China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 152 Good guy, Xiao Li is rubbing against me!

After entering the hall, Wu Yuchen found that the entire place was in a mess. Many celebrities were looking for their seats, and there were not enough waiters, making Wu Yuchen feel like he was in a vegetable market.

The seats in the hall are mainly divided into three areas. The center one is reserved for the nominated crew and nominees. After all, they are the protagonists tonight. Wu Yuchen found a seat on both sides and sat down.

When Wu Yuchen just sat down, the woman next to him who had her back to him turned her head. When she saw him, she first showed a very surprised expression, and then immediately smiled and said hello:

Hello, Director Wu, nice to meet you! The woman's voice was slightly hoarse, but it had a mature and charming charm.

Wu Yuchen looked over and saw that she had long black and handsome hair hanging down from her shoulders, thick eyebrows and red lips, sculptural facial contours and deep light blue eyes. She had a kind of classical beauty, which was completely different from the sweetheart girls here in America. .

At the same time, Wu Yuchen's eyes were dazzled by the good figure that could not be covered by a black dress. It could barely cover up half a bear.

Hello, Miss Connery! Oh, it's such a surprise to meet you. I will never forget your Deborah in Once Upon a Time in America! She is simply the most beautiful girl in the world!

The one in front of me is Jennifer Connelly, who played the teenage heroine in Once Upon a Time in America. She really amazed the world when she debuted.

Of course, you are just as charming now~ Wu Yuchen immediately added.

In fact, Jennifer Connelly doesn't like people to mention the young girl Deborah in Once Upon a Time in America ​​because people only remember this role, making her seem to be trapped in that role forever.

In order to transform away from the image of a pure and beautiful girl and prove her acting skills, she started filming various large-scale movies when she was 19 years old. Her good figure really contributed a lot to the fans. It's a pity that I got stuck in this kind of B-level literary films and couldn't get out. Only now, at the age of 27, have I slowly begun to wake up and want to move closer to the mainstream again.

Another thing to mention is that this girl is a top academic in the entertainment industry. She studied at Yale for two years in her freshman and sophomore years, and transferred to Stanford to study drama in her junior year. It's a pity that the academic character is useless in Hollywood. Even now, when people talk about her, they still can't avoid Once Upon a Time in America.

Jennifer Connelly naturally wanted to make friends with Wu Yuchen, a new Hollywood first-line director who has released two hit movies in succession. She smiled sweetly:

Thank you! Director Wu, I think you can call me Jenny, my friends all call me that~

Okay, Jenny, you can call me Wu.

Wu Yuchen looked at Jennifer Connelly with a smile. It can be said that she has an angelic face and a devilish figure, pure and lusty.

Wu, I thought you would go over there and chat and laugh with great directors like Martin Scorsese.

Wu Yuchen looked in the direction Jennifer Connelly said, and sure enough he saw an area where many big names such as Schwarzenegger were sitting.

Wu Yuchen shook his head slightly and smiled:

No, no, Jenny, I think my current position is the best position. Being able to spend tonight with such a beautiful lady like you is simply a gift from God!

In foreign countries, everyone is very straightforward and don't play the implicit way at home. Wu Yuchen naturally understood the essence after staying here for a while.

Jennifer Connelly and Wu Yuchen looked at each other for two seconds, then raised their lips and smiled and replied: Wu, you are such a handsome gentleman!

Jennifer Connelly is not tired of the good opinion expressed by Wu Yuchen, a young, handsome and talented director, towards her. Doesn't this prove her charm?

As the two chatted and laughed, the Oscars ceremony also kicked off.

There were no big surprises at this Oscars. Titanic basically won all the awards it was nominated for, except for Best Supporting Actress. Many people thought this award would be awarded to the old lady who played the elderly heroine in it, but it didn't. Give.

In the middle, we also saw Matt Dummy taking the stage to receive the Best Screenplay Award for Good Will Hunting. Yes, this movie was written by Matt Dummy while he was attending Harvard University, and he was also nominated for Best Actor. , this time it can be described as a blockbuster.

After the award presenter handed the award for Best Director to the truck driver, the guy was obviously very excited. He went from being shunned by the whole world to making a comeback at the box office, and now he is number one in the world, and he was nominated for an Oscar for the first time. Winner of Best Director:

I don't know about you, but I'm so happy right now!

The audience burst into laughter.


I can't express to you exactly how I feel right now, my heart is going to explode


Then Cameron suddenly opened his arms and shouted:

I am the king of the world!

Suddenly, the entire audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers. At this moment, no one could help but admire this guy.

Wu Yuchen also applauded. This time Titanic also took his Sniper Phone Booth away, so he must express his gratitude. At the same time, he felt that being able to witness this famous scene meant that tonight was not in vain.

Then he glanced at the beautiful Jennifer Connelly beside him, who was already chatting happily with him. Of course tonight was not in vain, it was so worth it!

Although the Oscars ceremony has come to an end, Oscar night has just begun. Afterwards, the Vanity Fair dinner will be held in Beverly Hills. This is not only a celebration carnival place for the award-winners and crew, but also an occasion for everyone to socialize. Many Opportunities may be born here.

With Wu Yuchen's current fame, even if it has nothing to do with this Oscar, going there will still be a hot cake, and there will be no problem in hugging him.

But Wu Yuchen didn't go at all. With Jennifer Connelly, what else do you need to hug her?

Wu Yuchen doesn't pay attention to those third- and fourth-tier rouge fans.

Moreover, although social occasions like Vanity Fair are important to others, they are not very important to Wu Yuchen. As long as you are strong enough, there will be many social opportunities, but he doesn't want to miss the atmosphere that he finally got hot with a big beauty!

These days, the fashion industry around the world has brought about an aesthetic that emphasizes thinness as beauty. Many models are even skinny, but Jennifer Connelly’s good figure with a bulging front and a curved back looks a bit fat, too. One of the things that hindered her career.

But Wu Yuchen just liked her slightly fat kind. Her plump figure and uneven curves added a bit of maturity and charm to her. She was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away. He measured her inch by inch.

Jennifer Connelly's facial features are very delicate, her eyes are big and bright, her blue pupils are burning with enough heat to melt people, every inch of her curvy figure is written with the words I am a woman, and her fair and delicate skin Wu Yuchen was reluctant to let go.

In the dark room, the violent storm in the room temporarily stopped. Jennifer with her alluring curves was slumped under her strong body. The fine beads of sweat and the long breathing that sounded from time to time showed the afterglow of passion. After a while, she curled up her plump thighs, calmed her breathing slightly, then turned sideways and looked at the man with her charming eyes, and couldn't help but ask:

Have you taken your medicine? Or are all Orientals that strong?

Medicine? Do I need that? Jennifer, you're insulting me!

Wu Yuchen raised his eyebrows and put his hand around her waist, feeling that it was necessary to teach this Yangma who doubted him an unforgettable lesson.

Oh~ don't, honey... Jennifer felt Wu Yuchen's anger and quickly pushed his chest, but before she could finish her words, Wu Yuchen blocked her lips.

At noon, Wu Yuchen brought several plates of food from the waiter outside and put them on the table. Jennifer, wearing a white shirt on her upper body, walked over, half-covered and with a lazy style that exuded from the inside out, which was extremely lure.

Wu Yuchen couldn't help but sigh, Hollywood is such a good place, and he doesn't want to leave now.

Wu Yuchen naturally understands what this beautiful girl is thinking. 99% of it is due to his personal charm, but isn't there 1% of it for advancement?

Director Wu is not a ruthless person, so he will naturally give her a chance to make progress.

Jenny, do you have any plans for the future?

Jennifer Connelly's heart moved when she heard this: Not yet.

It’s not as if she, the great beauty, is not pursued by anyone. Naturally, some big bosses have expressed their willingness to trade with her in the past, but they are either old men or fat pigs like Harvey Weinstein, which she cannot accept. But the young and handsome Wu Yuchen is naturally different, and they enjoy making fun of each other.

Is the heroine interested in my next Hollywood production?

Wow, Wu, are you serious? No audition required?

Wu Yuchen chuckled and put his arm around her waist: Of course I need it, I also want to get to know you in more detail~

Jennifer chuckled and glanced at him charmingly: I want to see if this role is suitable for me~

Soon after, Wu Yuchen handed over a script, and Jennifer took it and read it, The Sixth Sense.

Wu Yuchen did not disturb her and let her read slowly.

As early as 1996, he had three of the first scripts registered in Hollywood, two of which had already been filmed, and the third one was The Sixth Sense.

This movie was released in 1999 with a shooting cost of only 40 million. The final box office in North America was 294 million and the global box office was 673 million. This is an amazing result that no one could predict at all, because this is just a horror movie, even if the leading actor is Bruce Willis, a big star.

Speaking of which, the experience of director Shyamalan is almost like a novel. He is a new Hollywood director who is of Indian origin. He has only made one small-budget film with a box office of less than one million before. In 1997, he wrote a script and was picked up by a Hollywood company. A horror-themed movie directly earned 673 million at the global box office. If this didn't happen in the real world, even online novels wouldn't dare to write about it like this.

But now, the script has long been registered by Wu Yuchen, so naturally we can only wait for him to develop it.

It's not like he only registered these three scripts. In the past two years of his stay in Hollywood, he has successively registered no less than ten more scripts. Regardless of whether he is filming or not, he will occupy the pit first.

After a while, Jennifer praised after reading it: Wu, this is such a good story! Do you want me to play the role of mother?

Yes, dear, haven't you always wanted to transform? You are completely qualified for this role. Regardless of the horror theme, I guarantee you that the box office of the movie will be more than 100 million yuan.

Of course I believe what you say, Wu, I have no doubts about your talent! Honey, when do you plan to shoot? Jennifer Connelly asked a little impatiently.

Wu Yuchen gently rubbed her shoulders:

Oh, Jenny, don't worry, I plan to shoot at the end of the year, and the season of the story is winter. Before that, I have to go back to China for a while, and you will have time to figure out this character.

Okay, Wu, I really can't let you go~ After the beauty said this, she put her arms around Wu Yuchen's neck and stuck to him.

For Wu Yuchen, Hollywood is like a dreamy and gorgeous amusement park, but no matter how happy you are in the amusement park, you have to go home, right?

At the Beijing Film Studio, Han Sanping asked someone to pour tea for Wu Yuchen, and then said with a smile:

Director Wu, I haven't seen you for more than a month, but this time you are making a big splash in Hollywood! Now this newspaper is full of news about you!

Han Sanping shook the newspaper in his hand as he spoke and handed it to Wu Yuchen.

Wu Yuchen took it and glanced at it a few times:

The North American box office of the new movie by great director Justin Wu exceeds 1.3 billion, dominating the United States!

1.3 billion?

When Wu Yuchen saw this number, he immediately understood. The newspaper had converted it into Chinese currency for him. According to the current exchange rate of 8.28, it was indeed this much. 1.3 billion is undoubtedly more eye-catching than 160 million, and I am not lying.

Wu Yuchen shook his head slightly and smiled, then said to Han Sanjing:

It's a bit exaggerated. Although my movie has a good box office, I dare not say that it dominates the United States. Director Han, you probably know the news about the Oscars. Recently, the only one that can be said to dominate is Titanic.

Speaking of this, Han Sanping laughed again: Director Wu, you don't know that there are still many promotions about Titanic in our country with your name on them!

My name? Wu Yuchen asked in surprise.

Yes, their leading actor Leonardo, the note next to it is your leading actor! This year's introduction quota has been used up, and your new movie Sniper Phone Booth will not be available for a short time. Aren't you curious about this? Now you are using your name to attract audiences to the cinema!

After listening to Han Sanping's explanation, Wu Yuchen suddenly felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

Good guy, in the United States, he was trying to take advantage of Leonardo DiCaprio, and he was taking advantage of Titanic. Now in China, it's the other way around, and it's become DiCaprio and Titanic taking advantage of his name!

Is this a good cycle of cause and effect?

However, Wu Yuchen didn't care about this. If you borrow something, you must repay it. It's not difficult to borrow again. This time, Director Wu’s reputation is casually used by “Titanic”! That's how generous!

Wu Yuchen waved his hand, and then said sternly to Han Sanping: Director Han, I think you'd better be mentally prepared.

What? Han Sanping asked curiously.

The movie Titanic not only broke the box office record in the United States, but also broke the box office records all over the world. I think our country will be no exception. It cannot be saved.

Han Sanping is undoubtedly ambitious. He not only hopes to climb up, but also hopes that Chinese movies can develop under his leadership. You can see what he was thinking in the words he said at the My Brothers and Sisters celebration party.

But Wu Yuchen knows very well that Titanic will set a box office record of 360 million in the future. It is like a big mountain pressing on the head of Chinese movies for ten years. The closest one is Lao Mouzi's Hero. 250 million. The foreign-language film Transformers 2 finally broke through with 455 million, but soon after it was hit by Truck Driver with Avatar to reach 1.383 billion.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Han Sanping laughed and said:

Hey, Director Wu, I thought you were talking about something. If you break it, break it. Let's break it and come back. Jurassic Park 2 is so great, didn't you still suppress it in the end?

With you, brother Wu, as a great director, I am very confident in regaining the box office record!

Wu Yuchen didn't expect that he was the one who gave Han Sanping confidence. He couldn't help but open his mouth and wanted to say that this record was not 120 million, but 360 million! Even he himself didn't have much confidence in it in a short period of time, because this is really not something that can be made up by the lineup and plot, but the gap in film production level that is visible to the naked eye.

But think about it, forget it, wait until the movie is released and they will know after watching it themselves.

Then Han Sanping spoke again: Director Wu, your new movie, I'm not talking about Hollywood, is If Love Has God's Will. When do you plan to release it?

Oh, Director Han, I came to you to talk about this. I plan to release this movie in the summer.

This was planned by Wu Yuchen when he was filming. Titanic will be released soon in April. Although he said that he will use Titanic to create a love trend and reap the dividends, he must not let it get along with the big ship. At the same time, otherwise I really don’t know how to die.

By July of the summer vacation, three months had passed, and the strongest wave of momentum had passed. It was just right to take over the baton with If Love Has God's Will.

Han Sanpeng also had no doubt about it. The summer season itself was the best time. Then he sighed:

“It’s such a pity that our Beijing Film Studio did not participate in the investment in this movie!”

When If Love Is God's Will was being prepared and filmed, My Brothers and Sisters had not yet been released, so Beijing Film Studio did not participate in the investment at that time. After all, the factory was short of funds, so it only allowed Wu Yuchen to list it.

Now Han Sanping regrets it very much. In the past six months, Wu Yuchen not only took the domestic box office championship, but also wreaked havoc in Hollywood, reaping profits, which truly proved how popular his movies are in the market. popular.

Wu Yuchen smiled: It's okay, Director Han. I'm here with a new project, right?

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