Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 769: 10,000 years before history

He hung himself upside down in the cave, waiting for the night to come.

The night is approaching.

The blood is coming.

He would soon be able to enjoy the thrill of silky blood flowing through his throat again.


He sat proudly on the top of the hill, enjoying the sacrifices of mortals.

To other creatures in this prehistoric age, these mortals are "horrible upright apes", terrifying predators they have never seen before.

But for him, the "horror upright ape" is just a source of food.

When happy, he accepts their sacrifices and enjoys their blood food;

When he was upset, he directly took advantage of the night to sneak into their tribe, looking for suitable individuals, tearing his throat, and enjoying the delicious blood.


For the first time he saw a powerful person outside of him.

It turns out that they call themselves "monsters", and some mortals call them gods.

They have different prototypes, they may be blood-sucking bats, they may be giant snakes, they may be cunning foxes...

Although they are kings in their respective turf on weekdays, they all must respect an existence named "Dragon King".


What is the Dragon King! ?

He has seen dragons and knows that they are strange existences hidden in the earth, rivers and oceans.

Even if he is a powerful demon, he must be careful when facing the existence of dragons.

However, what is the Dragon King! ! ?


So this is the Dragon King! ! !

He is not only a dragon, but also an existence far beyond the dragon.

Just looking at him directly, he felt that his thinking was stagnant.

Don't look at him directly! !

He didn't know how to describe this feeling.

It seems that no vocabulary can describe the greatness and horror of the Dragon King.

Even the power of their demon comes from the Dragon King in essence...

Therefore, it is right for them to submit to the Dragon King.

Just like those mortals surrendered to them, worshiped them as gods, and dedicated themselves as their food.


Some mortals are unwilling to surrender to them! ! ?

They are no longer willing to sacrifice themselves to the demons.

They no longer worship powerful monsters that really exist, and instead believe in some illusory existence.

Those illusory images created by mortals themselves with fantasy and fear.

It seems that those illusory existences can really defeat powerful demons.

This is really ridiculous!


Well, it doesn't seem so ridiculous!

Those illusory existences called ghosts, monsters, and gods by mortals, those mortals created to fight against demons in order to inspire their courage, gradually became real.

The fantasy and fear of mortal people continue to give strength to these illusory existences.

They, no, they can be defeated, but they will never completely disappear.

As long as there is a chance, they will make a comeback again.

As long as the mortals are not extinct, they, who are rooted in the illusions and fears shared by mortals, will never disappear.

This is really a terrible joke! !


More and more mortals are turning to tribes that believe in ghosts, monsters, and gods.

This is actually a very normal thing.

After all, they are different from demons in that they don't need blood food, and they don't need mortals to sacrifice themselves.

What they need is actually the fantasy, fear and belief of mortals.

Although most mortals do not realize this.

They still serve the ghosts, monsters, and gods created by themselves in the same way they used to serve demons.

But even so, the deaths of mortals are a lot less after all.

As a result, more and more mortals believe in those illusory guys.

Those illusory guys are getting stronger and stronger.

They can already be compared to the demons.


A snake monster discovered that monsters can actually be transformed into ghosts, monsters, and gods that mortals believe in.

As long as they are willing to abide by the rules that mortals have imagined.

Thus, the traitor appeared!

A large number of demons gave up the power that originated from the Dragon King and transformed themselves into mortal gods.

They will regret it! !

Although it was transformed into a near-immortal existence, it was also greatly restricted.

Moreover, mortal people's minds are uncertain, and what they believe now does not mean that they will not give up when they come.

At that time, if they lose their source of power, they will become unable to move, and can only sleep forever in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of mortals.

——What is the difference between that and death! ?

He would rather die than that! !


The power of mortals is getting stronger and stronger!

With the help of their ghosts and gods, their tribes have become more and more united to form nations large and small.

With national fantasy, fear, and belief, the power of ghosts and gods has become stronger.

Most demons are no longer their opponents.

He is also included!

Perhaps, at this time, only the great Dragon King can change all this.

However, will Dragon King do this?

For him, everything above the earth does not seem to be an important thing.


Very good!

The Dragon King finally made a move! !

He restrained the aura that he gave to this world.

In this way, the power of the ghosts and gods of mortals is weakened.

However, a large part of the power of the demons also comes from aura.

The demons were actually weakened at the same time.

So, why did Dragon King do this! ?


It turns out that as long as you find the place that belongs to the Dragon King and sacrifice to it, you can get extra strength from him.

Those forces that were restrained by Him.

——This point was discovered by mortals.

They used the gods they created to indirectly establish a connection with the Dragon King.

Although this cannot allow them to control the Dragon King, the power of the mortals has indeed become stronger.


A mortal named "Yu" created a very terrifying spell.

Using a tripod made of bronze, mortals can seal the ghosts and gods in their envelopes in pairs with the demons.

Sealed to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of mortals.

The sealed monsters are either assimilated by ghosts and gods, transformed into beings controlled by mortals, and fall asleep.

Or simply dying gradually in the seal.


More and more demons were sealed by "Yu".

The remaining demons either flee far away, to a place that "Yu" can't reach.

Or they chose to surrender.

Another part dived into the deep mountains and old forests.

He is one of them.

He believes that a turning point will come.

After all, the life span of a mortal is limited.

This is true even for "Yu".


"Yu" is dead!

This monster's enemy is finally dead! !

Although the descendants of "Yu" inherited his method of sealing, they could not achieve the level of "Yu" after all.

The life of the demons is a little better.

But the aura emitted by the Dragon King is still converging, and the birth of the demon will become more and more difficult in the future.

Maybe in a few years, the demons will slowly disappear!

After all, under the attack of mortal ghosts and gods, there are already fewer and fewer demons...


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