Fort Verdesas is a fortress protected by double moats and high walls on a small high hill.

The road that leads to the centre of Fort Verdesas is narrow and has many bends, making it difficult to attack and easy to protect due to the presence of gates and squares there.

To intercept the Bossam Imperial Army, stand at this Fort Verdezas and wait for the Bossam Imperial Army to exhaust proves the battle so far.

That western governor, however, said he would leave Fort Verdezas to fight the Bossam Imperial Army in the field.

It immediately occurred to me that it would be a foolish idea if they knew the military, but the nobles of the West, beginning with the Western Governor, who knew no war, responded to the Western Governor and claimed the battle out of Fort Verdezas.

The Fort Verdezas defense forces in the Kingdom of Saint Bandam had been in a coma extreme with the presence of Western governors and nobles who, if always, stood for him and never came out on the front lines.

The Marquis of Brennan, the Governor of the West, must leave the Bossam Imperial Army early and occupy even more Bossam Imperial territory in order to return the stigma caused by his own demise.

And to return the stigma, Marquis Brennan, who can't even stand for him and has little experience as a commander, takes command of the Western Coalition as the Western Governor.

The presence of the Marquis Brennan, the Western Governor himself, discourages other nobles from representing him, and the confusion is being applauded by his presence.

The Bossam Imperial Army is 70,000, and the Holy Bandham Kingdom side has a combined force of 75,000 with a coalition of western nobles of 60,000 and a Royal Direct Black Army of 15,000.

The Kingdom of Holy Bandham is winning militarily, but General Sevan, who leads the Black Army that the 60,000 soldiers of the Western League of Lords will not have a difference in number due to lack of leadership and low morale, was a reckless field theory of the nobles where he feared.

"General Sevan! I don't know why I can't strike out!

"That's right, why do we need to stand in the fort when we're outnumbered?

General Bitters, deputy general of the Black Army, was staring with a disdainful eye at the nobles who did not know the fear of war.

Because General Bitters never utters anything more than his boss, General Sevan, says nothing.

"Don't talk about it. The Bossams are tired of a long march. If the Black Army doesn't move, we can strike it out alone."

General Sevan cannot be stopped by the Coalition of Western Lords.

That was what the Marquis Brennan had confirmed by his leadership of the army.

The Coalition of Western Aristocrats has a different chain of command than the Black Army, under which the Marquis Brennan, the Western Governor, has command and reports directly to the Royal Family.

Fortunately, the Western Governor had no command of the Black Army, the national army, and General Sevan was jumping off the field theory of the Union of Western Lords.

With General Sevan not shaking his head vertically at all times, the Marquis of Brennan, who commands the Union of Western Lords, made the decision to conduct the field in a separate action from the Black Army.

While the Western Alliance of Lords alone is 60,000 against 70,000 of the Bossam Imperial Army and is slightly less advantageous in military terms, the intention that the Bossam Imperial Army would be tired of marching long distances has moved the Lords of the Western Alliance of Lords.

The result was a huge loss of more than 22,000 soldiers.

It may be said that the Coalition of Western Lords, which lost as many as 1/3 of its soldiers, virtually collapsed.

Moreover, there are many wounded in the surviving soldiers, and morale, which was just low in the defeat of the first war, has fallen even further.

The great defeat in the first battle has dramatically reduced morale, and that heavily affects the Western League of Lords.

General Sevan believes that these wars are already out of the question as a force because the more brave soldiers die early.

"Food will only last about twenty days, even if it is reduced in payment. We're surrounded by Bossum troops, like we collect from the surrounding villages and cities, and it's easy to replenish..."

General Bitters was disgusted by the incompetence of the western coalition of nobles, especially the Marquis of Brennan.

If you try to be General Bitters, you don't mind the Western League of Aristocrats destroying itself.

He thought that the Black Army alone could support the fort until reinforcements arrived, so if the Union of Western Lords were to lose, he wanted them to at least lose in a way that didn't hold their feet together.

But this loss is the worst.

Almost all the food brought in by the Alliance of Western Lords has been taken away, and we have had to feed nearly 40,000 soldiers who are useless, so you won't have to be General Bitters to want to say a word or two of the crying.

"We need to break through the perimeter and make a request for assistance to our country."

Marquis Brennan and his surrounding nobles, the culprits of things, have rampantly opened their doors and entered the office where General Sevan and General Bitters had their heads troubled.

That's right. I remember killing to the Marquis of Brennan, who opened the door abusively without General Sevan or a knock, but since General Bitters was about to explode before me, I turn to the side that suppresses General Bitters.

"General Sevan, why are you holding your hand? Get in line early to get rid of the Bossum barbarians!

On top of this, General Sevan and General Bitters had no choice but to get over their anger to say that they would still fight the field.

However, some movement was necessary, even as the food would run out twenty days later.

"Brennan, the western governor, I'd like you to arrange for some food. The battle ahead took away the food."

The Marquis of Brennan and his surroundings were dissatisfied with General Sevan's remarks.

It is their argument that it was the Black Army that lost the battle earlier that did not send out soldiers.

That's right. General Sevan and General Bitters were so furiously about to be slashed when they heard this excuse.

"Wouldn't it be quicker to destroy the barbarians than to collect the food!

The discussions between the nobles who dealt with General Sevan and General Bitters followed parallel lines.

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