Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 660: Sell ​​crutches


With a screaming dolphin sound, Jenny fully demonstrated her potential as the heroine of the horror film.

And the one who was shocked first was naturally Depp, who was sitting next to Jenny.

"What's wrong!?"

The awakened "Captain Jack" looked at Jenny with sleepy eyes.

"Did the Martians invaded the earth?"

"Head!!! Phoenix's head fell off!!!"

Jenny was so shocked that she pointed at Rui Fan, whose alias was Phoenix Ryton, and her voice was full of horror.


At this moment, Rui Fan's head just stayed on his neck.


Depp tilted his head and looked at Rui Fan, then turned to Jenny.

"Jenny, you have a nightmare."

——The tone is not a question, but affirmation.

"No, I just clearly..."

Jenny was very sure that she had indeed seen Phoenix's head fall off just now. But the problem is that now the handsome head is still on the other side's neck.

And there is no such thing as the splash of blood that should have appeared when a person's head fell...

"Is it really an illusion what I just saw!?"

By now, Jenny couldn't help but doubt herself.

"Jenny, you should be too tired from work lately!"

At this time, director Charlotte also came over.

"After all, whether Johnny or Phoenix, the level of acting skills is not comparable to that of ordinary people-as a rookie, you can keep up with their rhythm and behave perfectly, which is enough-but it should still be for you. A lot of pressure, right?"


Although it didn't seem to be the case, Jenny couldn't say that she was not stressed at all.

In fact, in order not to be suppressed by Depp and Phoenix Ryton, she did put in a lot of effort and underwent a lot of pressure-everyone can see this.

Therefore, the young girl nodded silently.

And Mr. Director went down the road,

"It is these pressures that have made you have a bad rest recently, so you have this strange nightmare! Anyway, you can think about it by day and dream by night—"

Director Charlotte winked at Jenny.

"——Unexpectedly, you hate Phoenix so much that you want his head to fall off!? Is it because he puts too much pressure on you when shooting?"

"No, it's not like that!"

For Mr. Director's analysis which is quite Freudian, the strong Jenny naturally does not want to admit it.

Although somewhere in my heart, the young girl wondered if she was trying to fight against Phoenix Ryton during the filming, and she did not consciously have potential hostility towards him.

——Well, Jenny herself started to wonder if the scene she saw just now was a dream.

However, even for the sake of face, the girl can only continue to deny——

"I have a lot of respect for Mr. Ryton, and there is no hostility at all. Also, I shouldn't have fallen asleep just now, so I had nightmares or something—"

"It is possible!"

Director Charlotte shook his finger, looking like someone coming over.

"Jenny, if people are really tired, even when talking to others, they may fall asleep in an instant. It's like—"

The director looked to Depp, who shrugged.

"——Just like when I was planning to shoot "Happy Death".

Maybe it was to give Depp face, the director did not take him as an example, but instead talked about his own past.

"At that time, I had just prepared the script all night, so I took the heroine Sally, my wife, to see Ms. Foster who invested. As a result, I fell asleep while talking to Ms. Foster. "

"There is such a thing!?"

Not to mention Jenny, even Rui Fan on one side had never heard of it.

——After all, he appeared next to Charlotte, or when the other party was filming "Desktop Gulch".

Rui Fan didn't know what happened before then.

"This thing is true."

Charlotte nodded.

"If you don't believe me, if you meet Ms. Foster in the future, you can ask her in person."

——Charlotte did not deceive anyone in this matter. He was indeed asleep.

——Although, that is to deceive people. No, a lie.

In short, Jenny couldn't help but believe what the director was saying.

However, thinking of the rumors about director Charlotte and Judy Foster that the manager told him before, the bold girl was a little doubtful how the director fell asleep...

"However, since he said that Charlize Theron was there at the time, then as usual, Judy Foster shouldn't have been sleeping clothes by him at that time, right?"

Jenny guessed in her heart,

"It's not good, after all, this is Hollywood!"

...Well, by now, Jenny's thoughts have been completely distorted.

Of course, in order to prevent the young girl from "wonderful thinking", the director still needs to give her "science"——

"The moment of falling asleep, people are often unconscious, and there will be no obvious signs of falling asleep. However, in this case, hallucinations or dreams are normal."

Having said that, Mr. Director smirked and said,

"Actually, Jenny, even if you can't be sure if you are asleep, there is one thing you can be sure of!"

"what's up!?"


Director Charlotte slapped the back of Phoenix Ryton's head and let out a crisp "pop".


The crew members including Jenny were stunned.

Poor Phoenix Ryton looked at Mr. Director with a bitter look.

But the person being watched didn't realize it at all--

"Look, his head should stay on his neck honestly! If it has fallen off, how could it be so safe?"


"He said so reasonable, I was speechless!"

At this moment, such a sentence flashed in Jenny's mind, and her eyes looked at Phoenix Ryton with a little sympathy.

However, the director seems to have misunderstood——

"Jenny, if you don't believe me, you can take a picture yourself!"

"No, no need!"

The embarrassed girl hurriedly waved,

"It must be that I haven't had a good rest recently, and I'm too tired to have hallucinations-I'm sorry to disturb everyone, I'm sorry!"

With that, she yawned deliberately,

"In order to avoid hallucinations again, I'd better take a break! Let's take a rest, everyone!"

"All right!"

Mr. Director shrugged.

"Then you have a good rest! Everyone should be gone, too!"

With that, he took the lead and turned and walked to his seat.

This made Jenny breathe a sigh of relief.

——No way, if you really follow the director’s words to shoot the back of Phoenix Ryton's head...

However, young girls are naive after all.

——But she didn't see the strange smirk that floated from the corners of his mouth behind Mr. Director's turning around. (https:)

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