Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 236 - [Bonus ] Career Focus (1)

"It's better to have this arrangement with them too," Sofia murmured while her mind drifted towards the first company that her group would take. 

She was 101% confident about the great future in programming and software development. The industry in district 7 may have not reached to this point. But, it would soon happen.

She knew based on her previous life that those who had real skills in the software industry would be game changer. Businesses in the district would soon shift from having a physical store to virtual stores in the next years to come.

Shopping products and making orders of purchase would one day be switched to online... and this  would dominate the business industry. And majority of the customers would always choose this kind convenience.

In fact, there was a moment after Sofia's transmigration where she was also contemplating whether to learn the programming skills. It did occur on her mind. She would have enrolled it, after her high school.

But because the desire for gaming had been enveloped in her mind, no - rather, it was the original owner of her body's desire to just play games, so, she never really made thorough consideration and plans about learning programming and software design yet. Her attention had still been focused mostly on gaming and her squad.

But now that she had met Franco and Riel, she decided to continue what she always wanted and forget the idea of engaging her skills in software.

'A career focus is a key to maximize the progress of my plans in the company. Avariciousness is stupidity. It might just ruin my new life if I possess more. she secretly thought.

After all, even though her situation is special, she is still human. If her attention in managing her business would be divided, she was afraid that it would compromise the degree of success that she expected. She completely understood that being greedy to have everything would also bring harm to her and the people around her.

It was enough for the Chronos Company to maintain a connection and partnership with the two men. More than enough since she planned to make them their subsidiary.

"Ms. Sofia, which location do we go to now?" Jing Jing suddenly asked her. They had already reached the uptown road of the district.

"Sister Jing, find a place for us to grab a drink. I'm thirsty. We can also contact Boss Wang while grabbing our drinks," Sofia prompted. 

"Alright, there's a café in the corner. Let's order there," Jing Jing responded and slowed down the speed. Soon, she glanced at the side mirrors, left and right, before making a safe turn to a vacant lot, where she would park her car.

On the other side, Sofia briefly shut her eyes. She lifted her hand onto her head and subconsciously pressed them to massage her forehead. The feeling of slight fatigue and pain in her head started to overcome her senses. After all her appointments, her body seemed to have been drained.

Jing Jing finally parked the car then turned off the engine. She pulled the key and looked over at Sofia. 

She noticed the young lady's movement of holding her head and frowned. Jing Jing gave a long sigh and scratched her hair while Sofia had her eyes closed.

"Are you having a headache? I'll give you a painkiller," she said and pressed a button to open the front drawer of her car. 

Once it opened, the drawer revealed a lot of medical kinds of stuff and medicines in different shades of colors. Some were white tablets, others were red capsules. And there were also placed in small orange bottles. "Just choose which medicine you want to use," Jing Jing casually offered.

Sofia gazed down and randomly picked the tablets that were packed individually. She carefully read the label before placing them in her pocket. 

After getting her medicine, she carefully closed the drawer and smiled at it.

"Thank you, sister Jing. You have a small pharmacy inside this car," she joked while her eyes were still in the drawer.

She momentarily remembered, although it was vague memories, she recalled that during her past life as CEO, Jing Jing - her secretary, had also stuffed first aid kit on the drawers of her car. Wherever they go, Jing Jing had everything prepared. Seeing the insides of the drawers now had gave Sofia such a sense of nostalgia.

Jing Jing slightly laughed at her comment. Indeed, the drawer was full of medicine. It was exactly what Sofia had described - a small pharmacy! 

"It's because my parents kept reminding me to bring medicine when I was young. So, I have them as a habit. Let's go inside so you can take that medicine," Jing Jing responded and the two of them stepped out of the car.

Minutes passed and Jing Jing continued to walk towards the entrance of the café but, Sofia made a pause of her steps and take a look at the vacant lot. There was a plastered sign written in a piece of broken plywood that indicated the lot was for sale.

It was within the high way, but this location was almost deserted. There was only a café in the middle side of the road and then its mostly old trees before the residential houses. Sofia gave a meaningful look to the area before she fasten her pace to catch up with Jing Jing.

The front desk was vacant when they went inside the café.

"Huh? No employees?" Jing Jing commented and looked around. Strangely, the door was opened already to invite customers to come in but  other than them, no one was actually inside!

However, when they approached nearer the counter, they saw a female staff sitting down on the floor, almost as if hiding in her secret base. She was leaning on her desk for the support of her back and with just one look at how she held her phone, Sofia and Jing Jing could tell that the female staff was busy... busy playing!

Despite them entering the café and standing in front of the desk, the female staff was still immersed with her phone and did not even notice them.

Sofia did not say and only took out the medicine in her pocket.

"Ehem!" Jing Jing took the initiative to make their presence known to the 'busy' female staff. 

She cleared her throat and then faked some coughing sounds. This startled the female staff and looked at their directions, swiftly placing her phone in the cabinets. It was a subtle move almost as if she was an expert in hiding what she was doing.

But there was a shocked expression that was evident on her face. However, after a few seconds of looking at the faces of her new customers, this female staff's expression shifted from shock to surprise and excitement while staring at Sofia's face. 

"Oh my gosh! OMG!!! You are that squad leader of Chronos squad! CEO UNRIVALED user! AHHH! I've seen your group play the district Esports tournament! Good Game!!!" the female staff squealed loudly.

"Ahh..." Jing Jing pursed her lips.

Based on appearance, this female staff was almost the same age as Jing Jing or perhaps a year younger. But she was actually jumping in her feet full of enthusiasm after she recognized who was standing in front of her. 

Such a reaction made Jing Jing raise a single eyebrow and look at the staff with amusement.

"Hello, yes, that's me," Sofia gave the female staff a friendly smile and gave confirmation of her identity.

"CEO UNRIVALED, can we have a picture together?! Are the other squad members of Chronos will be here? OMG!!!" the female staff asked and grabbed her phone from the side and waved it to Sofia. 

However, her device was still displaying the battlefield on her screen when she looked at it. 

Alas, when the customers arrived, she just hastily threw her phone to avoid being caught playing while on duty. Now she felt a little bit conflicted that the match was not yet finished and the screen displayed her AFK warning!

"AH! hehe, well...." the female staff made an awkward laugh after noticing that Sofia was also observing her phone screen. She then pressed the home button of the phone and completely abandon the game. Well, she had already abandoned the match after hearing Jing Jing's coughing sound anyway.

Sofia did not say anything and just watch the female staff maneuver the screen of her phone until she opened her front camera. 

"OMG! I never imagined that I will have this opportunity to take a picture with you! I am your fan!" she continued as if the battlefield on her screen was never shown to Sofia. Then, she tilted her phone to take a good angle of Sofia for their picture.

When their faces appeared on the screen, Sofia looked at the camera with a nice curve on her lips. 

On the other hand, the female staff grinned widely. Then, she clicked the middle button on her screen and finally took their picture. Sofia's smile was a combination of friendly and formal. While the female staff's smile displayed her full-frontal teeth... like that of a happy kid.

"Thank you for your support to our group," Sofia stated in a sincere tone. 

"I am surely your number one supporter! By the way, where are the other squad members of your Chronos squad?" The female staff exclaimed and was clapping her hands. She looked at the entrance door with an expectant eyes.

"The other members are not with me. They have classes to attend today. I am with sister Jing," Sofia answered and gestured at Jing Jing. The female staff quickly waved a hand at Jing Jing.

Jing Jing could not help but take a step back and look at the two. She just stared at them and did not join in the brief picture taking. While watching them, she mentally commented, 'One was surely an adult but act like a child who had seen her favorite celebrity. The other is a teen, yet, it was standing with poise and formality. AHHH...'

Her thoughts trailed to an end when she heard Sofia speak to the female staff once more. This time, there was a tone of seriousness in Sofia's tone....

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