Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 274 - It's A Shame, You Embarrass Yourself

Sofia took a glance at her watch to ensure that she won't be late for her class. The regular students had long been dismissed. As she calculated, there were only 17 minutes before the first subject of the night class section would start.

'17 minutes... more than enough,' Sofia thought and turned her attention at her members that had stood behind.

Stephen placed his hands on the back. There was no trace of emotion on his face. But, the moment Sofia turned around, and they locked their gaze, his expression instantly soften. Joey maintained a grin on his lips while Clark draped his shoulder to Claire, smiling at her. 

"You guys did a great job! But, next time... if this happens, just refuse and don't give a statement. We have an exclusive press to handle matters about our squad," Sofia calmly reminded them. Her voice was low that the onlookers could not hear it. But the reporter and her group still managed to catch her words.

"HMMPH! Even if you have this so-called exclusive press, you can't treat us rudely! We are still involved in this business. We can ruin your public image! Be mindful of that!" the reporter suddenly exclaimed. 'Since this brat looked unaffected, I am so determined to create trouble for them!'

On the side, those students who had planned to leave and go home reluctantly stopped their steps and decided to watch more...

Sofia faced the reporter once more. She clasped both of her hands and pondered for a few seconds. Then, she simply said, "Don't make another scene to embarrass yourself, Miss. My members never treated you or your crew in a rude manner. Do you want to put your words in our mouths?"

Sofia may look calm while speaking to her. But, the reporter had finally sensed the warning in her voice. Somehow, she wanted to stop too. However, they were still in a live broadcast and their fans had long been witnessing their unfortunate encounter. She would lose face if she backed down!

"W-we just want to confirm your side after the video of Gallant Gamers squad becomes trending! Is it that hard to ask?" the reporter refuted.

"Didn't our assassin user already answer you? We did not watch the video. We are preparing for our exams and decided to lessen our online engagement. Also, it is not our obligation to watch your interviews. But, I have met the gallant squad this morning. And I wished them good luck," Sofia stated sternly.

"So, if you have just said that earlier then we won't reach to this point!" the reporter quickly put the blame to Sofia.

"HAH! Look at you... I am older than you but you are not even blinking your eyes when you talk back at me! Where is your manner? Where is your respect? What kind of example are you setting to your fellow youth?! Brat!" the reporter clenched her teeth. 


Sofia's eyes hardened but she blinked all the traces of unnecessary emotions.

Her line of vision moved around and surveyed the students that had been watching them before she spoke her response. "Since I am young, what kind of example are you setting for a youth like me? Where are your manners? Where are your respect?"

The onlookers started to giggle at this. Some even clapped their hands. Very good logic!

"You----!!! Why would I respect you? You are not even a celebrity! I have interviewed celebrities in this district and they would even comply at us. Yet, you actually think highly of your group when in fact you are just gamers!" the reporter exhaled and felt completely agitated. Her face started to turn red in anger as she witnessed the reaction of the other students that are watching her.

In the live broadcasts, their older fans had also started to send offensive comments and scolded her. But because she was too immersed with their conversation, she did not notice the comments.

"I could ask you  the same. But, I won't. Just reflect it and have some self awareness of how you behave towards my group," Sofia sighed.

"Your fans is really disappointed of you, and you, and you... all of you! So rude! So disrespectful!" the reported pointed at Sofia and her team. 

"Miss, we are students who diligently tried our best to study and obtain decent grades. Let me ask you... why would our fans be disappointed with us? In what way did my members treat you rudely? In what way did I disrespect you?" Sofia solemnly mumbled with a list of questions delivered consequently at the reporter.

In what way...? With Sofia probing, the other students started reflecting on the encounter that they had witnessed. Then, some of them were bold enough to speak their opinions loudly...

"That's right! From the start, CEO UNRIVALED was just talking calmly. But, this woman is raising her voice! It should be her who is rude and disrespectful!"

"Your temper is not a good example to us! Old but very immature!"

"This reporter does not know what is right or wrong! Tsk!!! It was her group who were harassing our schoolmates but she insist that they were treated badly!?"

"If the Chronos Squad does not wish to be interviewed, why do you not respect them? Are they your servant that you can just demand them to comply to your request!?"

The place had started to turn chaotic as all opinions came for side to side. With this ruckus going bigger, three security guards finally arrived to interfere with them.

"Students, go home. This is not a show! Go! Go!" one of the guards gestured for the students to leave. "Not listening? Go to the guidance office if you won't scram! I'll count to three... 3.... 2....----"

In a blink of an eye, the students quickly scattered. They even pushed those who were not moving. No one wants to visit the guidance office. They had no choice but to leave as fast as they can.

While one guard was tending with the students, another went to Sofia's group and the last went to the reporter's side.

"Sorry to trouble you, sir. We are going inside," Sofia told the guard and signaled for her group to enter the gate. The guard nodded his head and guided them in.

The Chronos squad did not even give another glance at the reporter. They walked straight at the gate and settled in the bench. 

"Miss, please do not harass our students. Even if this is a public place and you have the freedom of press, you cannot be willful. It's a shame if you embarrass yourself. Harassment is a crime," the third guard spoke to the reporter.

"I was just asking them a simple question. What harassment?!" the reporter denied.

"Other students had reported this to our security department. According to them, you are causing trouble here. We cannot stop you from filming in this road. That is your rights. But, the students have their rights too," the guard coldly stated.

Soon after, the reporter also conceded. But, she still continued with her live broadcast even though they were leaving the place.

They regroup in their van that was parked a few steps away from the convenient store. One of the crew went to drive their vehicle while the cameraman and the reporter sat on the back.

"Sorry dearest viewers, I did not imagine that we would be treated that way!" the reporter pouted her lips and rearranged her expression in the camera. She appeared as if she was the victim. But the netizens were not as gullible as she thought. As she read the comments on their live broadcast, she started to feel depressed. Their viewers were actually scolding and demanding for her to apologize to the Chronos squad!

In just a matter of minutes, the #ApologizeToTheChronosSquad hastag became trending too! Not only in social media but the demand also reached the gaming forums.

Soon, the idle gamers joined the live broadcast and sent their opinions in comments. Such opinions cannot even be called opinions! It was a direct trash talks calling the reporter with profanities.

Not only she had provoked a wrong person, she actually aggroed the hate of an entire gaming community.

She just wanted to increase her views and engagement to become trending. Now, it really happened. Their video were put on the spot. But, she could not even find a strength to smile at the camera anymore. The comments were too offensive.

With the pressure of the viewers, the reporter could only swallow all her emotions. Then, she weakly said, "Sorry if I offended the Chronos squad. I apologize. Sorry if I disappoint the viewers today."

After speaking her apology, she signaled the crew to stop filming. The camera man quickly turn off the device. And their van started to move along the highway.



Hello! :)

From Sofia & the entire Chronos Squad:

Sending heartwarming love to our beloved readers and supporters of our journey. 


Every day is a special day. May you have abundant success, everlasting joy, & eternal happiness!


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