Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 690: The taste of success

   Finally, on the afternoon of the first day of the Oscars, Charlotte and Charlize passed it "meaningfully".

After   , although the feast of critics has just arrived, the work of the Ghost Party Studio has once again returned to the right track——

   First of all, after the end of March, "Small Island Cry" is finally released.

   This horror movie directed by the old gun and starring Alexis is not expensive to produce.

  In addition, Lao Qiang is the first time to direct a movie as a director, so he is not very confident.

   "I'm very satisfied if I can return to my original position!"

  ——In private, this is what Old Gun told his wife Annika.

   However, Charlotte dared to vote for the film project introduced by Nicole Kidman, how could it be just to make money?

   "Nineteen million!?"

   A week later, Lao Gun was shocked when he saw the box office results of the first week.

   Of course, this box office result is nothing compared to the big productions shot by Charlotte that broke 100 million in the first week.

   However, considering the cost of filming "Small Cry" at the Ghost Party Studio, it is only a few million dollars.

   Even if the publicity cost is added, it does not exceed 15 million.

  ——In this case, the box office of 9 million yuan on the first Monday is quite good.

   Especially, considering the characteristics of the film, Charlotte designed "Small Island Cry" with a relatively long-term screening method, which means that 19 million is just the beginning.

   "If you are lucky, stick to the next screenings, the North American box office may be able to cross the 100 million dollar mark."

   Charlotte smiled and stretched out his hand to the old gun.

   "Congratulations, old gun! You are also the director of a successful box office movie!"


   The old gun mechanically held Charlotte's hand, obviously he hadn't reacted for a while...

   "Actually, the success of this movie is mainly thanks to your guidance and post-editing production."

   After a long time, the old gun who recovered from the surprise state sighed.

"I know very well what mistakes I made during the shooting-I tried my best to correct them, but some... But these mistakes, in the final screening of the film, most of them were edited and some post-production special effects. It was corrected. So—"

   Old Gun looked at Charlotte with a wry smile,

"The success of "Small Cry" may have something to do with me, but it is not decisive-Charlotte, you should know that I am just a live director to some extent. It is you and Elle that give this movie a soul. Xis!"

   "You are scorning yourself, man!"

   Charlotte naturally tried to inspire the old gun, but seeing the latter's indifferent look, he knew it was unnecessary.

  -After all, when filming "Fatal Turn", Lao Qiang had already looked down on his career because of the divorce.

   Otherwise, it would not be Charlotte's turn to direct "Fatal Turn".

   And now, although Lao Qiang's life is much happier after remarrying with Annika, he is not very young anymore.

   Compared to Charlotte, who possesses spells and cheats, is more energetic than humans, and can achieve a balance between family, career, and spells, the energy of the old gun is obviously not enough.

   And he is obviously more willing to devote his limited energy to his family.

  —Even if he is now the director of a successful movie.

   Therefore, what he said just now was not that he was slandering himself.

   Charlotte can understand this, but—

   "Even if you want to take care of your family more time because Annika gave birth to a lovely daughter, Old Gun, you shouldn't be able to retire, right?"

   Charlotte is a little worried about being authentic,

   "Don't forget, I am the godfather of that little guy!"

   "How can you forget? This is what you promised when you filmed "Sherlock Holmes"! With you, the godfather, her future will be much smoother."

   The old gun shook his head.

"I just want to tell you that generally small and medium cost movies like "Small Island Cry" and the adapted version of "Midnight Ring" are already the limit of my ability. Don't give me more difficult jobs. I At this age, I have passed the stage where I want to challenge myself!"

"All right!"

   Charlotte shrugged.

   In fact, for the Ghost Party Studio, the old gun’s “unthinking” is nothing—

  Large production or relatively difficult movie projects are still handed over to Charlotte to complete.

   Only when there are some great hopes for success, relatively easy production, but insufficient scale, and the small and medium-sized films that are not suitable for Charlotte himself, do they need to be directed by the old gun.

  —At that time, Charlotte just had to act as a producer behind the scenes to assist and grasp the direction.

   If the old gun has further ambitions, this positioning is not suitable for him.

So, after chatting with Lao Qiang for a few more words, by the way, he promised him that after the profit arrived, he would give him a large bonus and ask him to buy more gifts for his goddaughter. Turned the topic back to "Small Island Cry".

  -However, this time it was Alexis.

   "The critics praise you so much!"

   Charlotte smiled at Miss Valkyrie,

"Especially, because the Oscar has just passed, many people compare your performance in "Small Island Cry" with several actresses who have won Oti-they all think you have at least Oscar nominations. strength!"

   "That's awesome!"

  Alexis naturally also paid attention to news about himself.

  ——You know, when she came to Hollywood, she also had a celebrity dream.

   Although she is now a ghost, she still can’t help but care about the result of her first role as a heroine in a movie—

   "I did not expect that film critics would give so much praise."

   Alexis's face was a little red,

   "However, the acting skills I showed this time are also enhanced effects caused by movie editing and special effects to a certain extent, right?"

   "That's right!"

  Charlotte nodded Then there was a smirk at the corner of her mouth.

   "But don't forget, many of the special effects in "Kojima Cry" are actually made by you, Alexis!"


   When Charlotte said so, Miss Valkyrie realized that she did indeed use magic to achieve a lot of special effects for the movie "Cry on the Island"——

Apart from other things, in the end, it was revealed that the heroine Grace and her children were not haunted by ghosts, but the fact that they were ghosts. Those Graces hysterically destroyed the things in the house and moved in. The scary scene is the masterpiece of Alexis.

  ——If you use normal shooting methods, this kind of place will inevitably require post-editing and special effects processing.

   However, here in Alexis, it is very simple——

   Old Gun, as long as Miss Valkyrie cast spells freely.

   Anyway, it is only visible for a while and invisible for a while.

——Although this may frighten other co-actors, considering that the other supporting actors in that scene are all due to ghosts brought by Francis Farmer, this problem does not exist at all... ...


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