China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 170: Put the chicken on the horse

You don't even know how popular we are here! I'm so reluctant to sign autographs for them now!

Listening to Gao Yuanyuan's excited voice on the phone, Wu Yuchen also smiled.

Gao Yuanyuan went to the Tokyo Film Festival this time with The Mountain That Man That Dog. Because this film has the title of producer Wu Yuchen, it received the attention of the organizing committee before going to the exhibition.

In addition, If Love Is God's Will now has many fans after it was aired on Neon. Seeing that the male protagonist of That Mountain, That Man, That Dog is also Liu Ye, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Therefore, The Mountain, That Man, That Dog caused a huge sensation as soon as it was aired at the Tokyo Film Festival.

Children absolutely love this movie. Tickets are in short supply every day. If you don’t queue up, you won’t be able to buy tickets. The movie has directly become the most popular movie at this Tokyo Film Festival, bar none!

Gao Yuanyuan, who played the role of a beautiful girl in the mountains in the movie, naturally enjoyed the enthusiastic following of foreign movie fans. Being able to conquer foreign friends these days is more exciting than gaining fans at home.

You are considered an international star this time. You have to lay a good foundation and hone your acting skills when you go back, otherwise you will not be able to support your status as an international star in the future~ Wu Yuchen joked.

What kind of international star am I? Liu Ye is. There are many more people surrounding him than me!

Liu Ye has made a big comeback this time. If Love Has a Will is still playing over there, and That Man, That Mountain, That Dog at the film festival here is another powerful attack, which makes him become a neon literary artist. The literary god in the hearts of young people! Even the silly look he showed when he was greeted by fans was shouted Kawaii! by the young people.

However, despite its popularity, the Best Actor at the Film Festival was not given to Liu Ye, but to Teng Rujun, who played his father. At the same time, Nashan, That Man, That Dog also won the Tokyo Film Festival's Golden Kirin Award, which also It's the best picture, a big winner!

It was a pity for director Huo Jianqi that the best director was not awarded to him, but to Guy Ritchie of Two Smoking Barrels. But after they return to China, they will soon have to participate in this year's Golden Rooster Awards, and it is expected to be another bumper harvest.

Thinking of this, Wu Yuchen couldn't help but sigh. Since his Run Lola Run is considered a banned film, it cannot participate in the selection of this year's Golden Rooster Awards. However, My Brothers and Sisters nominated him for the best director.

But Wu Yuchen also asked about it, which was to comfort him. After all, the movie My Brothers and Sisters was too sensational and did not meet the taste of most judges, so he had no intention of going to the Golden Rooster at all, and he would accompany him in vain. Going back and forth has to delay the production of The Sixth Sense.

In the camera, Bruce Willis looks lovingly at his sleeping lover. When her breath touches Bruce Willis' surroundings, it condenses into a light white mist, which actually means that Bruce Willis The identity of Si ghost.

There are a lot of hints buried in the filming process from beginning to end. As long as the ghost appears, people will feel cold. Just because the background is set in winter, less attentive viewers will not notice it too easily. They will only notice it when they look back. Such details.

Bruce Willis said lovingly to his lover:

I think I can go now. Go to sleep, everything will be different starting tomorrow~

I thought I should help someone, and now I did.

I want to tell you one more thing, that is, you have always been the most important to me and will always be...

As if telepathically, her sleeping lover Anna seemed to hear his words in her dream. The corners of her mouth curled up with a faint smile, and she whispered softly: Good night, Malcolm.

All Bruce Willis' affection and reluctance turned into a satisfied and happy smile: Good night, my dear~

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, his expression calm and peaceful.

Excellent! Perfect, Bruce, you did a great job!

Wu Yuchen was not shy about praising the leading actor at this moment. What he had just filmed was the final scene where Bruce Willis gave up his obsession and was about to disappear from the world. It was also the last scene. Therefore, this scene is very important and must touch the hearts of the audience. Fortunately, Bruce Willis' performance just now was really great.

Then Wu Yuchen clapped his hands and shouted to the entire crew: It's done!

Amidst the cheers of the crew, Bruce Willis also came over, smiled and said to Wu Yuchen: Wow, it's finally over!

Hey, Bruce, why do I think you're a little eager to end it soon?

Bruce Willis chuckled and shook his head:

That kid Hailey is really scary. Although the filming went smoothly, to be honest, I don't really want to work with him again~

He was talking about the actor who was a little boy. In fact, after filming his scenes in the first two days, his parents took him back to school to continue his classes.

It's not like Bruce Willis has never met someone who has better acting skills than Haley, but the key is that he is too young, which makes him always nervous and dare not relax, for fear of being overpowered by this kid. Therefore, this shooting was not a very good experience for him.

Wu Yuchen smiled and said: Bruce, your performance is great. I dare to guarantee you that The Sixth Sense will become one of your masterpieces!

Is it a classic like 'The Last Day'? Bruce Willis asked with a smile.

Why not? Wu Yuchen answered with a shrug.

Then both of them laughed.

Wu Yuchen's filming of The Sixth Sense went smoothly beyond imagination, thanks to the superb performance of Haili, who plays the little boy, who accelerated the progress of the entire crew. Originally, Bruce Willis gave them 40 days, but now the filming is over in 25 days.

But it doesn’t mean that everything is fine once the filming is completed. There is also post-production. The soundtrack and sound effects of this movie are also very important. Only when the details are in place can the atmosphere be created well.

While Wu Yuchen was busy doing post-production for The Sixth Sense, he also received a call from Cai Yinong.

After hearing Cai Yinong's report, Wu Yuchen couldn't help but start thinking about it.

Zhong Hanliang, Wu Zhuoxi?

Zhang Zhiyao, Wu Kequn?

Cai Yinong's vision is really good. These four later became famous. Although their career achievements are not as good as those of Edison Chen and Luo Zhixiang, they are definitely not unknown people.

Chung Han-liang was also one of the original Four Beauties from the End of the World, and he was naturally good at good looks. He later acted in many TV series such as Why Shengxiaomo and The End of the World. Moreover, he is a singer, he can sing and dance, his overall quality is quite good, and his personal life is also very low-key.

Wu Zhuoxi has been involved in Hong Kong dramas all year round. Mainland audiences may be more familiar with Xu Ziling in The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Zhiyao is also a pretty boy type. He has played many handsome men in ancient costumes. Hua Manlou and Chu Liuxiang are all representative roles. Later, he also played important roles in The Legend of Ancient Swords and Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

Wu Kequn, this guy also has a lot of personality. When he debuted, he challenged Jay Chou and said he could catch up with Jay Chou within 5 years. Of course, he was not able to achieve it later, but he is also quite talented in creation. You Write Poems are all his masterpieces. Ten years later, he laughed at himself and said: He became the King of Heaven, and I died in battle.

Wu Yuchen would not be disgusted with this kind of personality. Being young and energetic is not a bad thing, and he is ambitious if he dares to venture and fight.

This time, Cai Yinong and Wu Yuchen are quite satisfied with the people they selected. They meet his requirements for forming F4. They are of good quality and will not do anything wrong.

Wu Yuchen asked Cai Yinong: Mr. Cai, have you taken care of all these people?

Wu Kequn and Wu Zhuoxi, two amateurs, have basically settled the matter. They are both willing to agree to the conditions I proposed. Now I have the initiative.

Zhong Hanliang is still hesitant. After all, his personal career development is pretty good at the moment. He is still cautious about joining our company and starting F4.

I think Zhang Zhiyao is somewhat interested, but his contract still has several years left, which is a bit troublesome. If you want to poach him, you have to buy out his contract, and it also depends on whether his agency is willing to let him go. , I am also inquiring about the situation now.

Wu Yuchen thought for a while and said: Mr. Cai, if Zhang Zhiyao is difficult to deal with, forget it and just sign with Wu Kequn directly. As for Zhong Hanliang and Wu Zhuoxi, how old is Zhong Hanliang?

He was born at the end of 1974 and just celebrated his 24th birthday. I think there is no problem in this regard. He feels full of youth.

When Wu Yuchen heard what Cai Yinong said, he knew that she was optimistic about Zhong Hanliang, so he didn't refute again. After thinking about Zhong Hanliang's state in his previous life, he found that he had indeed always been very good, and there was nothing to talk about in terms of dedication.

Mr. Cai, let's be like this. The people here in Wanwan should choose Wu Kequn. As a member of Hong Kong Island, if Zhong Hanliang agrees within one month, he will be selected. If not, Wu Zhuoxi will be selected.

After hearing this, Cai Yinong also responded, and then asked: Director Wu, what about the fourth candidate, do you think...

Mr. Cai, you can tell me what you think.

Now there is one in mainland China, Hong Kong Island, and Bay Area. I actually want to find one overseas, such as a Chinese-American like Wu Yanzu, or a Chinese from Singapore or Malaysia. Cai Yinong said. Speak out your thoughts.

Overseas Chinese?

Wu Yuchen was shocked when he heard Cai Yinong's thoughts. Cai Yinong was really big-hearted.

Several people could not help but appear in his mind, such as JJ Lin from Singapore, and Wilber Pan, who grew up in the United States. However, the image of these two people before their debut was not very good. It is probably difficult to catch the eyes of Cai Yinong, who is obsessed with appearance. .

However, he did not want to dampen Cai Yinong's enthusiasm: Mr. Cai, go with what you think. It would be better if you can find a suitable candidate. If you can't find one, just choose someone from the mainland to be the fourth person.

Okay, there are a lot of good talents here in mainland China. I had my eye on one at the Beijing Dance Academy, named Qiao Zhenyu, but Director Wu, you have settled on Huang Xiaoming, so I didn't mention it again.

Qiao Zhenyu? Isn't this also one of the Four Beauties from the End of the World of the first generation?

There is definitely no problem with his image, and he is of the right age for someone who was born in 1978. He can definitely dance as a dancer, and his qualities in all aspects meet the requirements.

Wu Yuchen had no objection at all and said with a smile:

Mr. Cai, who you want to choose in the end depends on your thoughts. After all, you will have to lead the F4 from now on~

After Wu Yuchen hung up the phone, he felt that once the people on F4 were selected, he wouldn't need to worry too much in a short time. As for training, it will only take half a year at most. You must know that in the previous life of F4, except for one Yan Chengxu who worked as a model, the others were completely pure people. As an idol group, the four of them could not sing or dance well. , it can be said that business literacy is mediocre, but it is not overwhelming.

In fact, most of this stuff is just a character, and Popular Garden has established their character. He allowed the group to train for half a year, which is worthy of the fans.

Moreover, the F4 he teamed up with this time is definitely better than the version in the previous life. Among the four people, if we really talk about handsomeness, it is Zhou Yimin. The other three are not able to stand out in the entertainment industry in terms of appearance. , with looks like Zhu Xiaotianlun’s, there is no way to rank in the entertainment industry. As a result, he also received a wave of dividends, and he will not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of his life.

But in this case, Huang Xiaoming has to work hard. If Chung Hanliang, Qiao Zhenyu and Wu Kequn are really his teammates, these people can all sing and dance. If you don't work hard, Xiaoming, your status in the team will be really bad. He is about to become the younger brother in the team!

As for whether two Chinese boys in a group will be accepted or looked down upon, Wu Yuchen is not worried at all.

As long as Meteor Garden becomes popular, fans in Hong Kong Island and Bay Area will not care about this at all.

Wouldn't Li Lianjie still be the Kung Fu Emperor when he arrived on Hong Kong Island? And didn’t Zhao Wenzhuo still get Mei Yanfang as his girlfriend?

There are also Jiang Qinqin, Zhao Wei, Zhou Jie and Fan Bingbing. Aren't they still popular among movie fans in Wanwan? In the final analysis, it’s your work that matters.

As for Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan, etc., they are only 16 years old now and are still in high school. Cai Yinong will not look for them at such a young age.

In mid-December, the post-production of The Sixth Sense was almost completed. This movie does not require special effects, so the post-production will not take too much time.

How was it? When the lights came on, Wu Yuchen asked Jennifer Connelly and producer James beside him.

Awesome! Especially the last twist. Although I already knew the plot in advance, it still made me feel numb! Wu, you did a great job in setting the stage! Producer James shouted to Xiao Yelled, looking very excited.

Jennifer Connelly stared blankly at the screen. Although she had read the script in advance, she had no idea that the movie would turn out so well after it was made!

Although it is a ghost movie, it is completely different from those coquettish bitches who were shocked in the past. The Sixth Sense brought great shock to people's souls. It was not fear, but accidents and surprises mixed with warmth and move.

Wu, you are simply a master! Unparalleled! Jennifer Connelly ignored the fact that James was present, hugged Wu Yuchen's face and gave him a few mouthfuls.

This time, Wu Yuchen only invited a few internal people to show the film. Bruce Willis didn't come because of his tight schedule, so the only ones who watched the film together were Jennifer Connelly and James.

However, Wu Yuchen felt that the effect was quite good, as can be seen from the reactions of these two people.

Then, Jennifer Connelly asked with a somewhat eager tone: Wu, when do you want the film to be released? I can't wait to see it in theaters!

Wu Yuchen gently stroked her back: Jenny, don't worry, I want to choose the best schedule for The Sixth Sense. Next year's summer schedule is the most suitable.

James next to him asked: Wu, are you sure? I mean, the best time for movies with ghost themes is Halloween.

Wu Yuchen immediately shook his finger and emphasized:

No, no, no, James, as the producer of The Sixth Sense, why do you still treat it as a ghost movie? Remember, The Sixth Sense is a family movie!

James immediately raised his hands to indicate that it was his slip of the tongue: OK, OK, it's my fault. So what do you mean...

Wu Yuchen said with a smile: As we all know, there are two schedules that are most suitable for family fun, summer and Christmas. This time we will be on the summer schedule!

James opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. You said The Sixth Sense is a family movie and he admitted it, but you said it was a family movie! Family fun is a ghost!

But on the other side, Jennifer Connelly showed a happy smile. After all, she wants the movie to be released as early as possible. Compared with Christmas at the end of next year, there is no doubt that the summer vacation in the middle of the year will be earlier.

After the post-production of The Sixth Sense was completed, Wu Yuchen breathed a sigh of relief. Next, just leave it to Disney. The Sixth Sense has Bruce Willis and Wu Yuchen, which is relatively good. It is not difficult to arrange it in the summer season, but it still needs Disney to make a complete one. There is plenty of time to announce the plan.

Wu Yuchen did not stay in the United States for long. After finishing The Sixth Sense, he also got on the plane and flew directly to...Wanwan.

That’s right, it’s Wanwan. The Golden Rooster Awards did not allow Lola Run to participate in the competition due to film bans. The Golden Horse Awards did not care about this. They nominated Lola Run several times and were very active in inviting Wu Yuchen.

In fact, Wu Yuchen was still hesitating before whether to attend, but on the one hand, Li Xiaoran kept begging him to let him accompany her to attend this Golden Horse Awards because she was nominated for Best Actress for Run Lola Run; On the other hand, Han Sanping actively persuaded him to participate in the Golden Horse.

Han Sanping just told Wu Yuchen that the superiors hoped that influential people like him would come to Wanwan more often to represent the mainland and show the mainland's good image to this area and improve the favorability of the people here.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to the Golden Rooster, but it’s best not to miss the Golden Horse.

Han Sanping has already given such a reminder, how could Wu Yuchen refuse again?

So, with the ardent expectations from above and Li Xiaoran's pleading, Wu Yuchen took a direct flight to Wanwan.

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