China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 137 The turmoil at the mansion gate

It’s already November before we know it, and the leaves on the trees have turned yellow. The cold air has hit recently, and the temperature in the capital suddenly dropped. Many people on the street had no time to react. Those who were not wearing thick clothes were shivering, exhaling and rubbing their hands.

Wu Yuchen, who owns a car, doesn't have this problem. He hasn't made a movie recently, and his life is quite comfortable. He usually goes to the company to hang out, makes a pot of tea and writes scripts there. When he has nothing to do, he goes to school to check in. Now the teachers at the school turn a blind eye whether he attends class or not, as long as he gets a grade in the end.

Carry Love to the End has been scheduled to be broadcast by CCTV in the middle of this month, and publicity has already started. The form of publicity these days is very simple. In fact, the main thing is to call all the main creative staff of their crew to do an interview. It's a question-and-answer kind of thing, and part of the content will be cut out and broadcast.

However, Wu Yuchen will not be able to see the premiere of Will Love. He has already booked a flight ticket and will fly to the United States in half a month to cooperate with the promotion of Black Hole Frequency. He only paid a little attention to Will Be Loved, and Black Hole Frequency is his first Hollywood film, so obviously this is his focus.

After Wu Yuchen heard the knock on the office door, he called out to come in, and saw Cai Yinong and Kang Honglei coming in together.

When he saw the two of them coming together, they must be on business, so he smiled and asked, What's the matter?

Cai Yinong pointed to the script in Kang Honglei's hand: Director Wu, you haven't been here for the past two days. The company received a good script. Director Kang applauded after reading it, so today we want to ask your opinion.

Oh? Movie or TV series?

TV drama.

Since the success of Wu Yuchen's My Brothers and Sisters, movie scripts have been submitted one after another, and with the popularity of The Passionate Years, naturally, TV drama scripts have also been submitted. But to be honest, the quality was basically worrying. Wu Yuchen took a look at it at first, but later he felt that it was a waste of time, so he just let the people below take a look. If you like something good, come back to him.

Wu Yuchen smiled when he heard this and said: If you can make Director Kang applaud, then I have to take a good look.

Kang Honglei smiled and handed over the thick stack of scripts in his hand. Wu Yuchen glanced at it and said in surprise: So thick? The whole script?

Cai Yinong nodded: Yes, the complete version. Maybe he really wants us to film it sincerely.

Generally, even if a TV series submits a script, they will not hand over the entire script. Instead, they will make a synopsis of the story and then send over a few episodes. If they are interested, the two parties can continue to discuss it in detail. If you send all the scripts, there is a big risk of plagiarism. Don’t have too high expectations for the morality of people in the industry. There are shameless people everywhere.

What's more, this is an era of barbaric growth, and there is nothing the original author can do if he copies it and makes it popular. It is very troublesome to go to court to collect evidence, and it may take several years to get the result, and even if you win the lawsuit, the compensation will be pitifully low.

But now the other party has really sent over the entire script, which is somewhat beyond Wu Yuchen's expectations. Is he really so sincere? Or is it simply trust in him as a great director? This couldn't help but arouse his interest.

Wu Yuchen took the thick stack of scripts and looked at the cover. His heart was shocked when he saw it read: Mansion Gate.

He quickly opened it, Bai Family, Baicao Hall, Bai Jingqi...

It was unmistakable, it was the Mansion Gate in his impression!

No wonder Kang Honglei applauded, after all, this is a mansion, an absolute classic!

But Wu Yuchen was surprised and surprised. How could The Mansion Gate be sent to their company?

Was it sent by Guo Baochang? But that shouldn't be the case. If Guo Baochang was sent to him, he should have contacted him through an acquaintance. Why did he invest directly in the company without even saying hello to him?

Many people have never heard of Guo Baochang. He is a 59-level director of Beijing Film Academy. He is a very experienced director and the original author of The Mansion Gate. He is relatively low-key, but he has quite a status in the industry. With Chen Kai The fifth-generation directors headed by Ge and Zhang Yimou were all trained by him.

Audiences who have watched The Mansion Gate in the past life can see a lot of big names making cameos in it, such as Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Wen, Li Xuejian, Ning Jing, He Qun, etc. Just these people came to guest appearance. You can't buy it with money.

Therefore, Wu Yuchen felt that even if Guo Baochang wanted to seek investment from him, he should contact him through Jingying.

Wu Yuchen immediately asked Cai Yinong: Who sent this script? What's going on?

Cai Yinong saw Wu Yuchen's expression was different and explained:

It's a film and television company. They said they watched our Years of Passion and thought it was very good. They would like to work with us, Miracle Films, to co-produce Mansion Gate. I would also like to ask Director Wu to appear in person or be the producer. .

Wu Yuchen frowned immediately after hearing this.

Something is wrong, something is too wrong. Ask him to be the director or producer?

As far as he knew, The Mansion Gate was Guo Baochang's lifelong effort, but why did Cai Yinong not mention Guo Baochang's name throughout the whole process? It is definitely impossible for Guo Baochang to let anyone else take pictures of the mansion, not even Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou!

Director Wu, is there something wrong with this book? Kang Honglei couldn't help but ask.

Wu Yuchen nodded, then said what he was thinking, and then said:

I have to inquire about this book. There should be something in it.

Kang Honglei nodded after hearing this. He was very happy when he saw the script and wanted to film it. Although I am a little disappointed now, I understand after knowing that this is the hard work of the old man's life.

After he and Cai Yinong exited, Wu Yuchen thought for a while and directly dialed the number of his class teacher Xie Xiaojing:

Hey, Wu Yuchen, are you asking for leave again?

Xie Xiaojing's words on the other side of the phone choked Wu Yuchen.

Uh, Teacher Xie, haven't I told you this? I'm going to the United States in half a month. I'm your student. Can't I talk to you to communicate my feelings when I'm fine?

Xie Xiaojing smiled and said: I'm not a woman, why are you calling me to communicate your feelings? Okay, just tell me what you have to say.

He had long stopped treating Wu Yuchen as a student, and the two of them usually talked very casually.

Wu Yuchen stopped beating around the bush and said directly:


Xie Xiaojing, who was on the other side of the phone, immediately asked:

Are you looking for Mr. Bao? Has anyone contacted you? Is it about The Mansion Gate?

When Wu Yuchen heard this, he thought to himself, and sure enough, there was obviously something wrong with Xie Xiaojing's words.

Yes, Teacher Xie, how did you know? I saw the script of The Mansion at the company today, and it was the complete version! It was said that a film and television company wanted me to co-shoot...

These grandsons! Wu Yuchen, please don't answer this! It's not clear on the phone. Since it involves you, you should come to my place as soon as possible.

Okay, thank you teacher, I'll be here right away.

Wu Yuchen hung up the phone and immediately drove back to Jingying. As soon as he arrived at Xie Xiaojing's office, he saw that Tian Zhuangzhuang was also there.

When Tian Zhuangzhuang saw Wu Yuchen coming, he said: Wu Yuchen, since I have found your head, you can come with us. We will take you to visit Mr. Bao. I will tell you what happened on the way.

Before the engine of Wu Yuchen's car cooled down, he took Xie Xiaojing and Tian Zhuangzhuang to a hospital again. On the way, the two also told Wu Yuchen the whole story.

After Guo Baochang created The Mansion Gate, he finally found a film and television company willing to invest and roped in Chen Baoguo to film it. In the end, only two episodes were filmed, so the investor went directly to Guo Baochang and said bluntly that there was no need to film anymore. He also pointed out the loopholes in the contract and demanded that Guo Baochang compensate for more than 3 million yuan in liquidated damages.

It turned out that this company was interested in the script of The Mansion and Chen Baoguo, but it didn't want Guo Baochang to be the director at all, so it was tampered with in the contract from the beginning.

Guo Baochang was furious after hearing this. He clearly wrote the script himself, so why couldn't he participate in the filming and instead he had to pay liquidated damages? Is this justified?

But he was so angry that he fell ill and went to the hospital.

Wu Yuchen also frowned when he heard this. He knew that there were all kinds of chaos in the entertainment industry in the 1990s, but it was rare to see someone with such an ugly appearance. If you hacked someone else's script, they'll pay you 3 million!

How has any veteran director of Guo Baochang's generation ever encountered such a thing? Naturally, he was not prepared at all and was immediately hit.

Wu Yuchen couldn't help but ask: What's going on with the crew of Mansion Gate now?

Tian Zhuangzhuang said: Chen Baoguo was so righteous that he immediately stopped filming. He told the investors that as long as Mr. Bao was not the director, he would never film it.

They have now sent scripts to several directors. Zhang Yimou also received it. He also called us quickly to ask what happened. Only then did we all know that Master Bao had encountered such a thing! Xie Xiaojing sighed. .

Soon, several people arrived at the hospital. After arriving at a ward, Wu Yuchen found that many people were already standing in the ward.

Zhang Yimou and Jiang Wen both came, and even Chen Kaige, who was filming Assassination of Qin, put down what he was doing and rushed over!

Wu Yuchen couldn't help but sigh, the influence of Guo Baochang is really awesome!

In the more than two years since his rebirth, this was the first time he saw several major directors of these Chinese films gathered together, and now they were still crowded in such a small ward, standing quietly.

At this time, Guo Baochang on the hospital bed was pulling Chen Baoguo beside him and said sadly:

Baoguo, I can't help you! Now you can't even film the movie!

Chen Baoguo held Guo Baochang's hand tightly: Master Bao, what are you talking about? Even if I stopped filming for five or ten years and sold my house, I still wouldn't be able to act for these grandsons!

The investors originally wanted to force Chen Baoguo to continue filming, but Chen Baoguo refused to comply. However, the contract signed by the two parties stipulated that Chen Baoguo was not allowed to film other scenes during the filming of The Mansion Gate, otherwise he would have to pay liquidated damages. In other words, now that Mansion Gate is delayed for one day, Chen Baoguo cannot take on other dramas for one day, which is equivalent to cutting off his source of income.

Baoguo, well done! Tian Zhuangzhuang shouted directly after hearing this.

After saying that, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Xie Xiaojing and Wu Yuchen walked to the hospital bed: Master Bao, we are here to see you.

Xie Xiaojing introduced to Guo Baochang: Master Bao, this is my student Wu Yuchen. I will take him to see you.

Wu Yuchen also immediately greeted Guo Baochang respectfully.

Guo Baochang had naturally heard of Wu Yuchen's name, so he forced a smile:

Hello Xiao Wu, I've seen your movie. We have a successor at Beijing Film Academy! Xiaojing, you and Zhuang Zhuang filmed Red Elephant together. I was shocked after watching it. Now you can still be in the school By cultivating such good students, our Chinese film industry will become better and better in the future!

Master Bao, take good care of your health and everything will get better. Tian Zhuangzhuang said comfortingly.

Guo Baochang nodded first, then shook his head, and said with a sad expression:

I wrote the first draft of The Mansion Gate when I was 16 years old. At that time, I hated my origin and made my father a complete exploiter. My mother scolded me and burned my manuscript.

After entering film school, I wrote Mansion Gate for the second time, but something unexpected happened and I had to hand in the manuscript.

Later, I was labeled and underwent labor reform. While I was on the farm, the past events would wake me up from my dreams in the middle of the night. I knew that The Mansion Gate was not just a creation, but my mission. I secretly recorded it in There were pieces of idle paper. Unfortunately, when the inspection came later, I had no choice but to burn them with my own hands.

After those years passed, everything got better. After I got married and started a career, I started writing The Mansion Gate again, but it's a pity...

He didn't say any more, but people who knew him well knew that this time he and his ex-wife divorced, and her ex-wife burned his Mansion Gate in anger.

Guo Baochang was choked up when he said this:

I know that because of my attitude towards my father when I was young, my mother will still hate me until her death, and it also makes me regret it for the rest of my life. I have to kneel down and repent every year, but I still want to record their stories and their lives. !

I don’t know, what’s going on in the world now? Or is this really a punishment from God, a punishment from my mother? Is it destined that I will never be able to film Mansion Gate in this life? !

After he finished speaking, Guo Baochang couldn't help but started crying again. This scene was really sad for those who heard it, and shed tears for those who saw it. No one present could speak, and they felt very uncomfortable.

Guo Baochang spent half his life creating The Gate of the Mansion, not once or twice, but five times!

But we have gone through ups and downs every time, and now this fifth time has ended up like this. We are all traveling together, who can not feel compassion?

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