Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 628: my little sister

"You said that!"

Alexis' eyes narrowed into two crescents, as if he wanted to cry, but at the same time he wanted to laugh.

"You guy, you are obviously a black-bellied and liar person. Don't just care about others in order to prove that you are a good person from time to time!"

"...So, you are arrogant?"

"Not at all!"

Alexis retorted, but his face turned red.


"Just what!?"

"It's just that I don't know about me, should I tell you?"

Alexis sighed quietly.

This surprised Charlotte a little.

After all, ever since Alexis turned into a Valkyrie, she always has a carefree and optimistic image, sadness or something seems to be insulated from her, and now...

"If you don't know whether to say it, don't say it!"

Charlotte said.


"Why, do you think I will persuade you to say it?"

Charlotte smirked and narrowed his eyes.

"Like you said, I am not the kind of person who is purely good!"


Alexis smiled mockingly.

"I am not Sally after all—"

"——It has nothing to do with Sally!"

Charlotte waved her hand.

"It's just that I really don't like to force others. But, judging from your appearance, it seems that I want to force you."


"Did you know, Alexis?"

Charlotte smiled.

"It is said that when a person is faced with a dilemma, if he toss a coin to decide, it is possible that at the moment the coin is tossed, he will realize which choice he prefers to make."

"You mean!?"

"You are the same now—"

Charlotte shrugged.

"When you hesitate whether you should say it, I refuse to listen. As a result, you feel regret and awkward in your heart. Doesn't this prove that you actually want to say it!"


Although it sounds reasonable, Alexis still feels something is wrong.

However, under Charlotte's guidance, she couldn't help but speak out—

"Charlotte, do you know my experience as a human being?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"You never said it, but—"

"You investigated me privately!?"

Alexis gave Charlotte a vicious look, then turned helpless.

"Sure enough, it's your style-then you should also know that when I was young, the family environment was terrible?"


Charlotte nodded.

"To be precise, you were born in a single-parent family-your mother divorced your father shortly after giving birth to you."

"You bastard, really investigated!"

Alexis gritted his teeth and looked at Charlotte, and finally sighed.

"Yes, my father is a drunkard and asshole, plus taking drugs, it is normal for my mother to leave him-although her own life is also a mess."

"You have a half sister?"


Alexis nodded.

"Jenny. She was nine years younger than me—when I was nine years old, my mother passed away shortly after giving birth. So Jenny and I were adopted by different families."

"I haven't seen each other since then!?"


Alexis smiled bitterly.

"Although the adoption system in this country is okay, it is only relatively speaking. In particular, there are still some guys who make money through the adoption system-this was the case with my parents who adopted me in the first place. Fortunately, they were later checked out. So, I moved through two more adoptive families, and Jenny’s situation was similar—so, afterwards, even if I wanted to check, I couldn’t find her condition for a while."

"That's really a pity!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"However, what you say now, plus your absent-minded look before, does it mean that you met her? Your sister Jenny!?"


Alexis nodded.

"You guy, you've been shrewdly scary in this regard!-Didn't you attach a new spell to me some time ago so that I can be photographed by the camera? So I planned to go out to the street to try it, and I met her ."

"I see!"

Charlotte also sighed.

——For a long time, Alexis, as a Valkyrie, cannot be photographed by cameras or other electronic devices. In order to avoid trouble, she has always kept it simple.

It can be said that, except for the various jobs that Charlotte gave her, and sometimes accompanying Charlize or going to the UK to find friends J.K. Rowling to chat, Miss Valkyrie has always lived a life like a hermit.

Even if you are going out, you are more in the invisible state of ghosts.

However, Alexis is essentially a woman after all. In fact, she was in her twenties when she died, and she was quite young.

——A girl of this age is naturally infinitely energetic, and at least she has great interest in shopping.

So, after being relieved by Charlotte from the worries about taking pictures, Alexis was very happy to go shopping.

Probably it was just six or seven days of shopping in a row!

——It should be during this period that she ran into her sister Jenny by chance.

"It's also a shame that you can recognize her!"

Charlotte shook her head.

"According to you, when you separated, she was less than a year old and never met since-so, did you recognize her by the power of ghosts?"

"Just as you said."

Alexis nodded.

"As a Valkyrie, your own sisters are sensitive to appearing nearby. After all, in the prototype of Norse mythology, the Valkyrie was originally composed of Odin’s daughters, and they naturally interacted with each other—Jenny though Not the but my sister, so..."

"After you met her, how did you feel made you realize the blood relationship between the two of you?"


Miss Valkyrie admitted,

"After that, I followed her incognito for a while and made sure that my feelings were correct. She was working at a restaurant near Hollywood at this time."

"Did you not recognize her?"

"How to recognize each other?"

Alexis smiled bitterly.

"In legal terms, Jenny's sister Alexis is dead. If I recognize her now, won't it cause trouble!"

"That's the case, but as long as you don't call for special documents for inquiries, the problem is actually not a big deal, right?"

Charlotte didn't understand.

And Alexis shook his head.

"You are right. In the final analysis, it may be that I don't know if I should recognize her. After all, she is now on my way."

"Your old way!?"

Charlotte was taken aback, and then reacted.

"You mean, she is also working part-time while trying to get into Hollywood? Just like those young and pretty girls floating in Los Angeles?"


Alexis shrugged helplessly.

"Young and beautiful girls always think that Hollywood is easy to enter, but in fact, it is not easy to even go to Beverly Hills to be a babysitter for celebrities. Most of them will eventually become street girls, or simply die. "

She smiled self-deprecatingly.

Charlotte didn’t care about Miss Valkyrie’s self-deprecation. He directly asked his own question.

"Then what do you plan to do next? To your sister? Help her enter Hollywood, or persuade her to leave? Or help her find a better job?"

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