China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 141 Stallone punched Frankenstein and stepped on the alien monster

In the United States, watching movies is a very daily pastime, and many people have developed the habit of going to the cinema to watch a movie on weekends.

Hey, Tom, how about we go see The End of the Jackal? Bruce Willis and Richard Gere! Jerry asked after class, hugging his good brother.

The End of the Jackal was a movie released last Friday, and its two big stars, Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, are still very attractive to the audience.

Tom shook his head: But I heard from Tyke that this movie is very mediocre. The plot setting is completely copied from The Wire, the imitation is not good enough, and the fighting is not intense.

But this is the only movie worth watching recently. With two big stars in it, it shouldn't be too bad. Do you want to go see Anastasia? Jerry shrugged.

Anastasia is a Disney animated film that just came out, and it's obviously for kids.

Of course not! Don't you know Stallone's new movie is out? Tom asked.

Well, I know, but Stallone is old. Isn't he no longer able to fight? And I saw that it was advertised as a science fiction film. His science fiction film The Judge the year before last was really bad. I don't want to watch it. His science fiction movie... Jerry curled his lips and said.

It's not as bad as you said. I watched the trailer, and some of the special effects shots looked very cool. And I saw that the media said it was Stallone's transformation work. I'm quite curious about how Stallone transformed?

Seeing that his friend Tom was obviously interested in Stallone's new movie, Jerry also said, Well, after all, I grew up watching the old guy's movies, and I'm also curious about how he will transform.

The two walked into the cinema while chatting and laughing.

The same family of three walked into the cinema. George was not a very eloquent father. As his son was about to enter adolescence, it became more difficult for the two parties to communicate. However, watching a movie together every month was a habit in the family early on. Habit.

Hey, gentlemen, what do you want to see? the wife asked her husband and son.


Seeing that both her husband and son couldn't hold it in, they didn't have any objections, so the wife went directly to buy tickets: Let's have three copies of Black Hole Frequency.

After hearing this, George looked at the poster of Black Hole Frequency:

Stallone's affectionate interpretation of father-son love, the communication between a pair of tough guys and father!

An exchange between a tough guy and his son? George thought it wasn't bad, and he also wanted to see how Stallone communicated with his son.

Although Stallone performed poorly in his previous two movies, he is still a household name in the United States, and his reputation did not go unnoticed. The release of his new movie this time has naturally attracted the attention of many people, either his old fans, attracted by the trailer, or just passers-by who feel that movies with big stars will be more reliable.

Stallone's name coupled with the publicity invested by Sony Columbia made Black Hole Frequency the most watched movie on the day of its release, and many viewers entered the theater one after another.

After the lights in the theater went out, George chewed popcorn and watched the movie. From the beginning, it was shown that Stallone is a firefighter, and like him, he has a happy family of three.

But in just a few minutes, the film jumped directly to 25 years later, and the 6-year-old son suddenly turned into a 30-year-old Hugh Jackman. This scene could not help but make the audience, including George, a little stunned.

Hugh Jackman became a police officer and was investigating a serial murder case. Through his perspective, the audience learned that Stallone had died in a fire rescue 25 years ago!

This aroused the curiosity of the audience. The protagonist Stallone died at the beginning and has been dead for so many years. How will the follow-up develop?

Soon, one sad night, when Hugh Jackman moved out his father's old radio to reminisce, he accidentally connected to a man, and the audience could see that the opposite person was the young Stallone 25 years ago!

George suddenly realized that this was how the so-called tough guys communicated, but where did he get a radio that spans time and space?

But the thought only passed by in a flash, and he soon fell into the plot.

Hugh Jackman and Stallone communicate through the radio, from strangers to friends to discovering the truth and becoming father and son, a series of changes that are both easy and funny, and then become heartwarming. And Hugh Jackman sets out to change what happened in the past through radio.

The scene where Stallone rescued the girl from the fire was also thrilling for the audience. After finally escaping, they couldn't help but feel joy and excitement. This proves that history and destiny can change!

But after saving his father, his mother died in the future. Because of the butterfly effect, the serial murderer did not die, and his mother became the target of the murderer!

Therefore, the father and son once again connected through time and space and joined forces to deal with the murderer of this serial murder case, which made the audience's hearts arouse.

The murderer is very cunning and wants to kill both father and son in two time and space. Until the end, 25 years ago, Stallone shattered the murderer's arm with a single shot, and then the scene changed, and 25 years later, the murderer's arm that was squeezing Hugh Jackman instantly began to wither and then gradually turned into powder.

The special effects of this scene were very well done and brought a lot of visual impact to the audience. Naturally, the audience was very excited. It was obvious that Stallone saved his son across time and space!

But the murderer still had a gun in his other hand. He was horrified that his arm disappeared and hurriedly pulled the trigger with his other hand to kill Hugh Jackman.

There was a bang gunshot!

The audience was on edge, fearing that Hugh Jackman would be killed. But what you see in the picture is the murderer's body flying up, and then looking down the long shotgun barrel, the person holding the gun is the white-haired Stallone!

At this time, Stallone was looking at the fallen murderer with a gun on his face with a fierce expression. Although he had gray hair and wrinkles on his face, he was mighty and domineering!

Yes, Stallone saved his son once 25 years ago, and then a moment later, the old Stallone 25 years later saved his son again!

Wow! So handsome!


Although Stallone did not engage in a lot of hand-to-hand combat with the murderer as usual in movies, the scene just now undoubtedly made people think that his father figure was tall and majestic and extremely powerful!

The audience was relieved, and at the same time their emotions were finally released, and they cheered for the father played by Stallone.

In the end, it was naturally a happy ending. At the same time, the protagonist's family also became rich, because Hugh Jackman asked his young self to buy Microsoft stocks in the future on the radio. This made all the audience smile and the whole audience fell into warmth and harmony. Relaxed atmosphere.

Stallone was so handsome in that last scene. Even though he was old, he was still so cool!

I didn't expect Stallone's acting skills to be so good. I never discovered it before. It was really warm when they communicated through the radio~

Yes, he really has very few action scenes in this movie, and his transformation was very successful!

Not only Stallone, but I also think my son acted very well. The relationship between them is really great!

What a great movie! I wish I could have a radio like this.

After the film ended, the audience chatted with each other one after another. After walking out of the theater and meeting the investigators, they all gave the movie an A or A+ rating.

The audience was in a relaxed and happy mood after watching the movie, but at this time, the main creators of Black Hole Frequency, including Justin Wu, Stallone, Jeff, Hugh Jackman, Gretchen and others, were anxiously waiting. . It was already past midnight, and they were waiting for the box office results on the first day of release.

Justin Wu, Stallone and Jeff were quite calm, but Gretchen, who was a heroine for the first time, couldn't. She kept chatting with Wu and asked various questions.

Wu, what was the first weekend box office of The Last Days of the Jackal released last week?

More than 15 million. Don't worry, the movie has already been purchased and it won't have much impact on us.

Then how much does our box office have to be to be considered qualified?

Our total filming cost is only 30 million, and including publicity and distribution costs, it is only 50 million. If the box office can reach 15 million in the first weekend, we can recover the cost.

If Black Hole Frequency grosses 15 million in its first weekend, the North American box office should reach more than 40 million. Plus the global box office, the cost will definitely be recovered. But if it were just this result, not only would he be dissatisfied, Stallone would probably not be satisfied either.

At this moment, the person in charge of publicity came over, holding a freshly released data file in his hand. Jeff immediately came over and asked, How much was the box office on the first day?

The publicist smiled: 8.6 million, not bad!

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this. Only Stallone complained slightly: It doesn't even have tens of millions!

Jeff took the document and took a look at it, then smiled and said to Stallone:

Sylvester, we only have 2,200 openings, and it's not the peak season now. This result is good. It was the daily champion yesterday, and the film's reputation is 80% A and A+. Tomorrow our number of screens should be will increase.

The publicist also nodded: We chose to release it this week because we want to build word of mouth first and prepare for next week's Thanksgiving. Otherwise, with our production costs, we won't be able to get as many openings during Thanksgiving.

There are two movies scheduled for Thanksgiving next week that are considered big productions. One Alien 4 cost 70 million, and the other Avatar cost 80 million, both of which are much higher than Black Hole Frequency. Therefore, the strategy chosen by Sony is to release the film a week in advance to gain word of mouth.

After hearing this, Wu Yuchen felt slightly relaxed. The first day's box office was 8.91 million, and the box office in the first three days of the weekend must be more than 15 million. It seems that this can be nearly ten million more, but how much depends on the situation.

Wu Yuchen spent two days this weekend to promote with the crew. During the day, he went to the theater to meet the audience. The response from the audience seemed very good. Although most of the attention was given to Stallone, there were still some audiences who were interested in him. The director gave me applause and asked for photos.

The box office results did not disappoint their hopes. On Saturday, the number of openings increased to 2,450, with a box office of 14.6 million. The Sunday box office is usually much lower than Saturday, but it still earned 9.68 million.

The three-day box office of the first weekend totaled 33.19 million.

Black Hole Frequency won the box office championship in its first weekend. Stallone's deep father-son relationship warms the hearts of the people! - Los Angeles Times

“Stallone’s tough-guy tenderness is touching, and his face was paralyzed with shock as he demonstrated his successful transformation in acting!” - San Francisco Chronicle

A soft science fiction film with many climaxes, a gripping story, and sincere and touching emotions. It is recommended for the whole family to watch. - Washington Post

Stallone's masterpiece Black Hole Frequency is a perfect blend of science fiction, sensationalism, action and heroism. - Chicago Sun-Times

The appearance of a science fiction movie packs an affectionate father-son world. Recommended for Thanksgiving! - The New York Times

At this time, Stallone looked at the good reviews in the newspaper and smiled so hard that his mouth was crooked. Oh no, his mouth was already crooked.

This is not important, what is important is that he is in a good mood now!

It's not a newspaper without bad reviews, but he threw them all away, and that doesn't affect the overall situation.

Wu Yuchen and Jeff are also very happy. They are more concerned about the box office performance, which was 33.19 million in the first weekend. It is very good so far. The movie has a good reputation and can continue to ferment. Thanksgiving is in a few days, and it may bring Their bigger surprise is a very good start!

The two new actors Hugh Jackman and Gretchen are even more excited. The box office in the first weekend was 33.19 million, which has exceeded the shooting cost. There is no doubt that the movie is a success, which proves that the two can rely on this Black Hole Frequency He has established a firm foothold in Hollywood, and his debut masterpiece has such results, which is definitely very impressive!

After Stallone put down the newspaper, he directly picked up two glasses of red wine, handed one to Wu Yuchen, and then touched it:

Wu, when I saw the script, I knew it was a good story. After the filming was completed, I knew you were a very good guy. Cheers!

Wu Yuchen also touched him, took a sip, and joked: Sylvester, I will take it as what you said is the truth~

Stallone didn't take it seriously and laughed: Hahaha! Welcome, you have successfully opened the door to Hollywood!

Stallone has achieved opening weekend box office results that are much higher than 33 million, but the situation is different now. He has been in a low period in the past two years, and this is only a 30 million production. Judging from his experience, if this movie can even exceed 100 million in North America, then he can not only prove himself to the outside world, but also get more than 10 million in box office share alone. With both fame and fortune, it is natural that he now treats Wu Yuchen in a different light.

After entering the working day, the box office naturally dropped sharply. 6.03 million on Monday, and with discounts in theaters on Tuesday, the box office rebounded to 6.54 million.

On Wednesday night, the day before Thanksgiving, crowds of already-off-the-day holidays flocked to the theater in large numbers.

At the same time, two movies, Alien 4 and Avatar, were released in theaters at the same time. The number of screens for Black Hole Frequency has dropped by 15%. This is inevitable. Because of its good performance, the number of screens for some movies has been cut in half or even cleared.

This time Wu Yuchen, Jeff, Stallone and others are still waiting for the box office results. The Thanksgiving holidays are very important and play a vital role in the total box office.

When the publicity and distribution staff came over with the data files, they knew it would be fine when they saw the smiles on their faces.

The first place at the box office on Wednesday was The Man Who Lived with 11.33 million. The second place was Black Hole Frequency with 10.17 million, and the third place was Alien 4 with 7.42 million!

Yes! Jeff waved with all his strength. Two major productions released, Alien 4 was stepped on by their Black Hole Frequency on the first day!

Wu Yuchen immediately asked: Where is the reputation?

The person in charge of Xuanfa smiled and said:

The survey showed that half of the audience was disappointed with Alien 4, and Alien received good reviews. Of course, the one with the best reputation is our Black Hole Frequency!

Wu Yuchen also smiled when he heard this. From this point of view, Alien 4 is nothing to worry about, and the only one that can compete with them is Flying Magic.

Robin Williams stars in The Legend. His representative work is Dead Poets Society. In 1995, he starred in Jumanji, which is very popular with children. This time The Legend is still a comedy. , he plays some weird science professors who come here for family fun.

Stallone laughed loudly when he heard this, and then said proudly: Guys, they are nothing in front of Stallone!

Stallone said this with full confidence, and the facts proved that he was not unreasonable, because when the theaters saw that the performance of Black Hole Frequency was obviously better than that of Alien 4, they immediately increased the number of screens of Black Hole Frequency , increased than before.

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, also ushered in the day with the largest box office traffic, with Black Hole Frequency 15.5 million, Alien 12.3 million, and Alien 4 5.31 million.

Black Hole Frequency is a movie that has been in theaters for several days. Even with a small number of openings, two new films relied on word-of-mouth to counterattack and become the daily box office champion!

Thanksgiving is a day for family gatherings and reunions of relatives and friends. There is no doubt that Black Hole Frequency, which tells the story of the love between father and son, is the most attractive.

As word of mouth fermented and snowballed, the winner took all in the next three days. Black Hole Frequency had 12.2 million on Friday, 10.05 million on Saturday, and 8.56 million on Sunday. The undisputed winner of the Thanksgiving box office championship!

And now that Black Hole Frequency has been released for ten days, the total box office has reached 12.24 million, successfully exceeding 100 million!

The media directly gave the title:

Stallone punches Frankenstein, stomps on the alien monster, and becomes the Thanksgiving champion!

Black Hole Frequency has won the title for two consecutive weeks, with a production of 30 million and breaking 100 million in 10 days, becoming the biggest dark horse in November!

Stallone is still going strong and is back strong again!

Hollywood's new director Justin Wu creates the dark horse myth!

Although Wu Yuchen had expected this good result, he was extremely happy after hearing that it exceeded 100 million in 10 days. And like the heroine Gretchen, she jumped directly into Wu Yuchen's arms with excitement, hugged him and started chewing. Fortunately, we are all on our own, so no one cares about this in such an exciting situation.

To be honest, the results of Black Hole Frequency are much better than the original version of the previous life. This is naturally caused by many reasons. On the one hand, the movie is several years ahead of schedule. The sooner people are interested in this time-traveling theme, the more interested they are.

Then there is the lineup. I have to admit that with Stallone here, the appeal of this movie has at least risen by one or two levels. Coupled with the vigorous publicity, the effect is not comparable to the original lineup in the previous life.

There is also the schedule. In the previous life, Black Hole Frequency basically had no holiday schedule to speak of, but now it is placed on Thanksgiving, which is the most suitable time for this theme.

These various circumstances directly contributed to the box office success of Black Hole Frequency.

Stallone simply opened the champagne and started spraying it around and in the air. Then he sprayed while patting himself and shouting: This is Stallone! The invincible Stallone!

Even if everyone was sprayed by him, they didn't care, they were all caught up in the carnival.

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