Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 340: Angels and demons

Lao Qiang's invitation to the actors went smoothly.

Both Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino agreed smoothly.

——Although, according to their schedule, it may not be possible to enter the crew for filming until around December.

However, the preliminary preparations for "Hell Detective" would have taken a lot of time, and this is not a delay.

It was Judy Foster who not only readily agreed to act, but also called Charlotte specifically to ask about the script.

——Obviously, the actress not only wants to act, but also wants to invest.

Charlotte didn't object either.

——Anyway, he also needs to raise some insufficient funds!

In short, compared to Charlotte's second version of the script, which is somewhat difficult to give birth, the actor's invitation work is very smooth.

Even after reading the script that Charlotte was revising, even Alexis became somewhat interested.

"Can you give me the role of an angel?"

Seeing where Miss Valkyrie’s finger was, Charlotte realized that she was actually referring to the originally planned boss behind the scenes——


In the original "Detective of Hell", this role was played by Tilda Swinton.

Tilda Swinton is a very special one among Hollywood actresses.

Other actresses, except for actresses who specialize in comedy such as Melissa McCarthy, most of them have their own style——

The whole Hollywood is like a huge greenhouse, in which various "flowers" are cultivated.

Cold, noble, charming, amiable, evil... all kinds, there are both flamboyant like fairies, and typical girls next door, and **** stunners are not rare.

However, those with tough temperament and both sexes, or neutral beauty, are very rare.

Because the degree of this is difficult to grasp. If you are not careful, you will become a "pure man".

For example, "Xie Ye" Hilary Swank, this is a typical example of playing too many female roles, causing the "pure man" breath to be completely uncontrollable.

In contrast, Cate Blanchett, who is famous for starring in "Elizabeth", and her majesty the Elf Queen in the future "Lord of the Rings", has a very good combination of tough temperament and feminine beauty.

However, her beauty is still more feminine after all, but under her strong aura, most people don't realize it.

But Tilda Swinton does not have such a strong aura, she gives people a more ethereal overall feeling, and a more neutral temperament.

This makes her play very narrow, but this kind of temperament fits well with the original definition of "angel"——

After all, according to Christianity, angels are asexual...

In short, the angel Gabriel played by Tilda Swinton can be said to be one of the most successful roles in the original "Detective of Hell".

But now, Alexis wants to play this role?

"Are you sure you can play such a neutral role?"

Charlotte looked at Alexis with a slightly suspicious look.


Alexis shook his head.

"The point is not neutrality, but the inhuman feeling of angels!"

"You are right."

Charlotte nodded.

He admitted to a certain extent that he was influenced by Tilda Swinton's version of Gabriel.

Indeed, to show the inhuman feeling of an angel, it is not necessary to be as neutral as Swinton, but—

"How are you going to behave?"

Charlotte looked at Alexis with interest.

"Can you show me a show?"

"it's here?"

Alexis looked around--

At this time, she and Charlotte were both in the office building rented by the Ghost Party Studio on South Beauvais Avenue, and there was no crowd nearby.

No way, Charlotte is also the owner of the studio, and naturally has a separate office.

As the director of the animation and special effects department, Alexis also serves as Charlotte's secretary to a certain extent...

In short, the relationship between the two is very ambiguous for people in the studio who don't know the inside story of ghosts.

The old gun and others, who knew the identity of the ghost of Alexis, turned a respectful farewell to the Valkyrie.

Therefore, when the two of them are getting along, other people seldom hang around nearby.

Therefore, it is not a problem for Alexis to perform directly.

"Look at it!"

Since no one else is nearby, Alexis simply didn’t hide his specialness anymore—

Miss Valkyrie spread her wings directly.

"This is really a natural advantage!"

Seeing this move by Alexis, Charlotte couldn't help but smashed her mouth.

"The Valkyrie is indeed very similar to an angel. If you pretend to be an angel, at least the money for special effects can be saved."

"This is not the most important thing yet!"

With that said, Alexis continued to cast spells. Soon, her hair shortened and her face changed slightly.

——As a ghost, Miss Valkyrie can control her appearance to a certain extent.

And more importantly, with this change, Alexis's temperament has also changed——

She was closer to the feeling of the girl next door, but now she has an extremely ethereal feeling...

"It's really good!"

Charlotte stroked her chin and gave her own evaluation

"It's almost a neutral feeling, but that kind of strong empty inspiration can really make people feel inhuman, and—"

——Alexis is indeed an angel-like, inhuman existence.

In other words, from the perspective of the reality of the performance, it is impossible for a normal actor to have an advantage over this Valkyrie.

"Well, you won, Alexis!"

Seeing Miss Valkyrie who became smiling for a moment, Charlotte shrugged.


In fact, Alexis is not the only non-human being included in the cast of "Hell Detective" by Charlotte.

As a headless horseman, Ruifan Phoenix can't run.

He was appointed by Charlotte to play the half-demon Balthazar.

Rui Fan didn't reject this.

In fact, he is very interested in acting again, especially with his former friend Keanu Reeves...

"Why don't we just pull Johnny into this play?"

Rui Fan even had this idea.

"Let you "Three Musketeers" gather together?"

Charlotte shook his head The idea is good, but with Depp's current status, he can't play a supporting role. It's possible to make a cameo, but who can he make a cameo? "

"How about Biman who prepared all kinds of equipment and props for Constantine?"

Alexis, who had read the script, had an idea on the side.

"That's okay."

Charlotte nodded.

"Then let's invite Depp to come and play the role of Biman! By the way, if possible, Rui Fan—"

Charlotte looked at Revan Phoenix,

"Can you take the opportunity to let Reeves and Depp accept the "truth" of this world?"

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