Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 250 - Clark & Joey Picking Up Stephen

"Finding your daughter is probably more scandalous. You have disowned her. Why should you look for her when you can just order a similar watch and engrave the symbol on it?" Stephen's father suggested. "Since you know the symbol, it's easy to make a copy of it."

His opinion seemed easier indeed and his wife clapped her hand. But, Mr. and Mrs. Silveri shook their heads.

"If only that is applicable," Mrs. Silveri grunted. It was evident that she only cared for the watch and not her daughter.

"Why not? I can have my assistant call the most famous store that sells watch and ask them to create a copy of that particular watch. How about it?" Mr. Ching offered right away. He raised his hand in the air. In an instant, a servant quickly approached his side, handing him a mobile phone.

"Brother-in-law, the Devourer is considered an antique object that is only exclusive to the Silveri family. Even if you call the most genius or famous watchmaker, once he will see the design of the Devourer, he won't dare make a copy of it. And my late mother's lawyer won't be deceived either. This is the reason why we came here. We want to ask for your help us to find Ash," Mr. Silveri calmly stated with a blank emotion on his face.

"Then, I'll just call notable private investigators and hire them. Wherever your daughter is right now, they would surely trace her whereabouts!" Mr. Ching stated and focused his attention on his phone. Soon after, he started calling his connections in the corporate world.

"They say that we are living in such a small world. But, it's been more than a month since we also hired investigators to find the whereabouts of Ash. They never gave us good news," Mrs. Silveri sighed.

Stephen who was pretending to eat and was just listening in his seat suddenly stood. "I'm going back to my room," he said and quickly left the dining table before anyone could oppose him.

His parents seemed to have taken much interest in the matter of hiring private investigators that they did not bother calling their son. They continued their discussion and plans as the young man made his way.

Stephen was walking in haste with a satisfied smile on his lips. Some servants standing on the corner of the dining room saw the ominous expression in his face but they did not think too much of it. They only looked at one another and feign ignorance.

The moment he arrived at his room, Stephen made sure to lock the door. As if he was not satisfied with the locks, he also dragged his wooden study table to block the entrance.

After a few minutes, he quickly went to the side of the room and opened the window. Some droplets of rain that were carried by the wind brushed past him and entered his room. 

'HAHAHA... This is good timing! This arrival of uncle and aunt tonight is the best decoy for me to escape!' he excitedly thought, not minding the rain that had invaded his room.

He easily slipped out of the window and managed to come out of their mega-mansion without anyone noticing him. 

In the darkness of the night, Stephen's figure molded into the shadows as he casually sprinted towards the highway. He may have been born rich and raised with servants around, but in the past couple of years, he got used to running. His stamina was not weak but the rain did give him a rough time.

Still, after several minutes of being soaked in the rain, he handled the difficulty and emerged on the side of the highway where most vehicles running along the road were all privately owned.

Earlier that evening, he already texted Joey of his plans. This was after their video call. He told him to pick him up in the corner street going towards the HyperMalls.

Stephen continued to run and cross intersections until he reached the location. There was indeed a car parked on the side of the street that looked familiar to him. It was the car owned by Clark.

'Perfect! They must have utilized the subway for them to come here this early!' he almost whistled in joy thinking of his two friends. In this region, there were privately owned subways in each district that are interconnected with other districts for easy access. Only wealthy family and private organizations could use it. But, with Clark's family background, using private subway was just a piece of cake for him.

Stephen did not need to knock on the window of the car.

Joey's head suddenly appeared as he pushed the door open. "Hurry! It's raining hard yet you are not using an umbrella! I thought you are rich. How could it be that you could not even bring such a simple tool to protect you from rain?!"

"Tsk! I have no time to hold an umbrella. Bro, can't you see? I'm escaping! It will only slow me down," Stephen rudely pushed Joey to the side for him to have a space to sit.

"Ohh... you have a point. Umbrellas are useless," Joey mumbled while adjusting his sitting position. 

"Sorry for the trouble, Clark. I appreciate you helping me," Stephen told Clark who was on the front seat.

"No troubles. We are one squad. It is natural to help you," Clark responded and looked at his reflection on the side mirror. "But, we did not anticipate you to come here in such a messy state. We did not bring spare clothes. We only brought snacks."

The rain had completely drenched Stephen's clothes. And Clark was worried that he would get sick. But, he could not also offer anything for him to change his wet clothes. Joey was also wearing a long sleeves and shorts. If only one of them was wearing a jacket, then, they could have lend it to Stephen. If only!

"Ehem. Young master Clark, if your friend does not mind, he can use my coat. That is if he can tolerate wearing a servant's cloth for a little while," the personal driver of Clark suddenly spoke. This old man was wearing a formal uniform with a name tag on the chest. A long coat was indeed draped on top of his uniform.

"It's better than my soak shirt. Uncle, sorry for the trouble but please lend me your coat. I am feeling chilly," Stephen quickly said. He had already felt the cold as the aircon inside the car was abnormally high despite the weather.

"It's my honor to help my young master's friend," the driver said and quickly took off his coat then handed it to him. 

Stephen instantly discarded his shirt and wore the coat. "Thanks!"

"My pleasure, young man! I will adjust the temperature of the car for you not to feel cold. Ehem... Now, where is our next destination?" the driver inquired.

"Let's go back home. James is staying with his squad members overnight and my parents are away on a business trip. We can continue to play at my home," Clark stated. The driver quickly turn on the engine of the car and started driving.

"Nice!" Joey chirped. "Wait, I think Claire is still waiting for us in the lobby room!" he added and looked at his phone. 

Speaking of Claire, when the two of them were waiting for Stephen to show up at the location, they have decided to play. They managed to win two matches and were about to go on to the third match. 

But, Stephen arrived before they could enter the lobby for the third match... completely interrupting them.

"She is still in the lobby," Clark said and quickly typed a message to explain the situation to Claire. After the message was sent, Claire also responded right away...

"Claire said that we can continue to play later. She will need to charge her phone and check on Sofia," Clark reported after reading Claire's reply.

"Sofia is in her class right? Or did she have an early dismissal? Damn! Sometimes, I envy the night class students," Joey commented and his two friend could only shake their head and chuckled with him.

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