China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 106 Are all genius directors such monsters?

God! This is the best movie I've seen this year. I'm going to choke on it!

How could this movie be shot like this?! It's completely different from those previous movies! It actually looked like a game. Reload the file! I mean, it's so cool!

I love this director so much! I don't know how to describe it, but I have never seen a movie like this. Not only the boldly inserted animations, but also the actors in the movie are introduced as if they are showing the characters in the game, it's It’s like a real shot of a game that exists in a four-dimensional space!”

My hormones were full from the beginning of the movie. I was nervous from beginning to end. I felt like I was running passionately with Laura! The sense of immersion was so strong and exciting!

Don't you think the theme expressed in this movie is more attractive? Just Laura's misaligned behavior has triggered several changes. Think about the choices everyone in this world makes every moment, How much of a butterfly effect is there?”

Yes, do you still remember Eliot's poem quoted at the beginning? 'The end of exploration will be its beginning'. It is simply wonderful to put it in this movie and re-read it!

I remembered that the prominent people in the crowd at the beginning were all people influenced by Laura! And that animation, it is undoubtedly a time and space tunnel!

At this time, the audience in the theater could no longer suppress their excitement and began to have heated discussions with the people around them.

Especially for those young people, this movie is simply in line with the taste of the new generation who grew up in the audio-visual generation. They are anti-traditional and anti-prude, pursuing personalization and stream of consciousness, but they are not literature and art for the sake of literature and art, and they are not in line with those traditional films. The literary films are completely different!

Please welcome the creative team of Run Lola Run!

Hearing the sound on the stage, these excited fans came back to their senses. Seeing Wu Yuchen standing in the center of the stage with the leading actor and actress, they immediately burst into warm applause and cheers.

Wu Yuchen welcomed everyone's enthusiastic response and bowed to express his thanks together with the male and female protagonists. At the same time, he also felt that this multi-faceted publicity method was indeed effective. Basically, the first premiere was almost full, which was better than last year's Car 44 too much.

After the thank yous, it was soon time for the on-site communication session.

Dear Lola, I love you so much, you make me cum the entire time!

Li Xiaoran was very happy after hearing the translated words and thanked him in simple words.

The girl who was called up was very excited, and she said excitedly:

This movie is really crazy! I mean, it not only makes me crazy about it, but it is so different! Every moment I watch the movie, I am amazed that the movie can be like this. Shoot! Director Wu, how did you shoot Lola Run?

Wu Yuchen on the stage smiled after hearing this, took the microphone and said:

Thank you for your love! I am personally interested in the concept of time travel. I have filmed a movie on this subject before, The Night the Comet Came, and some people may have seen it.

And when I was waiting for the game to load while playing a game, I was thinking about what would happen if we had the ability to reload the game? This is where the original inspiration came from!

This aroused the applause of many young people below. After all, many of them have played video games, and some have even had the same idea of ​​reloading their lives.

Mr. Director, this movie is really great. It changed my perspective on the world. I want to ask if we are really like Lola in the movie. It is just a few seconds different, or even if we watch a few more Can one glance have such a big impact on her future destiny?

The second person to get up was a gentle boy wearing glasses.

Wu Yuchen thought for a moment and said: I can't tell you the exact answer. Why did you want to come to see our movie?

I was attracted by the content of your flyer. The boy replied honestly.

Then let's make an assumption. If you were 3 seconds late when passing by our staff handing out flyers, he might have found another person. Then you might not have watched our movie at all. So what do you think? Will the consequences affect your future?

After hearing this, the boy thought silently. It seems that a few seconds do have an impact.

Wu Yuchen smiled again and said: We can make further assumptions. Maybe you met a girl in the theater because you watched a movie today, and she will be your wife in the future.

The boy opened his mouth, ah, that's a huge impact, it's equivalent to changing his life's destiny!

Then Wu Yuchen continued: We can be even crazier. Maybe the child of you and your wife will be a genius that surpasses Einstein. He will have a major impact on the entire human process and the development of civilization in the future.

The boy's eyes widened and he shouted in his heart, Oh my god, did it affect the entire human civilization in a few seconds? !

Seeing that Wu Yuchen seemed to want to continue talking, the boy quickly said: Mr. Director, that's enough. I think I'm not that important yet! What you said is too accidental!

Of course, so that's just a hypothesis. But even if it is a small accident, when it happens, it is inevitable, isn't it? Wu Yuchen smiled and shrugged.

The boy sat down in a daze after hearing this. Are a few seconds so important?

At the same time, the audience below also listened thoughtfully. Many people were completely immersed in the excitement of the movie before and did not think so much, but now they discovered that this movie also has profound connotations. Now when I think back to the very beginning of the poem, I feel that it is so powerful!

A boy who was called out from behind immediately asked: Mr. Director, I would like to ask about Laura's scream. Is it a tribute to the protagonist Oscar in The Tin Drum?

The Tin Drum is a classic German film that won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and the Palme d'Or. Its protagonist has a special ability and can shatter glass when he screams.

Wu Yuchen smiled and said: Yes, you saw through it~

“Does this represent dissatisfaction and accusation against the surrounding society and the world?”

Wu Yuchen gave a Tai Chi-style answer: It depends on how you understand it.

At this time, the female reporter Hannah was clicked and asked Wu Yuchen: Mr. Director, why did you make the protagonist a female?

Wu Yuchen asked: Why can't it be a woman?

Hannah smiled after hearing this and asked further: Then do you support the women's equal rights movement?

Wu Yuchen smiled slightly: I support equality between men and women, enjoying the same rights and fulfilling the same obligations.

These words fell in Hannah's ears, that is, Wu Yuchen expressed his support for their women's rights movement. After all, the slogan of women's rights now is the pursuit of equality between men and women.

At this time, the staff pointed out an older man again. He stood up and said:

Director Wu, I like the theme you expressed very much. It has profound philosophical meaning.

But Mr. Director, don’t you think that if you add animation, MTV and game-like things into the movie, it will look nondescript?

Wu Yuchen looked at the old man and understood what he meant. In the traditional concept, movies are art, while cartoons, animations, MTV, and games are all vulgar things that cannot be compared with movies. Obviously, the old man in front of me should be a holder of this idea. wholesale.

However, Wu Yuchen was mentally prepared for this. His film was originally a avant-garde film. Although it was groundbreaking, it would also be questioned a lot. He smiled and said:

Sir, as you can see, I am only 20 years old. Like many viewers here, we are a generation that grew up drinking Coke, watching cartoons and MTV, and playing video games. I call it the audio-visual generation.

I appreciate traditional movies, but using games as a story structure, animations to participate in the narrative, and MV-style editing are added. As long as they are used well, they can all become powerful tools for movies!

well said!

“‘Run Lola Run’ is great!”

Before the old man could speak, a group of young people below heard Wu Yuchen's answer and immediately gave him warm applause and cheers. These elements are all part of their growth. They have always been looked down upon by their elders or authorities in the past, but the director in front of them said it was too cool. Why can't these elements be used to make a movie, and it is worse than the so-called tradition?

Seeing that Wu Yuchen's answer had won the support of so many people, the old man didn't refute anything. He just remembered the audio-visual generation he just mentioned in his heart, and at the same time he also had the idea that the times were about to change.

The female reporter Hannah listened thoughtfully to Wu Yuchen's speech, and at the same time quickly wrote down words such as pioneer and rebellion in her notebook.

Director, I like this movie very much! But I think in the real world, we don't have the ability to read files like Laura... A girl said after getting up.

Wu Yuchen thought for a moment, then smiled again and replied:

Yes, maybe you can't have the opportunity to read files like Laura. The world is constantly changing and destiny cannot be controlled by individuals, but you can keep running like Laura!

There is no doubt that this is also one of the themes of the movie, inspiring people to forge ahead.

Amid applause, female reporter Hannah once again wrote the words Female Forrest Gump in her notebook.

After Wu Yuchen sent away the audience at the first show, he specifically approached the female reporter Hannah. This was one of the reporters he had gone to before. If one of them could come, he would be lucky.

He smiled and said: Miss Hannah, I'm glad you came to see our Run Lola Run!

Hannah shook hands with him and said: It is my job to follow the Berlin Film Festival, and I think it is a worthwhile trip~

Seeing that she had a good attitude, Wu Yuchen thought that she must have a good opinion of the movie, so he asked:

Miss Hannah, can you say something nice about our movie?

Hannah smiled: I like Laura very much, if there is a chance~

Wu Yuchen nodded with a smile, and then watched Hannah go away. To be honest, he didn't know if this reporter would be effective. Even if she had a good impression, she might not have the right to publish an article, and it would still depend on the editor's opinion.

However, he has already done what he needs to do. The premiere of this screening has been very successful. The audience is very enthusiastic. Most of them received positive reviews after watching the movie. Especially the young people are very excited. Many people said that they will definitely bring it to the show. I watched it a second time with my friends.

The German Film Academy is located in Berlin and was founded in 1966. It is the most famous film university in the country, and February is when German universities are on spring break.

Cross knocked on the desk: Gentlemen and ladies, I know you all can't wait to rush out of the classroom and have fun, but before that, I have an extra holiday homework.

After hearing this, the students below all stared at the old man on the podium. They just wanted to quickly write down the homework he said and start enjoying their vacation.

There is a film called Run Lola Run currently being screened at the Berlin Film Festival. After watching it, I will write an analysis of its audiovisual language. I think this will bring you a lot.

After Cross finished speaking, he wrote the name of the movie on the blackboard before announcing the end of get out of class.

If Wu Yuchen were here, he would recognize Cross as the little old man who asked him yesterday.

Mueller held his head and asked his good friend: Hey, Royce, how about we go to the film festival together later?

Can't you do it tomorrow? I want to have a good rest today. Royce asked.

Muller shrugged: My girlfriend and I have made an appointment to go to Spain and Portugal for a two-week vacation tomorrow. I can only do this vacation homework today.

Royce heard this and showed his jealousy towards the rich second generation: Damn it!

Mueller laughed, hugged his friend and said, I'll treat you to dinner after watching it. It would be interesting to discuss the film analysis together!

An hour later, the two came to the screening hall. Looking at several different posters at the door, Muller said: It's a Chinese movie, but the style looks very different!

Royce also nodded: It has a completely different style from movies such as Farewell My Concubine and Red Sorghum. But since Mr. Cross has specially left homework for it, it must be unique.

After saying that, the two bought tickets and entered the theater. They found that there were so many people. If they had come later, they might not be able to buy tickets. Most of them were young people, and some of them even said very exciting things to their friends. .

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but look at each other. Would Mr. Cross like this so-called very exciting movie? This made them all curious, and they sat down and waited patiently for the upcoming movie.

An hour and a half later, after the film ended, Mueller opened his mouth and said, Unbelievable!

Royce also nodded blankly: Mueller, just about Lola Running, do you know how many methods this director used to shoot?

Front, side, looking up, looking down, bird's eye view, close-up, close shot, medium shot, long shot, moving shot, stationary shot, slow motion shot, jump cut shot, overlapping shot, placed in the foreground, placed in the background , shot with real people, shot with animation...

I can’t fucking count, and he will combine these methods to create brand new combinations!

I bet all the running shots in the movie can be found in this movie with the same composition!

No, it's not just running! I dare say that as long as you can understand the various shooting, composition, and editing techniques of Run Lola Run, you will be able to make a career! The other ten movies are not as good as It’s more than one!”

Is this why Mr. Cross asked us to watch this movie? If I hadn't just watched this movie, I would have really thought that the director was showing off his skills!

Show off your skills?! No, no, no, Run Lola Run is a great pioneering and innovative movie! I can't help but worship it! Royce showed excited eyes and even felt his whole body trembling.

Unlike ordinary viewers who are just excited after watching it, only those who understand film shooting will realize how powerful this director's shooting and various techniques are!

There are a lot of scenes of Lola running in Run Lola Run. If it were shot by an ordinary director, this kind of repeated running would have long made the audience feel tired. However, every run of Lola in this movie is novel and interesting. active!

And it can be seen that the director is not just trying to show off his skills, but he really uses all kinds of techniques at his fingertips and makes the best use of them. The new editing and the new story structure bring people a new sense. At the same time, the movie also has a profound concept. And the profound connotation not only arouses strong resonance among people, but is also very thought-provoking. Isn’t this awesome enough? !

When the young director Wu Yuchen came on stage to thank him, the two of them stared at him with eyes wide open and looked at him in disbelief. The director of this movie was even younger than the two of them!

Fuck! What a fucking talent!

Are all genius directors such monsters? My dream of directing was deeply affected!

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