Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 232 - [Bonus ] Advantages Of Both Sides (2)

"The Lee family has no interest in politics, Sofia. But, I have my reasons to unite my family and the family of Grace. You are still young and won't understand me," Brent whispered. He placed his left hand on the pocket of his trousers and stood straight.

"I can't understand... heh! Maybe, I can't understand indeed! Your wedding, even if it's just a political marriage, trust me, it will be beneficial to you in the long run. In the future, you will thank me for this public arrangement," Sofia said with a meaningful tone. Her statement was vague but it almost made Brent feel anxious. The future.

"Ehem, young lady, no one knows what the future is. Who knows what will happen in my marriage in the long run. Our parents understand. As long as there are benefits, both families will maintain civil and continue to cooperate," Brent responded.

"I have seen the future!" Sofia suddenly joked using an animated voice. This statement was actually the same line that the summoner character of the game would speak on the battlefield. The line of the character was exactly, 'I have seen the future, thus I summon you to my aid! No mercy!'

Before Brent could react to what Sofia just said, she cleared her throat and decided to end their conversation. "I won't keep you away from your responsibility, young master Brent. I know that you will have to practice your squad for the upcoming regional tournament. And you also have a business to manage, so, I'm hanging up now!"

"Ehh... wait a minute!" Brent said but their conversation was already disconnected. "How rude! Tsk!" He chuckled and stared at Sofia's contact details that were still displayed on the screen of his phone.

"I have seen the future...? Wait, which game character is using this line?" Brent suddenly asked himself. 

"What are you mumbling? Have you gone mad?!" his father suddenly yelled behind him. 

Since this son had left him for too long, he had lost his patience and stepped out of the office to find Brent. But, the moment he went to the door, all he could see was his son talking in the air! He could not help but think of the worst! "My son, is the pressure of marriage resulting in you being restless? I'm afraid you'll really lose your sanity out of this!"

"Pa, the marriage is my choice! I don't feel any pressure at all!" Brent quickly dismissed and guided his father to get back inside his office. 

"B-but, I just saw you talking to no one! Hmmph!" his father reasoned. His hard face had shifted and displayed a worried expression.

"I am just thinking about some game characters after talking with Sofia! It has nothing to do with my wedding ceremony!" Brent pouted while giving his father a sheepish expression.

The senior master Lee waved his hand and shook his head several times. "Game characters! Are you planning to embarrass Grace and her family by talking about games? You are this old but you still play around with this kind of game! When are you going to retire? YOu should let the young generation have the opportunity to play!"

"Pa, gaming is already part of our family business! Nothing is embarrassing. It's my happiness. Even if I talk about it for the entire day and night, Grace will be fine by it!" Brent said and took a seat.

"I should have disciplined you when you are young. It's my fault that you are now addicted to games. Look at your sister, she is also wasting her time for these virtual games!" his father sulked and also sat opposite him.

"Hehe, you just love us the most," Brent laughed gently and his voice turned warm.

"What flattery! What did you discuss over the phone? Tell me!" his father stated.

"It's about the official announcement of the wedding ceremony to the public. Nothing that could interest you," Brent replied curtly and started checking the stacks of documents on the side of his table.

"Ohh... son, I must tell you this. Women are capable more than you could imagine. Don't trust them completely. A wife or a friend, you must be vigilant. Do not let them take advantage of you," the senior master Lee suddenly spoke. 

Just as he wanted to add another piece of advice, Brent signaled him to look behind. When he turned around, Brent's mother was standing sternly with her hand placed on her waist.

"Old master, do you have something to explain? I did not know that you are actually vigilant towards me!"

Upon hearing Brent's mother, the senior master Lee completely paled. He forced himself to smile and slowly stood from his seat. "Darling, I am talking about the outsiders. Not you, hehe," he reasoned.

"Outsiders? Ohhh... outsiders..." Brent's mother deliberately repeated and looked sternly at her husband.

"Ahh... I am wrong! I should not say those words to our son. Darling, don't get angry!"

Brent chuckled while watching as his father moved his feet towards his mother. He continued to watch as the senior master Lee was attempting to massage his wife. But his mother completely ignored her husband and stepped forward and took at the empty chair.

"Ma, you know father. He is just joking," Brent spoke and smiled at his mother.

"Right, right, right! I am just joking. I am not serious at all!" his father agreed right away.

"You better be joking. I am still alive and you have a daughter too. Yet, you are teaching your son to doubt his woman. What kind of father are you?" Brent's mother rolled her eyes and scolded her husband.

"Aiyyahh... Darling, I don't dare doubt you. You are the most trusted person in my life. But, we belong to an era where dignity and integrity are as precious as gold. Now, the era of your son is different. There are so many people who want to use trickery and abandon integrity just so they could profit," the senior master Lee hurriedly explained.

"Enough!" Brent's mother raised her hand to stop her husband. Then, she stared at her son for a long time. "Are you sure you will pay the cost of the reception? That is just a place. We can find other locations that are cheaper." 

"Sofia is my friend. She had helped me a lot in the past. It's time for me to return the favor that I owed to her," Brent calmly replied.

On the side, his father had an expectant gaze on his wife and son. He was secretly happy that Brent's mother was also opening the discussion about the cost of the reception. He had assumed that his wife would not agree with Brent. 

But, little did he know, the woman just smiled and gave her son an approving look.

"Good! Don't listen to your father's nonsense! Members of our Lee family must give value to people, relationships, and connection more than money." 

Brent's father helplessly sighed after knowing that his wife was not on his side of the argument. He took a big gulp and swallowed all the words that he wanted to say.

The senior master Lee did not bother speaking out his opinion and just silently frowned at the overall situation, casually nodding to avoid provoking his wife.

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