"The Tongzhou Society's control over the politics, economy and ideology of country C is beyond imagination, and if you want to reward meritorious deeds, the greatest credit should be credited to Richard.

There is an old saying in country C, if you don't enter the tiger gate, you will get the tiger. Only by reconciling with country C and having a close intersection can we have a chance to infiltrate and dismantle their spiritual defenses.

The second credit goes beyond Henry. Henry facilitated the honeymoon cooperation between the Tongzhou Club and Country C, completely tore open the door of Country C, and captured a large number of elites of Country C in the process of 'boiling frogs in warm water', attracted the huge wealth and a large number of top talents of Country C to Country A, and successfully cultivated more than 200 million loyal fans.

How much is these 200 million iron powder worth more than tens of billions?".


"Bell bell bell-".

A cell phone rang, and Carter answered the call.

"Tom, good work. I won't be at the ball, I have something very important to discuss with Anthony. "

"Yang Baili, Tang Yixin, yes, just the two of them, I can't afford it more. Okay, thank you!".

Carter hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Tom is getting more and more sensible, and he has arranged for us two popular stars in country C."

One is called Yang Baili and the other is Tang Yixin. "

"Oh, yes? Tom is so kind, it's a great gift. I've seen these two girls, and they are said to be worth 30 million once. "

Carter smiled weirdly and said, "30 million once?

When the time comes, I will let them obediently pay 200 million yuan, and I have to beg me to accept their money and people. "

Anthony gave a thumbs up and praised: "The duke is endlessly charming, and his methods of royal people are superb.

Later, the little brother will learn from you. "

"Haha. You're welcome. "

Carter gave Anthony a smug look, picked up the coffee on the coffee table, and took a sip.

"Check their ages, the older ones are for me, and the younger ones are for you. "

Anthony waved his hand again and again, "You are too polite. You use the small ones, and I will use the big ones. "

Carter smiled wickedly and said no more.

According to the results of the Internet query, Yang Baili is 31 years old and Tang Yijin is 27 years old.

According to Anthony's "arrangement", Tang Yijin waited for Carter, and Yang Baili waited for Anthony.


"Ding Dong!".

The crisp doorbell rang, and Carter and Anthony got up at the same time and walked out of the study.

Lu Feng took the opportunity to sneak into the study and hid behind the study door.

A few minutes later, Carter and Anthony entered the study with two beautiful and elegant women of Country C, and sat down around the coffee table.

Carter sat upright, adjusting his expression to a personable, noble and elegant state.

"Miss Yang and Miss Tang, you are welcome to take time out of your busy schedules to attend the Europa Night Carnival.

Thank you very much for your presence to add to tonight's event!".

The woman sitting opposite Carter held Carter and Anthony's business cards, smiled charmingly, and said, "Mr. Merkel, you are too polite."

It is a great honor for me and Miss Tang Yixin to receive your invitation to attend the Europa Night Carnival. "

She paused, moved her eyes to Anthony, who was sitting on the left, and said, "I am also very honored to know Mr. James, please take care of Mr. Merkel and Mr. James." "

Tang Yixin, the woman sitting to the left of Carter Merkel, had bright eyes and silky eyes, echoing Yang Baili with her eyes and smile.

Anthony James put on a polite posture and said, "Miss Yang and Miss Tang are the most beautiful beauties of Country C I have ever seen, and Duke Carter and I sincerely hope to have a wonderful and unforgettable romantic evening with the two fairies." "

Tang Yixin smiled like a flower, and responded to Anthony James's praise and love with her eyes.

The four of them exchanged courtesies and exchanged politeness. Carter Merkel threw out the bait along the topic of artist diversification investment mentioned by Tang Yixin.

"Miss Tang just mentioned investment, which reminds me of a favorite word in your country C - wealth.

The Taoist masters of your country C believe that everyone is a small universe and has their own aura.

The more prosperous the wealth, the stronger the aura.

The stronger the aura, the more good the fortune.

Fortune and aura complement each other and complement each other.

With your current popularity and aura, as long as your investment is in the right direction, you can easily get amazing returns.

Ann Anne James said: "In terms of investment, we all have to learn from Duke Carter.

Although Duke Carter is the banner of the media industry in the world today, his achievements in investment are equally admirable. "

He took a sip of coffee, looked at Carter Merkel, and said, "Duke Carter, your investment and wealth management company only absorbs high-end customers from Europe and the United States.

Do you have any plans to open up to high-end customers in Asia this year?".

Carter Merkel shook her head and said: "The Merkel family's investment and wealth management business, regardless of geography, is only for friends in the industry to add icing on the cake or solve problems."

In country C, we have also absorbed the funds of individual friends. "

Anthony James said: "I have studied the investment style of the Merkel consortium, which is mainly strategic investment, including the original shares of quasi-listed companies, and the main Q loans secured by tariffs..."


Caterpillar Merkel pretended to cough twice, interrupted Anthony James, and said, "Actually, there is no amorphous pattern for investing. Once a person or a consortium is on the right track, gathering wealth and aura, investing in any industry can get rich returns. "

Yang Baili and Tang Yixin quietly listened to the handsome and handsome Carter Merkel and Anthony James's relaxed "talking about stocks and gold", and admired the five-body throw.

Yang Baili's head was hot, and she said coquettishly: "Mr. Merkel, do you still accept students in investment? I want to learn investment from you." "

Tang Yixin was also infected by the atmosphere of the scene, and echoed: "Hmm." Or, we'll hand over our idle funds to you and invest them in the Merkel consortium's wealth management projects. "

Carter Merkel smiled slightly, noncommittal, and said:

"Tonight's carnival, we don't talk about business, we just seize the day.

Come and try the best Pinot Noir Cabernet Franc at our Merkel winery, specially prepared for dignitaries from all over the world. "

Anthony James pondered for a moment and said, "Duke Carter, let's try the best thunderbolt fire at Merkel Winery."

Accompanied by two fairies, the best Thunderbolt is sure to surprise and indulge like no other. "

"Okay, borrow your kind words, and we'll have a bottle of thunderbolt. "

Carter Merkel stood up and went out of the study, bringing a large Bergundian bottle, corkscrew, and four wine glasses from the dining room.

Anthony James took the bottle and corkscrew, expertly uncorked the bottle, and poured four small glasses of "The Best Thunderbolt".


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