Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 162: Magic Book

"This is your temporary script!?"

Looking at the draft script that Charlotte handed her, Judy Foster was a little surprised.

"Eached out in the last few days?"


Although this is not the case, Charlotte was not stupid enough to say what he did in the last three days. He nodded.

"After watching "Legend of Sleepy Hollow", I was very interested in the adaptation plan you mentioned, so I rushed out a draft of the script."

"You script..."

Judy pondered.

"It seems that the adaptation of the original work is huge!"

"This is inevitable!"

Charlotte spread her hands,

"The original work is Washington Irving's work in the early 19th century. Compared with this era, many concepts are very different. To meet the tastes of the current audience, a large-scale adaptation is necessary!"

"It's true!"

Miss Shadow Queen was persuaded by Charlotte,

"So you introduced a lot of detective movie elements?"

"That's right!"

Charlotte gave a smirk.

"I actually really want to know what a Sherlock Holmes believer who believes in logic and reasoning will look like when he encounters a real monster like the Headless Horseman."

"You are really nasty!"

Imagine that scene, the queen lady also covered her mouth and laughed.

"But I like the idea very much."

"In my plan, this will be a dark fantasy horror film."

Charlotte continued to state her plan,

"And after integrating the elements of detective films, there may be some funny elements."

"It sounds interesting!"

Judy Foster nodded.

"Speaking of Sherlock Holmes, I am thinking of a film that was released more than a year ago. It seems to be called "The Return of Sherlock Holmes"—"

"That movie!"

Charlotte remembered suddenly—he had watched the videotape of that movie with Charlize before,

"It was a story about Sherlock Holmes's arrival in modern society. Although the box office was not high when it was released, I personally think it is quite interesting."

"Have you seen it too!?"

Judy suddenly became interested,

"I was still secretly...cough cough, anyway, do you want that feeling?"

"It should be different!"

Charlotte frowned and thought about it.

"What I want more is a feeling of fantasy and horror, rather than... what should I say?"

His eyes suddenly lit up,

"I'll give you a general demonstration!"


Judy was taken aback by Charlotte's words, but the next moment, when she saw what the other party took out of her handbag, she suddenly jumped up.

"Why did you bring this thing again!?"

What Charlotte held in her hand was the personal leather book that had bewildered her for a long time!

"Don't be nervous! Cthulhu has been wiped out by me!"

Charlotte explained quickly,

"Now this book has been reworked by me, and it has a special purpose."

"Special purpose!?"

Judy Foster carefully looked at the human leather book in Charlotte's hand, as if it was a beast that would choose people and eat them at any time.

"It won't be—"

"You can just take a look!"

After speaking, Charlotte opened the Human Paper Book.

"This is--"

Judy Foster was stunned.

On the pages of the human skin book, what is displayed is no longer complicated ancient characters, but a yellowish blank.

No, that's not blank!

Judy's eyes were fixed there, and in the yellowish blank, a black dot could be seen gradually magnifying——

"This is—the headless horseman!?"

Seeing the black dots gradually enlarged, and finally turned into a dark knight, holding a battle axe, riding a black horse, but without a head, the pupils of the shadow queen suddenly enlarged.

"how did you do it?"

"Of course something mysterious was used."

Charlotte shrugged.

"After killing Cthulhu, I studied whether I could use this paper as a waste. Later I found out that I could directly use this book to realize some images I imagined in my mind."

"like this?"

Judy pointed at the headless horseman in the human leather book blankly.

"It's really intuitive."

"Not only that—" Charlotte smiled triumphantly.


Following his words, the picture on the human skin book suddenly changed——

The pitch-black headless knight moved suddenly, and in front of him, there was a man who was panicking and running away.

The headless horseman galloped on his horse, getting closer and closer to the man, and then—


Splashing blood! Heads flying! !


Although the pictures on the human skin book are closer to animation, the real texture still made Judy Foster subconsciously exclaimed.

"this thing……"

Miss Shadow Queen immediately realized the purpose of the human skin book-

"You don't plan to use this to make pre-animations, do you?"

"Don't you think it is appropriate?"

Charlotte asked rhetorically.

In the process of filming, a problem often arises, that is, a good script, or that a good story cannot make a good movie.

The reason for this is very complicated, but if some human factors are excluded and considered from a purely technical level, it is actually a problem in the process of the director's conversion of the text script into a dynamic picture.

In fact, the transformation from text to picture is so difficult, as all directors know, this is also the reason for the production of a sub-camera script.

And most directors have good painting skills, just to be able to visualize the images that they imagined from the script in their minds.

However, even so, what can often be realized is only individual static images.

Compared to a movie of at least 90 minutes, the manifestation of these few static images is simply a drop in the ocean.

And this is also the reason why movies are prone to rhythm problems-

Although directors can imagine the script as shots and pictures, it is too difficult for them to calculate the time consumption of these pictures in the process of imagination.

So when the directors shot all the shots they imagined in their minds, the problem arises——

Some shots are smelly and long, and some shots are obviously short of time. Putting it together, the unreasonable distribution of climax points and flat areas is very easy to happen.

At this time, it is time for the editor to save the world!

However, editing is not a panacea.

Not to mention that some movies are hopeless at all. Even if they can be saved by editing, a new problem will often arise-

The narrative is unclear!

After all, editing, as the name suggests, is to cut out a part and then stitch it together. The more you cut from the original plot, the harder it is to tell the story.

The production of a movie is actually such a process of constantly solving problems and then constantly generating problems.

——When the final problem cannot be solved, the movie is basically not far from the street.

Of course, this is a bit of a long way to say. When it comes to the rhythm problems that are easy to appear in movies, the root is actually in the process of transforming a movie from a static script to a dynamic picture.

Will people in the movies just sit back and wait for this problem and let their fate?

Actually not.

In some large-scale productions, due to sufficient resources, the film crew often makes some simple animations before shooting to further evaluate issues such as rhythm and special effects scenes.

This is the pre-animation.

In theory, the early animation can expose at least 60% of the problems in the process of converting static scripts to dynamic pictures.

However, this is only in theory, limited by cost and lead time, even for the very large productions in the 21st century, it is rare to produce all the scripts of the pre-animation.

This trick can only be used for some clips that the director attaches more importance to.

And now in the 1990s, there are even fewer crews who can use this trick.

After all, the cost and time of making the pre-animation are very touching.

However, the human skin book in Charlotte's hands now has the possibility of turning the impossible into possible.

PS1: "Magic Book" also has a name, "Ink Heart", which is a major fantasy film of "The Mummy" protagonist Brandon Fisher. It is biased towards children's stories, but it is not bad. PS2: There is a movie in "The Return of Holmes", it is said that Holmes survived into the 1990s after freezing himself, and then he was unfrozen by accident. The story that solved the case afterwards is a comedy. It was made in 1993. It looks like a movie in China. The channel is still let off, but it’s very early, don’t know if you remember it?

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