Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 202 - [Bonus ] Sofia's Views In Marriage

Sofia cleared her throat and looked at Brent with high regard. Surely, the man was worthy to be the head of the wealthiest family in the district. He had a sharp instinct more than she had expected.

"Well, what do you say, young master Brent? Go decide now so I can make arrangements. I'm so excited to make money as well as be the bridesmaid. Haha," she playfully stated while repeatedly raising her eyebrows to hint for Brent to agree with her suggestion.

Brent eyed her for a long time. He just shook his head with a genuine smile on his face. Sofia then knew this kind of expression. He was bound to agree with her. He was just prolonging the tension around the place.

"Ms.. Sofia, is it? Young lady, the Lee family had always stayed lowkey and private. Do not cross the line and feed my son some?? absurd ideas!" Brent's father finally managed to speak coldly while glaring at Sofia. It was the kind of look that would surely intimidate anyone. He did not pay attention to the young lady when they were introduced earlier. He did not even took a second glance of her, at least not until he heard her suggestions.

Even Grace and her family was bothered by the old man's tone. They worriedly glanced at Sofia but the young lady just stood there with her clear eyes and calm expression.

Sofia was not just anyone. And even though this old master of the Lee clan had an intimidating aura, it did not affect her. In her eyes, it was not enough to be considered a threat. She just curled her lips in a smile and slightly bowed her head to respect the old man.

"Old master Lee, if I may ask, what is so absurd of having a wedding in my business? The place will be perfect in accordance with the theme of the wedding," Sofia stated while looking at the old man in the eye.??

"Hah!" Brent's father exhaled in disbelief. His black eyes constricted as he formed his lips in a line.??

The issue was not about Sofia's business but the family of Grace taking advantage of his son.??

They never liked the idea of publicly announcing the marriage.??

But now, Sofia seemed to imply that there was a problem with her business if they reject her suggestion.

She was clearly diverting the issue to her! Even those who were not business experts understood her words.

'Just who is this girl!' the old master of the Lee clan secretly scoffed while his glare towards her had intensified.??

His wife also stood next to him and gently patted his shoulder. 'This girl has guts!' she also glared at Sofia.

"Marriage is a fortuitous union of your families. I dare to say that Brent is lucky to have the most elegant lady in this district. The line of men that wants to pursue her is beyond my imagination. But she fell in love with Brent and that should be celebrated," Sofia said before these two elder couples could speak further.

"Ridiculous! Don't speak nonsense!" Brent's mother spoke up while clenching her hand into a fist.

"What I said is just a suggestion. My words are not the decision. There is no need to be so stressed about it. From what I understand, it's still up to Brent to have a final say," Sofia softly spoke and glance back at Brent.

Brent placed his hand on his pocket and appeared to be in a deep thought. Then, he gestured for Sofia to go with him on the other side for a discussion. He then excused themselves to the elders, "Give us a minute."

Grace looked down on the floor and did not know what to feel. She somehow felt happy and also sad. Happy because Brent was clearly reconsidering some things. Sad because she was not the reason why he would be willing to compromise.

While she felt dejected, she felt a hand touch her arm. When she looked up, it was Sofia who was pulling her to walk. In a state of confusion and mixed emotion, she followed Sofia while Brent was looking ahead of them.

"Did you see that? Your son is being brainwashed!" the old master of the Lee family whispered to his wife while looking at the two ladies and Brent's figure walking a few distances away from them.

"Let's not interfere with the matters of the youths," his wife replied and lead him to sit on one of the nearest empty chairs on their side.

Brent faced Sofia and was slightly surprised that Grace had tagged along with them. He momentarily closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to go against my parents, Sof. We are friends but in my parent's opinion are important to me," Brent spoke with a conflicted tone.

Grace subconsciously shifted her other foot and took a big gulp. She maintained her head up at the level of Sofia but she knew that any minute, the confidence within her might crumble into pieces.

Of course! She was aware of Brent's parent's request. They had discussed it with her parents too. She knew that her parents were already satisfied with her marrying the Lee family since she rejected the Ching family. They did not mind if the wedding will be private for it was reasonable to the Lee family.

"Brent, in fact, this is not about going against your parents. This is about the two of you getting married soon," Sofia calmly said. In their entire rehearsal, all she could see with these two were a formality and no affection. Somehow, she was worried about their situation.

"My marriage with Grace, we have agreed to it," Brent stated while glancing at Grace.??

"Yes, we have agreed it, Sofia," Grace supported even though there was a prior arrangement that she made between this young lady, she had to maintain their plan as secret.

"I'm happy that you have reached this agreement. But, I think it's still too early for you to get married. Though I am not an expert, so I could be wrong about the timing. But, when it comes to marriage, Brent, you are about to build your family outside of your parents. The welfare of your wife should also be part of your concern," Sofia reasoned. She was not even aware that with no experience of love in the past life, her understanding of the ceremony was quite impressive. Or, perhaps, it was because of this wisdom she had that she never settled down so early.

"What are you? A love guru?" Brent raised his hand and waved it in front of Sofia's face. He could not believe that this young friend of his would actually give a piece of serious advice about marriage too!

"Hehe, no... not love guru. I am just trying to convince you to book my business. I just got the permit to operate and we are still redesigning the place. It would be good if the first customer that we will have is an auspicious ceremony," Sofia grinned.

"I am not sure, Sof. My parents would be upset if this wedding will be done in public. They want to make this ceremony private," Brent hesitated. "Grace, your family understands why right?"

Grace nodded her head but did not say a word. She just stood there and hoped that she could maintain her composure until their discussion would be over.

"Then, I won't force you," Sofia told Brent. However, her voice was telling him the opposite message. She then added, "Once you form your family, it is important that you can make your own decision outside the opinion of your parents. Sure, they can give you bits of advice for they know what's best for you. But, marriage is no longer about what's best for you. It's what's best for you---" her hand gestured towards Grace before she proceed to point Brent,"--and you. The best of you two."

"You are making this hard for me, Sof," Brent blurted in frustration.

"Marriage is hard. Hehe. But, if you put in your heart the best interest of your future family, it will be easy. Come on Brent, you have learned gaming from me. Should I still spill these kinds of stuff to you for you to realize that you have to consider Grace's well-being too?" Sofia had really become a love guru. Whether she was still marketing her business or giving a piece of advice to this couple, she was not also sure anymore.

All she was certain of was that she considered these two as her friends now. So, she could not help but give them such kind of advice.

"Wait a minute, I am your friend here. Why do I feel that you are on her side?" Brent mumbled while giving Sofia a suspicious look.

"Oh no, no, no," Sofia repeated. Then, the curl in her lips turned into a wide grin. "I am on the side of my business so I can start earning profits. But you two are my friends. Hehe, so, you know my number. If you happen to make your final decision and choose my business as your venue, I'm one call away!"

"Unbelievable! You are really something, Sof. You know that?" Brent chuckled helplessly. He slowly looped his arms on Grace's waist and they started to walked back to their tracks.

"I know right. After all, I'm lightly expert of my craft," Sofia casually responded and looked satisfied with Brent's action. Then, the three of them rejoined the elders.

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