Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 718: wave

The "Pirates of the Caribbean" game of the same name played by Depp, Ruifan and Keanu was released by the Ghost Party Studio.

  ——After Charlotte proposed the business strategy of film and game linkage, the Ghost Party Studio implemented this strategy perfectly.

   Take this "Pirates of the Caribbean" as an example——

   The time when the Ghost Party Studios released the game of the same name was when the release cycle of "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" reached the late stage, when it was the most prosperous and will not retreat.

   The release of the game at this time can be said to be the greatest use of the heat of the movie.

  Especially, for the convenience of players, the game department of the Ghost Party Studios also launched two versions of the console and PC at the same time.

  This is because the game of the same name from "Pirates of the Caribbean" is different from the previous "Fantastic Quidditch" and "Detective Sherlock Holmes". It is a game that focuses on strategic management and does not have such high requirements for graphics.

   In this case, game developers can easily port it to the PC platform.

  -In the case of being compatible with more platforms, game developers are naturally willing to be compatible with more in order to have more users.

   And this kind of effort of the Ghost Party Studio has not been in vain——

   So far, the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" is about to be released in North America, and the cumulative box office has exceeded 560 million US dollars.

   At the same time, this game of the same name has also sold 8 million copies, and is hitting the 10 million ultra-platinum-level palace.

  -This also brought hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to the Ghost Party Studio.

  In fact, for this "Pirates of the Caribbean" game of the same name, the Ghost Party Studio is more of a reference to the gameplay of "The Age of Voyage".

   It’s just that, under the guidance of Charlotte, the developers of the Game Party Studio gave this game more exquisite 3D graphics and strengthened the gameplay related to naval battles.

   After all, the name of the game is "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

   And, because of the film trilogy in one go, there are a lot of abandoned manuscripts or branch stories in the Ghost Party studio, which are all used by the game development team of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

  -It can be said that the game of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a large-scale expansion of the movie worldview.

   Especially, the personal stories of many characters in the movie will be introduced in more detail in the game.

   Players can learn about each of them by doing tasks.

  —These elements have made many people who have just watched a movie become interested.

   This is also the reason why this game can sell 8 million copies at once.

   After seeing this, Charlotte made a decision--

   He decided to let the development team in charge of this game update the game regularly, so that the story in the game will continue to evolve, so as to connect with the story development of the movie world.

  ——The story in the game will serve as the link between the first and second part of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

   On the one hand, the game can borrow more the popularity of the movie, on the other hand, it can also keep the popularity of the movie through the game.

  In this way, when "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Gathering Soul Coffin" is released next year, it will save a lot of money in terms of publicity.

   When "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End" was released, Charlotte was even going to directly let the game development department make the game an online game.

   After all, it was probably 2003 or even 2004 by then, and the tide of online games has arrived.

   Especially in China, in 2003, many people had to stay at home due to the influence of S·A·R·S. This indirect consequence is that the number of Internet users in China has soared.

  -China's Internet industry, especially the online game industry, has truly entered a golden age.

  According to Charlotte's memory, in the five or six years after 2003, in the Chinese market, basically as long as there are certain quality guaranteed games, they can make a lot of money.

   Charlotte has a lot of grudges about the operator who smashed "The Great Voyage OL" in the Chinese market.

Fortunately, as a traveler from the other side of the Pacific, Charlotte knows which companies in the Chinese market will eventually grow into bigwigs-he can easily circumvent those operators who are too cheating and directly select future ones. The giants.


   Of course, it’s actually a bit early to consider these.

Although in September 2001, Sheng Da’s Chen X Qiao was about to introduce "Legend" to China and became the richest man in China, but the current situation of China's network hardware is good, and the technical reserves of the Ghost Party studio are good. There are still some gaps.

   Therefore, for Charlotte, he can only make arrangements in this regard. It is still more or less two years before the best time to officially enter the Chinese game market.

   During this period, he still has a lot of work to do.

   Don’t say anything, just say that the "Lord of the Rings" series of games of the same name are being produced steadily by the Ghost Party Studio.

   And this game, especially the online game which was launched simultaneously with the third part, will also be the first MMORPG game of the Ghost Party Studio...

   "I always feel that with this development, the work of game development will occupy half of the studio's business!"

   After reviewing the recent work progress of the Ghost Party Studio with Charlotte, Alexis couldn't help but sigh.

   In response, Charlotte shrugged.

   "This is normal! The development of Hollywood over the years is that the peripheral income has accounted for more and more!"

   He pointed to the game demo on the computer screen,

"The game is a kind of peripheral product that can provide cash flow! Especially, in the context of the great development of the Internet, the dependence of the game on the channel is lower than that of the traditional industry, which means that the net profit we obtain will be very high. high!"


   Alexis didn’t believe it, but Charlotte nodded heavily.

   "That's it-to some extent, this is an industry with very high profit margins, even no less than Mexican drug lords..."

   Of course, Charlotte did not say that if the development of a game fails, the money burned is equal to that point.

   As for the game industry entering the Red Sea after 2014, the purchase cost is getting higher and higher. He also selectively did not mention this.

  -After all, what can be dissatisfaction with being able to make money with a high profit ratio for ten years?

   Moreover, even in the Red Sea era of the game industry, companies that hold a large number of big IPs like Ghost Party Studios, can develop their own games, and can also authorize companies that collect money, are also making money...

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