Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 228: We hold hands

"The current situation is that because I borrowed Odin's power, you can't help me and Alexis who is about to be resurrected!"

Facing the headless knight transformed from Cromwell, Charlotte still hangs upside down on the tree of death, explaining the current situation.

"And conversely, because you are not a headless knight incarnation of a pure war dead, I can't directly use Odin's power to destroy you!"

With that, Charlotte spread her hands upside down.

"So, shall we talk about it?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Should we make a bet?"

Charlotte made her own suggestion.

"I know that you, as a headless knight who can travel between Yin and Yang, don't want to bring Alexis back to life. But why?"

Before Cromwell could answer, Charlotte gave her own answer.

"Because it violates the gates of hell, or the rule that you can only enter the underworld."


Cromwell nodded.

"Then, I'll bet whether the power of the gate of **** can keep Alexis!"

Charlotte pointed at the Banshee Banshee who was bound by his chain,

"Bansi is also a ghost, you take her into the gate of hell, but leave one arm outside and Alexis will pull her out."

"It's impossible, pull it out!"

"Then let's take a gamble and try it!"

Charlotte explained,

"If Alexis can pull her out, it means that she has the strength and will to live, then you and the gate of **** should recognize her "resurrection"."


There was silence for a while, Cromwell turned into a headless knight nodded, and then grabbed his head with his hand.

He took his head off again!

He casually threw the skull back to the previous appearance to Charlotte again, and then strode towards Bansi who was bound by the silver chain.

Bansie didn't speak, she just watched quietly at the headless knight who had restored his headless appearance again, and her expressionless face even showed an expression of relief.

"Bansi is a special ghost between life and death. Unlike other ghosts, she is forced to exist in this special state."

Charlotte’s words suddenly sounded in Alexis’s mind.

"The reason why she can predict death is because of this special state, and she shed tears, essentially sorrowing for the immortal self."

"So, whether it's life or death, is it a relief for her?"

Alexis didn’t wonder how Charlotte’s words came to her mind. Anyway, this guy always had a lot of tricks. She just followed the other’s words and thought down.

"But according to your words, how should I pull her out of the gate of hell? After all, I don't know how to use magic, and she doesn't have the will to live."

"Don't worry about this."

There seemed to be a trace of sarcasm in Charlotte’s words.

"Do you think I would not cheat if I bet on this kind of thing?"


Alexis suddenly felt that this fellow Charlotte was really an honest bastard.

"But why didn't the headless knight just ask me what should I do if I can't pull Bansi out of the gate of hell? The bets are usually two-way, right?"

Faced with this question of Alexis, Charlotte chuckled.

"Because he wants to cheat too!"


This time, Miss Ghost, who had been completely confused, was really speechless.

"Even if he has turned into a necromancer, he is Cromwell after all! How can a politician's mouth be believed? Just like he won't believe me 80% of the time!"


So you two are talking nonsense with your eyes open! ?

Alexis felt that she couldn't keep up with this thought, so she had to ask silently.

"Then what should I do?"

"As I said just now, after Bansi is led into the gate of **** by him, just go and grab Bansi's hand."

Charlotte didn't give too much explanation,

"I will take the opportunity to complete a ritual, and then your "resurrection" will be completed before that, as long as you don't be dragged into the gate of **** by the other party."

"Do you think this is a possible cheating method for the other party?"

Alexis guessed what Charlotte meant.

"So, why are you two betting this bet for? You obviously don't plan to keep it!?"

"Because if we fight directly, the two of us are jealous of each other, we are not sure of winning!"

Charlotte simply told the truth.

"So, the best way is to change hands. If I guess right and the other party is not too stupid, then we will have an indirect contest between you and Bansi."

"Indirect contest?"


Charlotte gave an example,

"If direct competition is a competition, then indirect competition is probably a tug of war!"


So Bansi and I are your ropes for tug-of-war! ?

Alexis, who fully understood it, had an unhappy face, but she couldn't object to Charlotte's decision.

"you do not need to worry!"

Perhaps seeing Alexis’ worry, Charlotte comforted her,

"This time we were lucky, and we encountered Bansi, a banshee who could predict death. I think we are set to win!"

"Will Bansi affect the outcome of the "tug of war"?"

"If I cheat, yes."


Alexis was also speechless for the director who wanted to cheat whenever he talked about betting.

She was about to ask some detailed questions in her mind, but saw the Headless Horseman suddenly grabbing Bansi.

The next moment, a puff of black smoke rose from under him.

The black smoke grew bigger and bigger, and soon turned into a terrifying black horse, which automatically carried the headless knight up.


The time Ruifan Phoenix became a death knight, Alexis had seen this kind of ghost.

However, compared to the nightmare that was not powerful back then, this nightmare is much stronger now.

Alexis felt cold all over just looking at it

The nightmare's front hoofs slammed up, and with an acceleration, he took the headless horseman and Bansi on his back and rushed towards the tree hole under the tree of death.

They were like a cloud of smoke, and got into the tree hole in the blink of an eye.

After that, the vines in front of the tree hole quickly gathered and soon covered the tree hole, leaving only half of the woman's arm exposed.

It's like the ending of "Driftwood Valley" played on the big screen in the outside world.

In particular, the arm was slightly raised, and he pointed his finger at Alexis who was standing on the side, then raised his index finger and made a "come here" gesture.

"Is it my time?"

Alexis walked over tremblingly, and slowly stretched out her hand, trying to catch Bansi's arm that was still outside the tree hole.

The arm suddenly moved, and grabbed Alexis's outstretched hand!


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