Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 173: Day dreamer

Charlotte shrugged.

Having had in-depth exchanges with Charlize so many times, would he not know that the beauty of this girl is more modern?

Even if he recalls the original world, the roles that Theron has played are mostly modern roles although he doesn't see much.

Well, "Snow White and the Hunter", which forced the magic mirror to lie, is an exception.

However, at that time, Theron, who had won the Oscar, had evolved into a complete body in the form of a queen, which was completely different from Charlize, who was still in the form of a girl.

In fact, Charlotte hadn't thought about letting Charlize play any role in "Desktop".

Otherwise, he would not recommend Winona Reid as the heroine.

However, when Winona is unconscious, Charlotte's thinking has changed.

He hopes to solve the mystery of the monster in Depp and Winona by using the movie "Dropped Head".

This first requires Depra to be included in the crew.

For this, Charlotte is confident.

Secondly, there needs to be someone in the crew who understands Charlotte and can cooperate with him to use spells.

This is none other than Charlize.

As for the question of whether girls can play costume roles, Charlotte is not worried.

After all, Charlize has enough face value as a foundation, even if the costume characters are not so brilliant, it will only be relatively speaking.

What's more, he still has the disguise technique obtained from the evil **** in his hand now, so it's a big deal to help the girl fine-tune it.

The more troublesome thing is Charlize’s height

"Drop Head" is, after all, a costume drama. According to the social atmosphere at the time, the heroine often needs to feel like a little bird.

This is not easy for Charlize, who is 177cm tall. Fortunately, Depp's height is also over 180cm. If it is replaced by Tom Cruise, I am afraid that the prop box will have to be ready at any time.

From this point of view, Christina Ricci, the heroine of the original "Dale of the Deadhead" in the world, is very suitable, but Charlotte can't use her at all.

No way, he probably knew about it when he wrote the script, and that person was only 15 years old this year. At most, even a half-cooked loli, if you want to grow up to meet the requirements of the heroine in the script, no one can't do it for two or three years.

Time waits for no one!

In contrast, although Charlize is a bit taller, it can still be solved by borrowing and other methods.

If it doesn't work, you can let Depp wear high heels!

Anyway, high-heeled shoes were originally worn by men, especially in the context of the story of "Decapitated Valley", that purpose even exists.

Of course, in the face of Judy Foster, Charlotte can't say so directly. But when he said that Charlize could actually try, the actress finally did not object.

"Finally judge with makeup audition!"

The two only reached such a conclusion.


In contrast, the real trouble now is actually the strange ghost attached to Depp and Winona at the same time.

"According to you, could it be the unknown ghost that made Winona unconscious?"

Judy Foster asked.

"There is such a possibility!"

Charlotte nodded, but a little embarrassed.

"The problem now is, I still can't recognize the monster's true body. If you don't know the true body, there is no way to deal with it. Unless"

His eyes suddenly lit up,

"There is a way!"


Johnny Depp is still sitting next to Winona's illness, reciting the script of "Dropped Head" for her unconscious.

Gwyneth sat in a corner of the ward and listened quietly.

Charlotte came in with a basket of packed carnations.

"Johnny, how is Winona?"

He asked caringly.

"The injury is not serious, it's just..."

Depp took a sad look at the disease.

"I can't wake up!"

"That's it!"

Faced with this situation, Charlotte didn't say anything, he just put the basket of carnations on Winona's head table.

At this moment, Depp suddenly said,

"Sorry, Charlotte! I'm afraid I won't be able to pick up the movie I said before!"

"Can't answer?"


Depp smiled bitterly and glanced at Winona who was ill.

"Nori looks like this now, me"

"I see!"

Charlotte nodded.

"But don't rush to conclusions, after all Winona may wake up soon, and there may still be the two of you acting together."


It should be said that Charlotte's words are the best scenario Depp can imagine, which makes him unable to refute.

When Charlotte saw this, he patted Depp on the shoulder.

"Don't rush to conclusions, wait and see, anyway, our preparations will take some time."

"……All right."

"Right, this script"

Charlotte glanced at the script in Depp's hand.

"Is this Judy Foster handing it to you?"

"That's it!"

Depp didn't explain that the script was forwarded by Gwyneth.

And Charlotte didn’t ask, he just smiled.

"I think this should be a script that you and Winona both like. Although it is a commercial film, it may be a bit simpler."

After speaking, he nodded with Gwyneth beside him, and then left.

"Johnny, who is he?"

Gwyneth was curious as she watched Charlotte's back.

"Charlotte Booth. The expected director of this movie."

Depp raised the script in his hands.

"At the same time, he is also the director of "Happy Death" which was shown some time ago. Gwen, is this the first time you see him?"


Gwyneth nodded, but she remembered Charlotte's name in her heart.

On the other side, Depp saw that no one was interrupting, so he continued to read the script in his hand.

Gwyneth still listened quietly, but for some reason, she gradually became a little sleepy, and her concentration gradually became distracted.

Even Depp gradually stopped chanting without noticing.


"Very well, those two are asleep!"

Through the script of the spell cast in Depp's hands, Charlotte silently felt the movement in the ward.

He was hiding in the fire exit of the hospital, and Judy Foster had already left.

After all, although the matter of ghosts and monsters is important, the work has to be continued.

And Charlotte stayed

In the basket of carnations he used to visit Winona, there was actually a hypnotic spell hidden.

Charlotte's plan is not complicated, just like when he helped Charlize, he was ready to design a dream, and then Deprae into the dream.

According to Depp's previous statement, he and Viona sometimes share dreams. Charlotte felt that when two people had the same dream it must be the time for that strange ghost activity.

Now Winona is in a coma, and Charlotte feels that as long as Depp can fall into her own preset dream, she will have a great opportunity to observe the strange ghost.

As for Gwyneth's falling asleep, it was purely piggybacked by Charlotte's spell.

But Charlotte didn't worry about her, the evil spirit in her body should be able to protect her to a certain extent.

However, Charlotte was wrong this time.

As soon as Depp and Gwyneth fell asleep, they were suddenly drawn into a dark dream.

That's not Charlotte's preset dream!


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