Xia Xiaonan graduated from the School of Literature of Yanyun University in Beijing, went to study in country A after graduating with a bachelor's degree, and returned to country C to work after graduating with a master's degree, and directly entered the Beijing Teaching and Book Company.

The secrets revealed by the hacker system show that among the 250 staff members of the Beijing Teaching Book Bureau, as many as 231 have gone to country A to study or work in country, and their teaching ideas will inevitably not be influenced or even controlled by the teaching ideas and espionage departments of country A.

Returning to the information tracking and analysis system of Trojan Horse Treasure Shoes, among the 250 staff members of the Beijing Teaching Book Bureau, 188 people purchased Trojan chip treasure shoes installed.


comprehensive analysis of the whereabouts of 188 people shows that 56 of them have overlapping trajectories with the spies who went out of the embassy of country A and those who have recently entered the country, and these 56 people need to be kept on guard.

Of the other 132 people, 65 had gone out, and 19 of them went to the Beijing International Airport and had intersections with people who flew in from six countries, including countries A, E, CA, J, O, and F.

Of the 65 people, 23 overlap with those who live and work in #City.

These 23 personally identifiable information needs to be supplemented.

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of the personnel of the #City Teaching Book Company, combined with the public's reports and denunciations against them, the system believes that the probability that the teaching book company is controlled by the D newspaper agency outside J is 89%. "

"These perfidious mongrels actually collude with ##祸害同胞!".

Pang Shiyuan's face was red and his ears were red, and he trembled all over.

"Dajunshi, I estimate that more than 80% of the decision-making departments in the capital have been infiltrated and even controlled by foreign forces led by country A.

We have to step up our actions and unite with the people of insight in Federation C to carry out-for-tat rescue operations. "

Zhu Xiaoming frowned and said, "I didn't expect the situation of the struggle in country C and abroad to be so grim.

These beasts, these dogs who deserve to go to hell!".

Zhu Xiaoming scolded and scolded, and at the same time thought hard about the strategy of punishing many "mongrels" in the Beijing Education and Publication Bureau of Country C.


"Do you want to continue, two military advisors?" asked Ma Jichang.

Pang Shiyuan glanced at Zhu Xiaoming and asked for his opinion.

Zhu Xiaoming nodded and signaled to continue to listen to the report of the "Trojan Information Tracking and Analysis System".

"Target No. 2 Li Gongan is an economist who has returned from studying abroad and serves as the deputy director of the top-level design center of the Federal Government Council.

From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. yesterday, Li Gongan went to the embassy of country A and stayed there for an hour.

At noon, Li Gongan went to the Marriott Hotel in Chaoyang District and stayed in the Phoenix Hall for an hour.

Also present in the Phoenix Hall are the president of Country C and the general manager of the securities division of Country A Kesheng Group, as well as the No. 2 person of the Criminal Department of the Federal Republic of C, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, the president of Xijin Securities, the largest securities company in the Federation of C, and four first-line female stars.

At 1:30 p.m., the footprints of Li Gongan and A-list female star Gao Fang appeared in the underground parking lot of the Marriott Hotel.

The two stayed in the underground parking lot for 35 minutes.

At 2:58 p.m., Li Gongan returned to the deputy director's office of the top-level design center.

At 3:25 p.m., Li Gongan appeared at the conference center in the annex building of the Economic Building on Jianye Avenue in Beijing.

At 5:05 p.m., Lee returned to the Top-Level Design Center.

At 6:30 p.m., Li Gongan appeared at Wangcheng International Villa No. 3. appeared with him and Liu Siqing, another first-line actress who met at noon.

At 6:45 this morning, Li Gongan appeared at Villa No. 39, No. 1 Princess Tomb. The property of this villa belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Republic of C, and it may be the actual residence of Li Gongan.

Based on the time and path of the intersecting appearance of the above-mentioned figures, this system believes that Li Gongan, in his legal capacity, openly interacted with the embassy and foundation of country A, and the information revealed should arouse attention and suspicion.

Regardless of whether they have normal or abnormal exchanges, it is enough to prove that Federation C

attaches importance to and relies on country A, and it is enough to prove that the relevant departments of country A have reached a terrifying level of control over the highest government affairs system of Federation C. "

In the report, the voice robot also gave suggestions for further tracking and collecting the whereabouts and background information of the people contacted by the second target.

The No. 3 target reported by the Trojan Horse Tracking and Analysis System is Shang Maiguo, the No. 2 person in the Ministry of Network Information.

"At 6:

08 a.m. yesterday, Shang Mai Guo came out of his home in Zizhu Yayuan, walked along the shade of the community, and appeared at 6:21 in Room 201, Unit 1, Building 15, in the same community.

Room 201 is a rental house, with two bedrooms and two living rooms, where a pair of twin flight attendants live.

Shang Maiguo's footprints and a pair of women's leather shoes implanted with a Trojan horse tracking chip stood still for 59 minutes.

Shang Mai Guo stayed in the twin sisters' rental house for 78 minutes and left at 7:41.

At 8:42, Shang Maiguo appeared in the deputy minister's office on the 18th floor of the Information Building on Jianyang Street.

At 9:58, Shang Maiguo appeared in the VIP room on the 18th floor, and at the same time appeared in the VIP room, there were two assistants, a man and a woman, and three men and women from country A who had entry records.

Of course, there may be other people in the VIP room who have not been tracked by the Trojan Shoes.

At 10:57, Shang Maiguo's two assistants left the VIP room. The men and women of Shangmai and A did not come out of the VIP room together until 11:45.

After returning to the deputy minister's office, Shang Maiguo stayed until 5:40 p.m.

During this time, a pair of women's shoes stayed in the office and lounge of Shang Mai Guo for 2 hours and 23 minutes.

After the owner of the women's shoes left, five groups of people came to the deputy minister's office.

At 6:30 p.m., Shang Mai Guo appeared in the Danube box of the Qinggong Club, and Shang Mai Guo appeared in the Danube box with a man from country C, two men entering the country and two women entering country A.

At 8:43 p.m., Shang Maiguo and five other companions with Trojan Horse Shoe Tracking Chips left the Danube box at the same time.

At 9:25, Shang Maiguo and a woman from country A appeared at the same time in Unit 501, Building 13, Hongxing Zhongli Residential Area, and did not leave until 6:54 this morning.

Combined with the news reports of major portals, the system suspects that two Internet companies, Shangmaiguo and country A, have reached a secret deal.

According to the latest media reports, country C will continue to carry out strategic cooperation with country A's domain name patent enterprises, paying $4 trillion in domain name royalties every year. "

"I can't spare these dogs!".

Pang Bing's face was flushed with anger and his muscles were bursting up.

"Great Armyman, your Trojan Horse Shoes are really the savior of the C Federation!

Without your invention of the Trojan Shoes, it would be difficult for us to master these shady trades.

4 trillion dollars a year, what a lot of wealth, it can be earned so easily by outsiders.


Zhu Xiaoming comforted: "Brother Shiyuan, don't worry too much, with the Trojan Horse Treasure Shoes, we must have a way to deal with and punish those dogs." "


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