Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 295 - Soft Opening Day (13)

"It's a minor misunderstanding. I don't think they would take it as a big deal," Clark stated to comfort his friends after sensing the tension that surround them. "Sof, I will order the other phone," he added and focused his attention on his mobile phone.

"If it's for the other sister, just take the blue phone," Claire suggested after taking a peek at Clark's mobile screen. She remembered that the color was the same as Heiz's eyes when they met. However, she was not aware that it was but just a contact lens.

"Okay," Clark softly responded and placed his order. Then, he looked up to meet Claire's gaze, "Do you want to change your phone too? I can order the new model..."

"Nahh," Claire shook her head and instantly refused. "I'm fine with my phone now."

"Ohh... Well, if you change your mind, just tell me," Clark smiled. He then resumed scrolling on his phone.

Sofia crossed her legs and adjusted her sitting position. She clasped her hand and watched at the partially-eaten dishes on their table.

"Continue our breakfast. There is still food here. We can't be wasteful," Sofia said after realizing that everyone abruptly stopped eating. She also moved the other dishes towards Jing Jing and Claire and urged them to finish them.

Claire casually took one of the vegetable dishes that Sofia gave her. She put the remaining content on her plate and took a small bite. She smiled at Sofia but there was a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes.

"Sof, we will be okay, right? Please tell me that our business will not be affected by the misunderstanding? Joey did not mean it. It should be fine, right?" Claire carefully asked and continued devouring her meal.

Jing Jing opened her mouth to respond to Claire, however, she hesitated after seeing the serious expression on Sofia's face. She then decided to not speak and just continue eating.

On the other hand, Sofia pondered for a few seconds and stared blankly at the empty bowl. There was a small frown on her forehead that made Joey feel uneasy.

"It will be fine. There might not be a misunderstanding that exists really," Stephen mumbled to her. He suddenly felt guilty for not helping Joey settle the issue earlier.

Despite their words, Sofia did not budge. Her mind started to wander as she was trying to figure out the worst-case scenario if the misunderstanding would really become severe.

At first, she was anxious if their employees would decide to leave. But then, she also realized that the situation of her present life in district 7 was completely different from her past life.

In her past life, job hiring competition became a trend like some sort of fashion fad. There was even an instance that companies would host a job fair event to extend their interest in looking for employees. There was so many available jobs for the citizens to choose. 

To say, since many employers were looking for employees and so, it was easy for employees to switch jobs. 

In her past life, the issue she had encountered was mostly focused on the tenacity rate of employment instead of the unemployment rate! This issue was focused on how long employee would be willing to stay in the company rather than the lack of jobs for the citizens. 

Especially when there is a better financial benefit for them in the new company, some employees would not even bat an eye and would quickly transfer to a new job.

This was the reason why Sofia became slightly anxious about the misunderstanding. She even thought that Danny may have left them already! 

There were a series of questions that floated in Sofia's mind. 'What if the entire Double Sigma Fraternity would decide to quit because of the misunderstanding? One word from their leaders would be enough for them not to show up the next day. Then, how would our business operate without enough manpower?'

The answer was also clear to her. Without staff that would work for them, they would be forced to stop their operation. But, given their circumstance - they already have advanced reservations and the wedding ceremony on schedule. Stopping their business operation would never be an option for them!

Sofia secretly sighed. 'Even if it was not a major conflict, there are kinds of people who would not tolerate disrespect and could easily decide to cut ties once their boundaries and limitations are crossed.'

However, as Sofia pondered deeper, she also realized that in their district 7, only their group had offered employment for Double Sigma Fraternity. Such a situation was something that was far from her past life.

The issue in district 7 was still on the rate of unemployment due to the unmet qualifications of the employer. If the Double Sigma fraternity leaves their work, they may no longer find another job offer!

Sofia looked up and curled her lips into a smile. She pressed her palm together and supported her chin by propping her elbow on the table. "It will be fine. All we need to do is to settle the misunderstanding."

"Big brother Danny did not mention anything. But, I did get a feeling that he felt awkward when I asked him. Ms. Jing Jing, I can only rely on you to settle this matter," Joey stated with a gleam of pleading look on his face. He thought that it was a simple issue. Yet, after seeing the expression of Sofia and his companions, he finally reflected on his mistake.

"Ahh.... Joey, you better be careful next time. For a moment, I really felt nervous when you said that you offended Danny. They are still terrifying. You can't offend them," Jing Jing easily replied.

"Yes, I will remember to be careful next time," Joey lowered his gaze and felt embarrassed.

"No need to be dejected. It's not like we cannot commit a mistake. It's already good that you are willing to be accountable for it. Anyway, you can count on me. I will do my best to settle the misunderstanding. Here. Eat more so you won't get anxious later when we talk with Danny. Haha," Jing Jing stated and pushed another dish on Joey's side. After seeing Sofia's expression of certainty, her anxiety also vanished.

Sofia nodded her head and gave Jing Jing an approving look. "They are good leaders. Have you guys noticed? All our staff is working with minimal instruction from them. And I did not hear Danny nor Derek raise their voices when they spoke to the staff. That means their authority over their group is acknowledged by all their members. We should maintain respect to them."

At the same time, unbeknownst to Sofia and her group, Danny and Derek were about to enter the kitchen area when they overheard Sofia's compliment. The two quickly stopped their steps and looked at one another.

"Bro, our young boss is complimenting us! She has good eyes and recognized us as good leaders!" Derek chuckled.

"Should we call them? There are customers outside now. But, it's still not 9 AM. What should we do?" Danny mumbled his concern and did not pay attention to the joyful expression of his brother.

"They are not yet done eating. We should come back after five minutes! There is still time," Derek replied and swiftly grabbed Danny's wrist. The two of them quickly walked away from the kitchen area.

In the entrance door, the people had really started to gather. These people were very eager to enter. However, there was a good notice of close sign in the door. So, all the customers that came early could only take a photo of themselves and their group. After a minute, they shared their pictures on their social media account.

Meanwhile, after eating their breakfast, Jing Jing and Joey did not waste their time and went out to look for Danny. 

With Sofia's instruction to clear any misunderstanding, Joey suddenly felt his palms become sweaty. 

"Don't be nervous, Joey!" Jing Jing told him and dragged him towards the front desk where she had already spotted Derek and Danny having an animated discussion.


Back in the kitchen area, despite the many dishes that were served at their table, the group was able to finish every meal.

Claire looked at their plates with a satisfied look on her face. She subconsciously rubbed her stomach and grinned at Sofia. "I'm so full. Ahhh... now, I don't want to move. Hahaha, did you limit your meal, Sof? Why do I feel that I almost ate everything?! and you eat almost nothing!?"

"Hehe, I'll be fine. I'm going to eat plenty of food after our lunch shooting," Sofia replied.

"I see... I'll wash our plates to burn the food that I just ate and convert it to energy!" Claire said and took the initiative to clean their table. Clark and Stephen also helped her pile their bowls and plates on the sink.

Just as Claire set herself to start washing the plates, a staff also happened to see her.

Without hesitation, the staff dashed forward and instantly appeared on Claire's side.

"Ms. Claire, I'll clean here. Thank you for clearing the plates on the table!" the staff smiled at her and snatched the dishwashing sponge and soup.

"O-okay. T-thank you!" Claire responded and suddenly felt odd.. Another staff entered silently and helped her wash the utensils.

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