Chasing King

Chapter 93

When Yan Sikong came back from the palace, he asked the coachman to take a long way to Jingyuan palace. After he was promoted, he bought a carriage.

He opened the curtain and quietly looked at the rich golden and red carved gate. He used to come and go freely here, but now it is as calm as ever. In fact, only people's hearts are in waves.

The carriage went away until it turned the corner and could no longer see the palace. Yan Sikong put down the curtain and looked back and forth in the narrow and dim carriage. He realized the suffocating loneliness.

He and Fengye, is that all?

He knew that he had let Fengye down. The boy in Fengye's memory was yuan Sikong, who was kind-hearted and upright, and had the ambition of "driving away the barbarians and saving the people". It was not Yan Sikong, who was scheming, full of hatred, and even cheated and used the people beside his pillow.

He and Fengye, in fact, is a boundless love, do not know where to start, do not know where to go, maybe Fengye is confused by the false light of his body, maybe young love, life is the most sincere, but at this time, anyway, Fengye will grow up, also has found his true face, stop here, I am afraid is the best end.

In this way, he will not disturb his mind and avoid trouble in the future.

It's best.

However, Fengye now knows his purpose. Will he be obstructed by love and hatred?

On second thought, Fengye is not a character who can play tricks. He is always arrogant, open-minded, uninhibited and fearless. Such a high spirited and unreservedly fond of his own youth will never come again.

Yan Sikong closed his eyes, whispered the name, and responded to him with nothing.


it has been more than a month since Yan Sikong left Jingshan on that day. The colder the weather is, the winter is coming.

Yan Sikong is not happy in the Ministry of officials. Most of them are Xie Zhongren's people. They are very defensive against him. On the surface, they are quite polite, but he is not allowed to handle many official affairs. Since he took office, he has been on the bench. The more so, the more content he is to be idle, so as to paralyze Xie Zhongren's eyes and ears. Otherwise, once he is seen to be ambitious, he may suffer soon.

He was just like he had just entered the Imperial Academy. Because he was too weak, he had to hide his strength and hide his talent.

Today, he had nothing to do, so he went back to wenyuange to visit his former colleagues and teachers. Although he had left the Imperial Academy, he did not leave out any affairs in the imperial court, because he had close ties with Yan Zilian and Liang Sui in private.

He used to have a lot of communication in the Imperial Academy. At this time, he joined the literary selection Department of the Ministry of officials. When the Imperial Academy met him, they were more willing to make up with him. They gathered in the class room and talked freely. Only one of them ignored Yan Sikong and concentrated on his official business.

That's Shen Hexuan.

After chatting for a while, Yan Si left the table and went to Shen Hexuan's desk.

Hearing the movement, Shen Hexuan raised his head and saw that it was Yan Sikong. He stood up calmly and arched his hand slightly: "Lord Yan."

"Don't be polite, brother Shen." Yan Sikong replied, "I haven't seen you for many days. Is brother Shen still well?"

"Everything is fine."

"It's said that brother Shen likes to get lin'er. My younger brother is away with the army and can't go to the mansion to celebrate. Don't forget to invite me for my first birthday."

Shen Hexuan said with a smile: "infant child, whether to celebrate or not depends on what he means. It's nothing more than the empty prose and floating ceremony between adults. If you don't celebrate, you won't be bothered."

Yan Sikong thought that she had been used to Shen Hexuan's ignorance and ignorance of oil and salt for many years, but maybe she had not contacted him for a long time, so she still felt embarrassed.

Yan Sikong knows what Shen Hexuan is thinking. First, he is envious of his promotion. After all, he is a genius of Lianzhong Sanyuan, but he is only more flattering than he is. Second, he disdains to flatter himself like others, so he should be alienated.

In Yan Sikong's eyes, Shen Hexuan is a very interesting person. He is upright, honest, loyal and diligent. He is strict with himself with the most strict morality, and he is not lenient to others. No matter how many unbearable faults he has, no one can question him. He is a model of loyal officials and sages. He should be so, but because a few people can do it, he is not It seems out of place.

A dynasty needs such ministers. Yan Sikong even imagined that Shen Hexuan might become Chen's prime minister in the future. After all, it's natural for the imperial master to come to the cabinet and worship his prime minister. Only when people like Shen Hexuan hold the power impartially can they check and balance such careerists as himself.

Yan Sikong looked at the upright face in front of him. He cherished his talent and hoped that he would disappear. He had no choice but to smile bitterly in his heart.

However, he and Chen, even Yan Zilian, all need Shen Hexuan, who is an excellent imperial teacher and a capable assistant.

Therefore, Yan Sikong didn't care about Shen Hexuan's estrangement at all. He said with a smile, "I've been away from Beijing for half a year and I'm not familiar with the prince's professor. It's all due to brother Shen's diligence. Can you talk to brother Shen about this?"

Shen Hexuan never neglects official business: "good."

As they sat face to face, Yan Sikong first talked about some unimportant things. For example, the Empress Dowager asked Zhu Lanting to guide the prince to practice martial arts. For example, the prince also practiced martial arts, which was very gratifying. Later, the conversation changed. It was mentioned that Princess Wen often went to the East Palace recently, and I'm afraid something was wrong.After hearing this, Shen Hexuan fell into silence.

Yan Sikong knows that Shen Hexuan never likes to participate in party struggle. As a lecturer for the crown prince, he only preaches, imparts knowledge and dispels doubts. He does not want to involve himself in the struggle for reserve. Yan Sikong's sudden words are obviously testing his attitude.

Yan Sikong also said: "brother Shen, the Empress Dowager is not in good health, so he sent commander Zhu to assist his highness. He was worried that his Highness's crown prince's position would be shaken in the future, and his second prince's relatives had a huge influence. Brother Shen would not think that his Highness had already secured his throne."

Shen Hexuan frowned: "Your Majesty should decide where to reserve. We should not even discuss it."

"This is not the same thing. It is the cardinal principle of all ages. Your highness is sensitive, studious, magnanimous and kind-hearted. He will become the emperor of Ming Dynasty in the future. The rejuvenation of the Dasheng Dynasty is just around the corner. Second, brother Shen, as the Minister of the crown prince, has great hopes for his highness. Whether it's for the public, for the private, for the family, for the country and for the people, or for himself, brother Shen should do his best to protect his highness to ascend to the throne. "

Shen Hexuan said coldly: "is master Yan exaggerating? It's just a guess that your highness is already the crown prince. It's only a matter of time before she ascends the throne

Yan Sikong said with a smile: "brother Shen is so smart. I don't believe you can't see the current situation clearly. It's true that, as you said, I guess at random, but in the future, unfortunately, my words will become a prophecy.... " Yan Sikong said solemnly, "I hope brother Shen can work with me to save your Highness's life."

Shen Hexuan still doesn't speak, but Yan Sikong knows that this has worked. If Shen Hexuan refuses, he will say it directly, never twists and turns.

From that day Yan Sikong ran into Wen Guifei in the East Palace, he could have foreseen a storm against Chen. At that time, they must need Shen Hexuan, who can help Chen through the crisis.

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