Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 219: Halloween Five (2 in 1 large

The moment the heroine Katrina took off her blindfold, the camera gave the pretty girl a close-up of her upper body.

The close-up is clearly observed from the perspective of the actor Iqab Karan.

And Iqab is a man.


Therefore, in the close-up shots, in addition to showing the girlish style of Charlize who plays Katrina, she also swept her chest by the way—

Although compared to some famous actresses-such as future widows Scarlett Johansson-Charlize is not so magnificent, but her figure is still very good.

Moreover, girls who have just turned 20 have little room for growth.

Of course, the most important thing is the famous saying——

Chest and groove are like time, there will always be a squeeze.

Besides, there is another thing called magic bra.

In short, after processing, Charlize's chest in the lens looks a lot stalwart. Coupled with the long dresses of women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they would have deliberately highlighted the chest...

Anyway, during the filming of "Drop Head", Charlotte specially "appreciated" Katrina's style. He was actually very clear about the internal structure of the long dress.

"The way of playing that time, don't even think about it anymore!"

At this time, Charlize, who was sitting next to Charlotte, seemed to think of the same thing. She snorted directly in Charlotte’s mind.

"The time I wore this long skirt, I was fainted by you in the back. I don't want to do it again!"

"That's not what you said at the time."

"...Anyway, there is no next time!"

Charlize blushed, sternly shouted in his head.

——The moment of suffocation, the feeling of not being able to distinguish between happiness and pain, really makes the girl's memory deep.

She didn't know if she wanted to come again, but she felt that if she came a few more times, she would definitely develop some bad hobby for Charlotte.

——For her, that might not be a good thing.

However, in the literature of the nineteenth century, Charlize now knows why those ladies in dresses and long skirts are so easy to pass out.

——It must be out of breath!

Girls who have experienced it firsthand are very sure.

"Hey, can you two just digress to that aspect instead of chatting!"

In Charlize's mind, another female voice suddenly sounded.

——It's Alexis, who has been quiet recently.


Charlize couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because there have been a few "critical moments" of forgetting to block Alexis and making the other party "empathize", Charlize has recently simply ignored this aspect.

——Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing to think about it.

Alexis didn't express his dissatisfaction either. But now it seems that it may be a bit too...


Charlize was about to explain, but Charlotte interjected suddenly.

"Get ready to enter the world of wall painting in this movie!"

Hearing the voice in his mind, both Charlize and Alexis were taken aback. And the words that made them even more stunned, but they are still behind——

"This time, Alexis will go in first!"

"What about Sally and you?"

Alexis couldn't help asking Charlize a question she also wanted to know.

"We will go in at the last moment."

Charlotte could obviously hear Alexis’s question, he explained,

"Entering the world of wall painting this time is because we have already assembled the conditions for you to "resurrect". But the process of "resurrection" must depend on you."

"Then what should I do?"

When Charlize "listened", Alexis's words clearly revealed tension.

This is also normal.

After all, a ghost who has been a lonely ghost for many years, facing the "resurrection", how can he not be nervous even if it is such a half-hearted "resurrection" with many restrictions?

——Alexis would get angry just now because of the small talk between himself and Charlotte, but also because of nervousness?

Charlize realized afterwards.

In contrast, Charlotte appears to be much hard-hearted--

"I will create the wall painting world of "Guillotine Valley" to be exactly the same as the movie story-after you go in, you have to play Katrina."

"The role of Sally? Can I just follow the storyline forever?"


Charlotte affirmed Alexis’ thoughts,

"From now on, playing Katrina until the end of the movie, you will be able to complete the rituals required for "resurrection." And Sally and I will go in at the last minute to help you solve the last problem."


After learning that Charlotte and Charlize would also enter the world of wall painting, Alexis seemed relieved a lot.

Under Charlotte's spell, she quickly entered the world on the other side of the big screen.

At that moment, Charlize felt that a part of himself seemed to be missing.

"She won't be able to come back? Is there any danger?"

The girl asked uneasy.

She felt that there seemed to be something hidden in Charlotte's words.

This time, the girl didn’t even notice any abnormality in the man’s performance, but maybe it was the intuition that was added after the dreams merged——

That's what Charlize thinks anyway.

"I won't be able to come back."

Charlotte sighed.

"However, it is true that there may be danger."


Charlize gritted his teeth and suddenly remembered the three red marks on Charlotte’s arm.

"Is it related to the mysterious consciousness in the gate of **** you said?"

"Sally, it seems that you have remembered a lot of the spell knowledge I taught you some time ago!"

Charlotte exclaimed, then explained

"The **** gate opened at the crossroads is the gate for ghosts to go to the world of death. Then, on the other hand, wanting to be resurrected means that you must come back from that world—"

"This violates the rule that the gates of **** can only enter but not exit!"

Thinking of some spell "common sense" that Charlotte had told herself before, Charlize blurted out.


Charlotte nodded.

"This kind of violation of the rules, even if the mysterious consciousness in the gate of **** does not interfere, it is still possible to attract other ghosts."

"But you don't mean that this era is the era of the end of the law, there are not many ghosts?"

"The Age of Domination is good, but—"

Charlotte sighed helplessly.

"Judging from your experience for more than a year, do you think there are fewer ghosts?"


Facts speak louder than words. Thinking about all the thrilling experiences over the past year, Charlize was speechless.

"Things gather together, weirdness will attract weirdness."

Charlotte gave a wry smile.

"Even if there are really not many ghosts in this world, this kind of use of spells and serious interference with the law will still attract them. Especially, today is Halloween!"


Charlize was taken aback, and then remembered a piece of knowledge Charlotte taught her.

"The moment the ghost door opens!?"

"That's right! Eastern July and a half, Western Halloween, legends are the moment when the two worlds of Yin and Yang are interconnected and the gate of ghosts opens."

Charlotte paused for a while before continuing to explain in Charlize’s mind,

"Although I don't know whether the underworld exists, this day, the power of the ghosts will indeed be strengthened."

"Then why did you choose to resurrect Alexis on this day!?"

Charlize couldn't help being a little anxious when it came to his "girlfriends".

"Whether it is to modify the premiere date, or change the time, not to hold the "resurrection" ceremony at the premiere, you can do it with your ability, right?"

"Of course it can be done, but—"

Charlotte sighed ironically.

"The moment when the ghost gate opens, is also the time when the law of **** gate is the weakest, and it is most suitable for "resurrection"!"


At this moment, Charlize also felt the malice of the laws of the world.

"Then what should we do now?"

In desperation, the girl had to rely on Charlotte.


Charlotte’s approach is simply outrageous,

"According to the plot of the movie, the easiest way to attract ghosts is at the end, and by that time it is probably past zero in the UK."


Charlize was taken aback, then reacted.

"You mean, as long as there is a delay, the most powerful Halloween of ghosts will pass?"

"To be precise, Halloween in the UK has passed."

Charlotte corrected Charlize's words.

In fact, a long time ago, Charlotte was struggling with the pros and cons of the Halloween date on Alexis’s resurrection.

It wasn't until Andrew Kevin Walker told him that Paramount wanted to show the premiere of "Guillotine Dale" in the UK, that he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds——

"The Valley of the Deadhead" premiered simultaneously in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Charlotte also deliberately induced Paramount to postpone the film's premiere time in the UK to 10:30 in the evening.

In this way, for a movie of about 120 minutes, the climax at the end will appear after 0 o'clock in the night.

At that time, in the UK, it was not Halloween, but the first Wednesday after Halloween.

In this way, even in the last moments of Alexis's resurrection, there are really ghosts to make trouble, they will not get the special time of Halloween here in England.

But on the other hand, the "resurrection" of Alexis can be enhanced by Halloween.

——Because in the United States, the premiere of "Drop Head" is also going on.

——The time in the United States is several hours later than the time in the United Kingdom, which uses Greenwich Mean Time.

——They are still in the middle of Halloween.

This part of the power can be absorbed by Charlotte through the simultaneous premiere of the "Dale of the Dead" movie and used for the resurrection of Alexis.

"So, your plan is to use the global time zone mechanism, or the international date line?"

After hearing Charlotte's explanation, Charlize was dumbfounded.

The girl felt that her brain was not enough for a moment, and it took a long time before she sighed.

"Your idea reminds me of Verne's "Around the Earth in Eighty Days."

"I got the inspiration from there."

Charlotte’s words were a little bit proud,

"However, even so, we still can't be careless. Because this time is different from before, we are on the defensive side."


Charlize nodded.

After listening to Charlotte’s plan, the girl couldn’t wait for time to go faster, faster, so as to go past zero, go through Halloween, and arrive at the next day—



In the world of painting the wall, Alexis does not know Charlize's tension and anxiety.

She is now the center of the banquet, she is the daughter of the rich and powerful in Sleepy Hollow, she is a beautiful little witch, she is—

Katrina Fantasso!

Looking at Iqab Karan with the face of Johnny Depp in front of her, this handsome man who had just been kissed on the cheek by herself, she didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Iqab Karan spoke.

"I'm looking for Potters Van Tassel."

"I am her daughter Katrina."

The blurted answer surprised Alexis.

The next moment, she realized that people in this world actually have their own independent consciousness. Charlotte asked her to play Katrina, but she just needs to be attached to Katrina in this world.

Even if she doesn't do anything, this Katrina with the face of Sally will still act according to the plot of the movie.

——However, if possible, it is better to intervene more.

Thinking of this, Alexis also began to devote his emotions to Katrina.

And before her eyes, a small-scale jealous fight is about to happen...


"This girl is 80% deliberate!"

Seeing on the big screen, Katrina’s admirer grabbed Iqab Karan played by Depp and prepared to teach this **** who had received the kiss of the goddess a lesson, when Winona Reid suddenly appeared Such a sentence.

This shocked Johnny Depp who was sitting next to him.

After his successful marriage proposal at the premiere, Depp has been in a dizzy state, even if he walked into the theater with Winona, who was already his fiancée, he did not wake up.

However, Winona's jealous words gave him a chill.

Well, think about it from Winona's point of view—

I just agreed to my ex-boyfriend’s marriage proposal, and saw my ex-boyfriend, the current fiance was kissed on the cheek by other girls?

Even if it was only in the movie, Winona would not be in a good mood.

What's more, the role of the girl kissing her fiance should originally belong to her.

And that girl seems to be no worse than herself.

——Even, maybe, maybe, maybe a little prettier than myself! ?

Therefore, Winona hates the role of Katrina, and even the reason why she hates Charlize Theron who plays her, is already very clear...

Although this is not a rational emotion, Depp feels that it is better to keep a low profile before the end of the film.

He stretched out his hand, trying to grab Winona's hand next to her and soothe her emotions.

——I feel that after waking up from that nightmare, Noni's mood has become quite fluctuating.

Then, his hand was grabbed by the girl and twisted...


Just when poor Johnny Depp tried not to yell on the big screen, the jealousy that many people liked and heard did not happen.

The appearance of Katrina's father and stepmother prevented this small storm.

Iqab Karan introduced his identity as a police officer, saying that he was sent to solve the murder case.

This got the attention of Katrina's father Portes Van Tasso.

He helped Iqab settle down, and then summoned the leading figures in the small town of Sleepy Hollow, and introduced them to Iqab one by one——

This includes local doctors, pastors, sheriffs, and notaries.

And Fan Tasso himself is the biggest rich man and banker in Sleepy Hollow, a role similar to the mayor.

These five people, plus the Van Gaal father and son who were killed before—the victims of the murder Iqab was sent here to solve—are the center of power in this small town.

As a police officer, Iqab asked them if he had a known suspect as soon as he came up, but what he got was a legend similar to a ghost story——

PS1: First of all, I apologize to everyone, I was so tired today. So there is no update in the morning. This two-in-one chapter is a compensation for everyone! It should not be updated less than usual. PS2: As mentioned earlier, please let me use the name of the "Halloween" series for a while. In fact, today's chapter should really be quite topical. PS3: In this chapter, it can be said that a lot of the voltage lines buried in front of me have been pulled out. I don't know if it is a brain-burning, but it should be interesting! PS4: The story of "Around the Earth in Eighty Days" should be very famous! The inside circled the earth for a week, but the ingenious design that took back one day because of the international date change line is a source of ideas for today's chapter. PS5: Everyone can guess if there is any voltage line left unclear.

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