Chasing King

Chapter 12

In the end, the two brothers of the yuan family fooled the reason why they burned their hands at the same time on the ground that they accidentally knocked over the charcoal brazier. Fortunately, it was only skin and flesh injury, which did not matter.

In fact, Yuanmao has no time to take care of them recently. During his 20 days in guangningwei, King Jingyuan has to manage countless affairs and prepare for the winter. Liaodong is a very cold place. In winter, all the city defense, grain, armour, chariots and horses are very different from those in summer because of the change of season. Just keeping out the cold is enough. This time, it has been a long time since we had to take the lead in preparing supplies for the fengjiajun.

Seeing that two thousand good horses had been prepared, King Jingyuan was about to return to Datong, and all the officers and soldiers in Guangning were relieved.

Only two people are not happy at all, two little people.

At this time, they will be in the racecourse, Fengye rudely pulling the grass on the ground, and their palms are red, but they don't realize it. They just say in a dull voice: "it's better for you to look at the horses more slowly."

Yuan Sikong said helplessly, "that's a delay."

"But I don't want to go yet." Feng Ye looked at Yuan Sikong, and his big black eyes were pitiful. "I haven't seen all the silvery trees you said, and I haven't galloped on the ice, and There are so many places, so many fun places that you didn't take me

Yuan Si's hollow interior is very tight. Feng Ye was the first friend he made. Although they had great differences in respect and inferiority, and the process of meeting each other was quite absurd, Feng Ye was so sincere and lovely, and he had the same mind of the world as him. I was afraid that he would never meet such a person again.

Yuan Sikong hung his head dejectedly, and didn't know what to say, so that he could blow away the strong and diffuse sadness of separation.

Feng Ye suddenly grabbed yuan Sikong's sleeve, and his eyes flashed with pure light: "why don't you come back to Datong with me, and when you grow up, you will be my military adviser!"

Yuan Sikong said with a wry smile, "you're whimsical again."

"How can I be whimsical? I'm going to talk to my father Feng Ye said that he would stand up.

Yuan Sikong dragged him back. Wen Yan said, "Fengye, I can't leave my father and mother, and I don't want to leave Liaodong."

Feng Ye curled his lips: "you are not born."

"But they treat me as if they were their own." Yuan Sikong looks far away. There is a fire of faith burning in his eyes. "If I leave Liaodong one day, I will go to Qiuwei. When I come back, I will be named after them and report their great kindness."

Feng Ye's eyes darkened. In fact, he also understood how yuan Sikong could easily leave his parents' hometown. He felt very sad when he thought that they were going to be separated, and he didn't know when to see them again. "When will we meet again?" he murmured

"I'll see you." Yuan Sikong said, "just like King Jingyuan said, one day, maybe you and I will be officials of the same Dynasty."

"What about being an official in the same dynasty? You are in Shuntian, I am in Datong. How many times can I meet you in this life? "

"I'll see you." Yuan Sikong said firmly, "I have a hunch that we will meet."

Feng Ye was silent for a while, and suddenly took yuan Sikong's hand.

Yuan Sikong shrank in pain.

Feng Ye released his hand: "touched?"

Yuan Sikong looked at the white yarn wrapped in his hand: "it's OK."

"I want to give you this." Feng Ye handed over a short blade. The knife sleeve was exquisitely carved and inlaid with precious stones. It was very valuable at first sight.

Yuan Sikong hesitated for a moment and gently pulled out the dagger. He didn't know how to use it, but he saw that the blade in his hand was like autumn frost, sharp as wheat awn, and it must be a good one. He quickly put it back in, "this dagger is too expensive, I can't take it."

"Keep it if you want." Feng Ye put it in his arms. "This is from my father. Now I give it to you. One day, you will take it to recognize me."

Yuan Sikong hesitated to hold the dagger: "but..."

Feng yeban had a small face: "don't you dare to resist?"

Yuan Sikong chuckled: "Feng Ye, thank you. But I don't know how to use daggers

"It's not hard." Feng Ye draws out the dagger, stabs it forward, and then throws it lightly. He tumbles to the ground, holds it in his backhand, and swims across the void smoothly. His action is smooth and agile.

Yuan Sikong clapped his hands: "beautiful."

Feng Ye played with the dagger with his little arm long in his hand: "what is this? I will make the sword better. One day, I will make the saber, meteor and spear, and let Feng's wolf flag fly all over the world!"

Yuan Sikong was infected by Fengye, and his chest also clamored: "you have your ambition, and I have mine. One day, if I write in my hand, I can frighten all sides.

"Good!" Feng Ye held up his dagger and pointed to the northwest. With his childish but heroic voice, he said in a high voice: "yuansikong, you and I have made an agreement. Ten years later, you will be a senior official and I will be a general. We will work hand in hand to settle the internal and external affairs, help the country, drive away the barbarians, level the world, and make great achievements. What can we do?"

Yuan Sikong's star eyes twinkled, and his heroic spirit suddenly came into being: "to build up the immortal achievement, to keep the name of the eternal! It's a deal! "At that moment, the young spirit with high ambition was so bright that the red sun was also disgraced.


the day of parting has come.

Yuan Sikong followed yuan Mao to the outside of the city.

When adults practice drinking, Feng Ye and Yuan Sikong say goodbye.

"Fengye, I have nothing to give you..." Yuan Sikong took out a book, "the art of war of Sun Tzu" is an annotation that I summarized after inheriting the thinking of the sages. I didn't bring any soldiers, so it's not good enough, but it's easier for you to understand. " In fact, this book is for yuan Nanyu's lecture, such as Cao Gong's notes. Accuracy is accurate, but it is often too brief, especially obscure for children. He also read a lot of people's notes before summing up.

Feng Ye took the old book and stroked the yellow and curled cover: "OK, I will read it well."

Yuan Sikong looks at Feng Ye, with a thousand thoughts in his throat. He doesn't know which sentence to choose.

Feng Ye looked up at Yuan Sikong, his eyes suddenly turned silky red.

Yuan Sikong also felt his nose sour and his lips trembled gently.

Feng Ye suddenly pointed at him: "don't cry, men don't play with tears."

Yuan Sikong blinked his eyes: "you too, who is crying, who is the little lady."

Feng Ye smiles with tears: "Sikong, I'm gone. On the day of goodbye, you must no longer be my opponent."

Yuan Sikong also said with a smile: "on the day of goodbye, we will not be rivals." We will be friends and colleagues fighting side by side.

Feng Ye suddenly pounced on him, stood on tiptoe, hugged him hard, then turned around and left, and waved: "see you later!"

Feng Li looked at Feng Ye, who was walking towards him, but with a smile, he bent down and picked him up. Feng Ye put his arm around Feng Li's neck and buried his face in his shoulder socket, motionless.

In Yuan Sikong's blurred vision, Feng Ye got on his horse. As Feng's army gradually went away, Feng's wolf flag fluttering in the cold wind of Liaodong became a picture he never forgot in his life.

Yuan Mao touched yuan Sikong's head. Yuan Sikong held yuan Mao's waist and tears rolled down his face.

Fengye, goodbye, you and I will see you.

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