At around 8 o'clock in the morning, the two of them appeared at the Hongfeng Lake Community Police Station with a pair of fish bubble eyes and sleepy eyes. Perhaps because of the special environment of the police station, the two leaned back in their chairs for a while and quickly fell asleep.


On a sunny island, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the breeze is light, Philip Francis holds Jessica Elizabeth in his arms, looking at the sailing ship on the sea, his heart is like water, and his mind is blank.

After a while, a

golden light flashed in the air, and then, a colorful auspicious cloud appeared directly in front of Philip Francis. Auspicious clouds fly from far and near, coming to the beach. On the auspicious clouds stood Lu Fengxian, who was wearing a peacock feather, wearing ancient costume armor, and holding a Fang Tian painting halberd.

"Jessica, aren't you divorced from Philip, why are you still together?".

Jessica Elizabeth panicked, broke free from Philip Francis, and ran quickly towards Lu Fengxian.

Lu Feng landed in front of Jessica Elizabeth first, opened his arms, and hugged her firmly.

"Bongxian, I thought you didn't like me. "

"How so? I'll pick you up as soon as I'm done. Unexpectedly, you ......".

"I'm sorry,......" Jessica Elizabeth sealed Lu Fengxian's mouth and didn't let him continue.

"SHIT!" Philip Francis was ashamed of himself, and he didn't dare to provoke Lu Fengxian. He gritted his teeth, slammed the Coke in his hand on the sand, and turned away.


Sympathy, a similar tragedy also appears in Owen Sclair's dreams. In the dream, Evelyn Smith behaves more excessively than Jessica Elizabeth.

Evelyn Smith actually took Lu Fengxian's arm in front of Owen Sclair, walked into a wedding room woven with flowers, and staged a love drama as if no one was around. The commotion in the marital room almost broke down Owen Sklell.

"Shame on you,

Lu Fengxian, Evelyn, you are so shameless, I will kill you two dog men and women!".

Owen Sklell couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out a police pistol, rushed into the marriage room, and said hoarsely, "The surname is Lu, your time of death is here!"


Evelyn Smith was frightened, but still sat on Lu Fengxian desperately, trying to block the bullets that Owen Scklyll might shoot at any time.

"I'm so angry! If you want to die, I'll fulfill you!"

Owen Schlyll trembled with anger and pulled the trigger.

Lu Feng first turned over and changed Evelyn Smith under him, with his back to the spear in Owen Sklell's hand.



The bullet fired by Owen Sklell was weak and flopped less than a meter before sliding to the ground.

Lu Fengxian laughed "haha", stood up, faced Owen Sklell, carried Evelyn Smith, strode forward, flew up, and kicked Owen Sklell's pistol.

Owen Sklell looked up to the sky and sighed, knelt on his knees, raised his hands in surrender, and waited for Lu Feng to fall first.

Lu Feng first took out a drink bottle, threw it in front of Owen Sklez, and said, "Owen, don't waste any more energy." From today onwards, I will send someone to deliver the antidote to you and Philip every day.

As long as you keep your promise to stop bothering Evelyn, Jessica, and the other men and women you are bullying again, you will be safe.

Otherwise, I will cut off your antidote for three days, and you will die of poison. Do you know how?".

Owen Schlyzle's face was as dead as ashes, and he nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I will do it. "


At 9 a.m., the arrival of other detectives woke up Philip Francis and Owen Slylee, who were struggling in their dreams. The two washed their faces separately and returned to Philip Francis's office to discuss countermeasures.

Both mentioned the nightmare they had just had, and they became more and more scared.

"Owen, it seems that the kid surnamed Lu has indeed learned the demon method, and he can actually control us in our dreams. We drank his poison and were at his mercy. "

Owen Scklee frowned, and whispered: "I heard Chief Inspector Stilwell say that the CIA has a team of special function researchers, and a group of supernatural people from all over the world have been recruited with a high salary.

We found a way to find a special function research team and verify Lu Fengxian's identity.

If Lu Fengxian is not a member of the special function research team, we will ask them for help. First crack the poison that Lu Fengxian gave us to drink, and then join forces with the special function research team to design and capture Lu Fengxian. "


Philip Francis blushed, his brows furrowed, and said, "The hero sees the same thing. Let's stabilize the surname Lu first, and before we get the support of the special function research team, we will do whatever he asks. "

"Yes! The gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late. If we don't take him in at once, we will hardly have a bright future. "


The decision was made, and Philip Francis and Owen Sklej immediately split up. Philip Francis brought two of the best Gubo cigars to visit Chief Inspector Stilwell Rockefeller.

Owen Scklylae took the initiative to get in touch with Quinn Eric, a full-time attorney at Daijia Mountain Resort, to negotiate the details of the payment of compensation.

"You and Mr. Philip paid the compensation directly to the victim's account according to the tripartite compensation agreement, and sent me the bank transfer receipt. Within two days, I will re-issue a non-disclosure agreement, have the victim sign it, and forward it to you. "

"Thank you, Mr. Quinn, Officer Philip and I will keep our agreement, please rest assured! Please also inform Mr. Lu Fengxian of our sincerity, and convey our apologies to Miss Lin and Miss He. "


In the

Chief Inspector's Office of the Red Maple Lake Community Police Station, Philip Francis lied that he had come into contact with a strange person in the process of handling the case, hoping to verify the identity of the strange person.

"Mr. Stilwell, yesterday, Owen and I were working on a case at Daijia Villa Resort, and we accidentally saw a strange scene. A twenty-five-year-old man could pass through the closed door and enter the enclosed box without any external force. "

"Oh, such a miracle?!" Stilwell Rockefeller was shocked and put down his coffee.

"Yes, absolutely. I was making a secret call in the unoccupied box behind him when I happened to see this unbelievable scene. "

"Did anyone else see it but you?"

"Probably not. The man walked through the door through the hallway, and when he entered the house, the hallway was empty. "


Stilwell Rockefeller stared into Philip Francis' eyes. Philip Francis concentrated, holding his breath, thinking of nothing in his heart, and posing as undistracted and determined.

Stilwell Rockefeller leaned back in his chair and thought about it for more than ten minutes before he made up his mind and agreed to feed back the anomalous information discovered by Philip Francis to the CIA's anomalous function research team through an internal line.

Philip Francis tried his best to hide his inner ecstasy and handed over the electronic version of Lu Fengxian's archival materials to Stilwell Rockefeller.


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