Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 271: Dragon Heart II

As a remnant soul, Francis Farmer rarely thinks about what state she is in now.

Because it doesn't make sense to her.

But she knew that she was not actually Francis Farmer in the true sense.

The real Francis Farmer had his white matter removed in the 1940s in the Malcolm Nursing Home, but she did not die.

But at that time, Francis Farmer, as a remnant soul, was also born at the same time.

Therefore, she is not a ghost born after death in the general sense.

For a long time after she was born, she had been muddled, lacking thinking ability, only some animal-like instincts.

These instincts told her that she was weak.

She couldn't leave the Malcolm Nursing Home, and she couldn't even appear next to some adults with stronger souls.

——The other party's soul can cause some interference to her remnant soul, causing her to disappear even the last bit of memory and obsession.

In that case, she would really become an unconscious soul fragment.

In desperation, she had to hide under the ground of Malcolm Nursing Home.

At that time, the dragon had not yet been born, but the dragon veins already existed.

She hid in the dragon veins, as the nourishment for the dragon veins to nurture the dragon, without any feeling.

If there were no other changes, she would still slowly lose her last memories and obsessions, and then turn into ordinary soul fragments.

At that time, she would be completely absorbed by the dragon veins, and eventually turned into a part of the dragon born in the future.

Just like the food eaten by people becomes part of the human body.

However, I don’t know if the dragon bred in this dragon vein is lucky or unlucky. It just occupies the underground of Malcolm Nursing Home——

Dr. Malcolm Hild, who removed the white matter of Francis' brain lobe, really liked and was good at this kind of surgery.

Before this operation was completely abolished, a large number of mental patients in the Malcolm Nursing Home had their brain lobes removed.

Many of them also produced weak remnants.

Those remnant souls, like Francis at the beginning, hid under the ground of Malcolm Nursing Home under the instinctive guidance, and then became the nourishment for the bred dragon.

Such a large number of artificially created remnant souls greatly accelerated the speed of dragon veins gestating dragons.

But on the other hand, these remnants of souls that can also be absorbed by dragon veins are different from soul fragments that have no traces of consciousness at all. They still have a small amount of consciousness—

This makes the conceived dragon's consciousness no longer pure.

The consciousness of these remnants of Francis and their souls was directly mixed into the consciousness of the dragon, occupying a considerable proportion.

Of course, if there is no accident later, the dragon will only sleep in the ground for a long time, then the consciousness bodies of Francis and the others that have been mixed into the dragon consciousness will be purified sooner or later.

At that time, the dragon's consciousness was no different from a normal dragon.

However, before being purified, Francis and the others could use the dragon's eyes or abilities to perceive various things happening in Malcolm Nursing Home.

——Although it's just perceiving.

At that time, these remnants of their souls were still muddled, and they didn't have any sense of what happened.

——They are like trees or mountains. Although they have witnessed everything, they are not affected at all.

However, the filming of the film crew of "Red Actress" in the nursing home of the Malcolm Nursing Home changed all this again.

The true reappearance of her own experience back then stimulated Francis Farmer's consciousness to a certain extent and made her sober.

The rest of the remnants absorbed by the dragon were also victims of lobectomy, and their shared experience resonated with them.

Finally, with Francis' consciousness as the center, a new consciousness aggregate was born.

Although as a single body, they are weak remnants, but when they are brought together, they are powerful.

They can even use the power of the dragon to take Francis as the main body to carry out normal thinking.

To this extent, it is not wrong to say that they are actually Francis Farmer.

——It's just that this Francis Farmer was the Francis who was removed from the white matter of the brain, not Ms. Farmer who died in 1970.

Such Francis will naturally retaliate.

So, in 1982, shortly after the movie "Red Actress" was released, Francis, who gradually mastered part of the power of the dragon, killed Dr. Malcolm Heard who lived in the Malcolm Nursing Home in his later years.

——That is, the person who removed the white matter of her brain.

At that moment, Francis was happy.

However, as many philosophers have said, being able to think is not only the essence of human beings, but also the source of human suffering.

Even if it is a ghost, being able to think will face such a problem.

Because of his own anger and hatred and other obsessions, Francis hopes to leave Malcolm Nursing Home for revenge.

——After all, Dr. Malcolm was not the only one who caused her encounter.

But because of the limitations of the dragon's power, she just couldn't leave.

She could only watch the daily lives of countless mental patients in Malcolm Nursing Home day after day.

Just like when she was put in a mental hospital.

Of course, after many reforms and investigations, the Malcolm Nursing Home is now free of all the darkness and persecution of the year. But even so, Francis would still instinctively hate watching such a scene.

Even if not for revenge, she still wants to leave.

But she just couldn't leave.

To the greatest extent, she can also use the timing of the dragon's periodic mirage to make herself and other remnants in the consciousness aggregate move on the ground like ordinary ghosts.

More often, she still lurks underground, as the only sober consciousness in the consciousness aggregate, silently enduring it.

At the same time, due to the instinct of the ghost, she would unconsciously borrow the power of the dragon to constantly reproduce her cause in the Malcolm Nursing Home.

-Or the "method of death".

Fortunately, the removal of the white matter of the brain is not death in the true sense after all.

And she can affect only those patients who are really weak in spirit and have various problems.

Therefore, in nursing homes, there are only more patients with severe dementia This is almost commonplace for mental hospitals, and no one cares.

But in fact, it was those patients who were also separated by her power with a little remnant soul, so they became similar to the dementia after the white matter removal of the brain.

As for those remnants, like Francis and the others, they were absorbed by the dragon.

——Although for a while, they still retain consciousness and will not be completely transformed.

Before meeting Charlotte, Francis hadn't thought whether it was right to do this, it was like her instinct.

Hearing Charlotte’s reminder, Francis, who had had the white matter removed from the brain, suddenly realized that she had become the person she had previously hated—

Just as Dr. Malcolm Hild removed the white matter of other people's brain lobes to really turn normal people into dementia, she now uses the power of dragons to strip away part of the soul of living people and turn them into dementia.

What is the difference between this and the dragon that devours the soul of living people?

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