieved a box office of over 100 million in China with If Love Is God's Will. If My Sassy Girl wants to break through again, it will have to break 200 million, but this is obviously unlikely. The current domestic box office potential is here. No matter how popular the romance movie is, it is impossible to break through 200 million or 150 million in today's general background. After all, high-definition pirated copies have been released.

In Asia, however, Wu Yuchen's box office appeal and influence have reached a higher level this time, consolidating his status and allowing more Asian movie fans to have a deeper impression of him.

Now Wu Yuchen holds the Berlin Golden Bear, and at the same time, he has had two Hollywood movies that have exceeded 100 million yuan. Ordinary small improvements will not make him a big improvement.

If you want to further influence, it is box office and awards. In terms of awards, it means winning an Oscar; in terms of box office, either the Chinese film breaks 300 million or even breaks the 360 ​​million of Titanic and regains the throne of the Chinese film champion, or there is another Hollywood movie with a shocking box office explosion. .

And now we have such an opportunity, The Sixth Sense is about to be released in North America!

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