Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 291 - Soft Opening Day (9)

Sofia took her time and patiently followed the two elders. They wander around the vicinity of her establishment. As they walked at a slow pace, somehow, their figures would give the impression of grandparents and a filial granddaughter.

Whilst the three of them continue to check the surrounding area, another black van parked on the side of the road. Three men hopped out of the vehicle. Based on their clothing and the equipment that each of them were holding, one could tell that they were from a press company.

The one carrying a camera was a bald guy that looked like he was in his early fifties. Because of the sunrise, his head shine brightly.

The other two men appeared so much younger than him. Yet, these two have a distinctive appeal. The reporter holding the microphone had a charming face while the other person also looked cool. The two young men possessed the appearance that viewers would really love to watch.

"Here is the dining place that is opening today. We should cover this story. Since the press company of Mr. Wang had made them famous, we should give the viewers a follow-up report!" the male reporter told his companion in a formal tone. There was no indication of emotion on his face as he stared at the door of Sofia's place.

"How about we start to take video in that angle?" the cameraman suggested. He moved his lips to signal the direction of the several cars that parked.

"Hang on," the reporter said while holding the microphone in his hand tightly. There was suddenly a small amount of hesitation that flashed in his face while staring at the red sedan on the side of the street.

"What is it?" the cameraman questioned while adjusting the camera angle. He did not even bother to look and just focused his attention on his equipment.

"See that red car? Wait... is the dining establishment owned by the famous Carmella Cakes owners? I recognize their car at one glance," the reporter speculated.

The cameraman immediately looked in the direction. "Really? Well, the couple is actually friendly. We can clearly interview them."

"Hahaha... maybe, Mr. Wang did not leak the information of the business owners because he knew that we can approach them anytime!" the reporter speculated. He then recalled vividly the particular announcements that boss Wang's company made several times. There was not even a single piece of information about the owners. Hence, his assumption was natural.

"Let's not waste our time. We will shoot our video once we meet the couple!" the cameraman stated and quickly crossed the road. The reporter followed but their third companion did not move his feet. He just stood there and stared at the buildings.

"Ying, hurry!" the reporter called him after realizing that the man did not follow him.

While the man named Ying crossed the road, Sofia and the two elders had also emerged on the side of the building.

Sofia was the first to notice the approaching reporter and waved his hand to signal not to take video. But the reporter was focused on the two elders and did not even give a glance at her. 

"Hello! Madam Carmella, good morning! Would you mind if we ask a few questions from the two of you?" the reporter quickly started. Behind him was the cameraman who instantly started filming. Ying on the other hand was the only one who took a glance at Sofia.

Before the two elders could speak, Sofia stepped forward and blocked them. 

"Sir, we kindly ask not to film here. This is private property and they deserve to have their privacy," Sofia's polite voice resounded.

"Who are you? How bold! This is just a brief interview. We won't take too much of their time," the reporter insisted. 

The two elders frowned. They felt offended by how the reporter responded to Sofia. But because they were facing the back of a young lady, they could not tell whether she was also offended.

"Sir, please respect their privacy. Even if your interview is brief, they still have to eat their breakfast first. You may ask for them to schedule you an appointment later? Please don't film," Sofia suggested calmly. Sofia would not mind the sudden appearance of any group of press. In fact, if the reporter had just asked her directly, she would definitely give them a chance for a brief interview. But because the reporter approached the elders, she felt obligated to protect their privacy while they were still on her property.

"And who are you?" the reporter asked again. This time, annoyance was visible in his reflection as he glared at Sofia.

Sofia raised her eyebrow and stared at the reporter's face. After several seconds, she turned around and checked the two elders behind with a friendly smile on her face.

"It's fine. Hehe, he said it's just a brief interview," the elder man stated. He gently tapped Sofia's shoulder like a grandfather trying to offer her comfort. Sofia nodded her head and stepped aside. 

On the side, a smirk appeared on the reporter's face, and the cameraman also grinned feeling that the favor was on their side. 

However, Ying remained his eyes on Sofia. And when the young lady stepped on the side, he actually walked next to her and spoke, "You are CEO UNRIVALED... I'm your fan! I'm Ying. Sorry if my companion raised his voice. We just want to cover the trending issues in our district. I admire your gameplay! Your squad is so awesome!"

Sofia who felt worried for the two elders' privacy, was slightly stunned by Ying's compliments. She gestured a bow to him and said, "Mnn. Thanks, Ying..."

She wanted to clarify what he meant about trending issues. But, she decided not to pry in their own business. 

"What is this interview all about, young man?" the elder man also inquired mirroring Sofia's concern.

The reporter bowed his head before he replied, "Sir, how do you feel about the dining business?"

His question was not directly implying that the elders were the owner. He just threw a subjective query. 

Alas! If only he had asked him a straightforward question, he would have immediately cleared all his assumptions!

"The dining business? It's awesome! I look forward to its success! It's brilliant!" the elder man replied while glancing at the front door of Sofia's establishment. He also gave Sofia a reassuring smile and Sofia also smiled back and acknowledged his compliments.

"Right! It's indeed brilliant! Given your experience in business, can you share with our viewers your expectations in the business, sir? For example, possible expansion? Huge profit-earning? Or anything else of such," the reporter continued.

"This dining business... I don't dare put expectations. Because I know it will be great! It will break all my expectations! In fact, I never anticipated this kind of business technique to emerge in our place. Amazing, right? " the elder man replied proudly.

"Yes, sir! It's amazing! Thank you so much for your time!" the reporter stated. Since he said that he would just talk briefly, he deliberately asked general questions that would allow him to get the idea of the business from the owner's perspective. 

The only problem was... he had obviously made a wrong assumption and also asked the wrong person!

"You're welcome," the elder man responded and they exchange a handshake. 

"Ahhh... one last thing, sir. We will film on that side of the road to see how the first day of the business goes!" the reported informed the man out of respect. 

"Hahaha... the road is a public area. You can always make a film there. As long as you don't hinder the traffic, no one will complain. But, this area is private property. So, I hope, next time, if the owner asked you not to film, you should not insist! Young man, you are lucky that the owner is considerate," the elder man finished.

"Thank you so much, sir!" the reporter stated, clearly unable to understand the meaning of the elder's statement.

"There is no next time. If you want to film in this area, you have to ask permission and appointment," Sofia declared in a soft yet meaningful tone.

"Sure... sure... then, we will contact you next time??? Should we make appointment to you???" the reporter questioned and faced Sofia with a glint of sarcasm in his voice. 

The camera also focused on Sofia's direction, but she stepped farther and avoided it.

"There is no next time," Sofia repeated, this time, in a more firm tone.

"Heh! Tsk!" the reporter clicked his tongue and then turned around and walked away. 

"So sorry... Ahhh... CEO UNRIVALED... Please don't take an offense," Ying whispered on Sofia's side.

"If it's not your mistake, there is no need for you to apologize, Ying. His demeanor towards me is his responsibility," Sofia simply replied. 

"Ying, come and help me!" the cameraman called Ying when they saw him stood still on Sofia's side. The man was already setting up his other equipment to film the side of the road.

"I'm coming!" Ying responded. He respectfully bowed his head at Sofia and the two elders before he walked towards his companion.

After the press left, the elder woman leaned closer at Sofia. "Did you sense it? You did, right? Hehehe, I think they mistook us as the owner of your business?"

"Mn... it's probably because of your rare car, ma'am!" Sofia casually replied.. Unlike the reporter's own assumption, she was certain that her guess was accurate.

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