Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 279: In the clouds

Charlotte also did not give Charlize Cope the future of "Titanic."

After all, there is more than a year left, and he doesn't want to act as a prophet, and then he is considered a lunatic by his girlfriend.

——Even as an exorcist, he, who is proficient in spells and ghost knowledge, is already very unusual in Charlize's eyes.

"In the performance awards, Depp's nomination for best actor can be said to be a breakthrough."

While enjoying the warmth of the hot springs, Charlotte continued the previous Oscar topic,

"However, it is impossible to take the actor. After all, everyone knows that Oscar hates Depp. This time, if Iqab Karan was not for the more unusual character, which completely subverted his previous image, I am afraid he would still take it. Not nominated."

In fact, in Charlotte's original world, Oscar's aversion to Depp is even more serious. Even Tom Cruise won the prize, and Depp can't even touch the nominated hair.

Had it not been for "Pirates of the Caribbean" to open a path of absurd performance for him, I am afraid he would never get Oti.

So, now that Depp has been nominated for Best Actor for his performance in "Dropped Head", Charlotte is a little surprised.

However, what made him even more unexpected was that Charlize’s nomination was actually—

After all, although the role of Katrina is the most beautiful scenery in "Dale of the Dead", in essence, this is actually a large vase. Oscar nominated for such a role, but it is rare to see.

"Sally, you can be nominated, in addition to the Oscar preferential treatment for newcomers, it is probably related to our previous transformation of the role of Katrina."

Charlotte rubbed his chin and pondered.

"Although the role is not complicated, but after the setting of this role was modified by me, it is no longer a simple classical rich lady, but a combination of a classical lady and a charming witch——"

"Oscar will nominate me because of this new role type!?"

Although I knew that it was a fluke to get the nomination, Charlize still pouted unhappily after hearing what Charlotte said so bluntly.

Charlotte discovered this too, so he hurriedly added another sentence.

"However, Sally, you can blend the two completely unmatched character types so perfect, and the acting skills are also very good, but the role of Katrina is really not the type favored by Oscars..."

"That's pretty much the same!"

The girl gave the man a white look.

She knew that Charlotte was actually comforting her, and she didn't particularly care about Oscar.

After all, she is only in her early 20s, and it would be nice to get a nomination.

At this time, letting go of the only fluke, she was more interested in the new scenes that Charlotte constructed in the world of dreams.

"In addition to the earliest Santa Monica Beach, this hot spring, and the Brooklyn Bridge you have been planning for a long time, have you created any other scenes in the dream world?"

"Other scenes..."

Charlotte scratched her head.

"There are also three sceneries, the forest hut, the village castle, and the clouds, but I haven't finished it yet."

"The cloud!?"

Charlize froze for a moment.

"The clouds you are talking about are not above the clouds in the sky, right?"

"That's right!"

Charlotte nodded.

"If it is done, it will be a beautiful and fantastic scene!"

Charlize couldn't help but imagine.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered a question,

"Can the scene you create be used for other purposes? I always feel that it is only used as a fun scene by the two of us, which is a bit wasteful."

With that, she stretched her white jade arms out of the water to catch the snowflakes falling from the dream sky.

"Look, it's so beautiful!"


Charlotte also sighed in agreement.

Of course, in his eyes, what is "so beautiful" is still a question.

However, he did agree with Charlize's opinion-

"I actually considered using the dream world scenes for other purposes, like shooting movies. But to make these scenes manifest, I still need more mana and new spells."

"Then have to wait slowly."

Charlize sighed a little regretfully, but deep down, the girl was complacent about the world that belonged exclusively to her and Charlotte...


"My mentality is really strange!"

When he woke up the next morning, Charlize sighed as soon as he opened his eyes.

She twisted her body, feeling a dampness under her.


The girl murmured.

To say that she has any dissatisfaction with the dream world that Charlotte constructed, that's it.

——Although the process is very comfortable, the result is always a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, because Charlize was staying in a hotel recently because she came to New York to film "The Devil's Advocate", she didn't need the life assistant Sophia who knew her well to clean the sheets.

In this way, the embarrassment in Charlize's heart was much less.

In any case, a good night dream, Charlize not only enjoyed the comfortable hot springs, but also experienced stimulating "exercises", which made her depressed mood a lot better.

In fact, the girl was not in a good mood before learning that she was nominated for an Oscar yesterday.

Because the atmosphere of the crew of "Devil's Advocate" is dull.

Director Taylor Hackford is not a low-level director as a veteran director.

After the contact, Charlize found that he did not like him.

Likewise, he doesn't like Charlize.

Although he praised Charlize for his talent and savvy, the girl knew that it was only for the promotion of the film.

Taylor Hackford is actually not satisfied with the heroine Charlize.

And what dissatisfied him most, Charlize knew, should be the various terms proposed and signed by his agent Pat Kingsley before joining the group.

——In the filming of "Devil's Advocate", Charlize will use a stand-in for all large-scale performances.

To Taylor Hackford, an old-school director who likes to use actors as chess pieces, this is an offense.

——Although Charlize does not feel that there is something wrong with what he did.

In particular, the powerful Pat Kingsley even asked Taylor Hackford to delete a few radical lens designs——

"Anyway, this kind of scene can't be released when it is shown in the movie theater. What use is it to keep it in addition to torturing the actors?"

The agent lady from CAA is plausible and although the director compromised at the time, he put the account on Charlize.

Of course, Taylor Hackford’s hard work has been condensed in the movie "The Devil's Advocate", and he will not be arrogant because he is in a bad mood.

But on the other hand, he is a director after all. If you want the heroine to have a bad life, you don't have to work hard at all, as long as you strengthen the requirements and let her be a lot of NG.

Anyway, Charlize has been making things difficult recently.

However, the stubborn girl did not give in, nor did she ask for help. She tried her best to perform and wanted to overwhelm the director's difficulties.

This also played a role to a certain extent-

Very professional, Taylor Hackford, who likes to talk about things, did gradually change his views on Charlize. Although he was still dissatisfied, he no longer deliberately targeted him.

But Charlize himself, because of the previous excessive concentration, got into the role of the heroine Mary a bit too deeply.

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