"Oh? I didn't read those things for a long time, and I didn't understand the plane and the sea... Sorry.

Su Hanyue glanced at Zhang Fan, who stuck out his tongue, the little wine he drank was easily forced out by the internal force of the great grandmaster-level, and now there is nothing at all, but it is still not very reliable as always.

She thought about something for a long time before she spoke:

"Cultivating immortals.... To be honest, after knowing the concept of the hyperspace ocean, I feel more and more that the aura of an immortal cultivator should not be from this world, and the aura and internal force are two completely different forces.

"We also have some eyebrows about the principle of internal force, but the aura... It's completely unreasonable, those monks have never been born, and they always say that the aura is scarce, but there was no too prosperous civilization of cultivating immortals in ancient times. The

scientist rubbed his rubber gloves, thought for a while,

and said, "I'm not proficient in hyperspace, because we don't understand the principle, but according to what you said, it's the "plane fusion" mentioned by the president, which is also called "Celestial Sphere Convergence" in ancient Western legends,

and "Aura Revival" in ancient legends of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Aura revival..." Su

Hanyue gently tapped the armrest next to the seat with her fingers, and finally shook her head.

"I hope that day will never come, since the history of mankind has only been recorded for 227 years, and modern times have contributed most of it... Peace is never the norm, it's a gift.

"The sheer internal force has made the powerful high, and if the aura is revived... I can't imagine what the world will become, a feudal centralized society again, or a slave society? The primitive world where the law exists?"

The scientist was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the person in front of him, who held most of the power in the world, would say such a thing, and his voice became serious:


meaning of the company's existence is like this, we are always facing challenges, and it is our creed to put things right anyway.... After all, the more you sink into the sea of hyperspace, the more extraordinary power you have, the more extreme negative emotions you have, and the more you will attract the outer gods to forage.

"This plane is on the verge of collapse, Ms. Su, countless oppressed souls have attracted certain attention, I may be a little presumptuous to say this, but this is also what I personally think.

"As the supreme leader of the Commonwealth, you should... Something was done.

Su Hanyue was silent, as the head of the Su family, of course she knew that even in the Dragon Country, there were countless sufferings... But there was nothing she could do.

"I will—"

she shook her head, making a promise she didn't think would work.

The balance of multiple interests is not a science, but a social and philosophical problem, and she can easily solve mathematical problems in universities and even doctors, but in the face of the distribution of interests, she is also more than willing and not enough.

"Hey, if you want me to say, it's better to be a chivalrous person, how can you think so much.

Zhang Fan's relaxed voice came, and Su Hanyue's already depressed heart suddenly rose, and she clenched her fists involuntarily... Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as him.

"When we arrive, please get out of the car, you can watch the process of our inspection at any time, and we will try to use the gentle way to take samples. The

vehicle drove to the place in time, and when it rolled out of the hatch, it was greeted by a high-tech base... With the metal floor and the room divided by concrete, Su Hanyue could even observe the existence of hidden wall-mounted machine guns almost every few dozen steps.

There are no superfluous decorations, the style can only be described as cold as steel, and if it were not for the occasional bright orange-red tables and chairs, it would have been considered a prison at first glance..... But at second glance, it still looks like it.

Walking in the corridor, several scientists were discussing something with a tablet, and when they saw the orange exoskeleton coming, they all got out of the way, letting several people come to a huge underground explosion-proof bunker that sank nearly dozens of meters.

The situation below can be observed from above with heavy bulletproof glass and electronic screens, and now there are dozens of workers below installing something .... Powered by a nuclear battery, it rotates like a shower, emitting an undirected blue light.

"Scranton Reality Anchor, a hyperspace-specialized modified version of the Hyperspace Stabilization Anchor, a special device from the Abyssal Plane, a stabilization device invented by the people of that world in a world where the laws of physics are severely broken, in order to be able to suppress the supernatural and anomalous.

"The Abyssal Plane, which is considered in the company to be a plane with almost no possibility of salvation, believes that there are five types of worlds in the world, the Sealess World, the Shallow Sea World, the Deep Sea World, the Abyssal World, and the Hopeless Abyssal World.

"The sealess world stands above the surface of the sea, and apart from the occasional waves of the outer gods, it is not superb, and it is even difficult to communicate effectively with them. "The shallow sea world is the best plane, as the name suggests, seductive and beautiful, just the right amount of extraordinary ability brings convenience, there is almost no need to worry about attracting the hunt of the outer gods, even if it is an extreme emotional projection, it is not only very unlikely that it will attract the outer gods.

"Our world is the shallow sea world right now.

"The transcendent power of the deep sea world is abundant, and the outer gods will soon notice and prey on this plane... And once entangled by the outer gods, the plane will be dragged into the abyssal area, and there will be no cure at that time.

"Now that the world is sliding into the deep sea, when the time comes, we will begin to deploy this experimental device on a large scale, hoping to anchor the world.... And now, the source of Mr. Zhang Fan's power may be blocked by this kind of thing, and we are trying to try it.

With the introduction of the scientist, Zhang Fan, who was dressed in a hospital gown, appeared below, he raised his head to look at the observation room in the sky, and said hello with a smile.

"Will it hurt him?

Su Hanyue frowned, the device in front of her looked very bluffing, just like some alien devices in science fiction movies.

"Hmm... We don't know, the number of samples in the experiment is too small, and there are only two at the moment, but there is a good chance that it will be fine, and we will just test the source of its ability again. The

scientist stood in front of the console and pressed the button, and the technical workers who had assembled the instrument quickly and orderly left the scene, leaving only a Adamantite Power Armor and three or four exoskeleton soldiers, as well as a dozen researchers.

"Sergeant Lane, please watch the situation carefully and report back at any time.


Ryan nodded and sat down in front of the observation window, expertly attaching himself to the life-sustaining device, observing both the optical instrument and the electronic screen.

"This is—"

Su Hanyue was a little confused, the agreement only briefly described the matter of the hyperspace ocean, but it didn't say too deeply.

"Ah, this is Mr. Ryan, the only three "Deep Diver" employees in the company at the moment, who can directly observe the fluctuations of the hyperspace oceans, although nothing has happened so far... But confronting the ocean of philosophical concepts is not acceptable to ordinary people, so we have prepared all kinds of protective measures.

As the scientist explained, Ryan took a deep breath and installed a cognitive filter device on the retina, which is the last line of defense, when he sees something he shouldn't see, the cognitive filter will instantly recognize it, and burn the optic nerve, auditory nerve, and tactile nerves throughout the body, and then restore it with stem cell regeneration technology.

Stem cell regeneration technology is to quickly restore the original body according to the gene, if a genetic lesion occurs in the future, even stem cell regeneration will not save life... Therefore, there are still risks associated with hyperspace deep diving technology.

This is also the reason why he also has to follow, Zhang Fan's experiment must have him, and it can be regarded as a class with an explosive difficulty coefficient.

It's the second time he's in combat, but it's not the first time he's wearing it... Because this thing is a power armor modification device, after a simple transformation, it has become its own safety device.

To say that I am not afraid is false, this is the first time I have looked at the mysterious ocean.... But at this moment, the important personnel of the company are beside them, and they can't show timidity, so they can only calm down and enter the sealed cabin of isolation.

"Hey, hey, is it Brother Ryan? I didn't expect you, you're the one who can see the sea, it's really hidden, they asked me to report my feelings, then I'll scream and take care of it, after all, I'm still afraid of pain, haha.

Zhang Fan's voice came, and at this moment, he was fixed on an iron frame, his hands and feet were connected by pure gold chains, and it was impossible for even a strong martial elephant to break free of this metal.

"Whew... Don't be nervous, it should be fine, the woman was also experimented, and the result is that there is no problem, and you will be fine.

"Hey, Brother Lane, I'm suddenly a little nervous when you say that... Forget it, start right away, I'll report back in real time. 」

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