Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 312 - Luke's Visit Before The Wedding Day (2)

"It's my father's assessment. He told me, just based on the Chronos company's soft opening, such characteristics of a fierce tiger or aggressive lion is not enough to describe them at all. If there is anything else, it must be a pack of wolves." Luke extended his neck and openly took a peek at the documents on Brent's desk. Yet, before he read the content of it, Brent was quick to throw a blank paper on it to cover the file.


Brent remained silent, trying to analyze Luke's words deeply. For some strange reason, what he had imagined Sofia was not a wolf but an eagle. But, since Luke's father was making such a description to Sofia, he wanted to see a different angle from his perspective.

"Those people who can potentially compete with us... the tigers are capable of directly manipulating their opponent's resources to defeat them. But, this Chronos squad is not manipulating any opponents in their market. Hmmn... If it's the characteristics of those figures that we considered as lions, it seems like they are not also harming anyone or making underhanded moves to join the corporate world. So far, their trail is spotless! All I can see is that their ambition is intense! Their goal must be so high!" Luke added. He was rubbing his chin and looked at Brent straight in the eyes, searching for a reaction.


"Say something, bro. What do you think about my father's view of this new business in intersection street?" Luke continued after not hearing Brent's response.

"Hmm, you've investigated them closely?" Brent finally spoke his thoughts. There was only a tone of casualness in his voice but he was actually worried about Sofia and her group. 

Luke's family was influential overseas. Even if his family is not as successful as the Lee family in district 7, in terms of money and connection outside their country, the Lee family is way inferior to him. It was because the focus of their business is different. The Lee family always valued the local interest and choose to focus on their resources in district 7.

"Investigated them? It's not me! No, I never asked someone to look at their background," Luke was quick to deny with a shrug. "Brent, I'm not even curious about the Chronos company. But, after my father had a serious talk with me, I could not help but read all the files that my father had discovered. All of it... the leader Sofia, Claire, Stephen, Clark, and Joey. My father even tried to inquire about the Ching family of that boy named Stephen and the Zhang family too," he narrated and leaned back to his seat.

"Your father is interested in them? It's just their first day to operate their business... no, the day has not even ended yet, how did they manage to get your father's attention?" Brent mumbled, feeling uneasy about what Luke had just admitted.

"Intuition of an expert veteran. Hahaha..." Luke slightly laughed. "Bro, I've also asked my father how he managed to know that company. That's what he answered! It's his intuition!"

"Hmmn... Bro, I can't comment about your father's opinion for the Chronos --" Brent started but suddenly looked down when the phone on his pocket vibrated. "Hold on a second, it's them," he excused after seeing Clark's message on his notification panel on the screen.

Brent clicked the message and watched the video on it. His volume was on the 80% level so it was impossible for Luke not to hear the audio on it. The harsh tone of an unfamiliar voice erupted in the office. 

Brent frowned and look at the last message of Clark. However, it was a contrasting message sent after he received the video.

Chronos_Clark: Bro, you're sponsoring a film with this producer. We have an endorsement shooting in the same studio and had a conflict with her. Please clarify your friendship with our squad leader. They are making things difficult for us.

Chronos_Clark: Bro, I'm wrong to send this video. Sofia told us to forget what happened and focused our energy on other stuff. Hope I did not disturb you.

"What's that?" Luke questioned and casually raised his hand to snatch the phone from Brent's hand. Then, he watched the video of Sofia's argument with producer Weng. "Where is this? Ahh... this--- they are mistreated?"

"They have an endorsement shooting at the Jones Studio," Brent stated. His expression had turned dark. 

After watching the video, Luke repeatedly swiped his finger on the screen and replayed a certain scene on it. 

"What are you doing? Give me back my phone," Brent coldly said. He tried to reach it but the man moved his hand away and ignored him. Then, Luke continued to watch the scene five times. "Bro, that's a personal message from them!"

"I'm not reading the message!" Luke defended.

"Then give it to me!" Brent demanded and impatiently tapped his palm on his desk.

"I'm just double-checking something... Wow... just look at this part," Luke spoke and showed Brent the particular scene. 

It was the scene where producer Weng had told manager Lan to discard Sofia and her team. 

Coincidentally, at that time, Clark's hand moved in Sofia's direction too. Or perhaps, Clark subconsciously looked at Sofia without noticing that the camera of his phone was tilted and focused on Sofia's angle and completely captured the quick shift of her expression.

"This is the leader, right? Just watch that temper... here... here! Now it's gone... just like that! Just a split-second change of deadly expression! If this is not recorded, I would never believe it! My father is right! They are a pack of wolves!" Luke concluded before handing back the phone to Brent. He also showed his arm and spoke again, "Look at the hair of my skin, damn... That expression is really scary! Bro, you should be worried about this Chronos company!"

Brent took his phone and shook his head several times. "She's furious. But if it's me or you in her position, you would also be angry," Brent defended and started typing a reply to Clark's message.

Replied to Chronos_Clark: If CEO UNRIVALED changes her mind, just chat me, bro. Anytime is fine. Sorry for what happened. Tell her that there is someone who is closely following your company's activity. See you!

Luke remained silent and watched Brent solemnly type on his phone until he placed the phone on the side of his desk.

"What else do you want to talk about, bro? Can't you see? I have so many documents to deal with? If I don't finish these documents, I won't be able to have my honeymoon!" Brent spoke and gave the man a hint to go out.

"You're dismissing me? Bro, this matter about the Chronos squad is important. You can't just ignore them!" Luke insisted and released a long sigh.

"I'm dismissing you...? Hahaha, even if I want to dismiss you, bro, you won't listen to me. I'm just telling you to leave so I can focus here," Brent shrugged and started reading on the documents again.

Luke rolled his eyes dramatically and raised an eyebrow to Brent. "I know you, bro! Since you cannot avoid this discussion, you are using your honeymoon as an excuse so that you can change the topic! Hehehe... very good bro... very good!"

"Fine! Tell me, what is it about the Chronos squad that you have discovered that made you and your father describe them as a pack of wolves? Greed? They are not greedy. I can assure you that," Brent scratched his head and conceded.

"Heh! Open your social media. Look at their customers today, bro. If they are not greedy, just imagine how much profit are they making just for the first day of their operation!" Luke stated with a smirk.

"They have many customers, that's true..." Brent agreed.

"Look, even you can tell that this number of customers is very abnormal for a business owner that is not even as famous as yours!" Luke quickly followed.

"I've already anticipated that number of customers, bro. But, has it also occurred to you that they are feeding the entire district today? What they are serving are not just meals in exchange for profit. They are giving the citizens an opportunity to access unlimited food! What part of it is greedy?" Brent debated. He casually placed his pen on the side of his ear and crossed his arms in his chest.

"But... ahhh, fine! It seems they are really on your good side! I won't talk about them anymore," Luke exhaled with a slight irritation on his face. "I'm just showing you my concern as your friend. But, if you are defending them like that, then, it's better for me to leave. If my doubts come true, don't come to me and ask for help!"

"They are my friends, bro. No matter what, they won't harm me and the Lee family," Brent offered a grateful smile to Luke. Then, he slightly laughed when he recalled the video that Clark had sent to him. In the video, Sofia and Claire also mentioned that they were friends.... but the friendship was questioned by a man that he does not even recognize!

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