It was still not far from the aviation family home. At this time, Wu Yuchen had returned with Gao Yuanyuan after watching the movie.

Gao Yuanyuan and Wu Yuchen, who were sitting in the car, started chatting and had no intention of going back.

Stallone's signature? Of course, no problem. But he is actually just an old guy with a bad temper. Wu Yuchen raised his eyebrows and said.

Gao Yuanyuan patted him gently: How can you say that to me? Stallone is a famous star all over the world, and his acting is very good.

Okay, okay, I will respect the old and love the young from now on~ Wu Yuchen laughed.

Then he asked: Yuanyuan, how are you preparing for the art exam?

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan's eyebrows suddenly curled up: It's okay. I didn't have much confidence at first, but after studying with the teacher for a while, I suddenly became a star. Many people wrote to me saying that I was good at acting, and I suddenly became confident. Confidence gained.”

Just be prepared and you'll be fine.

Wu Yuchen had no doubt whether Gao Yuanyuan could pass the exam. Beijing Film Academy's selection criteria for actors are mostly based on looks, and there are no outstanding performers in the 98-level acting class. Gao Yuanyuan's qualifications to take part in this art exam, just relying on her face and temperament will be a killing, unless the teacher They are collectively blind.

Besides, now that Gao Yuanyuan is already a famous star, it’s still too late for Lehe to apply for Beijing Film School. How could he be turned away?

But then Gao Yuanyuan showed a distressed expression:

I was very happy at first. I had to answer every letter, but I couldn't finish it. I answered ten letters. My hands were numb from writing and I couldn't answer them. Now I have accumulated three big boxes...

Upon hearing this, Wu Yuchen saw Gao Yuanyuan pouting and kneading her hands, so he took her hand and said, Let me see~

The girl's little hands were white and tender, and felt soft and delicate to the touch.

Wu Yuchen held it in his hands, then lowered his head and said, I'll blow it for you~

Gao Yuanyuan's little hand was pinched by Wu Yuchen, and then a stream of hot air blew into the palm of her hand, making her itchy, not only on her hand, but also in her heart, and a delicate blush appeared on her face.

The girl looked at the sweetheart in front of her who cared so much about her, feeling affection and courage in her heart. She stepped forward and pecked Wu Yuchen on the side of his face.

Is this girl Xiao Meiyuan planning a sneak attack again?

Last time I ran away after a sneak attack. This time my hand is tightly grasped. Let’s see how you can still run away!

Wu Yuchen took Gao Yuanyuan's hand and gently hugged her into his arms. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the girl's soft lips.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Jingying Film and Wu Yuchen were being interviewed by media such as China Film News, Film Weekly, and the Movie Channel.

Ever since the news that his Black Hole Frequency exceeded 100 million in North America spread back to the mainland, the media had been eager to see him through. This time they finally found out that Wu Yuchen was back, so naturally they all came to visit.

As for the location being set at the Jingying Film Campus, it is naturally because Wu Yuchen is still a student at Jingying Film School, and it is also a way of giving back to the school.

Stallone? He is a very good actor. We have a great time working together. His daughter is very cute and he is also a very kind old father in real life.

Of course I'm very happy to achieve such good results in North America. As for the title of China's number one director, it's all nonsense. This just represents a staged success for me. Let's keep up the good work in the future!

Take root in Hollywood? No, I definitely don't have this plan! Chinese-language movies are my roots, and it's impossible for me to give up Chinese-language movies and completely join Hollywood. But Hollywood represents the most advanced level of film in the world, and it is necessary for me to go there to learn from it. .

Who is better, Hollywood or Chinese movies? There is no doubt about this. It can be seen from the box office rankings of domestic movies in recent years that the current Chinese movies are still very weak in the face of imported blockbusters from Hollywood.

Then Director Wu, didn't your My Brothers and Sisters beat Jurassic Park?

Wu Yuchen shook his head: One example cannot represent the whole.

Director Wu, we can't judge heroes based on box office. Haven't we always advocated that the artistry of movies should be ranked first?

Wu Yuchen chuckled: Films must pursue art, but they cannot only pursue art. I have always adhered to the concept that my movies are made for the people. As long as everyone likes them, no matter whether they are vulgar or vulgar. Ya, I don’t even care.”

The current domestic trend is still that artistic pursuits outweigh commerce. For example, Feng Xiaogang's Party A and Party B has a box office of 30 million. Although he has become famous, he has also attracted a lot of people who criticize him, saying that his movies are useless. artistic connotation. He is different from Wu Yuchen. After all, Wu Yuchen won the Best Director in Berlin. With the support of awards, no one dared to complain about My Brothers and Sisters. But Feng Xiaogang had no background or foundation, so he naturally scolded him without any scruples.

Wu Yuchen paused for a moment, and then continued:

And business and art are not completely opposite. There is a movie Titanic about to be released recently. This movie has a good balance between business and art. It also represents the highest level of Hollywood. It is worth everyone's appreciation and learning!

Wu Yuchen already knew about the approval of Titanic because Director Zhang personally called him. He always felt that the other party was very polite when talking on the phone, which was very different from the last time they met.

The dispute between film business and art has always been accompanied by the development of film. At present, the artistic school naturally has the upper hand. However, with Wu Yuchen's current status, he already dares to say some things. Although it may attract some people to criticize him, it will not affect him in any way.

In fact, this is what he really said. Of course it is okay for movies to pursue art. But if you only pursue art, you will kill the film market, and the final result will be that your film market will be lost to others.

The release of Titanic this time is actually a good thing for the development of Chinese films. It has impacted a large number of people and realized how big the gap is between Chinese films and others. It has promoted the reform of Chinese films to a certain extent.

After the interview was over and the reporters were sent away, Hou Keming came over with a smile and patted Wu Yuchen on the shoulder:

Not everyone is willing to reject the title of China's number one director. I'm afraid you will recognize it when your brain gets hot.

Haha, Dean Hou, I'm not that stupid. I'm already famous enough now. This false name doesn't mean much to me.

In fact, if he accepts this name, given the current domestic atmosphere, it will definitely cause a wave of displeasure among the seniors. At least he can bet that Chen Kaizi will definitely be very unhappy with him, and if possible, he will find someone to take the lead in teasing him.

Just bragging about your reputation is useless. When he wins more awards and box office, others will blame you even if you deny it.

Hou Keming smiled and nodded:

Well, as long as you can carry it clearly. After the new year, our Beijing Film Academy recruitment process will begin. Do you want to go over and host it?

Shall I take charge of admissions?

When Wu Yuchen heard this, he immediately shook his head:

Dean Hou, forget it. I'm very busy right now. I won't be able to stay for more than a few days after this trip. I have to go to the United States in another week.

Still going?

Yes, I'm filming another movie. It will be released at the end of this month. I have to rush back to promote it. I won't come back until this movie is over.

After hearing what Wu Yuchen said, Hou Keming stopped insisting. It was just a casual mention.

In fact, Wu Yuchen is really busy these days. After his reputation became famous, there were really many people coming to see him. Especially his Miracle Film and Television, which made a fortune filming My Brothers and Sisters before, and then successively released two hit dramas, Years of Passion and Love to the End. Everyone knows that their company has money.

Moreover, the news about Wu Yuchenyi and Bo Yuntian's generous investment in The Mansion Gate became known, which made many people want to invest in him.

To be honest, most of the projects are really not good, and some of the scripts are poorly written, but there are still some good ones.

In the office, director Huang Jianxin, who had met Wu Yuchen several times before, and Yang Yazhou, another director beside him, sat quietly drinking tea, waiting for Wu Yuchen to read the script.

After a while, Wu Yuchen closed the script in his hand, then smiled at the two of them: Director Huang, Director Yang, this book is really good!

Huang Jianxin and Yang Yazhou smiled at each other after hearing this, and then Yang Yazhou said:

Director Wu, after I saw The Happy Life of Zhang Damin in Beijing Literature last year, I really liked it and asked the studio to quickly buy the adaptation rights, so I changed it into a movie script.

Wu Yuchen nodded and asked: Then who do you plan to let play Zhang Damin?

Yang Yazhou said firmly: Feng Gong! When I revised the script, I wrote it exactly according to him!

Wu Yuchen smiled, and then said: The Happy Life of Talkative Zhang Damin is a bit vulgar as a movie title, so let's change it to Nothing Happens!

Huang Jianxin clapped his hands directly and applauded: Okay! Happiness in Nothing means that no matter how bitter life is, there will be sweet moments, just like what Zhang Damin said at the end of the story, 'As long as you live well, you can encounter a lot of happiness. Just have fun and enjoy yourself.'

Huang Jianxin naturally understood that Wu Yuchen said this, so there was a high probability that it would happen, and then said:

Director Wu, don't forget that Yao Ya'er has never been an independent director before. In fact, he has been an assistant director for ten years. Back to Back Face to Face was also co-directed by the two of us. He is very experienced!

Sure enough, Wu Yuchen asked Yang Yazhou, who was looking at him eagerly: How much money do you still lack?

Yang Yazhou said excitedly: 2 million, our factory has given 1 million in funds, I expect 3 million!

Wu Yuchen smiled and nodded: Okay, 2 million is fine, but you have to ensure that the movie does not exceed the budget.

Huang Jianxin immediately said: Guaranteed, nothing less but not more!

After seeing off the two of them, Wu Yuchen smiled and said that the movie Nothing Happens was quite good and helped Feng Gong win the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor. The box office is about 10 million, which may not make much compared to the cost of 3 million, but it will definitely not make a loss.

Two million is nothing to him now. Spending some money to invest in a good movie, and at the same time make connections and make good friends with the Xiying Studio behind them, is a good deal anyway.

Who dares to say that he, Wu Daguan, eats alone?

He is constantly spreading money to contribute to Chinese movies!

After putting down the script of Nothing Happens, Wu Yuchen picked up another one with a slightly more serious expression.

As Kang Jianmin walked, he asked Huo Jianqi beside him:

Lao Huo, I have already looked for no less than ten companies, but no one is willing to support our movie. Will Director Wu be willing?

Kang Jianmin is the director of Xiaoxiang Studio. He bought the rights to adapt The Mountain, That Man, That Dog a few years ago and has been planning to film it. At first, he wanted to make it into a TV series, but after reading the script, Huo Jianqi thought it would be more suitable to make it into a movie, so he started looking for investment everywhere.

Huo Jian looks like a good old man and smiles politely:

Director Wu is still very generous. He invested 20 million in The Gate directed by Guo Baochang. I just heard Huang Jianxin tell me that they have obtained money from Director Wu. These are all projects that no one wants to invest in. We are not no hope!

Kang Jianmin couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then the two of them entered Miracle Film and Television together.

Wu Yuchen smiled and made tea for the two of them and asked them to sit down: Director Kang, Director Huo, I like That Man, That Mountain, That Dog very much.

Both of them looked happy, but the next moment they heard Wu Yuchen say:

But this movie probably won't sell much at the box office.

This poured cold water on the two of them, extinguishing the excitement that was rising.

Kang Jianmin forced a smile: Director Wu, it doesn't matter. You are not the first person to reject us. Let's go look for it again...

What are you looking for? Who did I say I would reject you?

Ah? Director Wu, what do you mean... Kang Jianmin and Huo Jian looked at Wu Yuchen with gleaming eyes.

I made an estimate and found that this movie is around 2 million. I'll give you a little more. Is 2.5 million enough?

In fact, the filming cost of this movie in the previous life was 2.1 million, and 2.5 million should be no problem.

Kang Jianmin was overjoyed when he heard this: Enough is enough, our factory can still produce 500,000 yuan!

Wu Yuchen smiled and nodded, and then said:

I believe in Director Huo's ability, and I'm not worried about the quality of the film. I can also see that Director Kang, you want to win awards when you make this film. Let's do it this way. You will run it domestically, and I will run it abroad. How about it?

Both of them were very excited after hearing this. After all, Wu Yuchen had already won the Best Director in Berlin and had experience in this.

Director Wu, do you want to send him to the Third University? Kang Jianmin asked curiously.

Wu Yuchen shook his head: I have a general understanding of Director Huo's style. Judging from this script, the most suitable one is not the three major film festivals, but the Tokyo Film Festival. So this summer, after the filming is completed, Director Huo must hurry up and strive for production. Make it soon and let’s go to the Tokyo Film Festival.”

Naren, Mountain, Nago caused quite a sensation in Neon in its previous life, and its box office of more than 800 million yen was not just a boast.

But it is a pity that the producer did not send it to Tokyo to participate in the award, otherwise it would have been rewarding. Later, after the movie was released in Neon, it won many awards from Neon.

This time Wu Yuchen naturally wanted to make up for this regret. He smiled and continued:

I am still somewhat famous at the Tokyo Film Festival. When the time comes to name me as a producer or supervisor, I should be able to attract a lot of attention. If I can win an award, recovering the cost will not be a problem.

After the two of them listened, they naturally had no objections to Wu Yuchen's proposal, and then discussed the casting with Wu Yuchen: Director Wu, we both chose Teng Rujun for the role of father, what do you think?

It's very suitable. Teacher Teng is very suitable for the role of a restrained father. Who are you going to find, son?

Both of them shook their heads: We have thought about it again and found that there is nothing suitable in the circle. We plan to go to the school to pick one.

Wu Yuchen chuckled and said: That's just right. You can go to the Yangzhou Opera Theater to see it. There is a sophomore named Liu Ye who just worked with me. He played a farm boy. I think it should be suitable.

Kang Jianmin immediately responded: Okay, let's go and see them as soon as school starts. There is also a Dong girl, does Director Wu recommend her?

This role was played by the heartthrob Chen Hao in her previous life, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be her. The difficulty of the role is not high. Liu Ye initially recommended Yuan Quan and Zhang Ziyi, but they both had acting appointments. It came to Chen Hao.

Wu Yuchen thought for a moment and said, Have you two watched Carry Love to the End?

The two of them didn't really watch the entire TV series, but they had watched it intermittently. Huo Jianqi said: Director Wu, you mean...

The heroine Gao Yuanyuan is pretty enough, and having her star in it will definitely be good for the movie's box office.

This is not Wu Yuchen's nonsense, Gao Yuanyuan is very popular among young people now.

In the previous life, The Mountain, That Man, That Dog only sold one copy in China, and was described by the media as a movie with almost zero domestic distribution. All its income was the US$480,000 and US$80,000 overseas copyrights given by the movie channel. Cut off fees.

But if Liu Ye joins Gao Yuanyuan as the male and female lead, Gao Yuanyuan is already a star, and Liu Ye will probably be the same after the release of If Love Has God's Will. This time, it is impossible to focus on the male and female lead. The embarrassing situation of 1 copy occurs.

Of course, the most important reason is why give a suitable role to an outsider? Now Xiao Meiyuan has changed into his shape, this is called a wife!

Let Xiao Meiyuan learn and practice more with these acting and powerful actors, and her acting skills will also improve.

Okay, Director Wu, let's make it right then! Kang Jianmin said directly.

After making the investment, the two were very happy and left Miracle Film and Television laughing and talking.

Kang Jianmin sighed: I didn't expect Director Wu to be so generous!

Huo Jianqi also nodded: Yes, people in the circle now say that he is generous with his wealth. Huang Jianxin even jokingly called him a timely rain on the phone before!

Kang Jianmin immediately shook his head:

Timely Rain? Isn't this Song Jiang? Song Jiang is a short, fat man with a dark heart, and he has a dark heart. It's not appropriate to call Director Wu that way. Director Wu is so handsome, I think he should be called Jade Face Mengchang!

Jade-faced Meng Chang? Hahaha, Director Wu is indeed like Meng Chang.

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