42 million in two weeks.

Hearing the number 42 million, Wang Zuxian couldn't sit still. Because the highest box office of her previous movie was 36 million in God of Gamblers, which had already set a box office record in Hong Kong that year.

The filming of My Brothers and Sisters was just a whim to kill time after not filming for a long time. Unexpectedly, it has already won 42 million at the box office!

At the same time, Wang Zuxian immediately made an estimate in his mind. Judging from the experience on Hong Kong Island, the box office in the first two weeks will generally account for 60%-70% of the total box office. Even if calculated at 70%, the total box office of My Brothers and Sisters will be The box office can also reach 60 million.

This figure was completely beyond Wang Zuxian's expectations, and it was much higher than the 36 million she originally paid for God of Gamblers!

Why is it so high?

Wang Zuxian asked in surprise. To be honest, she hasn't watched this movie since it was made, and she thought to herself, is it really so good?

Haha, Sister Xiaoxian, you are the Queen of Asia! You have many fans, so you have to have some confidence in yourself~ Wu Yuchen said with a smile.

Although he knew that the other party was saying good things, Wang Zuxian still felt happy after hearing this.

Then Wu Yuchen said: Sister Xiaoxian, Director Han and I called and discussed it before. When the accounts are divided, your salary will be replenished to you!

When Wang Zuxian came to participate in My Brothers and Sisters, he only received 500,000, and he lowered his salary.

Upon hearing this, Wang Zuxian smiled and said to the phone: No need, we have already agreed before~

Of course! Otherwise we won't be able to ask for your cooperation in the future.

Wu Yuchen was speaking from his heart. Including Han Sanping also had the same attitude. After all, he saw that Wang Zuxian had such box office appeal, so naturally he wanted to cooperate with her in the future. Compared with such a high box office, what is a mere one or two million salary?

Wang Zuxian couldn't help but have a great impression of mainland studios such as Wu Yuchen and Beijing Film Studio. It is important to know that such people who have paid for the film rarely make up for it afterwards. Not to mention the remuneration, she has been owed her remuneration for several movies she made and she still refuses to come back. Can you still reason with the Hong Kong Island Wanwan association?

During the filming of Green Snake, her salary was also reduced to such a low level that she didn't even want to film it. It was Mr. Xu who persuaded her to come back.

Wang Zuxian felt a little embarrassed when he thought that she didn't even go out for publicity:

Then do you want me to go on a promotional tour now?

Sister Xiaoxian, it would be best if you are willing to come. We welcome you with both hands!

Wang Zuxian, who was in a good mood, thought of another thing and couldn't help but smile and said:

Director Wu, you said at the beginning that if the box office exceeds 50 million, I will be your heroine for free. You won't forget it, right?

Sister Xiaoxian, are you still so happy working for free?

I'm also willing to work for free. You don't want to deny it, do you? Wang Zuxian said playfully.

How is it possible? No one can refuse Wang Zuxian who doesn't want money! But I am currently filming a movie. When I am free, I will tailor a movie for you.

Then just wait for your good news, Director Wu!

Wu Yuchen smiled after hanging up the phone.

He looked at the newspaper in his hand again:

My Brothers and Sisters exceeded 40 million in two weeks, Wang Zuxian's tear gas detonated the summer vacation!

The great director Wu Yuchen and Wang Zuxian's family-friendly masterpiece moved China!

My Brothers and Sisters is a tribute to the return of Hong Kong Island and triggers a wave of movie viewing!

With a box office of 42 million in two weeks, in today's weak film market, it naturally attracted the attention of the entire industry and attracted many spontaneous reports and praises from the media.

To be honest, Wu Yuchen himself was a little surprised when he heard about the box office of My Brothers and Sisters. According to his expectation, it was possible to break 30 million in two weeks, but reaching 42 million was still a bit beyond his expectations.

It can only be said that the publicity Wang Zuxian is looking for a relative must have played a big role in attracting a group of passers-by into the cinema.

As for the total box office of My Brothers and Sisters...

Hollywood and Hong Kong, which have relatively mature commercial film markets, have indeed followed the pattern of accounting for more than 60-70% of the total box office in the first two weeks.

However, China's current film market is not very mature. The current two-week box office is basically all obtained in second-tier provincial capital cities, and these copies have to be distributed further.

In fact, there are many non-provincial capital cities in the South that are not bad economically. Although it will be affected by piracy when the copies are over, now that My Brothers and Sisters has gained momentum, it will naturally attract many people to the cinema.

And in the current movie screening market, the more box-office-busting movies like My Brothers and Sisters are, the longer they can stay in theaters, at least for more than half a year.

Wu Yuchen estimated that 60 million would definitely be no problem, and 70 million was also possible. Going above that would be difficult. This result is already very good. At least I will be in the top five at the end of the year, and I have high hopes of being in the top three.

As for winning the year-end championship, that's hard to say. This year's top box office ranking in the Mainland is still a foreign language film, Jurassic Park 2 with 72 million.

Following closely behind in second place was The Opium War by great director Xie Jin. It is said that the investment in this movie exceeded 100 million. The reason for such a high box office was the result of a group tour organized by many units. Later, some people said that the biggest beneficiary of this movie was Hengdian. Cinema, after all, the crew spent a lot of money on setting up the scenes, so it was naturally cheaper in Hengdian. In fact, Xie Jin's story-telling ability is still very good, but many of his shooting techniques and concepts really cannot keep up with the times. This is how a generation of famous directors comes to an end!

Of course, the newspapers did not praise Wu Yuchen one-sidedly, and there were also many people who criticized him.

The general idea is that he, the best director in Berlin, should not make a film like My Brothers and Sisters that is sensational for the sake of sensationalism, deliberately weakening the storyline and focusing only on emotional exaggeration. This approach will undoubtedly lose his status and lose the title of best director in Berlin. Face!

Wu Yuchen had anticipated this situation for a long time. Think about it, Lao Mouzi's Hero broke the domestic box office record after its release, but what happened was a group of literati led by the whole country to condemn it, tsk tsk tsk!

What stories are false, protracted, flashy, spiritually hollow, and flattering...

If you want to say whether Heroes has shortcomings, then there are definitely some, but they are not as serious as what was said at the time.

Nowadays, these people just like literary movies. You have to pursue elegant art to be praised by these people. Once you make something market-oriented, they will call you vulgar, low-key, and disgraceful for bowing to business.

To be honest, Wu Yuchen admitted that he made My Brothers and Sisters as a carefully planned sensational commercial film for the box office. If these people had always maintained the same standard, he would have admitted it.

However, he turned to several other reports.

Wu Baige's Face has a box office of over 100 million and conquered the United States! The number one Chinese director deserves the title!

Face is indeed a good film, but you guys have never even watched it. It also has a high box office. Why don't you say that Wu Baige has bowed to business?

To put it bluntly, they are really a group of double-standard dogs who have mastered public opinion. They should be scolded if they make commercial films with high box office in China, but they should be applauded if they make high box office in the United States!

We are in such a strange era now. All kinds of literati and poets are holding domestic jobs and looking at the moon abroad. In their eyes, those with a touch of foreign style must be superior to others. Worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners is sober and politically correct. If you don't worship foreigners and favor foreigners, you won't be able to survive.

This is the general trend, and it will continue for at least ten years. This is one of the reasons why Wu Yuchen went to Hollywood so hard, to use his achievements in conquering foreign adults to silence these bitches.

Wu Yuchen shook his head and no longer thought about these troublesome things. To say that whether it is Wu Yuchen, Wang Zuxian, or Wu Baige who conquered the United States, at best they are active in the entertainment section.

The real big event during this period is the return of Hong Kong Island!

Although Wu Yuchen was filming in the countryside with his crew at the time, he also saw the whole process of his return through a broken TV. It was a historic moment!

I have to say that the fact that My Brothers and Sisters can attract so many viewers is also related to the return of Hong Kong Island. On the occasion of the return of Hong Kong Island, Wang Zuxian, a Hong Kong star, returned to the mainland to find relatives, with a happy and touching ending. This naturally fits the theme of the return of Hong Kong Island!

The big things in the outside world are big things. Of course, Wu Yuchen's main energy at the moment is still devoted to the filming of the If Love Is God's Will crew.

On campus, Wu Yuchen was talking about a play with Liu Ye:

Your posture should be lowered. When you met her in the countryside before, there was no restraint and we could interact as equals. That was the fearlessness of the ignorant.

But now that you are back at school, you know the gap between you and her in all aspects, so you must lower your posture in front of her now. Imagine that you can't get her and can't look at her. This is the correct state!

Ka! No, Liu Ye, your eyes should be full of torment and bitterness now, because not only is your family far different from hers, but she also has a family-made engagement with your best friend, which makes her You have suffered so much in your heart that you don't know if you still have the courage to go on with her.

Eyes, expression, body state, suffering, bitterness, hesitation, do you understand?

Ka! Liu Ye, don't move your eyes and pupils. Now you are blind. You are blind!

When speaking lines or making expressions, keep your pupils staring straight ahead and don't move!

Ka! It still doesn't work. You're wrong. Have you watched Scent of a Woman that I asked you to watch before? Think about how Al Pacino performed!

Ka! Start again!

Now Wu Yuchen is filming one of the famous scenes in the movie, which can also be said to be the most touching scene. After Liu Ye came back from the battlefield, he was actually blind and rehearsed in a coffee shop in advance in order to dissuade Jiang Qinqin who was waiting for him. How many times have I pretended that everything was fine and that I was married, but in the end I was discovered by the heroine because of the naughty child's destruction.

This should be regarded as the most tearful and emotional scene in the whole show.

In fact, Liu Ye has been acting for so long and has already entered the role. However, Wu Yuchen performed this scene very carefully and the requirements were very strict. The scene just now has been shot dozens of times. Liu Ye naturally didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only keep improving himself.

At this moment, Wu Yuchen couldn't help but compare it with his previous directorship in Black Hole Frequency. It's still great to be a director in China!

If he had dared to yell at Stallone like that and ask him to shoot dozens of times in a row, he would have given up his choice long ago, and the final outcome would probably be that he, as a director, would be sidelined.

Ka! Liu Ye, there is a gradual process of micro-expression!

After she exposed the fact that you were blind, your expression solidified from a fake smile, disappeared and then turned into panic, but you can't be too panicked at once. You have to try your best to control your panic expression to cover up your inner panic, because You don't want to lose your balance in front of her, and you don't want her to worry about you anymore.

No, you're moving in the wrong direction. Look, you turned around first and tripped on the chair leg, changing your direction. Then you knocked over another coffee table and chair and fell to the ground!

Ka! If you fall down badly enough, get up and try again!

Ka! Do you know how embarrassed you are? He looks as embarrassed as a dog!

On the sidelines, Chen Minghao, who had finished his work, took advantage of the break to pass a bottle of water to Liu Ye, but Liu Ye shook his head and pushed it away.

Chen Minghao originally wanted to comfort Liu Ye, but seeing that he was panting and already in a trance at this moment, he did not dare to disturb him.

Chen Minghao felt that when he was filming before, Wu Yuchen didn't seem to be as strict about Liu Ye's performance frame by frame as he is now. It was too strict. He felt that he might collapse if this happened to him, and just watching from the sidelines felt tremendous pressure.

Chen Minghao didn't know if this movie would be successful, but at least he was sure that Liu Ye's acting skills would definitely improve tremendously after this filming. When I return to class later, I will definitely shock the classmates.

Wu Yuchen also had to admit that Liu Ye spent the most time on this filming. Jiang Qinqin was well prepared and had more acting experience than Liu Ye. However, Liu Ye, who just played the male lead in his freshman year, was obviously Wu Yuchen needs extra encouragement.

But fortunately, Liu Ye is a good young talent with great potential, and he was able to present the picture he wanted in the end. Wu Yuchen spent so much energy in vain.

On the other side, Wu Yanzu couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he looked at Wu Yuchen who had such strict requirements on Liu Ye. You must know that Liu Ye's scene will be filmed soon, and it will be his turn soon.

After working hard every day during this period, his Mandarin level has improved a lot. At least he knows the lines by heart. He has someone to review his lines every day, and he has the teacher correct the tone of each sentence.

But he asked himself that he had no acting skills. Liu Ye, a film school graduate, had been treated like this. So what would be waiting for him then?

However, what worried Wu Yanzu didn't happen. Wu Yuchen's attitude towards him was completely different from that towards Liu Ye. He basically didn't show any concern and often comforted him. Although he failed many times on the first day of being on camera, he never showed a fierce look towards him, which made Wu Yanzu feel a lot less stressed.

Wu Yuchen naturally has his reasons for treating Liu Ye and Wu Yanzu differently. After all, Liu Ye has experienced a year of training at Yangxi Opera. He has withstood the pressure of being expelled and can withstand pressure. Therefore, his strict attitude can better stimulate his potential.

But Wu Yanzu is different. He is a newcomer who has never been exposed to acting. Of course, he mainly focuses on guidance. And his character doesn't have a lot of depression like Liu Ye. He just wants him to show his relaxed and cheerful side, and it would be unsightly to scold him often.

To be honest, his character's role is much less difficult than that of Liu Ye. He really just needs to play his true character, which is the love between a modern campus handsome boy and a girl. This is also the reason why Wu Yuchen dared to let Wu Yanzu, a newcomer, play the role.

Jiang Qinqin, on the other hand, received a lot of criticism from Wu Yuchen this time. She previously played the role of mother with Liu Ye, but now she plays the role of daughter with Wu Yanzu, and she is required to show a more lively and cute character. one side.

Although Jiang Qinqin was prepared before, she still couldn't change her role from mother to daughter for a while. After all, people's emotions cannot be completely controlled by themselves.

However, this time the shooting time was sufficient. It happened that Wu Yanzu also needed a few days to adapt after taking the photo. This gave Jiang Qinqin time to adjust, and she almost got into a rhythm while filming.

In more than two months, If Love Has God's Will was completed!

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