Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru

Episode III: Linea Elsier

I was invited to their house by Rhina and Yukina.

I smelled alcohol when I walked into the house.

Apparently, it's because of the tools Yukina uses to make the liquor.

She leads me upstairs.

"I have two empty rooms. I heard the three of them were coming, so Yukina cleaned them up. I'll take care of the room."

There are two rooms guided by Yukina.

There was no difficulty here, I used one room and Kuna and Anne were assigned one room.

"Thank you, I'll take care of it."

"It would help if you could do that. Basically, both Dad and Yukina are busy. My father is the captain of Iraksa, and Yukina has alcohol. We prepare every meal, but we want them to do their own cleaning and laundry."

"Okay. I'll do it myself."

Let them stay. I don't want to inconvenience you as much as possible.

"Eh, please. And my father called. He wants to talk to Sauji alone. Come downstairs when you put your stuff down. Ask Kuna and Anne to help you prepare your meal."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

I left my stuff and checked the condition of the room, and then I went downstairs.

"Sorry, call it in"

"No, thank you for letting us have this room."

"I mean fine. This house is too big for me and Yukina. When I built the house, when I received my wife, I thought I needed this much, but now I think I've failed."

Rhina smiles a manly smile.

"Just the two of us? What about the wife?"

"There's no such thing. I'm single."

"Excuse me. That was a lame question."

Probably, you broke up or you got divorced.

"Hey, what a rude mistake."

"Is that a mistake? I was wondering if you were separated from your wife."

"You just had to think so. I've never been married."

haha, linea laughs.

"Then what about Yukina?

"That kid is an adopted child. That child's mother died of an epidemic disease. He was my first love. When that child's mother fell ill, that child's father was leaving Elsier. Originally, he was a busy man flying around.... I sent a letter saying Yukina's mother had fallen and she didn't come home. He came back after he died."

Rhina was putting her thoughts on something far out of her reach.

"With my head, I knew how important a job I was doing, and if that guy throws me a job and I go home, thousands or tens of thousands of people would die. Even Yukina's mother didn't want that. Shortly before he died, he laughed. He said he was happy... But I couldn't forgive you enough. So you can't take care of Yukina. I brought you up, and I took over the young Yukina."

There seems to be a lot of complications.

"I see, is that why you did it? But you didn't think to prepare your mother for Yukina?

"I don't think. The day I took over Yukina, I swore I'd love that guy for the rest of my life. I'm going to raise Yukina for one person that that guy left me... you talked a little bit lame. Forgive me."

"No, it was an interesting conversation."

How dare you, even worse, a man named Rhina is straight. It's worth listening to even if I just found out what he was like.

With that said, I've heard that my brother used to bring in women hot when Coona was little. Rhina doesn't look like that kind of guy right now.

Maybe he was doing that to distract the person he liked. And after I took Yukina away, I vowed to keep thinking of the person.

I can't really keep thinking that much about the first person I love. I got a little empathy.

"So, that's why I called. I want to ask you how ready you are."

Rhina puts more effort into her shitty face and stares me in the eye.

"Are you ready?

"Oh, there's a Kuna. Sauge was dying to help Kuna and could no longer use magic, suffering from the aftermath of burns and qi. If I stay with Kuna, I might get the same eye again. This time, even my father may suffer wounds that he can't heal. Still think you want to stay with Kuna? There are as many other women as there are."

I don't even have to think about that.

"Still, I want to stay with Kuna. I saved Kuna because I'm ready for it, and I'm still with you. By and large, Kuna's charm is not easy enough to give up because of that. I'm in love with Kuna from the bottom of my heart."

When I say that, Rhina laughs out loud.

"Damn, I thought I was crazy too, but you're pretty good too. If you're a man, you have to risk your life for the woman you like. That's a lie. All right, I'm ready. If you look at the behavior, you'll see that it's not just the mouth. From today on, you're my brother."

Pom Pom and Rhina slapped me on the shoulder with force.

"Surprised. I heard from Kuna that the man approaching Kuna in Cisco was ready to be beaten."

"The only guy I sell fights to is a guy who gets close to him, even though you're not prepared. But, Sauji, you can count on my sister."

Rhina gets up and takes out the cup.

"Drink, brothers' cup. Use extraordinary liquor even when made by Yukina. It's the booze he gave me for my birthday. If it's not a place like this, I'll never open it."

"Thank you."

A drink is poured into the cup. A refreshing fragrance like sweet fruit spreads around.

The cup was placed in the center between me and Rhina.

"A five-minute cup."

First, Rhina drinks half. I put it back in the center.


I drank the rest.

This means that the ritual of forming a firm bond, half drinking at a time, means that we are in an equal position with each other.

That would be the message that Rhina would admit to me.

"Now we're brothers. From now on, Sauge."

"This way, please. Mr. Rhina."

"I don't need to shy away from my brothers. Speak more normally, your shoulders come."

But I'm your brother.

"Can't you hear my brother?

Just kidding. That's what Rhina says.

If you say so much, there is no reason to refuse.

"Okay. Rhina. Let's make it easier."

And so I smiled.

"So I heard you're ready, but you can't just be ready to protect the woman you like. I need strength. I can't protect a weak man."

"I agree with that. I can't protect anything with my thoughts alone."

The more painful I feel about it.

In the first place, when the Holy Knights attacked me, if I had more power, I wouldn't have to ramble Kuna, and I wouldn't have to cry Kuna.

"Sauge, you can tell by the way you stand. You're a master. There's nothing I can teach in martial arts."

"Rhina's right, I'm confident in martial arts."

Martial arts continued to be optimized and evolved by the players. 168 years of experience.

Pure skill brings me to Cyril.

"I have a question for Sauge. Strength is roughly determined by physical ability, magic, protection, and its three forces. Don't you think so?"

"Yeah, I think it depends on how you use those three powers. And I can use it as a fourth force."

The only fourth force I can do.

The advantage is enormous.

"You can really use your temper. Then you know it as a feeling. How meaningful it is to add the element of strength itself. Aren't you going to add another one?

One more thing? Such a thing real?

"In Elsier's elite troop Iraqsa, he is tapped into the technique of fighting with four elements: physical ability, magic, protection, … and the addition of another. I'll give you the technology, too. While you're in Elsier, hunt and rank demons by day, and train them to be fourth and fifth by night."

My chest rattled.

A quest for strength, stuck more than just giving you rank.

That other approach.

"I want to. No, let me do that. I still want to be strong."

"Good reply. When my father heals Sausage's body, I'll do it thoroughly, so be prepared."

"Just what I want, Rhina"

"Then I'll start mocking you tomorrow. So let's practice how to be strong today, even with that damaged body."

When Rhina says so, Yukina appears with a boiled pot.

Behind you, with a large plate, Kuna and Anne.

"Father, sausage, time for dinner. As my father said, plenty of meat."

In the pan, the boar meat was simmered in a sweet and spicy stock, and the large plate was stacked with fried chicken meat entangled with sauce.

"To be strong, more importantly, it's meat, meat! The sea lions and boars I hunted yesterday. Eat cancer and be strong."

I make a bitter smile.

To suit Rhina's taste, or a huge mess and wild dish.

But it looks good. The fragrant fragrance of meat has spread.

"We will eat well"

Indeed, meat is important.

Eat plenty and make a body.

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