At this time, Wu Yuchen was accepting congratulations from the guests in turn:

Director Wu, this is truly a Golden Bear work. It was so well shot!

Wu Yuchen naturally responded to these congratulations and compliments with a smile.

After a moment, he saw Jiang Wen walking forward, giving Wu Yuchen a thumbs up, and said: High!

Wu Yuchen looked at Jiang Wen's appearance and didn't reply immediately. He waited for a while and then asked: What else?

Jiang Wen was stunned for a moment, then continued with a smile: It's really high!

Wu Yuchen said to Jiang Wen with a smile on his face: Director Jiang, I'm just waiting for you to say the word 'awesome' to me. I heard from Quentin that you have spread our national quintessence to the world!

Jiang Wen laughed loudly when he heard this. After he and Quentin met a few years ago, Quentin learned the word awesome from him. Then Quentin was very puzzled and asked him why China used awesome to describe cool and powerful people. Then Jiang Wen Give him an answer that shocks him: Because the cow's coins are very big!

Since then, Quentin has returned to Hollywood and continues to spread the word awesome to others.

Jiang Wen said with a smile in his rich voice: I'm not awesome for spreading my 'awesomeness' to the world. Director Wu, you are really awesome for spreading your movies around the world!

Wu Yuchen also smiled brighter, and the words awesome came out of Jiang Wen's mouth and they tasted better!

At this time, Lao Mouzi came over and said, The Donkey Gets Water is indeed wonderful!

Wu Yuchen immediately said humbly: Senior Brother Zhang, we are all following the path you have walked~

Lao Mouzi knew that he was talking about the time he and Jiang Wen won the Golden Bear in Red Sorghum 10 years ago. He smiled and shook his head and said:

I really can't make a movie like yours. Two years ago, I collaborated with Jiang Wen and we made a black humorous absurd comedy Let's Talk. It's the same style, but the content and depth are better than your Donkey De Shui is far behind.

At this time, Jiang Wen laughed and said: I have also benefited a lot today. I am currently filming The Devil Is Coming, and I also plan to follow the style of absurd comedy. When the movie comes out and premieres, I will invite you two to come. Appreciate it carefully!

Then I'll have to wait for the good news~ Wu Yuchen said with a smile on his face, but in his heart he secretly thought that there might not even be a premiere by then. After all, you will have a hard time going through the review process!

Wu Yuchen didn't intend to remind Jiang Wen anything. Even if he did, it would be completely useless. Jiang Wen is an extremely individual person and pays great attention to his desire for expression. He just wants to shoot what he wants to shoot. Even if Wu Yuchen said it, he would not change it. Even if I don't learn a lesson from The Devil Is Coming this time, I will be banned sooner or later.

Then Wu Yuchen turned to Lao Mouzi and asked: Brother Zhang, have you finished the two films No One Less and My Father and Mother? Which film festival do you plan to send them to?

He reminded Lao Mouzi about Zhang Weiping's problem once before, but he didn't know whether it was because Lao Mouzi didn't pay attention or because Zhang Weiping got over it. The two of them have not separated yet. It is impossible for Wu Yuchen to mention this matter a second time. Everyone has his or her own destiny.

Lao Mouzi frowned when he heard this: I originally planned to send No One Less to Cannes and My Father and Mother to Venice, but now there are some communication problems with Cannes.

Oh, what's wrong? Wu Yuchen and Jiang Wen were both curious.

Jacob, the director of the Cannes Film Festival, felt that No One Less was suspected of political propaganda and beautifying China's image, and wanted me to withdraw it and replace it with My Father and Mother. I have negotiated back and forth with him several times. That's it... Lao Mouzi simply said a few words.

When Wu Yuchen heard what he said, he estimated that this negotiation would most likely fail, because in his memory, No One Left Behind was sent to Venice in his previous life, while My Father and Mother was sent to Berlin next year.

Wu Yuchen shook his head and said: There are still many people in Europe and the United States who have stereotypes about China. Even the director of Cannes has this. Brother Zhang, if you really can't do it anymore, you should consider changing your cast.

When Lao Mouzi heard this, he also sighed and looked a little solemn, because if there was no other way, it would be best not to temporarily cancel the movie and switch to another company, which would be a shame.

As we all know, there is competition between the three major European film festivals.

At the 38th Berlin Film Festival in 1988, Chen Kaizi's The King of Children was originally invited. At that time, it had already been sent to the Berlin Film Festival, and it was rumored that it was favored by the film festival. As a result, Cannes representatives also noticed Kaizi's The King of Children and extended an invitation to Kaizi.

Kaizi was very excited, because Cannes was more influential than Berlin, and then he suddenly decided to withdraw The King of Children from Berlin and transfer it to Cannes. This was very offensive at the time. The Berlin Film Festival The organizer was very angry, so China urgently sent Lao Mouzi's Red Sorghum as a substitute.

Everyone knows what happened next. Red Sorghum won the Golden Bear in one fell swoop, while Kaizi's The King of Children won the Golden Alarm Clock Award at Cannes. Don't think this is a good award. The Golden Alarm Clock Award means the most boring and boring film in this film festival.

Comparing the two, Lao Mouzi was extremely prosperous, while Kaizi was directly silenced. It was also because of this that he did not participate in the Berlin Film Festival for many years. Thinking about it, you know that this incident will definitely have a big impact on the relationship between Lao Mouzi and Kaizi. Kaizi has been holding back his rivalry with Lao Mouzi since then.

Well, the entanglement between Lao Mouzi and Kaizi is so interesting.

Now, Lao Mouzi is also facing this problem, whether to withdraw the film from Cannes and switch to other two companies. After congratulating Wu Yuchen and chatting for a few more words, Lao Mouzi left with his thoughts on his mind. Jiang Wen naturally rushed back to the crew of The Devil Is Coming to continue filming.

After the premiere of Donkey Gets Water, various newspapers and magazines also commented on the movie.

Donkey Gets Water: China's most profound black absurd comedy!

A funny play that brings tears of laughter, a comedy that is sad to the core!

The Donkey Gets Water, director Wu Yuchen's reflection on history and society.

The Donkey Gets Water, a sad elegy for intellectuals!

There is no doubt that the story The Donkey Gets Water is not lacking in depth and artistry. There are too many things to explore, and this is exactly in line with the aesthetics of a large number of literati who have mastered the pen of this era. , coupled with the golden bear halo, it’s not a big boast!

Originally, The Donkey Gets Water had already attracted public attention after being cast by the Golden Bear. This time, a wave of media spontaneously promoted it, which really piqued the curiosity.

Coupled with the reputation Wu Yuchen has accumulated in the past two years, when The Donkey Gets Water was released that night, a large number of audiences came to watch The Donkey Gets Water in various cinemas.

Think about 1995, Sunny Days was only nominated for Best Actor and Golden Lion, which attracted the audience to spend money to watch it. Even though many people felt confused after watching it, it still won 50 million in the end. box office. But this time, there is basically no situation where the audience cannot understand the movie Donkey Gets Water, and the dramatic tension is much greater than that of Sunny Days.

Moreover, the character setting in Donkey Gets Water can easily make the audience empathize. Because whether it is Principal Sun, the leader who seems to be a loyal and good person but hypocritical, Pei Kuishan, an egoist who loves but cannot turn his face and persecutes him, Zhou Tienan who is passionate but only good at talking but has no ability, and Zhang who is full of romance and ideals but weak and incompetent. Yiman includes characters such as Coppersmith, Sun Jia, Special Commissioner, etc. If you think about it carefully, no matter who you are, there will always be people like this around you.

No matter how absurd Donkey Gets Water is, it is actually created based on realism. Its extremely high degree of completion and flesh-and-blood character settings can greatly arouse the audience's emotions while watching the movie. In this case, almost everyone will be shocked and inspired by the movie after watching it.

By the time the audience finished watching, there was already a lot of discussion among the people around them:

Oh, Zhang Yiman is so miserable...

Let me tell you, the leader of our unit is exactly the same as this Principal Sun. He calls on us to sacrifice and contribute every day. In the end, we all sacrifice and contribute, and he reaps the benefits for himself!

Zhou Tienan is such a fucking coward, I might as well have killed him with that shot!

You said it lightly, wouldn't you be scared if this happened?

You are truly worthy of being a great international director, and worthy of being a Golden Bear movie! This film is truly amazing!

The extremely high level of discussion after the audience watched the movie naturally further boosted the motivation of the media, so many newspapers further published in-depth analyzes of the movie Donkey Gets Water to attract readers.

Donkey Gets Water: Do you really understand it?

Analysis of the historical background and the characters and events alluded to in The Donkey Gets Water.

On the gray line of grass and snakes in The Donkey Gets Water.

Discussion on the symbolic meaning and human nature of each character in The Donkey Gets Water.

The Donkey Gets Water: Human nature is so complex, how can it be summed up by good and evil?

Even after watching the movie, some teachers and students in the university began to publish articles on Donkey Gets Water:

Analysis of the Absurd Aesthetics of The Donkey Gets Water.

Comment on the artistic characteristics of The Donkey Gets Water.

Philosophical Thoughts on The Donkey Gets Water.

At the turn of this century, the general environment was like this. A movie with an interesting and profound plot, coupled with a big award, could arouse all aspects of discussion in the country.

Although Wu Yuchen's previous films My Brothers and Sisters and If Love Is a God's Will all performed well at the box office, there are actually many high-minded literati who don't like them and regard them as movies to pass the time. Even though Wu Yuchen had two movies worth over 100 million yuan in Hollywood before, some people in China still feel that they lack artistry and content. The atmosphere at this time is like this. Many people don't say it publicly, but in their hearts they still despise commercial films. Thoughtfulness and depth come first.

But this time The Donkey Gets Water is different. It has aroused all-round discussions in China from the general public to the media to academia. It is unparalleled and has truly planted an impression in the hearts of all walks of life in China. , Wu Yuchen, great director!

Some people even say that he is not only the leader of the sixth generation of directors, but also the most influential director in China.

This is actually a disguised way of saying that Wu Yuchen is the number one director in China. On the one hand, he takes into account Chen Kaizi and Lao Mouzi. On the other hand, Wu Yuchen is too young after all. In the domestic environment of seniority, he will be the number one director in China. If you give him the title, there will be great controversy.

Hence the description China's most influential, which no one can refute.

With the full cooperation of China Film and Korean Film and Television Films and the intense discussion among the media and the public, the box office of Donkey Gets Water exceeded 100 million after three weeks of release!

To be honest, Wu Yuchen didn't expect Donkey Gets Water to have a high box office. After all, the style of black absurd comedy is actually considered a niche. But the response caused by Donkey Gets Water this time is indeed great. Considering that Sunny Days could have exceeded 50 million at that time, it is reasonable for the box office to exceed 100 million this time.

Wu Yuchen had no intention of paying attention to the subsequent box office performance. At this time, his attention was attracted by one thing: Lao Mouzi broke up with Cannes!

Previously, Lao Mouzi said that he was communicating at the premiere of Donkey Gets Water, but now it seems that communication has failed. He directly issued a statement, which should be said to be an open letter to the director of the Cannes Film Festival, Jacobs. :

“Both my films are about the theme of love.

No One Can Be Less expresses our love for children and our concerns about the current status and future of our nation's overall cultural quality.

My Father and Mother eulogizes the truest and purest love.

These are emotions shared and celebrated by all human beings. However, what is puzzling is that you criticized the film on political grounds. This cannot but be said to be a political or cultural prejudice!

Unfortunately, due to this prejudice, I have been shaken by your festival's mission of cherishing art, and my film can only be withdrawn from the Cannes Film Festival.

After the release of this open letter similar to a statement, Wu Yuchen knew that Lao Mouzi and Cannes would probably not have a chance to meet each other in the future. No wonder Lao Mouzi did not participate in the Cannes Film Festival for more than ten years.

It was not until 2014 that current director Gil Jacobs, who had been in charge of the Cannes Film Festival for 37 years, retired, did Lao Mouzi return to Cannes again with The Return.

Wu Yuchen also immediately called Lao Mouzi and said, Senior Brother Zhang, in one word, I admire you!

I have to say that Lao Mouzi seems to be an honest man who is easy to bully at home, but when he is external, he is very fierce and his attitude is always tough. He is worthy of being a national teacher!

Lao Mouzi said calmly: It's nothing. There are some issues of principle that we cannot give in to.

Senior Brother Zhang, this is you. There have been many people, but none of them will adhere to this principle.

Think about it, it's just a matter of replacing No One Less with My Father and Mother to participate in the competition. Many directors will think it doesn't matter, but Lao Mouzi is the boss of other film festivals, and few people can do it.

Then Wu Yuchen asked again: Senior Brother Zhang, what are your plans next?

Lao Mouzi smiled and said: Kusturica, the chairman of the Venice Film Festival, personally called me to invite me to Venice, so I plan to send No One Less to Venice and My Father and Mother to Berlin next year. .”

That's good, let me tell you, with Senior Brother Zhang's talent, there's no need to worry. Cannes will suffer a loss if you leave, and it's too late for the other two companies to win over you! Wu Yuchen was relieved when he heard this.

This time Lao Mouzi's No One Left Behind went to Venice and won the Golden Lion in one fell swoop. Wu Yuchen estimated that the Chairman of Venice should have made a promise to Lao Mouzi this time.

In fact, it can be seen from this that the three major film festivals are ultimately just a game of circles. It just depends on whether your influence is great enough. A few words from the director can determine the fate of your film and even promise you to win an award.

The movie is really not about fighting and killing, it is about human relationships!

After talking to Lao Mouzi on the phone, Wu Yuchen no longer worried about him.

Wu Yuchen was currently at Miracle Film and Television, looking through the company to see if he had received any reliable investment projects.

During this period, Donkey Got Water was undoubtedly popular on the big screen, but on the small screen, Never Rest took over the ratings championship of Yongzheng Dynasty and made Lu Yi become a popular niche star.

To be honest, Lu Yi's appearance is really good, but his acting skills can't keep up! For example, he took over the role of Zhou Jie in Young Bao Qingtian II, and his acting skills that can be seen by the naked eye are one or two levels behind Zhou Jie.

Speaking of Young Bao Qingtian, Miracle Pictures has now begun preparations, and the leading actor is Zhou Jie. This incident also made Qiong Yao unhappy. He felt that letting Zhou Jie play Bao Qingtian would ruin his future.

Haha, who is Qiong Yao, and now Wu Yuchen doesn't care about her at all. Anyway, Zhou Jie is determined to play Bao Qingtian, and Qiong Yao can't stop her.

As for the heroine, Wu Yuchen originally asked Jiang Qinqin and Li Xiaoran if they were willing to play the role, but they were competing for Yu Jiao Long and didn't care about a TV drama role at all.

In fact, Wu Yuchen wanted to tell Jiang Qinqin that there was no hope for her, but looking at her hard work, he decided not to do it after thinking about it. And she didn't care about TV series anymore, she only thought about movies.

But Gao Yuanyuan didn't mind, so Wu Yuchen simply arranged the filming of the drama in July and August, so that Gao Yuanyuan's classes would not be delayed during the summer vacation. Yuanyuan is still good, he doesn’t need to worry!

Wu Yuchen flipped through some scripts handed over to him, and he actually found some projects that he could invest in.

Outside Miracle Film and Television Company, three young people were walking inside. It seems that the heights of the three are exactly in an arithmetic sequence, one is over 1.9 meters, one is over 1.8 meters, and the other is 1.7 meters.

Among them, the 1.7-meter-short man scratched his head and spoke with a Lu Province accent, feeling a little embarrassed: Director, why don't you change someone else? I've never acted before, and I'm afraid I'll mess it up for you later.

Guan Hu, who was over 1.9 meters tall, lowered his head and glanced at the little dwarf: It's okay, your temperament is just right. Also, please keep speaking dialects later, don't speak Mandarin!

Ah? Then if something bad happens, you can blame me for nothing! Huang Bo, the dwarf, came unexpectedly.

Guan Hu waved his hand to reassure him. In fact, this boy was brought here temporarily by him. To be precise, it was Gao Hu, the male protagonist who was appointed, who was brought here temporarily. Wu Yuchen suddenly called him and asked him to bring the leading actor. Guan Hu, who couldn't find a suitable candidate, could only ask Gao Hu to bring his friend who seemed to have a decent temperament.

Director, what should I do when I go in later? Huang Bo looked up at Guan Hu.

I should just take a look at your image. If you have any questions, I'll answer them.

Huang Bo nodded in response. He was still a little nervous and excited about meeting the great director Wu Yuchen. After all, he was the best director in the country now!

In the office, Wu Yuchen looked at the three people standing in front of him, Guan Hu, Gao Hu, and Huang Bo, and then looked at the script in his hand, Get in the car and let's go! 》. He had actually seen this movie on the movie channel in his previous life, and it was quite good. But he didn’t invest in this movie just to make money and support young people in the industry!

It won't be a loss, just sell it to the movie channel for 500,000 yuan. This time I just met these people on a whim.

Wu Yuchen opened the script, looked at Huang Bo and asked, Are you from the countryside?


Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, remembering that Guan Hu told him that he was going to play a rural youth, and then he said with a silly smile: Yes, yes, I am from the countryside!

Guan Hu secretly gave him a thumbs up.

But the next moment, Wu Yuchen looked at Huang Bo and shook his head: It doesn't look like that.

Guan Hu was stunned, this doesn't look like it? He noticed Huang Bo's resemblance to a rural youth at a glance, and that's why he attracted him!

Wu Yuchen pointed at Huang Bo and said, I think you don't look like a farmer, you look like an artist, a bit like an artistic young man.

Guan Hu kept looking at Huang Bo. Before he came, he had specially changed him into peasant clothes. How could he look like an artistic young man?

As a result, Huang Bo couldn't hold it in anymore, and his face burst into laughter: Director, you are so good at reading people! No, I mean you speak so nicely!

Then Wu Yuchen said with a smile: Let's do this. If you sing a song for me, if it sounds good, I will vote for you.

When Guan Hu, Gao Hu and Huang Bo heard this, they looked at each other, unaware that Huang Bo's identity had been exposed.

Huang Bo smiled at Wu Yuchen and said, Director Wu, have you seen my performance?

Huang Bo chose to be a singer after graduating from high school. He had been performing in karaoke halls before.

Wu Yuchen didn't answer the question, and said with a smile: I heard from Zhou Xun that she met someone in a karaoke hall before, and she also wrote songs for Aaron Kwok and Wang Fei~

Huang Bo suddenly felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said: Director Wu, did Zhou Xun mention me to you? I thought she had forgotten about me since she became a big star...

Yes, Huang Bo once met Zhou Xun in a karaoke bar a few years ago.

In this case, you can sing to me the song you wrote for Aaron Kwok. Wu Yuchen said with a smile and raised his hand.

Seeing that Guan Hu and Gao Hu didn't object, Huang Bo smiled broadly and said, If it works, I'll show my shame to Director Wu!

Huang Bo thought for a moment, then trotted out the door and came in with a song broom. Wu Yuchen didn't stop him and just looked at him with interest.

I saw Huang Bo bending his knees, holding a broom as a microphone in one hand, and his body began to gradually sway, which looked very much like Aaron Kwok when he sang and danced.

In the corner of this world, there is a kingdom called loneliness

There are frozen souls inside and a burning wildfire!

As Huang Bo sang, his head began to shake up and down, tossing and swaying. Very energetic.

Huang Bo sang with a broom and jumped up and down. Although his voice and singing were not bad, Wu Yuchen was still very happy to watch, typing the script according to his rhythm.

After the song was finished, Wu Yuchen waved his hand: I voted for this song of yours!

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