Sheng Angsi stared in front of the wardrobe for a long time. He had just heard Ning Tongxi say that she already had a boyfriend, and this was really not a small blow to Sheng Angsi. Sheng Angsi had never thought that Ning Tongxi would actually have a boyfriend.

Sheng Angsi could not help but laugh bitterly. He thought it was a match made in heaven, a mutual love between love and love, but it turned out to be his own single love. This was what made Sheng Angsi feel defeated the most. After Sheng Angsi calmed down, it was simply too impulsive to let her go just like that. I don't know if she has any money, but can he get a car? Sheng Angsi thought about it, then started to worry about Ning Tongxi. After thinking about it, Sheng Angsi closed the door, took the car keys and walked towards the garage.

Sheng Angsi drove the car along the mountain road slowly, thinking that Ning Tongxi had only walked for half an hour, with her speed, she shouldn't have been able to travel too far.

Sheng Angsi knew that there would normally not be many cars passing by on this road. This journey was still some distance away from the villas at the bottom of the mountain. Furthermore, there would not be any large beasts on this path. When the Youlan Mountain was being developed, they had already placed the larger birds on other mountains. Furthermore, there were security personnel patrolling the area 24 hours a day, so there would be no security problems.

However, when Sheng Angsi drove all the way to the villa area, he still did not see Ning Tongxi. He could not help but be puzzled, could it be that she had caught a taxi? This woman was not to be underestimated! Sheng Angsi wanted to call Ning Tongxi and ask how she was doing, but just as he picked up the phone, he put it down. It would be too disgraceful to call her right now.

Sheng Angsi dialed the security manager's number and said: "All of you have to patrol the entire Youlan Mountain today. If you find a 20 year old girl on the mountain, immediately tell me. Do you understand?"

The security manager immediately replied, "Okay, Mr. Sheng, I will arrange for people to patrol."

Sheng Angsi hung up the phone, thinking, if there was no her on the mountain, then she should be going down the mountain. Since he was going down the mountain, then he would definitely be at school. Sheng Angsi comforted himself as he turned the car around and drove back to his own villa.

As Ning Tongxi sat in Ji Siqi's car, she unconsciously looked out of the window. This was obviously the path that she had walked when she came here, but why was the same scenery, same trees, same rocks, and same water completely different from the beautiful feeling she had when she came here? She only felt bitter in her heart.

"If you want to cry, cry, it's okay. I still have a tissue in my car. " Ji Siqi comforted Ning Tongxi when he saw that his eyes were filled with tears, and that he could not help but sniff from time to time.

Ji Siqi's words were like a gate in a dam, the gate opened, and Ning Tongxi's tears flowed down like a flood from his eyes.

Ning Tongxi sat beside Ji Siqi and covered his face as if there was no one else present, and started to cry loudly. He cried about her past grievances, cried about his ambiguous love, cried about her awkward life.

Ji Siqi did not interrupt Ning Tongxi, but handed him a few tissues when she was tired. The handkerchief was held in Ning Tongxi's hand and was saved up into a ball. Ji Siqi thought that this handkerchief probably could not be used again and decided to just give it to this sad girl.

Although Ji Siqi did not ask for the name of the lady beside him, he did not know why he appeared in this place, where there was no place for him to shop at the back of the village.

However, he more or less had a few guesses about Ning Tongxi. From the looks of Ning Tongxi's clothes, she didn't seem to be a girl from a poor family, and Ning Tongxi had even said that she was a student of the University of Cherry Blossom. There were only two kinds of students in University of Cherry Blossom, those with money and those with good grades.

But if Ning Tongxi was the daughter of a rich family, why didn't she send him off with a car? A young lady like Ning Tongxi was most likely thinking about hurting her feelings, and a bold guess suddenly appeared in Ji Siqi's mind. Could it be that the girl beside him was a support sister?

There were quite a few university students who had come out to provide support these days. The clothes and shoes must have been given to her by an old man. Since she was crying so bitterly, could it be that her employer abandoned her?

Ji Siqi recalled that the place he met Ning Tongxi was at the edge of the villa complex. Sheng Angsi's name flashed past and appeared in Ji Siqi's mind. However, Ji Siqi understood Sheng Angsi too well, his mind was filled with thinking about his business, how to earn money, and there was definitely no emotion involved in that. Therefore, Ji Siqi could be the first to eliminate Sheng Angsi's name, but that area was the villa complex, and there were many rich people there.

As Ji Siqi looked at the sad Ning Tongxi, he could not help but feel that this girl was even more pitiful. Ji Siqi also didn't know what was going on with him. He couldn't help but feel that it was laughable to be silent all the way here, and actually think of the whole way here.

"What are you laughing at?" Ning Tongxi had just wiped off her tears. The swelling of her eyes caused Ji Siqi to jump in fright.

"You're seeing me cry too ugly, aren't you?" As Ning Tongxi said this, she began to cry again.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I just don't know how to comfort you because you're too sad. " Ji Siqi tried to think of a reason.

"Then why are you laughing?" Ning Tongxi looked at Ji Siqi with hidden bitterness.

"Me." Ji Siqi was thinking of a reason when he looked up and smiled. "The University of Cherry Blossom is here, where are you staying? I'll walk you over. "

"I'm in Building 8, East District." Ning Tongxi snorted.

Ning Tongxi turned around and picked up her clothes, preparing to alight. "Thank you for bringing me back today," he said.

"It doesn't matter, nothing is impossible." Ji Siqi laughed somewhat embarrassedly, because he had guessed his identity along the way.

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