Chart Topper Queen

Chapter 47: Rematch: Sweetheart waiting for you Pck! (Eight)

The audience in the live broadcast was easily agitated by Li Mi.

The girl sat on the ground and cried in spite of her image. This scene was too real, and it was in line with their conjecture about the dark tide of the talent show. In the past, it was only known from the gossip that a certain player could not bear the pressure to withdraw from the competition. The players were crying in the bathroom, but they were not as intuitive as they felt from the camera.

To the glamorous girl idol took off her gorgeous coat, revealing the side that ordinary people would have, the audience couldn't help but sympathize with her while satisfying their own gossip desires.

After thinking that this time they have the right to call the shots and can control the life and death of the contestants, instead of letting the judges decide, the audience immediately opened the webpage and voted for Li Mi, wanting to save this "poor girl".

"It's really miserable that no one holds it up. I don't believe that the show team didn't control the votes and forced a good girl into this."

"Li Mi is powerful, unlike some people, who rely on one face.

"I knew it was like this. What about live pk and fair voting? This competition system is cheating for someone. The program team also tried their best to make her advance. I gave Li Mi the votes, the program team is a person, don't Secretly changed the voting data to the bullet screen and quickly swiped it, except for the fans of Good Night Zhou, almost all of them denounced.

And her fans and Li Mi's fans have long been stunned. Originally, Li Mi's fans were not good, but there were assists from onlookers, and there were too many places to be attacked on Good Night last week. To develop in a direction that is not good for her.

Until Jiang Mu stopped Li Mi and said that.

"Ahhh my husband is out, my husband is so handsome

"I can tell what Jiang Mu said. A dancer didn't even finish the dance, and the performance didn't complete. She didn't have to compare herself with others. She already lost. How could she have the face to cry when she presented such a failed work to the audience?

"I also think that it doesn't matter if you don't dance well, at least finish it.

Some people who were originally watching the play, or who didn't speak out because of the overwhelming barrage, finally bubbled up at this time. There are some people who still sympathize with the weak, but at least I am no longer one-sided. Of course, there are still many onlookers, waiting for Zhou's Good Night performance.

"At least one sentence Li Mi is right, do you really think Zhou Wan dances well?

Although Jiang Mu's words temporarily controlled the situation, the audience who were raised by Li Mi would not stop there. If Ai Bei's performance could not satisfy them, then it would undoubtedly prove Li Mi's words, she was relying on the show team and her face. up to now. With her online reviews getting better for "Dancing with Eyes Closed" and "Sister Thor," it's going to send her to **** again.

What Aibe needs to show is not only a good level, but it can't resist malicious speculation and abuse.

She needs to put on a performance that leaves people speechless to turn things around.

A screen was installed in the waiting area, so that people on the stage could see the performance. Ai Bei watched the whole process quietly, and the moment he took off his headphones and stood up, the others in the waiting area were silent. They looked at her with fearful eyes, as if they were afraid that she would rush in and kill Li Mi. However, she just handed over the items to others for safekeeping and entered the stage hall.

The next moment, they heard the host's announcement.

When the performance started, the bright lights on the stage were all extinguished, and in the darkness, only a beam of white light silently hit a box. It was a pink-blue box with a big red ribbon bow. In the silence, there was a sudden sound of twisting the forwarding bar, circle after circle, the clockwork was released, and with the sound of "ding", the gift box was opened.

Doll sat up with the lid on.

With snow-white skin and apple-red lips, she slapped her eyes twice, tilted her head and looked at the camera ignorantly. She was wearing a white fluffy gauze skirt, with a soft goose down headdress on her head, which made her small face delicate and delicate. The crisp and light melody of the music box came out, and she suddenly raised her arm, raised her foot with a "click", and bent 90 degrees to hang outside the gift box, showing a strange and delicate beauty.

Unlike people who can use her limbs fluently, her whole body is driven by joints and moves with the rhythm of the music.

She stood tall and was carried out of the gift box, and then bowed and took small steps backwards to the other direction, as if being scrambled by others, slowly, she smiled.

She folded her legs and jumped playfully, or sat on the ground and rolled her body cutely, like a real doll. In this cheerful melody, she found her master, took the position of sleeping in his arms, and looked at each other with an expression of attachment. The master treats her very well. She puts on beautiful clothes for a while and puts on a good-looking posture for the other party to appreciate. For a while, she listens to him quietly and listens to his thoughts. She learns how to walk, how to dress, and how to learn. As he combed his hair, his movements seemed to become more and more smooth and more human-like.

The master liked her very much, and the smile on her face gradually became spiritual.

It didn't take long for the joyful music to come to an abrupt end, and the exciting melody filled with danger and alert appeared in the movements of big spin and big jumps. At the moment of jumping and landing, her legs were bent, and she moved forward in confusion. After taking a step, she suddenly found that her limbs no longer obeyed the command, and all the joints in her body seemed to fall apart. She wanted to restore the joints to normal, but she became more and more panicked. She folded her arms around her waist, her waist was falling down, her legs stretched forward, but her legs fell forward like a single wooden pole. With every step, new joints failed, unable to bear the weight of her body.

Turns out she was broken.

In this paragraph, Ai Bei opened the empathy of Good Night Zhou.

She entered the talent show and became popular overnight. She was stunned by the huge surprise that fell from the sky. The fiery love of fans rushed towards her like a fire. Before she could be happy, she was uneasy because of the doubts that followed.

She knew where her problems were, but she was suffering because she couldn't get better right away.

At this time, she was exposed to the incident of lying to avoid the performance.

She finally knew that the previous pain was nothing but this. The vicious words of the fans made her fall into a quagmire. Those who once held a heart and said that they would always like you easily believed the rumors, turned around and rushed towards her with their teeth and claws, accusing loudly. : "You pay me time!" Pay me energy! "How should I pay her for what I paid before? Why did she pay? What did she do wrong, did she really do it wrong?

If they all said that, then she really did something wrong...

But she can't pay

After the fire that the love of those people had turned into burned, the ashes remained, she hid in the ashes, trembling with fear.

No one likes her.

Broken dolls are no longer liked. In the violin accompaniment full of sadness, she was abandoned in the corner, looking around alone, surrounded by empty silence and no one's death. She has long been forgotten.

Suddenly, she saw the same discarded gift box. She staggered towards it, as if thinking, wouldn't it be better if she hadn't felt the company of someone, if she hadn't been loved, if she didn't understand anything like the first time?

If she just died like this, she wouldn't have to feel that scorching love and suffocating indifference, right?

Her movements became slower and slower, and she slowly knelt down to the ground. Her hand stretched in hopefully, but it dangled in the gift box with a snap, losing its vitality. Her face was pressed against the box, still with a sweet smile, as if immersed in a dream.

With a "ding" sound, the clockwork of the music box stopped spinning.

The darkness dissipated and the lights came back on, but the area where the instructor was located was quite quiet. At the end of the song, it took only 5 minutes, but a scene like a different time and space was constructed. The emotional tension in the dance is overwhelming, and it is impossible to let go for a long time.

After a long while, someone applauded, Jiang Mu gave a brief comment: "It's great that the others seem to be awakened by the applause, the female tutor seems to be unwilling to destroy the remaining feelings of "that world", and said softly , "This is the most spiritual performance I've seen so far. It's more like a dance drama with a unique story. It's not an easy song to dance to, but when I see you, it's like seeing a real doll. , whether it's your appearance or your performance. Especially the last part, it's no exaggeration to say that I got goosebumps, the part where she lost her vitality, Cha Yi is the most vital part of your dance." She paused. After a while, he suddenly said, "Sorry good night, you are excellent.

You are not singing. "Vocal instructor Qi Chen said, "However, the dance is great. Whether it's singing or dancing, great performances always have the same appeal.

This round is a live voting system for the audience. The instructor has no decision-making power, but the instructor's comments will always affect the audience, especially the sincere speeches with many details.

But this time, long before the instructor could speak, the barrage filled the screen, "My nose is sore, seeing her panicked and desperate expression, trying to support her body, but it's getting worse and worse, I hope someone can Give her a hand.

"Groundhog screaming!! Good night Zhou is the doll herself, her appearance is too convincing, why does anyone look so good-looking?

"Why do you want to go back to the box in the end, do you miss the first time?

"I can't do it. I look so desperate. I think she wants to escape from the master's world. She denied everything in the past, because being abandoned is too painful, so she would rather not have the sweetness and happiness in it."

"Why do you guys see so much of the story, but I'm just shouting awesome?

The audience impatiently expressed their opinions. They have so much to say about this dance.

"Let's talk about this dance, this body movement is absolutely incredible.

"You are talking about jb, but tell me carefully!

"Her rhythm is so accurate, my scalp is tingling.

Let me just say one thing, Zhou Wan can really be conferred with this paragraph, emotional explosion, excellent expressiveness, stable rhythm, and dance skills? If nothing else, the last action that fell down was just this one action, and I watched it ten times over and over again. Who would question her as a vase after seeing it?

This comparison is too cruel, Li Mi is right, how can she win the good night of the week?

"Li Mi? Who?

In the waiting room, Li Mi stared blankly at the picture on the screen, her face pale.

She lost, completely lost.

The author has something to say

The inspiration for this dance is the duet "My Love" by Huang Xiao and Tang Shiyi. You can go to station B to search, and finally break it there. It's absolutely amazing. I've replayed it a dozen times.

But the story has been changed a bit to better fit the plot.

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