Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 286 - Soft Opening Day (4)

"Here is the list, Derek. I have written the reservation names and their tables. The time of the reservation and the prices are on the next page," Jing Jing said and gave the man her list.

"I got it. Thanks, Ms. Jing Jing," Derek politely expressed after looking at the contents of the list. He nodded his head and walked inside.

While the other members of the Double Sigma fraternity take turns to enter the establishment, Jing Jing moved her feet and pulled the boys - Joey, Stephen, and Clark on the side.

"The three of you, please get the flowers and balloons in my car. Here is my key," Jing Jing secretly whispered and handed Stephen the key.

"What is it for?" Joey curiously asked in a hushed tone.

"Just get it first. You'll know later," Jing Jing urged them.

"Okay, hehehe.... we will get it then, Ms. Jing Jing," Clark said and gently pushed the two. They quickly walked in the direction where Jing Jing's car was parked.

Sofia noticed their retreating figures in her peripheral view but she did not think too much about it. She was still silently observing the staff as they went to the dining hall.

The moment anyone would enter the establishment, several frames that were hung above the wall could easily be seen. If looked closer, those frames were legal documents such as their business permits and other government certifications, and the business registration receipt. 

Below those frames was a long desk for the reception area. Derek went to the desk and plugged in the computer. He then scanned the list of their customers that Jing Jing gave to him.

On the other side, Danny went to the kitchen area and guided his members accordingly. Sofia looked at his animated movements as he gave instructions to his members.

"Sof," Claire whispered beside her. They stood near the door and continued to observe. There was three staff that started to carry chairs and tables and arranged them in place. Derek was standing behind the group that was obviously facilitating them.

"Yes?" Sofia glanced at Claire and saw the emotional look on her friend's face. "Why do you look like you are about to cry?" she asked.

"Hehehe," Claire forced a laugh to mask her emotions. She then said in a soft voice, "We are really having this business?"

Sofia raised her hand and gently patted Claire's head. Even though their current age is the same, her gesture looked like she was comforting a young sibling. "Let's take a deep breath as we are about to step into the corporate world. Soon, we will join the bigger market competition. We can do this!"

Claire inhaled some cool air of the dawn and smiled. The tears somehow gathered in the sides of her eyes. "I'm having tears of joy!" she chuckled. 

"Tears of joy..." Sofia repeated in a meaningful tone. She looked around the place once more before her attention shifted back to Claire.

"Sof, before, when we were planning, the idea of operating this business was not as overwhelming as seeing our plans put into action," Claire giggled and wiped the small tears in her eyes using her hand. She was really moved by the mixed emotions that she felt. Who would have thought that they are suddenly having a business in just a matter of less than a month? 

"Plans are nothing if we won't execute them. The sooner we put them into action the better! Hehe, opening a business may sound like it's amazing. However, we have to put in mind that these employees are our responsibility. We must do our best!" Sofia smiled back before retrieving her hand.

"Yes! Let's do our best! Let's get inside!" Claire affirmed and took a deep breath before entering the dining hall.

"Miss Sofia, Miss Claire... I have something to tell you," Jing Jing giggled after they stepped inside their establishment.

Claire and Sofia faced her with a smile. 

"What is it, sister Jing?" Sofia simply asked.

"Well, I think, something is missing on this first day of our operation. And maybe you are not paying attention to it," Jing Jing stated. A glint of excitement flashed in her eyes. 

'What else did I miss?' Sofia secretly asked in mind. She give a quick thought to the overall situation but was unable to formulate an answer to her own question. Then, she responded to Jing Jing, "Sister Jing, if I missed something, I know you will help me out. Hehe... Say... what did I miss?"

"We should have a ribbon-cutting ceremony!" Jing Jing exclaimed and looked at the entrance of the establishment to see if the three boys were finished getting necessary stuffs in her car.

"Ribbon-cutting?" Claire mumbled softly.

Sofia pursed her lips and subconsciously rubbed her watch. This ribbon-cutting ceremony was indeed mostly practiced when opening a new business. However, such a ceremony was not necessarily done on the first day of operation. Some business owners would do it after a few days.

"Sister Jing, I did not forget it. I just think it's not necessary. How about we just operate directly?" Sofia replied and felt a little bit nostalgic. In the past, she had hosted and cut so many ribbons in similar events. Somehow, the memories bring her a melancholic vibe.

"No way! This is very necessary! We should do it!" Jing Jing insisted with firmness in her tone.

"Well, we can arrange this ceremony later... maybe?" Sofia suggested.

"No need! I have it arranged today! I assumed that you are very busy with everything so we did not have a discussion about the ribbon cutting. Hehehe," Jing Jing chuckled. 

'Today?!' Sofia almost raised her eye brow.

Then, Stephen emerged on the door and stepped inside carrying three red balloons and a bouquet of yellow flowers. 

"Look! Here are the red balloons for prosperity and good luck. The yellow flowers for loyalty and positivity!" Jing Jing started. 

Sofia was completely speechless after seeing Stephen approaching them. She s;owly combed her hair with her fingers while looking at him.

"Where do I put these, Sof?" Stephen asked and looked at Sofia with tenderness in his voice.

"In the reception desk! Hehe... Thanks!" Jing Jing quickly replied. Stephen nodded and followed her instruction.

"You really prepared materials for the ribbon cutting, sister Jing..." Sofia trailed her words while watching Stephen put the bouquet.

After a few seconds, Joey also appeared holding three brown balloons and pink flowers. 

Jing Jing clapped her hands and spoke, "These brown balloons are for our safety, stability, and solid foundation. And the pink flowers for our harmony!"

"Ohh..." Sofia nodded and remembered the three boys going to Jing Jing's car a while ago.

She then saw Clark who was holding two wooden white stands with a golden orange ribbon attached to each end. 

"This time, I selected this golden orange ribbon for the color of our logo is gold, and the orange represents our warmth and enthusiasm in this new venture. By cutting this ribbon, let's unwrap all great things for our company!" Jing Jing finished.

"Ribbon cutting..." Sofia whispered again. She was not planning to do this ceremony and just simply operate the business directly. She did not also expect Jing Jing to be so thorough about the business opening ceremony.

"Well... before we cut the ribbon, kindly pin this on the front door first," Sofia said and handed the paper to the three boys. It was the warning note she had improvised earlier.

The three boys quickly went to the door while Sofia and Jing Jing walked to the front desk. Claire was too stunned by Jing Jing's speech to move her feet and she just stayed in her place. In her mind, only big business do this events. Now, they were actually doing it!

"Alright! Even though this ribbon-cutting ceremony is not planned, we have to follow our tradition. When I was still working in the press company, I have covered news about the opening ceremony and ribbon-cutting events. Miss Sofia, you should cut the ribbon!" Jing Jing explained as she rearranged the balloons and flowers. She then looked around and spotted Derek standing on the corner. "Derek, come! Hehe, help me take a video when Miss Sofia cuts the ribbon! We should record this memorable moment!" Jing Jing called.

"Yes, Miss Jing Jing!" Derek responded right away and took out his phone.

"In this case, I should have prepared a speech?" Sofia giggled. Her fingers run through the ribbon for a few seconds. Such an important ceremony really requires appropriate speech.

"Just speak what you want to say, Miss Sofia!" Jing Jing encouraged. Claire finally moved her feet and joined them in the reception area. Then, the three boys also sauntered towards them after placing the note on the front door.

"Sister Jing, thank you for this preparation! You are so thoughtful!" Sofia expressed with full of sincerity.

"You're welcome... hehehe," Jing Jing replied maintaining her enthusiasm.

But, out of a sudden, a frown appeared on her forehead as she realized something... Jing Jing exclaimed, "AH! I forgot to bring a scissor!"


Author's Note: We all know that colors are significant during events. But because I'm not an expert in ceremonial colors and their symbols, I've researched and checked details about it for the decoration elements mentioned by Jing Jing in this ribbon-cutting ceremony chapter before blending them into our storyline. :) I am not connected to this site but I will give credit and gratitude to their admin/creator for sharing their ideas with the public. Site link: <>. I have learned a lot about colors from their content. <3

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