See Spider-Man's crazy Aite boss.

The other group members didn't know what was going on and asked questions.

Bone King Ainz: "What's going on, Benjamin is in crisis?" "

Super God-Meng Meng Da Justice Little Policewoman: "Don't panic, the all-knowing boss should know what's going on." "

Start from scratch - silver-haired elf warlock: "The big guy hasn't replied yet, this should still be in serious class!" "

Demon Slayer—Pillar of Love: "@天天上网, he may have opened a group message so don't disturb, I'll help you chat privately." "

Bone King-Ainz: "Private chat..... Tsk tsk..."


Su Xuan's anger value due to getting up slowly subsided, but he was very curious about this Marvel plot.

He is now a little unsure of which plane of existence the Marvel Universe this little spider that has not yet grown up.

However, it doesn't matter, everyone is part of the chat group and should help each other.

Besides, Su Xuan has always had a good impression of the little spider.

After his last investment in Aponia, he got a taste of the sweetness of lying down and earning points.

This time, the little spider is in danger, so it is reasonable to help the field!

Su Xuan, who had a decision in his heart, casually opened the chat group.

Daily-Fish-traverser: "@漫威-Internet every day, I'm sorry I just listened carefully to the lecture before I saw the message you sent." "

Daily-Fishing Traverser: "Rest assured, I am your strong backing!" "

Su Xuan is worried about where to fill the gap in the points of unlocking the third stage.

No, someone brought a pillow when I was sleepy.

Marvel - Internet every day: "Big guy, you finally replied to my message." Marvel

- Internet every day: "But I'm relieved to have your words."

Benjamin, who was worried, finally relented.

There is an all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipotent boss to take action, and all crises are not a problem.


Seeing everyone's questions, Su Xuan spoiled some of the plot of the original book in the group.

The trigger for the American Team 3 Civil War was because Iron Man's parents were mutilated by the Winter Soldier.

Enraged, Iron Man vows to avenge his parents by the Bloody Blades.

At this time, the American team stood up to speak for the Winter Soldier.

Explain that all this is a conspiracy of the Hydra organization.

The Winter Soldier was manipulated in his mind and body to make this inhuman move.

However, in Su Xuan's view, the real reason for the outbreak of conflict is ideological conflict.

Superheroes maintain world peace, and the fight against crime inevitably affects innocent civilians.

After repeated reports and protests by the victims' families.

The coalition government requires all superheroes to be regulated and nationalize the Avengers.

The group represented by the U.S. team believes that too much government intervention will affect them to save the world.

Since his parents died at the hands of superheroes, Tony Stark has the opposite attitude.

Iron Man has decided to fully support the government's establishment of a sound supervision and management system to restrain superheroes with amazing destructive power.

There is no distinction between good and evil in the confrontation between the two sides, it is completely a clash of ideologies!


After hearing Su Xuan explain the cause and effect of the matter, everyone in the chat group was eager to try.

Bone King - Ainz: "What did I see, there are big melons to eat!"

Satoru Suzuki was very excited, and it seemed that there was another world mission.

After a while, he had to be a little faster, trying to grab the qualification to get on the car.

Starting from scratch - Silver-Haired Elven Warlock: "Don't panic, little spider, I'll help you!" "

It's daytime, and Parker has a lot of energy and is ready to play.

She must wash away the shame of not breaking through the defense of the Hated Heaven last time.

Super God-Meng Meng Da Justice Little Policewoman: "I'll go too, in order to deal with possible alien invasions, the arsenal has updated a wave of equipment." "

Super God-Meng Meng Da Justice Little Policewoman: "When the time comes, I'll put the new big sniper on my back." "

Super God-Meng Meng Da Justice Little Policewoman:" I don't know if the shield of the American team can resist the sniper bullets. "

Broken Iron-Xianzhou Sparrow God: "@天天上网, if there is a big guy to make a move, I won't come." "

Broken Iron - Xianzhou Sparrow God:" In the past two days, through the gambling glasses, I have won a lot of patrols. "

Broken Iron—Xianzhou Sparrow God: "I have to take advantage of the fact that they don't react, and return the last wave of blood!" "

After finishing the work, the green finch who slipped out to play cards had just made a handful of flowers on the bar, and his mouth was crooked.

She decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue and continue to kill all sides.

Demon Slayer-Pillar of Love: "@仙舟雀神, cheating again, and being arrested when the time comes, but it will be very miserable." "

Ghost Slayer-Pillar of Love: "@天天上网, I'm not here either, if the big guy is willing to make a move, this will be very stable." "

Demon Slayer—Pillar of Love: "Although the ghosts have been strangled, the infrastructure is seriously damaged, and we are actively rebuilding our homes.

After seeing that the two group members who get on the bus every day said that they would not participate this time, and Aponia and Angelhiko, who were not bubbling, Satoru Suzuki was very happy.

Without these competitors, it would be his turn to earn a sum of points for nothing!

Marvel - Internet every day: "It's okay, you guys are busy with yours, the big guy just has time." Marvel

- Internet every day: "@摸鱼穿越者, I promised Iron Man to go to war." "Marvel

- Internet every day:" The time is 14:30.

Su Xuan looked at the class schedule, and at that time period, it happened to be the time of the afternoon math class

When the time comes, skip class directly, anyway, it's time to sleep, so it's better to do something meaningful.

Daily-Touching Fish Traverser: "No problem, there will definitely be a world mission at that time, I'll just come over." "


PS: I just tested it, and it's still yang.

Isn't the mask in the past, how can it still be recruited?

The body is very uncomfortable, as if it is torn between life and death.

There are too many reminders and gifts, and I gritted my teeth and squeezed out this chapter.

The foreshadowing has been written, and the next chapter goes directly to the key plot.

I won't ask for a gift today, but I broke my roots yesterday for a day, and I'm really embarrassed to ask for it...

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