EP14. To Calderon (6)

Elsa, who was idly appreciating the scenery outside her wagon, turned her head to look at the seat across from her.

Seeing that figure of her, she smiled without knowing herself.

The scene of a man and a woman falling asleep leaning on each other’s shoulders and heads was like a work of art depicting first love on canvas.

“Not bad.”

Muttering quietly to herself, Elsa admired the two of them for a while.

Not too long ago, Levi tipped off that she was actually hiding her real face with her magic. She then recalled her true self, which she had shown her.

Even thinking about it now, it was absurd. She is more than any woman she has ever seen, even when she sees a statue containing the soul of a master or a masterpiece praised as a masterpiece.

I was worse than a girl whose only glimpses were under the dim light of the moonlight.

After that, Levi revealed her true self to Elsa. It’s probably a kind of expression that I’ve let my guard down and completely opened my heart to myself.

The expression is strange, but since then, Elsa has developed a hobby of appreciating Levi.

As if in admiration at her god-formed art, she looked and looked and continued to marvel.

Is it a hobby that is like a sweet rain to get rid of the boring carriage life that takes more than 3 weeks?

If you keep looking at Levy like that, she naturally learns the little details that she would have missed originally.

Things like the fact that Levy’s eyes are always on the boy next to her.

As she did so, she came to a realization.

The fact that it is Sean who completes the beauty of a girl named Levi.

Every time I look at Sean, she smiles happily and her expression lights up. The more so, Levi’s beauty blooms.

Perhaps without Sean by her side?

No matter how beautiful a flower is, if there is no sunlight, it will wither and die.

The same goes for Levy. She could be so beautiful because she had her own sun right next to her.


“Get up soon. It’s not long before we arrive.”

At Elsa’s awakening, Shawn and Levy woke up rubbing their eyes. Looking at Levy, yawning with her mouth open, unable to overcome her drowsiness, and Sean, who was still looking out of the wagon, they both seemed to be on the weak side of the morning.

Sean stretched out and drove off sleep and asked Elsa, who looked fine.

“Didn’t Elsa sleep?”

“Sleep, of course I asked. It seems to me that you guys are too sleepy.”


Looking at Levi’s shy smile, Elsa smiled a little.

“We will arrive at Leboram in a little while.”

“Finally, this damn wagon is getting out of the way.”

“Of course, it’s still a long way to Calderon.”

“Ugh… How wide the kingdom is…!”

Shaun’s grumbling wasn’t exactly wrong. The kingdom was definitely on the large side compared to many countries on the continent.

However, compared to the Empire, even such a kingdom is nothing but new blood.

Levy and Sean shook off their sleep and began preparing for their arrival at Leboram soon.

From noble mtl dot com.

A little time passed, and as Elsa said, the scenery of the city slowly came into view.

The coachman sitting in the front also spoke to the inside of the carriage.

“We will arrive at Leboram soon!”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

Soon the carriage stopped at the entrance to the city. The scenery of the city I hadn’t seen in a long time was spread out in front of me.

“Let’s go and eat first!”

“Yes. And I want to find a place to stay and get a good night’s sleep in a bed…”

As expected, camping once in a while was not enough, so it was an overflowing existence. How much my body aches and longs for civilization to continue such a camp for more than three weeks. Shawn and Levy were anxious to get into the city as quickly as possible.

The three got off the carriage and exchanged greetings with the coachman.

“I had a lot of trouble driving the wagon over a long distance. Put this here.”

“Oh my gosh, such a large amount of money… I also enjoyed this schedule. I couldn’t ask for more if I always had guests like you.”

Sean and Levy also exchanged brief greetings with the driver. Even the coachman, who initially focused only on Elsa’s body, was naturally attached to her because the time they spent together was not short.

After all the greetings, the driver bowed her head one last time.

“I will stay here until I find a new guest. Of course, it will be difficult to pick you up again, but I look forward to seeing you again someday. Good luck then.”

“May the God of Journey bless you.”

So Sean’s party parted ways with the coachman and stepped into Leboram.

“I didn’t know, but Elsa-san was also a believer?”

“Hmm? There is no particular god to worship.”

“Didn’t you just say you wished the God of Journey to bless you?”

Realizing why Sean asked that question, Elsa explained it briefly to him.

“It is a ceremonial greeting to pray for the blessings of the God of Journey to a person wandering from place to place, whether it is an ordinary merchant or adventurer. In fact, it is also the god that coachmen believe in the most.”

“Ah… It was like that.”

To put it bluntly, the people of the Lake Village are unique, but most of the ordinary people believe in God. Even if you don’t believe in it separately, it was also common to pray or ask for blessings from a specific god depending on your job or situation.

Meanwhile, Levy, who was walking beside her, touched her arm with a slightly cool energy.

“It feels a little cold for some reason.”

“Of course I will. Because this is the northernmost part of the kingdom. It might be snowing when we get to Calderon.”

“But it’s not winter, is it?”

Although it was completely different from common sense, Elsa’s words were not a joke or an exaggeration. She said lightly.

“It is always winter in the North.”

The Calderon they are heading to is the northernmost part of the kingdom. Even in the hot summer, it boasts of the bitter cold that comes out of your mouth.

Especially, the Calderon Mountains are ice caps where the snow never melts, so the forge in the starry sky at the top always exists in a land covered with snow.

“For now, let’s take a rest in the city and relieve fatigue. The journey to Calderon will not be easy.”

Arriving at Le Boram is not the end for her. Rather, it would be correct to see that from now on is the beginning. Because the terrain is rough, it is impossible to move by wagon and must go on foot.

“…Something is scary.”

“You can’t just not go, can you?”

As Elsa said. Sean had a reason why he had to go to the forge in the starry sky.

But if there was one thing Sean had to worry about, it was Levy. No matter how strong she is, Levi is a mage who has not been trained professionally, and even she does not deserve the fruits of such a difficult journey.

“Yes. Go in and rest.”

It wouldn’t change anything at the entrance of the city, so the three of them hurried to resolve their accumulated fatigue.


“Whoah… It’s soft…”

Levi’s body sagged and became one with her bed. Sean laughed at Levi’s look.

First, after filling their stomachs at the restaurant, Elsa led the two of them to the most well-equipped inn in Leboram.

She offered a large gold coin and told me to prepare two for the best room in the inn. Naturally, it did not happen that the innkeeper would go against her orders.

Sean said that the women share a room and that she herself would share a room, but Elsa insisted that her lover stay in a room, saying that she was more comfortable alone.

The conclusion was Elsa’s victory as she paid the same amount as last time. Thanks to this, Sean was able to clearly realize how powerful money is.

“Shawn lay down too!”

“I was going to do that anyway.”

Obviously in the past, just the fact that I was sharing a bed with Levy made my heart flutter. Of course, even now Levy is conscious of her, but not as much as before, either because she was too tired or because she got used to it.



Sean lay still on the bed, recalling what he had been thinking about earlier. Then he cautiously proposed to Levi.

“Do you want to stay here?”

“····What do you mean by that?”

Levy, who was enjoying the softness of the bed, asked with a puzzled look at Sean’s sudden words.

“Going to the blacksmith won’t do you any good. If that’s the case, just wait comfortably here…”

“Shaun. I’m serious? If I say that, do you think I’m right and will be left alone?”


Levy glared at Shawn, then relaxed his eyes and let out a big sigh. Of course, it is because he knows that it is a proposal he brought out with good intentions to be considerate of himself.

But no matter what his intentions were, there was no way Sean’s words were going to please Levy.

“Or is it because you wanted to be alone with Elsa?”

“You know it’s not.”

“Then don’t say such strange things. In the future.”

Levy stepped closer to him and pressed Sean on the cheek.

“You promised. To stay together.”

“・・・・Yes. That’s right. Sorry.”

“Are you finished?”

Sean looked at her puzzled at Levy’s question. So what more do you need? Seeing Sean’s gaze, Levy lowered his head with a slightly embarrassed expression and said hesitantly.

“…Are you done with saying sorry?”

“No, then what…”

“Huh. Should I even tell you that? Think for yourself!”

Sean is seriously troubled because he doesn’t know what Levy wants. Then, by chance, she noticed where her gaze was directed.

Recognizing Levy’s glancing eyes, Sean felt bewildered. He took himself seriously, but when he found out, he felt a sense of futility.

Come to think of it, she didn’t have a chance to do that since she went out with Elsa. Shawn let out a small laugh, perfectly understanding.

Then Levi’s face instantly turned red, and she cried out in bewilderment.

“What, do you know what it is!? It’s not like that!”

“You didn’t know what I was thinking, did you?”

“That, that! . . . Issang!”

At Sean teasing him, Levy expressed his anger in a dainty way.

“Then this is what I want to do.”


Before Levy could understand what he was saying, Sean closed the distance in an instant.



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