Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 548: godfather

Of course, in the short term, Charlotte and Charlize have not been able to enjoy the fun of roasting in front of an English fireplace in winter.

After all, winter has not yet arrived.

However, in the dream world, Charlotte quickly made a 19th-century style English apartment and enjoyed it with Charlize.

Although, both of them know that grilling a fire in front of the fireplace is more of an atmosphere of fun. In reality, the effect is not necessarily good.

——You know, if the fireplace is really so warm, modern people would not invent heating...


In short, the filming of the filming crew of "Detective Sherlock Holmes" in "221B Baker Street" can be regarded as the beginning.

As the most important stronghold of Holmes and Watson, this indoor scene has quite a few scenes.

At the beginning, it was a very interesting conversation between Watson and Holmes——

"Request to enter the arsenal!"

When he opened the door and entered Holmes's room, Watson asked funnyly.

This was because Watson next door was treating a patient, but Holmes suddenly shot at the wall without warning.

Frightened, the patient naturally left quickly.

After questioning the landlord, Mrs. Hudson, Watson had no choice but to enter his so-called "arsenal" to stop Holmes, who was bored and started to go crazy because he hadn't encountered a case of interest for three months...

"This plot actually fits the setting of Holmes in the original book!"

During the filming, Charlotte said to the old gun,

"The Holmes in the original book often does strange things when there is no case of interest-like when he first met Watson, he went to the hospital morgue to beat the corpse, or got up to play the violin in the middle of the night. of……"

"But our Holmes is even more bizarre and funny, right?"

Lao Gun looked at Robert Downey Jr., who was resting and applying makeup not far away. He couldn't help but sigh with authenticity.

"It seems that Charlotte has chosen the right person again!"

"How to say!?"

"This guy, Downey, after he went to prison, did have a free and uninhibited and slightly grotesque temperament. Moreover, he also has a sense of humor and speaks quickly, which is indeed very suitable for the Sherlock Holmes in our story."

The old gun admired,

"Especially, he was really honest this time-in order to fear that he would have something to do with the drug, I sent someone to stare at him this time, and I even went to the doctor to test him for blood every few times-this time He is indeed "clean"!"

"We can't let our guard down yet!"

Charlotte shook her head.

"Now that the shooting has just started not long, at least we have to wait until the shooting is completed before we can really rest assured!"

——Charlotte would say so, but there is no other way.

As a traverser, he knows that Downey will be able to get rid of dependence on drugs in the future-but that is already five or six years later. Now let him give up completely in advance. Whether he can succeed or not, Charlotte has no absolutes. confidence.

Even if he casts a spell on Downey as Patrick Jane, he can't experience the pleasure brought by drugs, and the psychology of an addict, Charlotte can't really experience it after all.

What's more, Charlotte did this for the first time to use magic to help relieve drugs and addictions. Even if there is no problem in theory, he is still a little worried after all.

That's why he said that to the old gun.

The old gun also nodded in agreement.

"You're right! It doesn't hurt to be more careful with drug addicted actors. But—"

The old gun laughed again.

"At least in the scene just now, Downey had experience of drug addiction, which was helpful to the performance."


What the old gun said was exactly what happened after Watson walked into Holmes’ room, or the "arms arsenal"—

Holmes kept pulling the curtains because he hadn't walked out of the room for a long time.

When Watson came in, the first thing he did was to open the window.

People who have worked in the dark for a long time know that if they are exposed to sunlight for a long period of time, they will have headaches of varying degrees of severity, and the eyes will also be very uncomfortable.

Even if Holmes is a detective, in this respect, it is no different from ordinary people.

When Robert Downey Jr. performed, he performed in a somewhat exaggerated way——

After being exposed to the sun, he fell down from the chair with a loud "ah".

Coupled with it, he kindly prayed that Jude Law, who played Watson, would open the curtains slowly--

"Please be gentle, gentle..."

——This line is filmed with a cry of "Ah" at the back. If you remove the picture and think about the United Kingdom again, it is simply imaginative...

However, this is not the focus of the old gun.

After all, this old man with a red face and beard showed no signs of bending.

In fact, not long before considering his arrival in the UK, the old gun told Charlotte that Annika was also pregnant. Charlotte felt that the old gun was actually quite "straight."

The old gun will tell Charlotte the news. On the one hand, it is to inform him that the crew needs to change a makeup artist-after all, Annika is not young is considered to be a more dangerous pregnant woman, so she can't help it naturally. The toss of heavy work.

On the other hand, the old gun hopes that Charlotte can become the godfather of him and Annika's children.

After all, after so many years of cooperation, the two can be regarded as old partners. And Charlotte is now a big figure among Hollywood directors. It is natural to find a strong backing for her children.

Charlotte naturally readily agreed.

And this incident also caused the old gun to explode with a high degree of enthusiasm for work——

Among other things, he rarely commented on the acting skills of actors before. But this time, in order to stare at Downey and not cause trouble, Lao Gun obviously paid attention to more things that he didn't care about before—

"The appearance of Downey crawling on the ground after falling from a chair, and the tone of that voice when he asked Watson about a case, don't you think it's like "give me a mouthful"?"

Old Gun said with a smile.

"That's it!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"Although there is an exaggeration, Downey definitely refers to his past "life"-then again, to some extent, a mystery that is difficult to solve should be similar to cocaine for Holmes. Bar?"

"Will you die if you don't solve the case?"

"more or less!"

Charlotte nodded.

"In fact, in Conan Doyle's original work, there is also a description of Sherlock Holmes who injects cocaine because of utter boredom. This is also the dark history of Sherlock Holmes!"

"From this perspective alone, Downey, who has had similar experiences and is somewhat eccentric and weird in character, really fits the role of Sherlock Holmes!" ()

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