Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 261 - Conversation About College Plans

"Our final grading exam is scheduled for the first week of March. I'm not sure but if the regional tournament would also officially start in that period, then, it's hard to split our time. As early as now, be sure to study your notes during your vacant time in school. Focus on studying so that we can focus on training next week," Sofia reminded her group.

Claire and Clark nodded their heads lightly. Stephen and Joey slumped their shoulders.

Jing Jing gave an approving look at Sofia. Surprisingly, with so much going on in their business, the teen could still remind her friends about their school work. "Guys, study well and follow Miss Sofia's reminders! Time management is very important."

As for Heiz and Clark's driver, they concentrated on eating their food and did not pay much attention to the conversation.

"Mostly, our teachers give pointers before the exam. So, I have no difficulties passing it," Joey said with confidence and nudged Stephen's shoulder.

"Sof, don't worry. Even if we are not the top students in class... our grades are pretty decent. My attendance only drags it down. Sometimes, we also share our answers," Stephen added.

"Hmmn... What we learn is more important than our scores. The exam results could indeed be tampered with in many ways. Rather than the grading, it is better to focus on gaining knowledge and skills," Sofia stated.

"That's right! If you gain knowledge, then, the grades will obviously be good. But if you have good grades without gaining knowledge, it would be hard," Jing Jing supported.

"Hmmn, After graduating senior high, do you plan to enroll in the same school?" Sofia questioned Stephen and Joey. Although it was still months before graduation, she wanted to know their plans.

The Seventh District University is the only school in their place. It catered from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. One can enroll from nursery and graduate until college in the same school. But the courses offered in this university for the tertiary level are limited. 

"I will probably take architectural design. The university in district 6 offers that course and my father had mentioned it to me," Joey started feeling a little bit sad about the idea. "How about you, bro?" he asked Stephen.

"I'm not sure yet. Any school is fine, I haven't planned which course to enroll in," Stephen shrugged with an indifferent tone. "If you graduate, what course are you going to take, Sof?"

"AH! Obviously, it's business and finance management! Sofia is good in that field! Hehe," Clark said before Sofia could speak her response.

But Sofia raised one of her eyebrow towards Stephen. "What do you mean 'if'? Do you think I can't graduate senior high?"

"No... no... no... it's a slip of a tongue! I mean once you graduate. Hehe, Sof... you know I have no doubts in your ability!" Stephen quickly corrected with a sheepish look on his face. He even grabbed Sofia's arms and gently held it.

"Bro, be careful! Sofia will beat you," Joey laughed at Stephen and patted his shoulder.

"HAHAHA... Well, I think business courses suits you the most, Sof," Claire only giggled. She knew that Sofia was just teasing Stephen and was not offended by him.

"Well, if that is the course Sofia will enroll in, I will take that also. We will be in the same department in the college. Or, how about I wait for you to graduate and we can enroll together?" Stephen grinned.

With Stephen's silly question, everyone giggled once more. But the man had a serious expression on his face as if he was willing to wait for Sofia to graduate in senior high before he would enroll in college together with her!?

On the other hand, Sofia was momentarily silent. "What if I don't go to college and focus on our company?" she suddenly asked Stephen.

"I will also do the same," Stephen quickly answered and gave Sofia a mischievous wink which made everyone open their mouths for a long time.

Even Clark's driver and Heiz momentarily stopped chewing their food and stared at Stephen.

It was not certain what was more shocking to them: Sofia's plan of not going to enroll in college or Stephen following whatever Sofia would do.

In Sofia's defense, she could build an empire in the corporate world without enrolling to college. After all, not only the knowledge but she also had the experience in her past life. What is there for her to study? Wouldn't it just be a waste of time for her?

But then, she adjusted her sitting position and crossed her legs. After careful thought, she said to Stephen, "Maybe we can take a business and finance course together. But there is no need for you to wait, Steph. It's better to not waste a year." 

She had realized that it would be more suspicious if she won't enroll in college. If people started questioning her expertise in the field without any proper college education, there would be no excuse left for her to use. No one was born with innate business skills. Hence, pursuing college was more advantageous.

"Okay," Stephen agreed. "How about the two lovebirds? What are your plans?"

Claire did not have plans yet. She could only turn towards Clark and stared at him.

Meanwhile, Clark shook his head too. "I-- m-might proceed... uhmm, my study in a different university. My parents had probably a plan for me and James. I want to be a chef but I'm not sure yet."

Just like Sofia and Claire, Clark was still in junior high. So, he had not given a thought to his college arrangement. But, his instinct told him that his parents would probably enroll him and his elder brother James in the same university.

Except for Sofia, everyone suddenly felt uncomfortable. Indeed, the second young master of the respected Zhang family... his parents might already have plans for him to attend a prestigious university.

After staring at Clark, they could not help but also glance at Stephen... even if Stephen wanted to be with Sofia, would his family not interfere with his decision? It was hard to say. After all, he was also the only heir of the well-known Ching family!

The two of their friends had a special background. It is expected that their parents would normally want them to keep their social image too and enroll them to a more renowned colleges.

After a while, Sofia gently smiled at them. "It does not matter which college we will attend. This is in the future. For now, let's think of the present. I'm just asking your plans randomly."

"Right, so... well... I---" Claire trailed and then released a sigh. "--Let's focus on the present."

"Don't overthink about your college plans. Even if we will enroll in a separate university, we can still visit and see each other. After all, we shared the same business. You can't abandon the Chronos company. The five of us, our destiny is already intertwined!" Sofia slightly laughed.

"That's right!" Joey clapped and also smiled.

"AHH!!! Wait.... don't forget me and Heiz! HAHA" Jing Jing interjected and nudged Heiz arm and everyone finally felt at ease.

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