Chart Topper Queen

Chapter 84: Kill the Archon (1)

Abe was awakened by a knock on the door.

Before that, she was sleeping soundly in her room. The benefits of titr company are good, the mattress is as soft as lying on the clouds, and each player's room is equipped with the company's new product "dream menu", people can choose the dream they want before going to bed, just need to wear it. Load the eye mask with this product, and you can be in the scene of your choice in your dream.

Aibe chose the dreamland of games.

The board games she saw in the lounge made her curious about the games of this era. But after falling into the dream, the game she encountered was not plot&chess, but a battle royale strategy killing game.

The dream menu stimulates people's subconscious. In the game of murder, it is difficult for Aibe to lose.

She relieved her tense nerves in her sleep, let go of her vigilance, and couldn't help falling asleep.

"The contestants have arrived. Now please gather in the virtual cabin placement room."

Stereo surround sound came from the spaceship, notifying the players to gather.

The person who knocks on the door is a robot. It regularly knocks on each door three times. If someone opens the door, it continues to move to the next door. If no one opens the door, the knocking force becomes stronger and the number of times changes from three times. for six. The sleeping players were woken up by it and opened the door to the corridor.

Wall lamps are lit in the corridor, and as the number of people increases, the ceiling gradually brightens from the starry sky at night, the rising sun and the meteors during the day.

Ai Bei opened the door first to signal that the robot woke up, then slammed the door shut and turned back to the bathroom to wash. When she changed clothes and stepped on the soft carpet in the corridor, she felt a little floating, and she rubbed her eyes.

There was a commotion in the hallway.

"The game is now? Didn't the game start when the Capital Star arrived?"

"What is the program group doing? Do you want to use our fame to make extra money and still compete in the airship?"

"What is the content of the competition? Are there any special rules, if it is not an official competition, I ask to withdraw. I do not participate in any unofficial profitable competition."

The quality of the contestants is uneven, some complain repeatedly, some inquire about the rules, and most of them have their own personalities, which are vividly reflected at this moment. Among them, there are also introverted and deep-minded players. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will not raise objections to the program group face to face.

They all remember that in the contract they signed, there was a clause that "the contestants must participate in any related events of the live broadcast competition (the first) carried out by titr, and they may not withdraw from the competition without reason."

These people have a good memory and know that the program team will not act outside the contract, and they are quite disdainful of the player with a big temper. At first glance, this person knew that it was a puppet launched by a big company. He didn't even read the contract carefully, and he didn't even think about it.

As for Ai Bei, she had guessed for a long time, and now she is very peaceful, except for the rare good sleep being disturbed, but she has no discomfort about it.

She and Yu Nai shared their guesses, and the two communicated with each other, thinking that they should know each other.

No matter how they complained, everyone had to follow the rules and come to the virtual cabin placement room. Only then did someone realize that the virtual cabin in this room was not for their leisure and entertainment. Since the program team has already prepared for the "assault competition", it must be useless to fight.

Players enter the corresponding numbered virtual cabins. The white light of the virtual cabin overflowed, and the equipment began to operate.

A formulaic voice belonging to the program crew resounded in the virtual cabin:

"This competition is a knockout round. The competition will be carried out in the form of internal live broadcast. The live broadcast data is not used as the elimination criterion. The specially invited judges will score the unqualified players. The eliminated players will be repatriated to the galaxy immediately after the competition and cancelled. Capital Star Qualification."

"The knockout round is a 3v3 competition, and the content is in the form of plot & chess. It is a live-action immersive holographic version jointly developed by titr company and pc company. Please enjoy the holographic version of plot & chess. I hope everyone can pass the score and win victory."

The preliminary rules came to an end, and the players entered the "competition venue" smoothly after closing their eyes for a short time.

It was another pure white space with a huge translucent city map suspended in it. Besides Aibe, there was a familiar face in front of the map - the kind boy who explained plot&chess for her, and a A woman with slender shoulders and slender waist with short golden brown hair.

The boy looked surprised when he saw her, "Meet again, what a coincidence, my name is Yi Ze."



The woman looked at her teammates with scrutiny, and her expression could not be said to be satisfied or dissatisfied. She wears glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her gestures send out a "picky" message.

The same person who had a relationship, Aibe remembered her, and she blatantly wiped out all the men in the common room, disdainful of the negative factors brought about by that gender.

This one is just as aggressive as the red-haired youth, even if she looks a little more restrained.

"Then we will be teammates. Although I prefer to complete the task independently, since the game requires teamwork, I hope that in the next game, I can play the role of team leader. I also hope that you-"

"It's not a burden."

She lifted her glasses.

She is so fierce.

Ai Bei's preliminary assessment is a superficial fake. That is to say, it seems to be aggressive towards all living creatures, but if the living creatures retaliate, they will immediately retreat and observe. Good to deal with.

But there is no need to fight back for now.

And the kind-hearted passerby boy, Yize, was dissatisfied with the aggressiveness of the other party, but he knew his own flaws. Rather than grabbing the command, he hoped to win under a strong command.

If the other party has such confidence and the ability to match it, then he has no objection.


He glanced at Abe quietly.

At first, he thought that this was a lucky player, so he reached this level without even knowing plot&chess. But when they watched Regina and Yu Nao play chess, her two speeches were all in the same sentence, but they didn't know if it was a coincidence.

Over there, Fanny had already started to browse the background information of the chess game, and she took the silence of the two of them as a matter of course. The moment she switched out the data, where they stood under their feet, a small red area of ​​circular light appeared, shifting as they walked.

"Ah, this is another way of playing plot&chess." Ize said, "At the beginning, the game is divided into offensive and defensive sides, red represents the attacker, that is, the red side, which usually needs to collect data, speculate calculations, etc., and the defending side ( The blue team) will set up defenses, and the attackers need to find their weak points. You won't know until you start the game."

"The holographic version is the latest release. You should have never played it before, don't worry."

Fanny gave him a strange look, "Of course I know. There's no need to share this kind of foundation..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ai Bei said to him, "Thank you."

She knew that the other party was kindly explaining for her.

Fanny: "..."

She glanced back and forth between the two of them, frowning.

One was dumbfounded, the other didn't even know the basic rules, but the two seemed to know each other. When a program is formed into a team, is it allocated according to comprehensive strength?

She can't guarantee that she can bring such two teammates.

Not long after the faction appeared, there were three more beams of light covering the three of them at the same time.

They seemed to be immobilized, standing in place and unable to move their feet.

Immediately afterwards, one of the beams of light turned bright and dazzling red, and the red light alternated among the three, as if someone was picking the best actor.

Corresponding rules also appeared on the electronic screen hanging in front of their sight.

PC chess is generally a 1v1 way of playing chess, but this holographic version of pc chess blurs the boundaries between pieces and players, they can still buy functional chess, but not active chess (main chess), because they play the role of Active chess role. So they are both players and pawns.

The three-person team must have the main chess player as the chief decision-maker, and the candidate for the main chess player was handed over to the audience by the program team.

The audience's voting data cannot control whether the players stay or go, but it can decide who will be the main player in the team, giving them the right to speak at the center of the team.

The program team retains some rights, and naturally they must give the audience another chance to participate, otherwise the meaning of the live program will be lost.

"G7 galaxy."

"I'm from a spiral galaxy."

Seeing the two of them looking at him, Aibe said, "The Spiral Galaxy."

Seeing Ai Bei's half-understood appearance, Yize took advantage of Fanny's inattentiveness, pouted in her direction, and lip-mouthed Ai Bei: "People from the big galaxy."

There are seven large galaxies in the entire universe, numbered from 1 to 7. The economic, cultural, and population levels of large galaxies are much higher than those of medium and small galaxies. It turns out that they are all selected within the galaxy, the population base is almost the same, and the competition is relatively fair. But in the scope of the whole universe, it reflects the difference in resources, and it is a fair choice. In fact, at the beginning of the game, Fannie's supporters must be far higher than Ize from a medium galaxy and Ai from a small galaxy. cowry.

And when they have the right to speak, they have an initial advantage. They need to show a level far beyond Fanny's in order to win the audience's attention away from each other.

This is also a warm-up before the final. The capital star's environment will only be worse than the current environment.

The flickering light makes people in the space especially nervous. Yize clearly knew that it was impossible for him, but he still had a glimmer of hope that luck would come. After all, no one could resist the honor of being a master chess player.

He held his breath slightly.

The same goes for Fanny. Without knowing the rules, she wants to make sure that nothing unexpected happens.

Among the three contestants, the calmest person is Ai Bei. In order to choose the time for the audience, the time for the red light to circulate is a little long. For an "underground creature" like Aibe, the light of the light beam is a bit dazzling, and she was stabbed and closed her eyes unconsciously.

The moment the red light stopped, everyone confirmed the color of the light that was staying on their body.

Abbey, white.

Eze, white.

Under the red light, Fanny pushed up her glasses with satisfaction.

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