Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 698: American Pie

? "I feel...cold."

With the first sentence behind the recovery, Captain Barbossa fell.

After that, the pirates who were no longer undead were naturally suppressed.

However, Jack, who was also a pirate, did not run away either.

——He was sentenced to hanging.

Of course, as companions on the adventure with Jack, Will and Elizabeth did not give up on him.

They planned a rescue.

Will tried to save Jack and eloped with Elizabeth.

However, surrounded by the Royal Navy all over the port, they were ultimately unsuccessful.

But their emotions moved Brigadier General Norrington.

The brigadier general was finally willing to give up Elizabeth and let her and Will become a pair.

As for Jack, he also took the opportunity to escape.

Master Captain returned to the "Black Pearl" again, holding his compass that could guide him to the location of his heart, and embarked on a new journey...


"This is really a good story!"

Even though I had watched it again during the screening, Kenneth Turan still enjoyed it very much.

On the one hand, after Charlotte accelerated the narrative rhythm in the early stage, strengthened the special effects scenes, and optimized the soundtrack, "Pirates of the Caribbean" did become better.

On the other hand, Kenneth also found more details during the second viewing.

As a commercial film that is essentially a popcorn movie, Charlotte added a lot of details in "Pirates of the Caribbean"-

Just like Captain Jack once mentioned the famous ghost ship "Flying Dutchman" and hated octopuses very much...

The second brush Kenneth noticed these details, and guessed what seems to be hidden in it——

"Maybe some clues to the sequel?"

Kenneth guessed.

Of course, even if these details are completely ignored, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is still a very interesting story, and audiences who watch it for the first time will not fail to understand it.

However, those who are careful enough or have a good understanding of the history of pirates in the great nautical era will find more interesting details.

——These contents are enough to support them in the second or even third brush.

"This is the usual style of Charlotte Booth!"

After recollecting, Kenneth sighed.

"Although this guy basically only shoots commercial movies, he always makes the details very well, and tries to get interested audiences to do two or even three shots. In addition, there are always some in his films that make people excited and want Wonderful shots that I watched a few more times..."

Anyway, even with the trial screening, Kenneth Turan has watched it twice, but he still plans to buy another ticket later and watch it a third time.

And the box office of Charlotte movies is piled up bit by bit...


In fact, there are not a few people who share the same ideas as Kenneth Turan.

Most of them just came out of the theater and rushed to the ticket office, ready to buy second-brush movie tickets.

Of course, there are also "smart people" who have the idea of ​​just mixing in and reading it again...

This is related to the screening habits of American cinemas-

In order to reduce the finishing time of some popular movies after the screening, they often show them continuously, and sometimes they do not carefully check the bills in the hands of the audience.

In this way, some "smart people" have the opportunity to take advantage.

——As long as they don’t get out of the screening area of ​​the movie theater, then turn back and find an empty spot to watch another show.

Of course, American theater operators are not unaware of this.

But on the one hand, this is the same as credit card fraud and piracy, which is not a well-managed phenomenon.

In particular, in small movie theaters in the United States except for a few major cities, audiences are often regular customers, and operators are generally unwilling to offend them by over-enforcing inspections.

What's more, if you want to strengthen inspections without reducing the efficiency of the screening, it means to increase the manpower-in the United States, where labor is very expensive, if the theater is operating in general, it is likely to be more than worth the loss.

On the other hand, even if some viewers can spend only one time watching a day in a movie theater, the movie theater is equally profitable.

——Different from movie theaters in China, which are always paired with shopping malls, and actually often serve as shopping malls to attract customers, because the United States is relatively large and sparsely populated, many movie theaters exist independently.

This means that most of the time the audience can only buy food and water in the cinema.

Therefore, even if the audience does not spend money to watch the movie, as long as they stay in the movie theater for a long time, they will eventually contribute income to the movie theater.

After all, you can watch movies all day without going out, but you can't skip eating or drinking water.

In fact, considering that the movie ticket prices in the United States are not more than five dollars, which are quite cheap and have not changed much in decades, the bulk of the income of many movie theaters is not movie tickets at all, but food, water and other peripheral income. .

——Good movies are actually just soliciting tools for American cinemas.

It's okay to say that these movie theaters are movie restaurants.

——Although the food provided in this restaurant is only popcorn and so on.

Of course, when some special movies are released, the income of other "peripheral" will also be very good——

Just like when youth comedies such as "American Pie" are released, the sales of the whole set in the cinema are very good.

After all, among the 100 small birth challenges that young Americans want to complete, it is an old option to send one in a movie theater.

With this kind of thinking, if you are watching some movies that are easy to make people want to move around, then it will naturally be fired by the sky...

This is why many movie theaters in the United States are adjacent to hotels...

In short, American cinemas are not just living on movie tickets.

In fact, some savvy bosses will also launch packages during the off-season of the screenings, deliberately encouraging the audience to spend a few dollars to watch a day.

——They will make this money back by selling food and water.

Of course, this is all relative.

From the perspective of capital chasing profits, there is still no movie theater that hopes the audience will watch this kind of overlord movie.

But When it comes to "Pirates of the Caribbean" or Charlotte's movie, the situation is different.

Starting from "Dale of the Dead", Charlotte's films have always been a hot spot in the North American film market, especially two weeks before the release, often in a state of fullness.

In this case, it’s more difficult to watch the Overlord movie——

After all, the audience who enters the hall behind will not let you occupy his place easily.

This is especially true for the midnight premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean 1"-

Because of Charlotte's exaggerated record and Disney's vigorous publicity, the first midnight after the movie was released, most movie theaters had 100% attendance.

——This is still when the premiere screen of "Pirates of the Caribbean" exceeds 3000 yuan.

As a result, "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" had a midnight box office of over 18 million U.S. dollars, and it jumped directly to the No. 1 box office in North American film history at midnight, which is normal...

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