"Wei Pingting asked me to tell you that Zhou Yushuang has arrived, so that you can rest assured." Lin Xiaoxiao whispered in Liao Cong's ear, and at the end she gave him a hard squeeze:"No matter what phone you throw, I can't even contact you!"

Liao Cong squeaked, smiled at Lin, and continued eating.

"They all look tanned. Ma Yuemei poured a glass of wine to Liao Cong:"Drink some wine to relieve fatigue!""

Liao Cong shook his head while eating. He got drunk when he touched wine, so it's better not to touch it. After a while, he wolfed down the food on the table, which was visible to the naked eye. Liao Cong stood up embarrassedly:"I'm full, you continue. Don't be too late. Han

Meihui yelled:"I'll sleep here when it's late, next to Sister Tangtang, hehehe!""

"Don't let the head teacher catch you staying up all night!"Liao Cong thought for a while, but still took a bottle of beer and drank it before going to bed.

Wei Xiao asked in a low voice:"Doesn't he not drink?

Ma Yuemei guessed:"Are you still sad because of a broken love?" Yushuang has been transferring schools for such a long time.

Lin Xiaoxiao snorted:"He's so heartbroken!" Zhou Yushuang has been staying at his house these two days!"

"ah? Really?

Lin Xiaoxiao said angrily:"If you don't believe me, ask Su Tang.""She was not allowed to go, but Zhou Yushuang and Wei Pingting were allowed to go. Liao Cong is a big bastard!

Su Tang hummed.

Zhang Yuanyuan gossiped:"They two live in the same room?"No wonder Liao Cong looks so lethargic.

Su Tang shook his head:"The four of us share a room, and my brother... Liao Cong has a room by himself."

Zhao Ke asked in surprise:"Four? Who else?

Su Tang answered honestly:"There are also Sister Huan and Pingting."

Zhao Ke's heart skipped a beat:"Wei Pingting is also there?" Su

Tang happily introduced:"Well, there are five people in our forest ranger team. Sister Huan is the captain and sits at home. My brother... Liao Cong is the pioneer officer. The three of us are in charge of food and logistics.""

"What a mess."Zhao Ke felt depressed for a while, drank all the beer in front of him in one breath, and said half-heartedly:"I'm full, let's go first."

"Let's go together. I've almost eaten." Seeing this, Ma Yuemei hurriedly followed. She could see that Zhao Ke was not in the right mood.

Except for the two sisters Han Jinghui who stayed behind, everyone else went back together.

Lin Xiaoxiao was going to Liao Cong's house, but was stopped by Chai Yurao:"Look at him. So tired, let him have a good sleep, don't disturb him, come on, there is still wine, let's continue drinking"

"Just drink!"Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at the two boxes next to the pillow, smiled and started drinking with Chai Yurao. Her drinking capacity was not in vain, and she hadn't shown her full potential just now.

Han Jinghui and Su Tang whispered what they had done during the holidays, Han Meihui She just buried her head in eating, and every time Chai Yurao and Lin Xiaoxiao raised their glasses, they would take a sip with them, enjoying themselves. After turning off the lights, Shi Xuexia came back from the teaching building and saw Lin Xiaoxiao and Chai Yurao sleeping soundly together, and the room was still full. The smell of wine made her cover her nose. How much wine had they drunk?

In another room, sisters Su Tang and Han Jinghui also fell asleep. Shi Xuexia stopped and walked to Liao Cong's room out of habit. It was not turned off, the light was on, Liao Cong was sleeping soundly, and there was an empty wine bottle on the bedside. Shi Xuexia walked over and sat on the desk, turned on the lamp, looked back at Liao Cong, turned around and continued to study, before the holiday, Liao Cong She was given 500 yuan, and Liao Cong took care of her meals, leaving 400 yuan for her family. The remaining money was used to buy several new tutorial books and several sets of simulation papers at the market in front of the school.

New papers Shi Xuexia had never encountered many types of questions before. She was immersed in them and forgot about the time.


In the dead of night, Shi Xuexia was startled by Liao Cong's sudden moan. When she looked back, she saw Liao Cong whimpering and twitching all over.

Shi Xuexia ran over anxiously. Liao Cong looked like an epileptic patient in the village she had seen before. Shi Xuexia did not dare to delay and pinched Liao Cong's mouth hard. She heard that the epileptic patient was suffering from epilepsy. Will bite off tongue.

The whole process lasted ten minutes. Shi Xuexia was anxious, tired, and dripping with sweat. Fortunately, Liao Cong finally calmed down.

"Um... Miss Smith……"Liao Cong opened his eyes in a daze, still feeling drunk.

"Are you OK?"


Shi Xuexia looked at the scars on Liao Cong's face that were red and even had holes when she pinched her, and explained awkwardly:"You just fell ill and are very dangerous."

Liao Cong turned over and continued to sleep.

"……"Shi Xuexia was stunned for a moment, fearing that he would get sick again, so she kept sitting by the bed and watching over him.

In the early morning, when Liao Cong turned over, his hand suddenly touched something soft and he was startled. When he sat up, he saw Shi Xuexia lying on his bed.

Liao Cong pushed the girl:"Why did you fall asleep here?"

"I'm afraid you'll get sick.

Liao Cong frowned and said,"What's wrong with you?" How could I be sick?"

Shi Xuexia explained:"You had a cigarette yesterday."

"Oh, what a nightmare."Liao Cong explained

"ah?" Shi Xuexia then remembered that Su Tang had mentioned this to her. So this is what he had nightmares about? She said why she didn't see him spitting, and thought it was because she was pinching her. At this time, Shi Xuexia felt embarrassed and took a sneak peek. Taking a look at the bloody cut on Liao Cong's face, he couldn't look at it because he was bleeding.

"I scared you. It's okay. Don't worry. You can go back to sleep and don't catch a cold."Liao Cong yawned and said, after thinking for a while he moved further in:"It's okay to squeeze in here."

Shi Xuexia hesitated for a moment, lying sideways next to Liao Cong. When her heart was pounding, she felt Liao Cong sitting up again, and her whole body became tense.

Liao Cong just put a quilt on Shi Xuexia and touched her strangely. With her sore cheek, she lay down and fell asleep again.

Shi Xuexia didn't dare to move at all, and didn't fall asleep until she was too sleepy.

Su Tang got up early in the morning, and she had to go to He Lei to help. Han Jinghui was a light sleeper, and she also fell asleep. Wake up.

Su Tang took Han Jinghui's hand and whispered:"Why did you get up so early? Let's sleep some more"

"No more sleep, no more sleepy."Han Jinghui sat up and asked,"Do you go to the canteen to help out so early every day?"

"yes. Su Tang smiled and said,"I used to feel tired. Maybe I'm used to it these days. I wake up in good spirits every day.""

Han Jinghui also smiled. She slept very comfortably yesterday. Han Meihui's grunting didn't affect her at all. Maybe it was because she drank some wine? The two girls were afraid of disturbing Han Meihui, so they got up quietly and finished washing. Wake up Han Meihui.

Han Meihui slept deeply, but she was full of energy when she got up. After getting dressed, she ran to wake Liao Cong up.

"Brother, get up...ah!"

Han Meihui immediately covered her eyes and peeked through her fingers. She saw Liao Cong hugging Shi Xuexia and the quilt fell to the ground. The little girl's scream woke up Shi Xuexia. Shi Xuexia felt the hug for the first time after waking up. The arm around his waist bounced to the side and almost fell under the bed.

Fortunately, Liao Cong stopped him in time, but this time he hugged her tighter.

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